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Daily Bible Verse


This project is a simple web application that displays a daily random Bible verse each time a button is clicked. The main purpose of this project is to provide an easy way to read and reflect on a random Bible verse daily. The application uses an API to fetch the verses and displays them in a visually appealing format.


I was struggling to read the Bible consistently and felt that my faith was lacking. To address this, I decided to create a website that could help me read the Bible more regularly by displaying random verses. By starting with small, manageable steps, such as reading one verse at a time, I hope to slowly build a habit of daily Bible reading. Additionally, I plan to tag this application to an NFC tag and attach it to my bracelet, allowing me to access my daily Bible verses on the go.


  • Random Bible Verse: Displays a random Bible verse each time the "New Verse" button is clicked.
  • Loading Spinner: Shows a loading spinner while the verse is being fetched.
  • Responsive Design: The application is designed to be visually appealing and easy to read on various devices.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: Structure of the web page.
  • CSS: Styling the web page for a visually appealing layout.
  • JavaScript/jQuery: Fetching random Bible verses from an API and updating the page content dynamically.
  • Google Fonts: Custom font for headings and verse text.

API Used


  1. Open the web page in a browser.
  2. Click the "New Verse" button to fetch and display a random Bible verse.
  3. The verse will be displayed in the verse container, along with the book name, chapter, and verse number.

Code Explanation


  • <!DOCTYPE html>: Declares the document as an HTML5 document.
  • <head>: Contains metadata about the document, including the title and links to external resources such as stylesheets and fonts.
    • <title>: Sets the title of the web page.
    • <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">: Links to the external CSS file for styling the page.
    • <link rel="stylesheet" href="">: Links to a Google Fonts stylesheet for custom fonts.
  • <body>: Contains the main content of the web page.
    • <div class="container">: A container for centering and styling the main content.
    • <h1 class="heading">: Displays the main heading of the page ("Daily Bible Verse").
    • <div class="verse-container">: Holds the Bible verse and the button to fetch a new verse.
    • <div id="newQuote">: Placeholder where the fetched Bible verse will be displayed.
    • <div class="button-container">: Holds the button and loading spinner.
    • <button id="newVerseBtn">: A button to fetch a new Bible verse.
    • <div id="spinner">: A loading spinner that is hidden by default and displayed while fetching a new verse.
  • <script src="...jquery.min.js">: Includes the jQuery library for simplifying JavaScript coding.
  • <script src="script.js">: Links to the external JavaScript file that contains the functionality for fetching and displaying the Bible verse.


  • $(document).ready(function()): Ensures the code runs only after the document is fully loaded.
  • $("#newVerseBtn").click(function()): Attaches a click event handler to the "New Verse" button. When the button is clicked, it triggers the getVerse function.
  • var getVerse = function() { ... }: Defines the getVerse function.
    • $("#spinner").show(): Shows the loading spinner to indicate that a request is in progress.
    • $.ajax({ ... }): Makes an AJAX request to the Bible API to fetch a random verse.
      • url: Specifies the API endpoint for fetching a random Bible verse.
      • crossDomain: Allows cross-domain requests.
      • dataType: Specifies the data type as JSONP (JSON with padding) to handle cross-domain requests.
      • success: A callback function that runs when the request is successful.
        • $("#newQuote").html(): Updates the newQuote div with the fetched Bible verse.
        • $("#spinner").hide(): Hides the loading spinner once the verse is successfully fetched.
  • getVerse(): Initial call to fetch a Bible verse when the page loads, ensuring the page displays a verse as soon as it is opened.

Future Enhancements

  • NFC Tag Integration: Attach an NFC tag to the application so it can be accessed on the go.
  • Mobile Optimization: Further optimize the design for mobile devices.
  • Additional Features: Add more features such as sharing the verse on social media or saving favorite verses.


Backend Implementation

Initially started with an npm project file, which required manually storing Bible verses within the program.

PDF Extraction

Created a Python program to extract verses from a PDF using pdfminer.six. Encountered issues where the program couldn't accurately recognize the end of a verse, resulting in either half a verse or nothing at all.

API Search

Spent considerable time finding a suitable API to retrieve Bible verses.

CORS Problem

Faced Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issues where the browser blocked API requests due to origin restrictions. This required looking for ways to handle or bypass the CORS restrictions.


Eventually found an API without CORS restrictions, which allowed the project to proceed smoothly and achieve its intended functionality.


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