Description: Table of metadata about chemical samples reported in the ThermoML
file <Sample>
section (see below). When thinking about chemical samples it is useful
to regard them as 'instances' of a chemical substance, that is the chemical substance
is an abstract representation and the chemical instances are what are physically tested/used
in a laboratory.
- id: chemicals primary key (auto-generated and unique)
- file_id: foreign key (files table) of the file this chemical is part of
- orgnum: the assigned user organization number, from the original reference
- substance_id: foreign key (substances table) of the compound this chemical is a sample of
- sourcetype: where the sample came from (see options below in the ThermoML schema)
- updated: datetime last updated
Purity information for chemical samples is stored in the purifcationsteps
table as the
purification process can contain 1 to n purification steps. Each step references an entry in the chemicals