collective.revisionmanager is a Plone add-on that lets you manage Products.CMFEditions histories. It can be used with Plone 6.0, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0 (untested) and Plone 4.3. You will need Products.CMFEditions version >= 2.2.16. This is available by default in the latest bugfix releases of all supported Plone versions.
- Sorted listing of histories storage (portal_historiesstorage) contents. Sort by: history id, number of versions, history size, size state, portal type or path
- Purge revisions or delete entire histories
- Maintain a cache for the statistics
- Plone controlpanel interface for portal_purgepolicy
Brazilian Portuguese, German and Spanish translations are available.
Install collective.revisionmanager by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = collective.revisionmanager
and then running bin/buildout
. During installation, collective.revisionmanager
will check wether the cmf_uid
catalog index is there - if not, the index will be added and indexed. This step may require a considerable amount of time depending on the number of objects and object revisions in your database. Also, a cache for the statistics will be created.
After installation, you will have to calculate the statistics initially before you can see anything. Statistics calculation was done automatically during installation in earlier releases, but for sites with large databases and limited memory it may be necessary to configure subtransactions prior to updating the cache.
Before you can use collective.revisionmanager you need to fill its history statistics cache. You can do so by visting Plone Control Panel -> Addon Configuration -> Manage Revisions and then clicking on the Recalculate Statistics
button. Calculation may take a lot of time if you have lots of objects and object revisions in your database.
You will have to recalculate statistics from time to time to keep them up to date at intervals depending on database activity.
Dealing with catalog inconsistencies
If the installation fails with an AttributeError
in Products.ZCatalog.CatalogBrains
, your portal_catalog
is inconsistent and you need to rebuild it. As a quick workaround, you can also simply clear (or even delete) the cmf_uid
catalog index - collective.revisionmanager
will rebuild it during installation. But be aware that your portal_catalog
is still inconsistent and needs rebuilding.
Always make sure the cmf_uid
index is consistent because it is used to determine the working copy of a history. Incorrectly indexed content will show up as having no working copy in the histories list!
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
- Documentation:
The project is licensed under the GPLv2.