The test application for cryptoauthlib provides tests and utilities for the library and connected devices. It can be built and used both as an interactive application or by individual command lines.
The test application can be configured for the following platforms by invoking CMake:
- Windows
- Linux
- MacOs
- Zephyr
Enable the BUILD_TESTS option either in your CMakeLists.txt file that includes cryptoauthlib or otherwise on the command line when you invoke CMake
The test application can also be added and configured if you use the following software platforms:
Add the cryptoauthlib test application component to the component graph. The test application depends on stdio being available so you also need to include the stdio component which you will connect to an available uart.
The test application can be run both as a command line application as well as interactively. The default mode is interactive.
The function atca_test_task
is a non returning function that waits for
characters from a stdin implementation. If the system supports scanf this can
be used to create a test application rtos task - if there are no parallel tasks
to be executed in the system then one can forgo an RTOS and simply call this
function from the main function after board initialization is complete
Alternatively the function processCmd
will accept a buffer for parsing and
execution. The buffer has to be a complete command however so ensure that the
calling code properly accumulates all need characters into the buffer first
Launch the cryptoauth_test
application from the build directory
Launch the cryptoauth_test
application with command line arguments
build> ./cryptoauth_test <command> -d <device> -i <interface> [<interface options>]
For example to retrieve the device serial number from a Cryptoauth Trust Platform Development Kit
./cryptoauth_test sernum -d ecc608 -i hid i2c -a 0x6C
- sha204 - Select ATSHA204/A
- sha206 - Select ATSHA206A
- ecc108 - Select ATECC108A
- ecc204 - Select ECC204
- ta010 - Select TA010
- sha104 - Select SHA104
- sha105 - Select SHA105
- ecc508 - Select ATECC508A
- ecc608 - Select ATECC608A/B
- ta100 - Select TA100
- info - Read the device revision data
- sernum - Read the device serial number
- readcfg - Read the configuration memory
- lockstat - Read the lock status for each memory region
- rand - Generate 32 bytes of random data from the device's RNG by executing atcab_random (many devices return a constant value if the configuration is not 'locked')
- lockcfg - Sets the device configuration lock by executing atcab_lock_config_zone
- lockdata - Sets the device data/setup lock by executing atcab_lock_data_zone
- cd - Run the compressed certificate library (atcacert_) unit tests
- util - Run utility unit tests
- basic - Run (atcab_) API validation tests
- cio - Run compressed certificate library (atcacert_) device integration tests
- crypto - Run software library API tests (validate host cryptographic functions)
- crypto_int - Run device integration tests for supported libraries
- pbkdf2 - Run pbkdf2 algorithm tests (host and device)
- clkdivm0 - Sets the ECC608 clock divider to 0x00
- clkdivm1 - Sets the ECC608 clock divider to 0x05
- clkdivm2 - Sets the ECC608 clock divider to 0x0D
- handles - Prints the ta100 handle information for all created handles
- talib - Run (talib_) API validation tests
Usage: -d <device_type>
Selects the device type - per the device list that you would otherwise see when
invoking help
from the menu. Possible options if the corresponding ATCA_<device>_SUPPORT
macro is enabled:
- sha204
- sha206
- ecc108
- ecc204
- ta010
- sha104
- sha105
- ecc508
- ecc608
- ta100
Usage: -i <interface_type> <interface parameters>
Selects the interface type that will be used to communicate with the device. Additional parameters can be used to alter the defaults for the interface
- hid <i2c/swi/spi> <i2c_bus_id>
- i2c <i2c_bus_id>
- spi <spi_bus_id> <select_pin> <baud_rate>
- uart <uart_port> <uart_baud> <uart_wordsize> <uart_stopbits> <uart_parity>
- Uart port is an integer on windows platforms (specify 11 for COM11) and a string on linux/macos platforms (e.g. "/dev/ttyACM0")
Usage: -a <device_address>
Usage: -y
Silence prompts with an implicit agreement