- Smoking and Calling Detection Challenge of HuaLu Cup 2020, Rank 9.
- Solved by Classfication.
- 4Labels: Normal, Calling, Smoking, Calling&Smoking.
- Explored models including ResNeSt and BiT, choose ResNeSt in the end.
- Pretrained on ImageNet and tranfered to this dataset.
- Data Augment such as resize, ColorJitter,RandomHorizontalFlip, RandomRotation and so on.
- Dropout for Overfitting.
- Adam Optimizer, MultiStepLR.
- mAP of Semifinals on A Rank list : 97.55
- mAP of Semifinals on B Rank list : 89.95
- Final Contest: Rank 9.
- Members: J.-F. Meng, Z. Cheng, C.-W. Deng, SK49B of 5G&Multimedia Lab.
Clone repo and cd into hualucup-ResNeSt
Install Requirements.
python train.py
python predict.py
- download docker image with BaiduDisk, please contact to me and I will send you link and code.
- Install nvidia-docker.
- run docker image
docker run --shm-size 32G -it hualucup-18310588600:dcw_update /bin/bash cd /root/hualucup # predict python predict.py # train python train.py # ...