Collection of PC and Arduino Neural Network Applications.
The code provided here is a simple multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network implementation coded from scratch and based upon an article by Matt Mazur (
It is accompanied by four articles written for Elektor:
- Part 1: Artificial Neurons
- Part 2: Logical Neurons
- Part 3: Practical Neurons
- Part 4: Embedded Neurons
The folders contain the following:
- workedexample - This contains a spreadsheet that performs all the calculations undertaken in the Matt Mazur article. It can be used to explore the math of backpropagation.
- processing - This contains a series of example projects for Processing ( that use the MLP created. They test the MLP implementation as well as show how it learns various logic functions (AND, OR, XOR) while visualizing the weights during learning.
- trafficlight - These projects show how a webcam and Processing can be used to 'learn' the colors of a traffic light. An example traffic light image is included.
- arduino - This contains projects for an Arduino board together with the Adafruit TCS34725 ( to perform traffic light color classification on a microcontroller. A 32-bit board is recommended (Arduino DUE, Arduino M0 Pro); 8-bit boards will struggle with the backpropagation.
Hope you enjoy the code! Let me know your experiences with it.