#DStruct.js ####Version 0.0.2 - June 2012
A library of data structures that are common in many other languages. While the Google Closure library also has data structures, I am creating with the hopes that it will not overlap (too much).
##How To Use Coming soon...after more of version 1.0.0 is done. Otherwise, read the source of test.html for now.
##Upcoming Below are the data structures we plan to implement.
Version 1.0.0 will be complete when the following are implemented and tested:
- Queue*
- Priority Queue
- Stack*
- Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Binary Search Tree
- Max Heap
- Binary Heap
- Min Heap
- Heap
- Hash Table
- Graph
- Directed Graph
- Map
* = implemented
version 2.0.0 will be complete when the following are implemented and tested:
- AVL Tree
- Red-black tree
- Splay Tree
- And more to come...
##Version Log
- Version 0.0.1
- March 2012
- created project and implemented Queue and Stack.
- Version 0.0.2
- June 2012
- restructured dstruct.js file for better JavaScript implementation.
Copyright (c) 2012 Chien-Hung Chen
Released under the MIT and GPL Licenses