Deep Learning_ A Practitioner's Approach-O'Reilly(2017.8) 机器学习Review 神经网络基础 深度学习基础 深度网络的主要架构 Unsupervised Pretrained Networks 自编码器 DBN GAN CNN RNN(R=Recurrent) RNN(R=Recursive) 构建深度网络 DN调优 特定DN架构调优 矢量化 Using Deep Learning and DL4J on Spark 附录A 什么是人工智能? 附录B RL4J与强化学习 附录C Numbers Everyone Should Know 附录D Neural Networks and Backpropagation: A Mathematical Approach 附录E Using the ND4J API 附录F Using DataVec 附录G Working with DL4J from Source 附录H Setting Up DL4J Projects