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Zero Cost Abstractions

Eliminating runtime overhead in Scala

Cary Robbins

June 5, 2019


  • Software development consultant for Estatico Studios
  • Primarily work in Scala and Haskell, but love digging into new languages.
  • Interested in collaborating? Send me a note at: [email protected]

Zero Cost Strategies

  • Polymorphic values
  • NewTypes
  • Generic programming

Note: We're going to discuss 3 different strategies for improving existing abstractions with implementations that do not incur runtime overhead.


We will be using


a lot.

It's cool don't worry.

But runtime overhead isn't my bottleneck!


Sure, maybe it's not your bottleneck. Your bottleneck is probably IO. But this doesn't mean we shouldn't discover ways of optimizing our compiled code to eliminate overhead which is truly unnecessary.

But muh Premature Optimization is evil!


Yes, this is true. Don't optimize for the sake of optimizing, and you should benchmark if you are doing heavy optimizations.

But what we're going to cover here are general optimizations which should not only improve runtime performance, but actually give you new ways of programming that you may not be aware of.

We're talking JVM

(Although, many of these work just as good if not better in ScalaJS)

Polymorphic values

```scala implicit def eitherFunctor[L]: Functor[Either[L, ?]] = new Functor[Either[L, ?]] { override def map[A, B](fa: Either[L, A])(f: A => B): Either[L, B] = } ```
**Problem is...** ```scala implicitly[Functor[Either[String, ?]]] // $anon$1@2cf46f9e

implicitly[Functor[Either[String, ?]]] // $anon$1@7cd0fda6 ← new instance!

Here's an example of a polymorphic type class instance, the Functor instance
for Either.

Functor's type argument must be a type which itself takes a single type argument.
Either takes two, so we must pass the Left type argument into the implicit def.

Problem is...each time we summon the implicit instance, we alloc a new instance.


## Caching Polymorphic Values

private val eitherFunctorCached = new Functor[Either[Nothing, ?]] {
  override def map[A, B](fa: Either[Nothing, A])(f: A => B): Either[Nothing, B] =

implicit def eitherFunctor[L]: Functor[Either[L, ?]] =
  eitherFunctorCached.asInstanceOf[Functor[Either[L, ?]]]
**As you'd expect...** ```scala implicitly[Functor[Either[String, ?]]] // $anon$1@3c466028

implicitly[Functor[Either[String, ?]]] // $anon$1@3c466028 ← same instance!

Here we implement the same Functor instance, except this time instead of making
it polymorphic, we stub in the Nothing type for the Left type param so we can cache
it into a val. We then have the implicit def simply call the val and cast it to
the appropriate type.


## Why does this work?

Type parameters are erased at runtime

implicit def eitherFunctor[L]: Functor[Either[L, ?]] = new Functor[Either[L, ?]] {
  override def map[A, B](fa: Either[L, A])(f: A => B): Either[L, B] =
```java // Bytecode public eitherFunctor()LFunctor; NEW $anon$1 // new anon Functor instance DUP INVOKESPECIAL $anon$1. ()V // Functor constructor "init" ARETURN ```


Why does this work? Type parameters are erased at runtime.

Why does this work?

private val eitherFunctorCached = new Functor[Either[Nothing, ?]] {
  override def map[A, B](fa: Either[Nothing, A])(f: A => B): Either[Nothing, B] =

implicit def eitherFunctor[L]: Functor[Either[L, ?]] =
  eitherFunctorCached.asInstanceOf[Functor[Either[L, ?]]]
```java // Bytecode public eitherFunctor()LFunctor; // ← Runtime type is still Functor ALOAD 0 INVOKESPECIAL eitherFunctorCached ()LFunctor; ARETURN // Same runtime type ↑ ```

The @cached macro

implicit def eitherFunctor[L]: Functor[Either[L, ?]] = new Functor[Either[L, ?]] {
  override def map[A, B](fa: Either[L, A])(f: A => B): Either[L, B] =
Expands to...
```scala implicit def eitherFunctor[L]: Functor[Either[L, ?]] = __cached__eitherFunctor.asInstanceOf[Functor[Either[L, ?]]]

private val __cached__eitherFunctor = new Functor[Either[Nothing, ?]] { override def map[A, B](fa: Either[Nothing, A])(f: A => B): Either[Nothing, B] = }


## newtypes


## NewTypes: A Motivation

Haskell's `newtype` gives us type safety without the cost

newtype WidgetId = WidgetId String

<frag>myId = WidgetId "a" </frag><frag> -- ← Is just a String at runtime</frag>

<frag>upperId :: WidgetId -> WidgetId
upperId (WidgetId s) = WidgetId (map toUpper s)</frag>
<frag>-- The unwrap ↑ and rewrap ↑ do not occur at runtime</frag>

Note: In Haskell, the newtype keyword allows us to define a new type which incurs no overhead and is just some other type at runtime.

In this case, we're defining a WidgetId to improve type safety so we know that this value is more than just a String.

Wrapping and unwrapping newtype values incurs no overhead at runtime; it is all omitted during compilation.

NewTypes: Specialized type class instances

instance ToJSON WidgetId where
  toJSON (WidgetId s) = object [ "widgetId" .= toJSON s ]
```haskell newtype Sum = Sum Int

instance Monoid Sum where mempty = 0 mappend (Sum x) (Sum y) = Sum (x + y)

newtype Product = Product Int

instance Monoid Product where mempty = 1 mappend (Product x) (Product y) = Product (x * y)

Another common use case for newtypes is to give us the ability
to provide alternative type class implementations.

Here, instead of using String's default ToJSON instance, we can provide
our own implementation for our WidgetId.

The canonical example of this is that Int forms a Monoid via
addition _and_ multiplication. Instead of having to decide which
instance we want Int to use, we can say that Int is not a Monoid
on its own, and that only Sum and Product (which are newtype wrappers
around Int) are.


## NewTypes: O(n) ⇒ O(1) conversions

ids :: [String]
ids = ["a","b","c","d","e"]

xs :: [WidgetId]
xs = coerce ids :: [WidgetId]

Value Classes: NewTypes for Scala?

final case class WidgetId(value: String) <frag>extends AnyVal</frag>
Usage ```scala def getWidget(id: WidgetId): Widget = ??? ```
```java // Bytecode public getWidget(Ljava/lang/String;)LWidget; ```

Note: Here is a value class. This allows us to define a new class which, at runtime, should be represented as a String. We can confirm this by looking at the compiled bytecode.

Value Class Pitfalls: Generics

def optId = Option(WidgetId("a"))
```java // Bytecode public optId()Lscala/Option; GETSTATIC scala/Option$.MODULE$ : Lscala/Option$; NEW WidgetId // ← We don't like this DUP LDC "a" INVOKESPECIAL WidgetId. (Ljava/lang/String;)V INVOKEVIRTUAL scala/Option$.apply (Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/Option; ARETURN ```

Note: Let's see what's wrong with value classes. One of the big problems with them is when you try to use them with generics.

Also remember that since generics are erased at runtime, this method returns Option, not Option of String or WidgetId.

Value Class Pitfalls: Generics

def unOptId = optId.get
```java // Bytecode public unOptId()Ljava/lang/String; ALOAD 0 INVOKEVIRTUAL optId ()Lscala/Option; INVOKEVIRTUAL scala/Option.get ()Ljava/lang/Object; CHECKCAST WidgetId // ← Why the allocation occurs INVOKEVIRTUAL WidgetId.value ()Ljava/lang/String; // ← Unwrap ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) ARETURN ```


  • The allocation must occur so the JVM can validate that we actually have a WidgetId at runtime.
  • Interestingly enough, we then just unwrap the value we had, getting back the String we wrapped to begin with.

Value Class Pitfalls: O(n) conversions

def convIdList(xs: List[String]): List[WidgetId] = <frag>// ← Hey JIT, try to optimize this</frag>

Note: Any time we need to convert container elements to value class instances, we'll always incur a performance overhead; this just can't be optimized away, not even by the JIT.

Tagged Types

// Adapted from scalaz
type @@[A, T] = { type Tag = T; type Self = A }
def tag[A, T](a: A): A @@ T = a.asInstanceOf[A @@ T]

<frag>trait WidgetIdTag</frag>
<frag>type WidgetId = String @@ WidgetIdTag</frag>
<frag>def WidgetId(s: String): WidgetId = tag[String, WidgetIdTag](s)</frag>

Note: Scalaz and shapeless provide something called tagged types. Note that Scalaz's and shapeless' implementation of tagged types are different, but we'll cover the difference later.

A tagged type will be defined with this @@ type operator. We'll use a refinement to hold onto the types passed in but not expose it so the compiler sees this as a unique type. This refinement will be represented as a java Object at runtime.

To construct one, we'll just perform a cast using .asInstanceOf. This ends up being fine since any value we pass in will be an instance of Object.

Tagged Types: Under the hood

def tag[A, T](a: A): A @@ T = a.asInstanceOf[A @@ T]
```java // Bytecode public tag(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; ALOAD 1 ARETURN ```
```scala def WidgetId(s: String): WidgetId = tag[String, WidgetIdTag](s) ```
```java // Bytecode public WidgetId(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; ALOAD 0 ALOAD 1 INVOKEVIRTUAL tag (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; ARETURN ```

Tagged Types: Under the hood

def optId = Option(WidgetId("a"))
```java // Bytecode public optId()Lscala/Option; GETSTATIC scala/Option$.MODULE$ : Lscala/Option$; ALOAD 0 LDC "a" INVOKEVIRTUAL WidgetId (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; INVOKEVIRTUAL scala/Option$.apply (Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/Option; ARETURN ```

Tagged Types: Under the hood

def unOptId = optId.get
```java // Bytecode public unOptId()Ljava/lang/Object; ALOAD 0 INVOKEVIRTUAL optId ()Lscala/Option; INVOKEVIRTUAL scala/Option.get ()Ljava/lang/Object; ARETURN ```

Tagged Types: Faster conversions

def convIdList(ids: List[String]): List[WidgetId] =
```java // Bytecode public convIdList(Lscala/collection/immutable/List;)Lscala/collection/immutable/List; ALOAD 1 ARETURN ```

Note: So far this isn't looking too bad. These are all constant operations that are really easy for the JIT to inline. We have no new allocations and no checkcasts.

Tagged Types: Things left to be desired

  • How do we deal with type class instances/implicits?
  • How do we add methods?
  • Can we make casting safer?
  • Can we make it less ad hoc and reduce boilerplate?

NewType: Formalizing the approach

<frag 4>type WidgetId = WidgetId.Type</frag>
object WidgetId {
  <frag 1>type Base = Any { type WidgetId$newtype }</frag>
  <frag 2>trait Tag extends Any</frag>
  <frag 3>type Type <: Base with Tag</frag>

  <frag 5>def apply(value: String): WidgetId = value.asInstanceOf[WidgetId]</frag>

  <frag 6>implicit final class Ops(private val me: WidgetId) extends AnyVal {
    def value: String = me.asInstanceOf[String]


Let's start with a companion object. This should be where implicits are defined for our newtype.

Base -

  • A unique type that gets compiled as Object in the bytecode
  • Any
    • Signals we want Object
    • Aid in array construction for primitives
  • Refinement
    • Ensures that Any is actually used as the base type instead of trait mixins


  • A unique trait that we'll mix into our newtype to aid in implicit resolution.
  • Similarly as with Base above it, we need to extend Any to help with primitives.

Type -

  • This is our final newtype
  • Defined as an abstract type to prevent scalac from expanding the type alias which would break implicit resolution

WidigetId - Top-level type alias for convenience and simplicity

apply - Smart constructor for our newtype

Ops - Extension methods for our newtype

NewType: Type semantics

WidgetId("a").<frag><mark>toUpperCase</mark></frag> <frag>// Does not compile</frag>
<frag>WidgetId("a").value.toUpperCase</frag> <frag>// Compiles</frag>

<frag>def upperStr(s: String) = s.toUpperCase</frag>
<frag>upperStr("a")</frag> <frag>// Compiles</frag>
<frag><mark>upperStr</mark>(WidgetId("a"))</frag> <frag>// Does not compile</frag>

<frag>def upperWidgetId(id: WidgetId) = WidgetId(id.value.toUpperCase)</frag>
<frag><mark>upperWidgetId</mark>("a")</frag> <frag>// Does not compile</frag>
<frag>upperWidgetId(WidgetId("a"))</frag> <frag>// Compiles</frag>

NewType: Builder trait

trait NewType[Repr] {
  <frag 10>type Base = Any { type Repr$newtype = Repr }</frag>
  <frag 20>trait Tag extends Any</frag>
  <frag 30>type Type <: Base with Tag</frag>
  <frag 40>def apply(value: Repr): Type = value.asInstanceOf[Type]</frag>
  <frag 50>def repr(x: Type): Repr = x.asInstanceOf[Repr]</frag>
Usage ```scala type WidgetId = WidgetId.Type object WidgetId extends NewType[String] { implicit final class Ops(private val me: WidgetId) extends AnyVal { def value: Repr = repr(me) } } ```


So what does this buy us?

We get a smart constructor and destructure for free. We get safe casts for collection types. We get an idiomatic companion object that just works for implicit resolution.

NewType: At runtime

public apply(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  INVOKESTATIC <mark green>NewType.apply$</mark> (LNewType;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;

<frag>public static synthetic apply$(LNewType;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  INVOKESPECIAL <mark green>NewType.apply</mark> (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;

<frag>public default apply(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;

NewType: Extension Methods

def widgetIdValue = WidgetId("a").value
```java // Bytecode public widgetIdValue()Ljava/lang/String; GETSTATIC WidgetId$.MODULE$ : LWidgetId$; GETSTATIC WidgetId$.MODULE$ : LWidgetId$; LDC "a" INVOKEVIRTUAL WidgetId$.apply (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; INVOKEVIRTUAL WidgetId$.Ops (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; INVOKEVIRTUAL WidgetId$Ops$.value$extension (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String; ```

NewType: Extension Methods

implicit final class Ops(private val self: Type) extends AnyVal {
  def value: Repr = repr(self)
```java // Bytecode public final value$extension(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String; GETSTATIC WidgetId$.MODULE$ : LWidgetId$; ALOAD 1 INVOKEVIRTUAL WidgetId$.repr (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; CHECKCAST java/lang/String ARETURN ```

NewType: Generics

def optId = Option(WidgetId("a"))
```java // Bytecode public optId()Lscala/Option; GETSTATIC scala/Option$.MODULE$ : Lscala/Option$; GETSTATIC WidgetId$.MODULE$ : LWidgetId$; LDC "a" INVOKEVIRTUAL WidgetId$.apply (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; INVOKEVIRTUAL scala/Option$.apply (Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/Option; ARETURN ```

NewType: Generics

def unOptId = optId.get
```java public unOptId()Ljava/lang/Object; ALOAD 0 INVOKEVIRTUAL optId ()Lscala/Option; INVOKEVIRTUAL scala/Option.get ()Ljava/lang/Object; ARETURN ```

NewType: Constant-time conversions

def convIdList(ids: List[String]): List[WidgetId] = ids.asInstanceOf[List[WidgetId]]
```java // Bytecode public convIdList(Lscala/collection/immutable/List;)Lscala/collection/immutable/List; ALOAD 1 ARETURN ```

NewTypes: Primitive Problems

type Feet = Feet.Type
object Feet extends NewType.Of[Int]
```scala def mkFeet = Feet(12) ```
```java // Bytecode public mkFeet()Ljava/lang/Object; GETSTATIC Feet$.MODULE$ : LFeet$; BIPUSH 12 INVOKESTATIC scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger (I)Ljava/lang/Integer; INVOKEVIRTUAL Feet$.apply (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; ARETURN ```

NewSubType: An Attempt

<frag 20>trait NewSubType[Repr] {
  <frag 50>trait Tag extends Any</frag>
  <frag 60>type Type <: Repr with Tag</frag>

  <frag 70>def apply(x: Repr): Type = x.asInstanceOf[Type]</frag>
  <frag 80>def repr(x: Type): Repr = x.asInstanceOf[Repr]</frag>


<frag>type Feet = Feet.Type</frag>
<frag>object Feet extends NewSubType[Int] {
  <frag>implicit final class Ops(private val me: Feet) extends AnyVal {
    def value: Int = repr(me)
```scala Feet(1).signum // Compiles, returns Int

def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y add(Feet(1), Feet(2)) // Compiles, returns Int

def addFeet(x: Feet, y: Feet): Feet = Feet(x.value + y.value) addFeet(Feet(1), Feet(2)) // Compiles, returns Feet addFeet(1, 2) // Does not compile


## NewSubType: Is it really zero cost?

<div class=fragment data-fragment-index=1>
def mkFeet = Feet(12)
```java // Bytecode public mkFeet()I GETSTATIC Feet$.MODULE$ : LFeet$; BIPUSH 12 INVOKESTATIC scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger (I)Ljava/lang/Integer; INVOKEVIRTUAL Feet$.apply (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; // oh INVOKESTATIC scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.unboxToInt (Ljava/lang/Object;)I // wat IRETURN ```

NewSubType: Fixing our broken ctor

type Feet = Feet.Type
object Feet extends NewSubType[Int] {
  <frag>override def apply(x: Int): Feet = x.asInstanceOf[Feet]</frag>
```java public apply(I)I ILOAD 1 INVOKESTATIC scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger (I)Ljava/lang/Integer; INVOKESTATIC scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.unboxToInt (Ljava/lang/Object;)I // srsly IRETURN ```

NewSubType: Giving scalac a hand

type Feet = Feet.Type
object Feet extends NewSubType.Of[Int] {
  override def apply(x: Int): Feet = x.asInstanceOf[Feet]
```bash % scalac -opt:l:inline ... ```
```java public apply(I)I ILOAD 1 IRETURN // ...Did we just get it to work? ```
```scala def mkFeet = Feet(12) ```
```java public mkFeet()I GETSTATIC Feet$.MODULE$ : LFeet$; BIPUSH 12 INVOKEVIRTUAL Feet$.apply (I)I IRETURN // ...We did! ```

Coercible: Abstracting over newtypes

trait Coercible[A, B] {
  final def apply(a: A): B = a.asInstanceOf[B]

Generated Coercible instances

trait NewType[Repr] {
  type Base = Any { type Repr$newtype = Repr }
  trait Tag extends Any
  type Type <: Base with Tag
  def apply(value: Repr): Type = value.asInstanceOf[Type]
  def repr(x: Type): Repr = x.asInstanceOf[Repr]

  <frag>implicit val coerceTo:   Coercible[Repr, Type] = Coercible.instance
  implicit val coerceFrom: Coercible[Type, Repr] = Coercible.instance</frag>

Coercible in action


<frag>def upper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase</frag>

<frag>upper(WidgetId("foo").coerce)</frag> <frag>// Compiles, returns String</frag>

<frag>implicit def coercibleListTo[A, B](
  implicit ev: Coercible[A, B]
): Coercible[List[A], List[B]] = Coercible.instance</frag>


Aside on type roles


trait TypeRole[A] {
  type Role

object TypeRole {

  def mk[A, R]: TypeRole[A] { type Role = R } =
    _instance.asInstanceOf[TypeRole[A] { type Role = R }]

  private val _instance = new TypeRole[Nothing] {}

  type Nominal[A] = TypeRole[A] { type Role = types.Nominal }
  type Representational[A] = TypeRole[A] { type Role = types.Representational }

  object types {
    sealed trait Representational
    sealed trait Nominal

Shilling for @newtype

import io.estatico.newtype.macros._

<frag>@newtype case class WidgetId(value: String)</frag>

<frag>@newsubtype case class Feet(value: Int)</frag>

@newtype: inspecting generated code

@newtype(debug = true) case class WidgetId(value: String)
```scala type WidgetId = WidgetId.Type object WidgetId { type Repr = String type Base = Any { type WidgetId$newtype } abstract trait Tag extends Any type Type <: Base with Tag

def apply(value: String): WidgetId = value.asInstanceOf[WidgetId];

def deriving[TC[_]](implicit ev: TC[Repr]): TC[Type] = ev.asInstanceOf[TC[Type]]

// ... }


## @newtype: deriving type class instances

@newtype case class Attributes(toList: List[(String, String)])
object Attributes {
  implicit val monoid: Monoid[Attributes] = <frag>deriving</frag>

@newtype: derivingK

@newtype case class Slice[A](toVector: Vector[A])
object Slice {
  implicit val monad: Monad[Slice] = <frag>derivingK</frag>

customized smart constructors

@newsubtype class PosInt(val toInt: Int)
<frag>object PosInt {
  def of(x: Int): Option[PosInt] =
    if (x < 0) None else Some(x.coerce[PosInt])
```scala PosInt(1) // Compile error: PosInt.type does not take parameters

PosInt.of(1) // Some(1): Option[PosInt] PosInt.of(-1) // None: Option[PosInt]


## Unboxed Maybe type

@newtype class Maybe[A](val unsafeGet: A) {
  def isEmpty:   Boolean = unsafeGet == Maybe._empty
  def isDefined: Boolean = unsafeGet != Maybe._empty

  def map[B](f: A => B): Maybe[B] =
    if (isEmpty) Maybe.empty else Maybe(f(unsafeGet))

  def filter(p: A => Boolean): Maybe[A] =
    if (isEmpty || !p(unsafeGet)) Maybe.empty else this
object Maybe {
  def apply[A](a: A): Maybe[A] = if (a == null) empty else unsafe(a)
  def unsafe[A](a: A): Maybe[A] = a.asInstanceOf[Maybe[A]]
  def empty[A]: Maybe[A] = _empty.asInstanceOf[Maybe[A]]
  private val _empty = new Empty
  private final class Empty { override def toString = "Maybe.empty" }

NewType Transformers

@newtype case class OptionT[F[_], A](value: F[Option[A]]) {

  def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): OptionT[F, B] =

  def flatMapF[B](f: A => F[Option[B]])(implicit F: Monad[F]): OptionT[F, B] =

  def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionT[F, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): OptionT[F, B] =
    flatMapF(a => f(a).value)


Generic Programming: Shapeless

import shapeless._

case class Foo(a: Int, b: String)

<frag>val foo = Foo(1, "hey")
<frag>val g = Generic[Foo].to(foo)
<frag>// g: Int :: String :: HNil
<frag>//  = 1   :: "hey"  :: HNil

<frag>foo eq g
<frag>// false

HList allocations

(1 :: "hey" :: HNil) == g
<frag>// true

<frag>new ::(1, new ::("hey", HNil)) == g
<frag>// true

HList: An alternative

sealed trait HList
<frag 1>final case class ::[+H, +T <: HList](head : H, tail : T) extends HList
<frag 2>sealed trait HNil extends HList
Alternatively... ```scala sealed trait GList sealed trait #:[H, T <: GList] extends GList sealed trait GNil extends GList object GList { @newtype case class Of[A, L <: GList](value: A) object Of { // ^ phantom type // It's valid (and desirable) to coerce to the tail of our GList implicit def coerceToTail[A, H, T <: GList]: Coercible[Of[A, H #: T], Of[A, T]] = Coercible.instance } } ```

Generic Products

trait GProduct[A] { type Repr <: GList }

object GProduct {

  type Aux[A, R <: GList] = GProduct[A] { type Repr = R }

  def to[A](a: A)(implicit ev: GProduct[A]): GList.Of[A, ev.Repr] = GList.Of(a)

Accessing Fields Generically

trait IsGCons[A] {
  <frag>type Head
  type Tail <: GList</frag>
  <frag>def head(a: GList.Of[A, Head #: Tail]): Head</frag>
  <frag>final def tail(a: GList.Of[A, Head #: Tail]): GList.Of[A, Tail] =
    a.coerce[GList.Of[A, Tail]]</frag>

<frag>object IsGCons {
  type Aux[A, H, T <: GList] = IsGCons[A] { type Head = H ; type Tail = T }

Deriving GProduct and IsGCons

@DeriveGProduct case class Foo(a: String, b: Int, c: Float, d: Double)
```scala object Foo { implicit val isGCons4: IsGCons.Aux[Foo, String, Int #: Float #: Double #: GNil] = IsGCons.instance(_.a) implicit val isGCons3: IsGCons.Aux[Foo, Int, Float #: Double #: GNil] = IsGCons.instance(_.b) implicit val isGCons2: IsGCons.Aux[Foo, Float, Double #: GNil] = IsGCons.instance(_.c) implicit val isGCons1: IsGCons.Aux[Foo, Double, GNil] = IsGCons.instance(_.d) implicit def gProduct: GProduct.Aux[Foo, String #: Int #: Float #: Double #: GNil] = GProduct.instance }; ```

Deriving new type class instances

trait CsvEncoder[A] {
  def encode(a: A): String

Deriving new type class instances

implicit def gCons[A, H, T <: GList](
  <frag>hEnc: CsvEncoder[H],</frag>
  <frag>tEnc: CsvEncoder[GList.Of[A, T]],</frag>
  <frag>isGCons: IsGCons.Aux[A, H, T]</frag>
): CsvEncoder[GList.Of[A, H #: T]] =
  <frag>CsvEncoder.instance(a => hEnc.encode(a.head) + ',' + tEnc.encode(a.tail))</frag>

<frag>implicit def gSingle[A, H](
  <frag>hEnc: CsvEncoder[H],</frag>
  <frag>isGCons: IsGCons.Aux[A, H, GNil]</frag>
): CsvEncoder[GList.Of[A, H #: GNil]] =
  <frag>CsvEncoder.instance(a => hEnc.encode(a.head))</frag></frag>

It works!

@DeriveGProduct case class Foo(a: String, b: Int, c: Float, d: Double)
object Foo {
  implicit val csvFoo = CsvEncoder[Foo] = CsvEncoder.derive[Foo]

<frag>CsvEncoder.encode(Foo("ya", 2, 8.2f, 7.6))</frag>
<frag>// "ya,2,8.2,7.6"</frag>

Thank you!