Debug logs starting with [ DEBUG ]
will be shown after this option is set to ON, and
each log has prefix in format source_file_name:line_num function()
indicating the position of the log in source code.
Environment variable OV_CPU_DEBUG_LOG
controls which debug logs to output by combining
patterns, typical examples of usages are:
- not define it: no debug logs will be output
: all debug logs will be outputgraph.cpp:798;InitEdges
: only debug logs from "graph.cpp:798" and function "InitEdges" are output-graph.cpp:798;InitEdges
: only debug logs from specified places are not output
Environment variable OV_CPU_DEBUG_LOG_BRK
can be set to some keywords or a full log line seen previously, if any debug log match with the content in this variable, an int3
instruction will be executed to trigger breakpoint trap if it's running inside a debugger.