Disclaimer: This is a personal compendium of information on MoI Javascript Scripting API. The site and contents are not affiliated with MoI. The community contributors make no claim of veracity or fitness of this content. The information is based on David C. Morrill's api documentation, forum posts, and my own scraping from the forum, studying scripts from MoI, observations from scripts, and community contributions. The content is created in good faith, but errors, some guessing, and biased observations may occur.
This page is dedicated to the vanilla JavaScript API in MoI and it complements the documentation on the PluginSDK. The PluginSDK is not an official part of MoI it's just a user contributed an additional javascript layer to help plugin development.
The coordinates of the Point
are accessed with the float properties Point.x
, Point.y
and Point.z
Point.set(x, y , z)
Changes the points coordinates
Scales the point by the given factor.
Point.toString(numDecimals = -1)
Returns the string representation of a point.
Adds a point?
var myOptions = { size: 13, color: "red" };
moi.command.setOption('myOptions', JSON.stringify(myOptions), true);
try {
strData = moi.command.getOption('myOptions', true);
myOptions = JSON.parse(strData);
} catch (e) {};
To document:
moi.command.setCommandSpecificUndo( true );
var params = moi.command.getCommandLineParams();
WARNING All paths returned by MoI's API are Windows paths, to write crossplatform code you have to pass those by
.readLine() - reads a line of text from the stream, the text is the return value of the function.
.writeLine( text ) - writes a line of text to the stream.
.atEOF property - returns true if the stream is at the end with nothing more to read from it.
.close() - closes the stream.
.setWriteBOM( ) - sets whether to write the byte order mark at the front of the text file, default is no BOM.
.setCodec( name ) - controls the encoding to use for reading or writing. Supported codecs are listed here: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtextcodec.html#details .
moi.filesystem.shellExecute(), added wait for finished parameter.
var res = moi.filesystem.shellExecute( path, params, wait );
If wait is true the function will wait for execution to finish, else it will return immediately. Use the integer property res.exitCode
of the result to check the exit code of the process. Use the string property res.output
of the result to get process output.
var currFile = moi.geometryDatabase.currentFileName;
var filePath = moi.filesystem.toNativePath(currFile);
var fileShortPath = moi.filesystem.getCompactPath( currFile, 29 );
var fileName = moi.filesystem.getFileNameFromPath(filePath);
var aPath = moi.filesystem.getProcessDir();
var aPath = moi.filesystem.getCommandsDir();
var aBool = moi.filesystem.dirExists(aPath);
var aBool = moi.filesystem.fileExists(filePath);
//In MacOs getAppDataDir() produces a Windows path like "z:\Users\ctk\Library\Application Support\Moi\".
var appDataPath = moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir(); //Incorrect
var appDataPath = moi.filesystem.toNativePath(moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir()); //Incorrect
moi.filesystem.copyFile(aPathSrc, aPathDest);
var files = moi.filesystem.getFiles(aPath, '*.js' );
for ( var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i ){
var file files.item(i);
var filename = moi.filesystem.getSaveFileName( 'Text file name', 'Text files (*.txt)|*.txt' );
var outfile = moi.filesystem.openFileStream( filename, 'w' );
outfile.writeLine( sOut );
var fHndl = moi.filesystem.openFileStream( filename, 'r' );
var sText = '';
while ( !fHndl.AtEOF ){
sText += fHndl.readLine();
The PointPicker allows you to prompt the user to select a point or points.
var pointpicker = moi.ui.createPointPicker();
pointpicker.disableStraightSnap = true;
pointpicker.disableObjectSnap = true;
pointpicker.enableOnObjectSnap = true;
pointpicker.allowMidObjectSnap = true;
pointpicker.disableTanPerpObjectSnap = true;
pointpicker.resetOnMouseLeave = true;
//pointpicker.restrictToObject( face );
if ( pointpicker.controlDown ){
//ctrl was pressed
var pointpicker = moi.ui.createPointPicker();
pointpicker.addSnapPoint( aPoint , strALabel );
The signature of the callback function is:
function myCallback( pointpicker ){
//My code...
pointpicker.bindResultPt( factory.getInput(2) );
var pointpicker = moi.ui.createPointPicker();
if ( !GetPoint( pointpicker ) ) return;
var aPoint = pointpicker.pt;
function GetPoint( pointpicker ){
while ( 1 ){
if ( !pointpicker.waitForEvent() ) return false;
if ( pointpicker.event == 'finished' ) break;
return true;
var pointpicker = moi.ui.createPointPicker();
var points = GetPoints( pointpicker );
if(!points.length) return;
var aPoint = points[0]; //first point...
function GetPoints( pointpicker ){
out = [];
while ( 1 ){
if ( !pointpicker.waitForEvent() ) return out;
if ( pointpicker.event == 'finished' ){
if ( pointpicker.event == 'cancel' ){
return [];
if( pointpicker.event == 'done' ){
return out;
to sort out...
Update PointPicker script properties so a script can tell if there is a straight snap currently active.
Added pointpicker.hasBasePt , pointpicker.hasStraightSnap , pointpicker.straightSnapDir read only properties. This makes it possible to do a "direction lock" shortcut key: var pp = moi.ui.getActivePointPicker(); if ( pp && pp.hasStraightSnap ) { pp.restrictToLinePtDir( pp.basePt, pp.straightSnapDir, true ); }
The underlying UI in MoI is provided by QT. If your are curious here are some good references for more advanced QT topics relating to MoI:
- Styling QT Widgets with Fusion Styles.
- Documentation on QT WebView.
- Javascript and C++ bridging in Qt.
In order to set the size of a window we have to set the option
MoI UI displays a view in different modes. A view can have one of these modes "3D", "Right", "Left", "Top", "Bottom", "Front", "Back" or "Split".
The active view is referenced by moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel
We change the mode using the string property moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode
Each mode becomes a ViewPort and MoI can display up to 4 views when the "Split" mode is active.
var strMode = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode;
var objViewPort = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D');
var objViewPort = moi.ui.getViewportUnderMouse();
if ( viewport ){
//do something...
var strName = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('Right').name;
var viewPanel = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel;
var vname = "Top";
viewPanel.mode = vname;
//Found this in some script not sure what is reverseView()?
//Probably due to the duality of this view ie "Front/Back", "Top/Bottom"?
if ( viewPanel.getViewport(vname).name != vname ) viewPanel.reverseView( vname );
//Move the camera...
var objViewPort = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D');
objViewPort.cameraPt = moi.vectorMath.createPoint(50.2, 30.5, 10.1);
//Get current frames
var frame = objViewPort.cameraFrame;
var frame objViewPort.targetFrame;
var a = objViewPort.tiltAngle; //writable property
objViewPort.zoom(2); //1,2,..? whats the range
//View front
objViewPort.setAngles( 90, 0 );
//Change Projection
var isPerspective = (objViewPort.projection == 'Perspective');
var isParallel = (objViewPort.projection == 'Parallel');
objViewPort.projection = 'Perspective';
var hotkeys = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"];
for ( var i in hotkeys ){
while ( true ){
var e = moi.ui.commandDialog.event;
if( e == "1" ){
moi.ui.alert("A local hotkey was pressed!");
if ( e == 'cancel' ) {
}else if ( e == 'done' ) {
only works if we have a UI.
only exists if we have an HTML UI for our command.
Access the HTMLDocument of your UI:
var htmlDocument = moi.ui.commandUI.document;
Global variables in the UI's HTML are accessed in your javascript with the object moi.ui.commandUI
. For example, if in your html you have something like:
var g_size = 10;
Then in your javascript, you can access g_size
as moi.ui.commandUI.g_size
Inside your HTML the global variable moiWindow
is MoI's object with the API to manipulate the window.
Do not confuse
with javascript'swindow
is an exposed QT object meant to handle the window created in QT.
//Need more research? Note these only seem to work for content in `commandUI`
//will revert to the original window size if `isMaximized`.
moiWindow.restore(); ???
var aBool = moiWindow.isMaximized;
var aBool = moiWindow.isMinimized;
var aBool = moiWindow.isClosed;
var aBool = moiWindow.isRestored;
HTML can be presented in a MoiHTMLWindow
as a dialog (moi.ui.createDialog()
), as a menu (moi.ui.showMenu()
), or from the html file of a command (moi.ui.commandDialog
The HTMLDocument is exposed by the property MoiHTMLWindow.htmlDocument
. The DOM Window is exposed by the property MoiHTMLWindow.htmlWindow
. Both of this properties are homolugus to the javascript document
and window
The property MoiHTMLWindow.window
is your instance of the moiWindow
You can present your HTML content and wait for the content to be dismissed using moiWindow.doModal()
The function doModal()
will block the execution of the code until a corresponding call to moiWindow.endDialog(anyReturnValue)
is called.
Use moiWindow.endDialog(anyReturnValue)
to close the current MoiHTMLWindow. Pass the return value in anyReturnValue (use -1 to indicate dialog was canceled).
The return value will be returned by aValue = moiWindow.doModal()
To research...
var aBool = moiWindow.canChangeMaximizedSize();
To sort....
Parameter | Description |
resizable | resizeable |
fixedHeight | |
fixedWidth | |
noCloseButton | |
defaultWidth | Numeric, initial width of window. |
defaultHeight | Numeric, initial height of window. |
var aMoiWindow = moi.ui.mainWindow;
var aMoiHTMLWindow = moi.ui.commandDialog;
moi.ui.fireUIEvent( 'done' );
moi.ui.getTemplatedText( 'License dialog key label', String(ver) );
moi.ui.commandUI //what is this???
var pointpicker = moi.ui.createPointPicker()
var objectpicker = moi.ui.createObjectPicker();
v5 beta work by Michael Gibson to manipulate edit points:
Edit points scripting - Add scripting interface on objects for:
obj.hasEditPoints - read-only property true if object has edit points, false if not.
obj.hasSelectedEditPoints - read-only property true if object has any selected edit points.
obj.numEditPoints - read-only property for number of edit points.
obj.getEditPoint( index ) - method that returns an x,y,z point for the given edit point index.
obj.getEditPointSelected( index ) - method that returns true if the given edit point is selected.
There may not be enough stuff in there yet for editing the points though, you would need to select it and then use the Move factory to create a new object with a moved point. Although you can read selection currently there isn't a set selection yet.
canvas does work though, but I have SVG disabled.
Perhaps I've found a bug, If I use this script - script: /* Toggle browser pane on/off / moi.ui.showBrowserPane = !moi.ui.showBrowserPane; or this- script: / Toggle between opposite and inline browser modes */ moi.ui.browserPosition = (moi.ui.browserPosition == 'Inside' ? 'Opposite' : 'Inside');
moi.ui.findElement( 'id' ) looks through all UIPanels for any element with the given id. Returns the element or null if not found.
moiWindow.contentChanged(); /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Applications/MoI v4.app/Contents/Resources/commands/Fillet.htm
var html = '<html>\
.leftspan { width:2em; margin-left:0.75em; display:inline-block; }\
.removebtn { padding: 0.15em; width:1.1em; height:1.1em; visibility:hidden; }\
.removebtn > img { width:100%; height:100%; vertical-align:top; }\
.linetr:hover .removebtn { visibility:visible; }\
<body class="MenuBody">\
<moi:MenuItem style="color:inherit; border-bottom:1px solid #ccc" oninit="this.disabled = true;">\
<span class="leftspan">#</span><span><moi:Text textid="Radius button"/></span>\
<table style="width:100%;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col><col width="10">';
for ( var i = 0; i < FilletSets.length; ++i )
html += '<tr class="linetr"><td><moi:MenuItem' + (i == CurrentIndex ? ' oninit="this.checked = true;"' : '') + ' onclick="moiWindow.endDialog(' + i + ');"' + '><span class="leftspan">' + (i+1) + '</span><span>' + (FilletSets[i] >= 0.0 ? moi.ui.formatCoordinate(FilletSets[i]) : '') + '</span></moi:MenuItem></td><td style="vertical-align:middle;">' + (i != 0 ? '<moi:SmallCloseWindowButton class="removebtn" onclick="moiWindow.endDialog(' + (-1 - i) + ');"/></td></tr>' : '');
html += '</table></body></html>';
var menu = moi.ui.showMenu( html, currentset, 0, 0 );
return menu.window.doModal();
Search all children and return an item with that name or null if none present.
sceneBrowser.objects, sceneBrowser.types, and sceneBrowser.styles
var item = moi.ui.sceneBrowser.styles.find('Blue');
Modify an item.
var item = moi.ui.sceneBrowser.styles.find('Blue');
//alter the selection dot of an item.
item.select("toggle"); //Mode can be one of 'toggle','select','deselect','filteron','filteroff'.
//alter the status area of an item, that's the one with the eye icon.
item.alterStatus(show); //Mode can be one of 'show','hide','lock','unlock'.
//select() and alterStatus() both have a second boolean argument. When passed with true, the change is treated as if triggered by an actual click
Scene browser scripting - Added script access to scene browser items so it is possible to make a startup script that expands sections on program startup. To do that put the following in a .js file in your Moi appdata
//sceneBrowser.objects, sceneBrowser.types, and sceneBrowser.styles
var items = moi.ui.sceneBrowser.rootItems;
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i )
items[i].expanded = true;
var rc = moi.ui.getScreenRect(moi.ui.sidePane); options.moiWindow.move(rc.right,rc.top);
Update scripting - window moving and sizing methods. Add window positioning methods: win.move( x, y ); - move the window to the given x,y screen coordinates. Can be given either one argument of an object with x,y properties, or 2 numeric arguments. win.resize( width, height ) - resize the client area of a window to the given width and height. Can be given either one argument with x,y or width,height properties, or 2 numeric arguments. win.getPosition() - returns an object with .x and .y properties for the window's screen coordinates. win.getSize() - returns an object with .width and .height properties for the window's client area width and height. win.getFrameSize() - returns an object with .width and .height properties for the window frame's width and height. Also added moi.ui.getScreenRect( element ) which will give the screen coordinates of the given element or UIPanel. Returns an object with .left, .top, .right, .bottom, .width, and .height properties. Example - increase the Options dialog width by 10 pixels: var uipanel = moi.ui.getUIPanel( 'moi://ui/options.htm' ); if ( uipanel ) { var dlg = uipanel.moiWindow; var pos = dlg.getSize(); pos.width += 10; dlg.resize( pos ); } Example - position the Options dialog to the right of the side pane: var options = moi.ui.getUIPanel( 'moi://ui/options.htm' ); if ( options ) { var rc = moi.ui.getScreenRect(moi.ui.sidePane); options.moiWindow.move(rc.right,rc.top); }
/* Set property panel units display */
var sp = moi.ui.sidePane;
sp.g_PropPanelUnits = (sp.g_PropPanelUnits == 'Inches' ? '' : 'Inches');