##At the start of a project
- Create a recurring task in Asana for Deploying to production
##Schedule for deploy Every Monday at 6 AM PST. Everyone who is able to be awake during this time is expected to be available.
##Deploy Checklist
To be created the working day before the deploy
- Title of the PR linking to the PR like this: Attempt to upgrade ember-cli to 0.2.0
- Links to the migrations like this: 20150304140930_add_slug_to_users
- Are there any incompatible changes in this PR?
- Testing checklist for PR (to be taken from the PR description)
##Day before deploy
- Everyone: create the deploy checklist for your PRs in a gist make sure the checklist is like
- [ ] item 1
- [ ] item 2
- Everyone: paste your checklist into the Deploy to Production recurring task