The collection of well known issues which may harm your card, limit its functionality or outright brick it
IMPORTANT: Have you experienced any issues with cards you have? Please let us know (open issue or directly PR for this file)
- will fail to upload additional applet after many (FIXME) unsuccesfull uploads (FIXME example from jcaidscan package scanning)
- will fail to upload additional applet if applet upload is interrupted
- NXP J3D081
- the eeprom memory is not properly freed after upload of certain (FIXME) cap file, potentially rendering card almost useless (very low amount of available EEPROM)
- setting and using incorrect private exponent for RSA may brick the whole card (FIXME example from JCMathLib)
- Feitian A20, A40 and similar cards
- failing repeated performance tests in KeyBuilder part with SystemException.NO_TRANSIENT_SPACE
- The issue is likely garbage collector not freeing unused objects properly even after JCSystem.requestObjectDeletion() is called