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rosetta-cli checks

Requires rosetta-cli v0.6.6 or later and a testnet instance with the server exposed at http://localhost:8081


./bin/rosetta-cli check:data --configuration-file ./configuration/data/byron_sample.json
./bin/rosetta-cli check:data --configuration-file ./configuration/data/shelley_sample.json
./bin/rosetta-cli check:data --configuration-file ./configuration/data/shelley_transition.json


Following additional tools are required for generating data for the examples below:

  • cardano-cli executable from the cardano-node project
  • bech32 from bech32
  • jcli executable from the jormungandr project (for Voting registration example)
  • voter-registration the voting-tools project (for Voting registration example)

For ease of transfering funds and minting tokens also cardano-wallet with ikar working on top might be handy.

ℹ️ Note that cardano-wallet package from release will already contain cardano-cli, cardano-node and bech32.

We will run examples on testnet so let us set relevant network id to be reused with cardano-cli:

export NETWORK_ID="--testnet-magic 1097911063"

Transfer workflow

In order to run a simple transfer workflow please execute:

# The RECIPIENT address where all funds will be sent. Ideally you should use your address or the faucet
RECIPIENT="\"addr_test1qqr585tvlc7ylnqvz8pyqwauzrdu0mxag3m7q56grgmgu7sxu2hyfhlkwuxupa9d5085eunq2qywy7hvmvej456flknswgndm3\"" \
./bin/rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file ./configuration/construction/configuration.json

Delegation workflow

This workflow generates a transaction that:

  1. Create two keys, one for staking and one for payments
  2. Generates a staking and base address
  3. Waits for funds in the base address
  4. Creates a transaction that registers the stake certificate and delegates to a pool provided as environment variable
  5. Broadcasts the transaction and receives the change in the specified address
# You need to define which pool are you going to delegate to. Use the POOL_KEY_HASH to do so
# The RECIPIENT address where all funds will be sent. Ideally you should use your address or the faucet
POOL_KEY_HASH="\"6be215192dc01e5ca4cfba0959586f581a865bfccc2984478dad1657\"" \
RECIPIENT="\"addr_test1qqr585tvlc7ylnqvz8pyqwauzrdu0mxag3m7q56grgmgu7sxu2hyfhlkwuxupa9d5085eunq2qywy7hvmvej456flknswgndm3\"" \
rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file ./check/configuration/construction/delegation-configuration.json

Single Multi Assets transaction

This workflow tests a transaction that spends (and splits) a single MultiAsset token. So:

  1. An address is created and a specific token is expected
  2. Sends total token amount - 1 to the first recipient and just one token to the second one
  3. All the ADA (if any left) are sent to an address

ℹ️ Note: Running this example is complex as it requires a sender that owns tokens (for example by minting) and can send them to the rosetta-cli generated address. It's strongly recommended to use this helper scripts created by James that will make your life way much easier.

ℹ️ Note 2: cardano-wallet now also supports minting of tokens. An option might be also to use it together with ikar.

# TOKENS_TO_RECEIVE_AMOUNT is the amount of tokens (non-ada) that will be received
# MA_RECIPIENT_1 The address that will receive TOKENS_TO_RECEIVE_AMOUNT - 1
# MA_RECIPIENT_2 The address that will receive 1 token
# TOKEN_NAME Hex encoded token name that will be received
# POLICY_ID Hex encoded policy id linked to the token to be received
# RECIPIENT address that will receive the remaining ADA

MA_RECIPIENT_1="\"addr_test1qrdn052npj6t8kx8k6c9ftdquwd29ctgfwxw7adt5h57uqr7qdk9h8zwhgg8m30qgzau09j7v2vm0zdflmc6grsjmqtq7q542z\"" \
MA_RECIPIENT_2="\"addr_test1qz3tw7ws2n0kf79vafjtw0jfjx787kzxmlx02yqq7e50ggsxu2hyfhlkwuxupa9d5085eunq2qywy7hvmvej456flkns79y22u\"" \
TOKEN_NAME="\"616c616e5465737431\"" \
POLICY_ID="\"3e6fc736d30770b830db70994f25111c18987f1407585c0f55ca470f\"" \
RECIPIENT="\"addr_test1qr670l0rlzv67jfd3d5l9t6rzy7lv9jzt7fnqefckfzv7dtrglt8qqfwllj3h6kw6zly45fk305xreswcds6nxuyyc6s55h05v\"" \
rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file ./check/configuration/construction/transfer-ma.json

Multiple MA linked to the same policy

This workflow tests a transaction that spends (and splits) two tokens contained in the same unspent. For example:

# Unspent
FAKERushConcertPolicyID {  (Tickets, 500),
                           (VIPTickets, 50)}

# Recipient 1
FAKERushConcertPolicyID {  (Tickets, 499),
                           (VIPTickets, 49)}

# Recipient 2
FAKERushConcertPolicyID {  (Tickets, 1),
                           (VIPTickets, 1)}
  1. An address is created and a specific token is expected
  2. Sends total token 1 amount - 1 and total token 2 amount to the first recipient and just one token of each type to the second recipient
  3. All the ADA (if any left) are sent to an address

ℹ️ Note: Running this example is complex as it requires a sender that owns tokens (for example by minting) and can send them to the rosetta-cli generated address. It's strongly recommended to use this helper scripts created by James that will make your life way much easier.

ℹ️ Note 2: cardano-wallet now also supports minting of tokens. An option might be also to use it together with ikar.

# TOKENS_TO_RECEIVE_AMOUNT_1 is the amount of tokens (non-ada) that will be received
# TOKENS_TO_RECEIVE_AMOUNT_2 is the amount of tokens (non-ada) of the second token that will be received
# MA_RECIPIENT_1 The address that will receive TOKENS_TO_RECEIVE_AMOUNT - 1
# MA_RECIPIENT_2 The address that will receive 1 token
# TOKEN_1_NAME Hex encoded token name that will be received
# TOKEN_2_NAME Hex encoded token name that will be received
# POLICY_ID Hex encoded policy id linked to the token to be received
# RECIPIENT address that will receive the remaining ADA

MA_RECIPIENT_1="\"addr_test1qrdn052npj6t8kx8k6c9ftdquwd29ctgfwxw7adt5h57uqr7qdk9h8zwhgg8m30qgzau09j7v2vm0zdflmc6grsjmqtq7q542z\"" \
MA_RECIPIENT_2="\"addr_test1qz3tw7ws2n0kf79vafjtw0jfjx787kzxmlx02yqq7e50ggsxu2hyfhlkwuxupa9d5085eunq2qywy7hvmvej456flkns79y22u\"" \
TOKEN_1_NAME="\"616c616e5465737431\"" \
TOKEN_2_NAME="\"616c616e5465737432\"" \
POLICY_ID="\"3e6fc736d30770b830db70994f25111c18987f1407585c0f55ca470f\"" \
RECIPIENT="\"addr_test1qr670l0rlzv67jfd3d5l9t6rzy7lv9jzt7fnqefckfzv7dtrglt8qqfwllj3h6kw6zly45fk305xreswcds6nxuyyc6s55h05v\"" \
rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file ./check/configuration/construction/transfer-multiple-ma.json

Pool registration and pledge

This workflow generates a transaction that:

  1. Create two keys, one for staking and one for payments
  2. Generates a staking and base address
  3. Waits for funds in the base address
  4. Creates a transaction that registers the stake certificate and the pool certificate
  5. In order to honor the pledge the stake key is delegated to the registered pool that is provided as environment variable
  6. Broadcasts the transaction and receives the change in the specified address

ℹ️ Note: Since this example can get quite complex in terms of variable amounts, the minimum of variables was used to create a pool registration certificate. That's the reason why this certificate only has one relay of type "multi host name" since it is the most simple.

# PUBLIC_COLD_KEY Hex encoded public pool creator key
# PRIVATE_COLD_KEY Hex encoded private pool creator key
# POOL_KEY_HASH hash of the pool that will be registered and delegated to
# VRF_KEY_HASH Hex encoded VRF key
# DNS_NAME Hex encoded token name that will be received
# COST String that represents pool cost per epoch in lovelace
# PLEDGE String that represents amount to pledge in lovelace
# NUMERATOR numerator as string passed to specify pool margin
# DENOMINATOR denominator as string passed to specify pool margin
# RECIPIENT address that will receive the remaining ADA
# OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY Hex encoded public owner key
# OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY Hex encoded private owner key
# OWNER_ADDRESS Reward address of pool owner
  1. Create relevant keys.
cardano-cli  address key-gen \
 --verification-key-file payment.vkey \
 --signing-key-file payment.skey

cardano-cli  stake-address key-gen \
 --verification-key-file stake.vkey \
 --signing-key-file stake.skey

cardano-cli address build \
 --payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey \
 --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
 --out-file payment.addr \

cardano-cli stake-address build \
 --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
 --out-file stake.addr \

cardano-cli node key-gen \
--cold-verification-key-file cold.vkey \
--cold-signing-key-file cold.skey \
--operational-certificate-issue-counter-file cold.counter

cardano-cli node key-gen-VRF \
--verification-key-file vrf.vkey \
--signing-key-file vrf.skey
  1. Run rosetta-cli.
PUBLIC_COLD_KEY="$(cat cold.vkey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)"  \
PRIVATE_COLD_KEY="$(cat cold.skey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
POOL_KEY_HASH="\"$(cardano-cli stake-pool id --cold-verification-key-file cold.vkey | bech32)\"" \
VRF_KEY_HASH="\"$(cardano-cli node key-hash-VRF --verification-key-file vrf.vkey)\"" \
DNS_NAME="\"\"" \
COST="\"340000000\"" \
PLEDGE="\"1000000000\"" \
RECIPIENT="\"$(cat payment.addr)\"" \
OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat stake.skey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat stake.vkey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
OWNER_ADDRESS="\"$(cat stake.addr)\"" \
rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file ./check/configuration/construction/pool-registration-configuration.json

Pool retirement

This workflow generates a transaction that:

  1. Create payment keys
  2. Generates an address
  3. Waits for funds in the created address
  4. Creates a transaction that retires a pool provided as environment variable
  5. Broadcasts the transaction and receives the change in the specified address

In order to run this example is necessary to pass a previous registered pool and the creator's keys.

# COLD_KEY_PUBLIC Hex encoded cold public key of pool creator
# COLD_KEY_PRIVATE Hex encoded cold private key of pool creator
# POOL_KEY_HASH Hex encoded pool key hash
# RECIPIENT address that will receive the remaining ADA
  1. Generate all relevant keys. Keys from previous test should be fine.

  2. Run rosetta-cli.

RECIPIENT="\"$(cat payment.addr)\"" \
COLD_KEY_PUBLIC="$(cat cold.vkey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
COLD_KEY_PRIVATE="$(cat cold.skey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
POOL_KEY_HASH="\"$(cardano-cli stake-pool id --cold-verification-key-file cold.vkey | bech32)\"" \
EPOCH=$(expr $(cardano-cli query tip $NETWORK_ID | jq .epoch) + 4) \
rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file ./check/configuration/construction/pool-retirement-configuration.json

Pool registration with cert and pledge

This workflow generates a transaction that:

  1. Creates payment keys
  2. Generates a base address
  3. Waits for funds in the base address
  4. Creates a transaction that registers the stake certificate and the pool certificate received as environment variable
  5. In order to honor the pledge, the stake key is delegated to the registered pool that is provided as environment variable
  6. Broadcasts the transaction and receives the change in the specified address

⚠️ Important Note: Using this example with Rosetta cli will submit the transaction to the blockchain but will throw the following error "confirmed transaction did not match intent". This happens because this type of operations are returned as "poolRegistration" at /block endpoint while they are created as "poolRegistrationWithCert". Since db-sync doesn't have support for pool registration certs there is no workaround.

# POOL_REGISTRATION_CERT Hex encoded Pool Registration Cert
# PUBLIC_COLD_KEY Hex encoded public pool creator key
# PRIVATE_COLD_KEY Hex encoded private pool creator key
# POOL_KEY_HASH hash of the pool that will be registered and delegated to
# STAKE_PRIVATE_KEY Hex encoded public stake key builded in pool cert
# STAKE_PUBLIC_KEY Hex encoded private stake key builded in pool cert
# STAKE_ADDRESS Reward address of pool owner
# OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY Hex encoded public owner key
# OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY Hex encoded private owner key
# OWNER_ADDRESS Reward address of pool owner
# RECIPIENT address that will receive the remaining ADA
  1. Generate all relevant keys. Keys from previous test and:
cardano-cli node key-gen \
--cold-verification-key-file cold2.vkey \
--cold-signing-key-file cold2.skey \
--operational-certificate-issue-counter-file cold.counter

cardano-cli  stake-address key-gen \
 --verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
 --signing-key-file stake2.skey

cardano-cli stake-address build \
 --stake-verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
 --out-file stake2.addr \

cardano-cli stake-pool registration-certificate \
--cold-verification-key-file cold2.vkey \
--vrf-verification-key-file vrf.vkey \
--pool-pledge 1000000000 \
--pool-cost 340000000 \
--pool-margin 0.0 \
--pool-reward-account-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--pool-owner-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--multi-host-pool-relay \
--out-file pool.cert
  1. Run rosetta-cli.
POOL_REGISTRATION_CERT="$(cat pool.cert | jq .cborHex)" \
PUBLIC_COLD_KEY="$(cat cold2.vkey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
PRIVATE_COLD_KEY="$(cat cold2.skey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
POOL_KEY_HASH="\"$(cardano-cli stake-pool id --cold-verification-key-file cold.vkey | bech32)\"" \
OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat stake2.skey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat stake2.vkey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
OWNER_ADDRESS="\"$(cat stake2.addr)\"" \
STAKE_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat stake.skey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
STAKE_PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat stake.vkey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
RECIPIENT="\"$(cat payment.addr)\"" \
STAKE_ADDRESS="\"$(cat stake.addr)\"" \
rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file ./check/configuration/construction/pool-registration-cert-configuration.json

Vote registration

This workflow generates a transaction that:

  1. Create payment keys
  2. Generates an address
  3. Waits for funds in the created address
  4. Creates a transaction with the metadata corresponding to a Catalyst vote
  5. Broadcasts the transaction and receives the change in the specified address

In order to run this test, voting data must be generated outside Rosetta and provided as environment variables. In order to understand where those values come from this link with the metadata format of a Catalyst vote can be useful

# REWARD_ADDRESS Staking address which will receive voting rewards.
# STAKING_PUBLIC_KEY Public key of the corresponding staking account passed as hex string.
# VOTING_PUBLIC_KEY Catalyst voting public key.
# VOTING_NONCE current slot number
# VOTING_SIGNATURE Previously vote data signed with the staking private key passed as hex string
# RECIPIENT address that will receive the remaining ADA
  1. Generate all relevant keys.
cardano-cli address key-gen \
    --verification-key-file payment.vkey \
    --signing-key-file payment.skey
cardano-cli address build \
    --payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey \
    --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
    --out-file payment.addr
export PAYMENT_ADDR=$(cat payment.addr)

cardano-cli stake-address key-gen \
    --verification-key-file stake.vkey \
    --signing-key-file stake.skey
cardano-cli stake-address build \
    --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
    --out-file stake.addr
export STAKE_ADDR=$(cat stake.addr)    
export SLOT_TIP=$(cardano-cli query tip $NETWORK_ID | jq '.slot')

jcli key generate \
    --type ed25519extended \
    > vote.skey
jcli key to-public \
    < vote.skey \

voter-registration \
    --rewards-address $(cat stake.addr) \
    --vote-public-key-file \
    --stake-signing-key-file stake.skey \
    --slot-no $SLOT_TIP \
    --json > metadata.json

export VOTING_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat metadata.json | jq '.["61284"]["1"]' | cut --complement -c2-3)
export VOTING_SIGNATURE=$(cat metadata.json | jq '.["61285"]["1"]' | cut --complement -c2-3)
  1. Run rosetta-cli.
STAKING_PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat stake.vkey | jq .cborHex | cut --complement -c2-5)" \
rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file ./check/configuration/construction/vote-registration-configuration.json

See the QA doc for implementation detail.