- boot2docker依赖于VirtualBox?那么docker的图形化界面app呢?docker命令是否自动从hub上下载镜像?
- Spring Boot:从maven pom.xml文件开始吗?starter项目可以自动生成的吧?
- 发现服务:
- Etcd by CoreOS
- Eureka by Netflix
- Consul by HashiCorp
- Apache ZooKeeper
- SkyDNS
- SmartStack by Airbnb
- Self-registration
- 客户端发现:如Netflix Eureka,这违反了单一职责原则
- vs 服务器端发现:LB网关
- 外部化配置:NFS or AWS S3
- Spring Boot属性查找顺序:*
- 命令行参数
- JNDI java:comp/env
- System.getProperties()
- OS特定的环境变量
- RandomValuePropertySources ?
- application-{profile}.properties ?
- “Application properties inside/outside of your packaged JAR
- @PropertySource 支持从多个文件中加载?
- SpringApplication.setDefaultProperties
- Spring Boot属性查找顺序:*
- API网关 (缺点:...)
- 认证
- 不同协议的适配
- LB
- Response transform
Circuit breaker
:Hystrix (by Netflix),5秒内20个失败请求,fall back to dummy- 例子:Zuul
- Sample应用:Credit risk engine
- “Flyway is an open source database migration tool.”
@SpringBootApplication public class UserServiceApplication { @Value("${spring.datasource.url}") private String url; @Value("${spring.datasource.username}") private String userName; @Value("${spring.datasource.password}") private String password; @Bean(initMethod = "migrate") public Flyway flyway() { ...
- Orchestration(有leader) versus choreography(分布式自治)
- 第一种:The mediator service
- 同步 vs 异步通信
- 同步:断路器
@RestController @SpringBootApplication @EnableCircuitBreaker public class ConsumingApplication { @Autowired private ConsumingService consumingService; @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST,value = "/book/{movieId}",produces = "application/json") public String book ticket(@PathVariable("userId") String userId, @PathVariable("movieId") String movieId){ return consumingService.bookAndRespond(userId,movieId); } ... } @Service public class ConsumingService { @Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate; @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getAnotherCurentlyShowingMovie") public String bookAndRespond() { URI uri = URI.create("http://<application Ip:port>/bookingapplication/{userId}/{movieId}"); //?这里的userId、movieId参数是怎么注入的???示例代码有误??? return this.restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class); }
- 异步
- “message-based works on p2p communication, and event-based works based on publisher/subscriber.”
- “Spring has inbuilt support for Kafka, RabbitMQ, and some other messaging brokers.”
- JWT(JSON Web Token)
- OpenID
- OAuth 2.0
- The Saga pattern(可逆的消息流)
- routing slip
When an activity fails, it cleans up locally and then sends the routing slip backwards to the last completed activity's compensation address to unwind the transaction outcome.
- initiator
- Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
- Migrating a data model from monolithic to microservices
- “For example, one user could have two or three addresses, so we need address management.”
- Methods of data model migration
- View
- Clone table using trigger
- Event sourcing(高级业务层log & replay)
“The success of microservices architecture success lies in the secret of how good one can decompose bigger problems into smaller ones.”
- “
Contract testing
is different as compared to integration testing”(头一回听说‘合同测试’) End-to-end testing
mostly refers to testing the whole application, ...
- CI/CD:POM goals?
- Linux系统上安装Docker(不像Mac/Windows那样,需要VirtualBox)
sudo apt-get install docker-engine
- maven-docker plugin?
- after pom.xml edit:
- $ mvn package docker:build
FROM maven:3.3-jdk-8-onbuild
- after pom.xml edit:
- “The proper tools should be used for database migration; FlyBase and Liquibase are two such tools that will help you to upgrade your database automatically.”
- Principles in scaling a microservices system
- 'The Art of Scalability'里的scalecube:
- X axis:scale out
- Y:组件分解
- Z:“a cross between x and y scaling strategies, using a data sharding based approach.” ?
- 'The Art of Scalability'里的scalecube:
- Tools
- QBit
- Dynatrace
- Sensu
- AppDynamics
- Instana
- OpsClarity
- 其他APM:“Prometheus, Netsil, Nagios, New Relic APM, Foglight, Compuware APM”
- More:“etcd、Deis、Spotify Helios、Tutum、Project Atomic、Geard、Docker OpenStack、Coreos、Flynn、Tsuru”
- “Zipkin is an open source tool developer by Twitter to trace and debug into microservice. This is inspired by Google's Dapper Idea”