Because flies-publican is at fast pace of development, the followings might not always correspond to the latest version.
$ flies-publican [--help] [upload|download] [options]*
- --help - Prints help message.
upload - Uploads po/pot files to Flies server.
download - Downloads po/pot files from Flies server.
--user USER - Inputs USER as username of connection to Flies server.
--key KEY - Inputs KEY as apikey of connection to Flies server.
--src SRC - Inputs SRC as source of data. With "upload" this takes local location of Publican standardized PO/POT repository. With "download" this takes remote namespace of Flies server.
--dst DST - Inputs DST as destination of data. With "upload" this takes remote namespace of Flies server. With "download" this takes local location of Publican standardized PO/POT repository.
--debug - Outputs debug information.
--importpo - Replaces existing Flies translations with contents of existing PO files - VERY DANGEROUS. (Applies only to 'upload')
--exportpot - Generates POT files from Flies database - rarely used. (Applies only to 'download')