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Computational Thinking and Social Science | :copyright: Matti Nelimarkka | 2023 | Sage Publishing |
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- Explain the importance of validity and reliability in scientific research.
- Identify the validity and reliability concerns that are possible with empirical research contributions,
- Characterise the major types of software flaws. Assess research questions in terms of the validity and reliability concerns that could arise in research probing them.
- Scholars are interested in identifying the factors that could cause their results to be less credible than they had expected.
- Internal validity
- External validity
- Reliability
Pair or small group discussion: Exercise 12.1.
(Helps if you ask students to list these on whiteboard or flipchart.)
- Computational methods are not immune to traditional concerns.
- In addition, new concerns emerging from how we work with data and code emerge and require additional attention.
- Most data are produced by humans (either directly or indirectly) and therefore are socially produced and contextual.
- This influences the shoulds, but there is no limit on the cans. Nothing stops you from making this type of mistakes.
Things to consider:
- material’s background (i.e., where and when it was created)
- the social practices shaping the data
- Many algorithms are black boxes: it can be unclear how and why particular outcomes emerge when specific inputs are entered. Especially true when we use libraries produced by others.
- While libraries increase algorithmic black boxes, we still must use them. We just need to be aware of these issues.
Things to consider:
- Are you using a library in its intended context?
- Can you test the face validity of the results?
- Software not fulfilling its intended purpose, there are coding mistakes, i.e., bugs.
- Sometimes event the data has defects we should be aware of and limit what kinds of claims can be made on it.
Things to consider:
- Clarity and automated testing tools.
- Explore data and check it makes sense.
- In mature fields, there is a 'cookbook' approach for applying methods, but computational methods are so new that a widely accepted 'cookbook' does not exist.
- Instead, each researcher need to develop their own recipt.
- Pair or group discussion: Exercise 12.2
- Pair or group discussion: Exercise 12.4
- Individual activity: Exercise 12.9
- Code activity: Exercise 12.10 and 12.11
- Triangulation: Tools, configurations, replications, method, data
- Critical reflection: Reflective stance with research methods; why and how computational methods are used?
- Class or group discussion: Exercise 12.12
- Individual activity with group discussion: Exercise 12.13 and 12.14
- Why do scholars seek to understand the limitations of their methods and the errors that could arise from these?
- What kinds of mistakes we might make if we do not understand the research context properly?
- What new issues emerge when we use algorithms?
- What types of bugs may have an impact on the software code?
- What strategies are available to mitigate concerns about validity?
- How would you acknowledge and address the issues you have found in your own research?