Introduction to React:
- What is React?
- React's virtual DOM concept.
- Components and reusability.
Setting Up a React Development Environment:
- Node.js and npm installation.
- Create React App for project setup.
- Basic folder structure.
JSX (JavaScript XML):
- JSX syntax and usage.
- Embedding expressions in JSX.
- JSX limitations and usage within components.
Components and Props:
- Creating functional and class components.
- Passing data using props.
- Props validation with PropTypes.
State and Lifecycle:
- Class component state and setState.
- Component lifecycle methods (e.g., componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate).
- Managing state in functional components with React Hooks.
Event Handling:
- Handling events in JSX.
- Event binding and handling in class and functional components.
Conditional Rendering:
- Using conditional statements to render components.
- Ternary operators for conditional rendering.
- Rendering lists of items using map().
Styling in React:
- Inline styles in JSX.
- Using CSS classes and modules.
- CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components.
Forms and Controlled Components:
- Building forms and handling user input.
- Controlled vs. uncontrolled components.
- Form validation and error handling.
Component Composition and Props Children:
- Composing components together.
- Passing components as children through props.
- Using React Fragments.
Context API:
- Managing global state using Context.
- Creating and consuming Context.
- Context for themes, authentication, etc.
React Router:
- Implementing routing in a React app.
- Setting up routes and navigation.
- Route parameters and query strings.
- Introduction to React Hooks.
- useState for managing state in functional components.
- useEffect for handling side effects.
- useContext for consuming Context.
Redux (State Management):
- Introduction to Redux for state management.
- Actions, reducers, and the store.
- Connecting React with Redux.
Optimizing Performance:
- Identifying performance bottlenecks.
- Using React.memo and PureComponent.
- React's built-in performance tools.
Higher-Order Components (HOCs):
- Creating and using HOCs.
- Sharing common functionality across components.
Error Handling and Debugging:
- Catching and handling errors in React.
- Using tools like React DevTools.
Testing React Apps:
- Testing libraries like Jest and React Testing Library.
- Writing unit tests for components and functionality.
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG):
- Implementing SSR using libraries like Next.js.
- Generating static HTML for improved performance.
Deployment and Production:
- Building production-ready bundles.
- Deploying React apps to hosting platforms.
Accessibility in React:
- Implementing accessible components.
- Using ARIA attributes for better usability.
Best Practices and Patterns:
- DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles.
- Component structure and organization.
- Container and presentational component pattern.