A2C is a on-policy, policy gradient algorithm. It was introduced by OpenAI as a synchronous version of Asynchronous Advatage Actor Critic (A3C). A2C relies on an actor estimating the optimal policy distribution and a critic estimating the state-value function. A2C works by optimizing three losses:
- the critic loss or value loss pushes the critic to make better estimations of the value function,
- the actor loss pushes the actor to favor action that will lead to states having a better estimated value,
- the entropy loss pushes the actor to pick more variety of action to favor exploration.
SimpleA2C is cogment-verse
very minimal implementation of A2C written using pytorch. It is mainly designed as a entry point for people discovering the cogment-verse
framework, as much it is lacking a lot of bells and whistles: e.g. it only supports a simple multilayer perceptron architecture (MLP) making it only suited for low dimensionality environments, it also only supports non-stochastic policy.
The full implementation can be found in torch_agents/cogment_verse_torch_agents/simple_a2c/simple_a2c_agent.py
Experiment ran on 2021-11-10 on the current HEAD
version of the code
The run params were the following:
implementation: simple_a2c_training
class_name: data_pb2.SimpleA2CTrainingRunConfig
env_type: "gym"
env_name: "CartPole-v0"
seed: 12
num_input: 4
num_action: 2
num_epochs: 100
epoch_trial_count: 15
max_parallel_trials: 8
discount_factor: 0.95
entropy_loss_coef: 0.01
value_loss_coef: 0.5
action_loss_coef: 1.0
learning_rate: 0.01
num_hidden_nodes: 64
num_hidden_nodes: 64
This is a plot of the total trial reward against the number of trials with a exponential moving average over 60 trials.