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How Narwhal Works

This document provides information on how to use bin/narwhal through its command line options, environment variables, and configuration files, then descends into the exact maddenning details of how it goes about bootstrapping and configuring itself.


  • module: a JavaScript file that gets its own local scope and certain free variables so that it may export and import APIs.

  • library: a directory that contains additional top-level modules.

  • package: a downloadable and installable component that may include a library of additional modules, as well as executables, source code, or other resources.

  • sandbox: a system of module instances. sandboxes are not necessarily secure in our parlance, but are the finest security boundary Narwhal can support. All modules in a sandbox are mutually vulnerable to each other and to their containing sandbox. By injecting frozen modules into a sandbox, or through dependency injection using the system variable, it will be eventually possible to construct secure sandboxes. In a secure sandbox, monkey patching globals will not be possible, and strict mode will be enforced. However, all secure sandboxes will be able to share the same primordial objects, particularly Array, so managed communication among sandboxes will be possible.

  • sea: a sea for Narwhal is like a virtual environment. for simplicity, the directory schema of a package, a sea, and Narwhal itself are all the same. They all have their own configuration and libraries, but Narwhal always starts searching for packages and modules in the current sea before searching for packages and modules in the main Narwhal installation, or system Narwhal installation.

Command Line Options

  • -e -c --command COMMAND

    evaluate command (final option)

  • -r --require MODULE

    pre-load a module

  • -m --module MAIN

    run a module as a script (final option)

  • -I --include LIB

    add a library path to loader in the position of highest precedence

  • -p --package PACKAGEPREFIXES

    add a package prefix directory

  • -d --debug

    set debug mode, system.debug = true

  • -P --no-packages

    do not load packages automatically

  • -v --verbose

    verbose mode: trace 'require' calls.

  • -l --log LEVEL

    set the log level (critical, error, warn, info, debug)

  • -: --path DELIMITER

    prints an augmented PATH with all package bins/

  • -V --version

    print Narwhal version number and exit.

Environment Variables

  • NARWHAL_DEFAULT_ENGINE may be set in narwhal.conf to a engine name like rhino, v8, or xulrunner. Use tusk engines for a complete list and consult the README in that engine directory for details about its function and readiness for use.

  • NARWHAL_ENGINE may be set at the command line, but is otherwise set to NARWHAL_DEFAULT_ENGINE by bin/narwhal and exposed in JavaScript as system.engine. This is the name of the JavaScript engine in use.

  • NARWHAL_HOME is the path to the narwhal directory and is available in JavaScript as system.prefix.

  • NARWHAL_ENGINE_HOME is the path to the narwhal engine directory, where bootstrap.js may be found, and is set by bin/narwhal.

  • NARWHAL_PATH and JS_PATH can be used to add high priority library directories to the module search path. These values are accessible in most sandboxes as the require.loader.paths variable, and may be editable in place with methods like shift, unshift, and splice. Replacing require.loader.paths with a new Array may not have any effect. In secure sandboxes, paths are not available.

  • NARWHAL_DEBUG is an informational variable that can also be set with the -d and --debug command line options, and accessed or changed from within a JavaScript module as system.debug. NARWHAL_DEBUG gets coerced to a Number, and the options stack, so js -ddd -e 'print(system.debug)' will print 3.

  • NARWHAL_VERBOSE instructs the module loader to report when modules have started and finished loading. This environment variable must be used to catalog modules that are loaded in the bootstrapping process. Otherwise, you can use the -v and --verbose options for the same effect for modules that are loaded after the command line arguments have been parsed, which happens before packages are loaded.

  • NARWHAL_DEBUGGER starts Narwhal with a debugger GUI if one is available for the engine. For the Rhino-Java engine, this activates the Rhino Java AWT-based debugger.

  • SEA is an environment variable set by sea that notifies narwhal to search the given virtual environment for packages first. This function can be approximated by using the -p or --package options to the narwhal or js command, and is inspectable from within a module as the variable system.packagePrefixes[0].

  • SEALVL (sea level) is an informational environment variable provided by the sea command, analogous to SHLVL (shell level) that is the number of instances of sea the present shell is running in.

  • NARWHAL_JS_VERSION refers to the JavaScript version, that defaults to "170" for "1.7.0", and is used by Rhino on Java to determine the valid JavaScript syntax.

Configuration Files

  • narwhal.conf may be provided to configure site-specific or virtual-environment (sea) specific environment variables like NARWHAL_DEFAULT_ENGINE. You can also opt to specify NARWHAL_ENGINE, but that obviates the possibility of allowing the user to override the narwhal engine at the command line. narwhal.conf follows the BSD convention of using shell scripts as configuration files, so you may use any bash syntax in this file. A narwhal.conf.template exists for illustration.

  • package.json describes the Narwhal package. Narwhal itself is laid out as a package, so it might be used as a standard library package for other engines that might host module systems independently. package.json names the package, its metadata, and its dependencies. package.json should not be edited.

  • local.json may be created to override the values provided in package.json for site-specific configurations. A local.json.template exists to illustrate how this might be used to tell Narwhal that the parent directory contains packages, as this is a common development scenario.

  • sources.json contains data for Tusk on where to find package.json files and archives so that it can create a catalog of all installable packages, their descriptions, and dependencies. This file should not be edited unless the intention is to update the defaults provided for everyone.

  • .tusk/sources.json may be created for site-specific package sources and overrides the normal sources.json.

  • catalog.json is meant to be maintained as a centrally managed catalog that may be downloaded from Github to .tusk/catalog.json using tusk update.

  • .tusk/catalog.json is where tusk looks for information about packages that can be downloaded and installed. It may be downloaded with tusk update or built from sources.json or .tusk/sources.json using tusk create-catalog.

Bootstrapping Narwhal

Narwhal launches in stages. On UNIX-like systems, Narwhal starts with a bash script, an engine specific bash script, an engine specific JavaScript, then the common JavaScript.

  • bin/narwhal

    At this stage, Narwhal uses only environment variables for configuration. This script discovers its own location on the file system and sources narwhal.conf as a shell script to load any system-level configuration variables like NARWHAL_DEFAULT_ENGINE. From there, it discerns and exports the NARWHAL_ENGINE and NARWHAL_ENGINE_HOME environment variables. It then executes the engine-specific script, $NARWHAL_ENGINE_HOME/bin/narwhal-$NARWHAL_ENGINE.

  • engines/{engine}/bin/narwhal-{engine}

    This bash script performs some engine-specific configuration, like augmenting the Java CLASSPATH for the Rhino engine, and executes the engine-specific bootstrap JavaScript using the JavaScript engine for the engine.

    Some engines, like k7 require the JavaScript engine to be on the PATH. The Rhino engine just expects Java to be on the PATH, and uses the js.jar included in the repository.

  • engines/{engine}/bootstrap.js

    This engine-specific JavaScript uses whatever minimal mechanisms the JavaScript engine provides for reading files and environment variables to read and evaluate narwhal.js. narwhal.js evaluates to a function expression that accepts a zygotic system Object, to be replaced later by loading the system module proper. bootstrap.js provides a system object with global, evalGlobal, engine, a engines Array, print,, fs.isFile, prefix, packagePrefixes, and optionally evaluate, debug, or verbose.

    • global is the global Object. This is passed explicitly in anticipation of times when it will be much harder to grab this object in engines where its name varies (like window, or this) and where it will be unsafe to assume that this defaults to global for functions called anonymously.

    • evalGlobal is a function that calls eval in a scope where no global variables are masked by local variables, but var declarations are localized. This is passed explicitly in anticipation of situations down the line where it will be harder to call eval in a pristine scope chain.

    • engine is a synonym for the NARWHAL_ENGINE environment variable, the name of the engine. This variable is informational.

    • prefix is a synonym for the NARWHAL_HOME environment variable, the path leading to the narwhal package containing bin/narwhal.

    • packagePrefixes is a prioritized Array of all of the package directories to search for packages when that time comes. The first package prefix should be the SEA environment variable, if it exists and has a path. This is the first place that the packages module will look for packages to load. The last package prefix is simply the prefix, NARWHAL_HOME. The SEA prefix appears first so that virtual environments can load their own package versions.

    • engines is an Array of engine names, used to extend the module search path at various stages to include engine specific libraries. There will usually be more than one engine in this Array. For Rhino, it is ['rhino', 'default']. The default engine contains many "catch-all" modules that, while being engine-specific, are also general enough to be shared among almost all engines. Other engines are likely to share dynamically linked C modules in a "c" engine, and the "rhino" engine itself is useful for the "helma" engine.

    • print is a temporary shortcut for writing a line to a logging console or standard output, favoring the latter if it is available.

    • fs is a pimitive duck-type of the file module, which will be loaded later. The module loader uses read and isFile to load the initial modules.

    • evaluate is a module evaluator. If the engine does not provide an evaluator, the sandbox module has a suitable default, but some engines provide their own. For example, the "secure" engine injects a safe, hermetic evaluator. evaluate accepts a module as a String, and optionally a file name and line number for debugging purposes. evaluate returns a module factory Function that accepts require, exports, module, system, and print, the module-specific free variables for getting the exported APIs of other modules, providing their own exports, reading their meta data, and conveniently accessing the system module and print function respectively.

    • debug is informational, may be used anywhere, and is read from the NARWHAL_DEBUG environment variable, and may be set later by the -d or --debug command options.

    • verbose instructs the module loader to log when module start and finish loading, and is read from the NARWHAL_VERBOSE environment variable, and may be set later by the -v or --verbose command options. To log the coming and going of modules as they occur before the packages and program modules get loaded, you must use the environment variable.

  • narwhal.js

    This is the common script that creates a module loader, makes the global scope consistent across engines, finishes the system module, parses command line arguments, loads packages, executes the desired program, and finally calls the unload event for cleanup or running a daemon event loop.

When Narwhal is embedded, the recommended practice is to load the bootstrap.js engine script directly, skipping the shell script phases.

Some engines, like Helma or GPSEE, may provide their own module loader implementation. In that case, they may bypass all of this bootstrapping business and simply include Narwhal as if it were a mere package.

No system has been constructed for Windows systems yet.

Narwhal Script

The narwhal.js script is the next layer of blubber.

  • sandbox module (loaded manually from lib/sandbox.js), provides the means to construct a require function so all other modules can be loaded.
  • global module, monkey patches the transitive globals so that every engine receives the same ServerJS and EcmaScript 5 global object, or as near to that as possible.
  • system module, including the file and logger modules, which is provided for convenience as a free variable in all modules.
  • narwhal module parses arguments.
  • packages module loads packages.
    • packages-engine loads jars for Java/Rhino.
  • run command
  • unload module sends an unload signal to any observers, usually for cleanup or to kick off event loops.

Sandbox Module

The sandbox module provides a basic module Loader for module files on disk, a MultiLoader for plugable module factory loaders (for things like Objective-J modules and dynamically linked C modules), a Sandbox for creating and memoizing module instances from the module factories. The sandbox module is useful for creating new sandboxes from within the main sandbox, which is useful for creating cheap module system reloaders that will instantiate fresh modules but only go to disk when the underlying module text has changed.

Global Module

The global module is engine-specific, and there is sharable version in the default engine. The purpose of the global module is to load modules like "json", "string", "array", and "binary", that monkey patch the globals if necessary to bring every engine up to speed with EcmaScript 5 and the ServerJS standard.

System Module

The system module provides the ServerJS System module standard, for standard IO streams, arguments, and environment variables. The system module goes beyond spec by being a free variable available in all modules, and by providing print, fs, and log variables (at the time of this writing). print is a late-bound alias for system.stdout.print, which is to say that replacing system.stdout will cause print to redirect to the new output stream. fs is an alias for the file module, while log is a Logger instance from the logger module that prints time-stamped log messages to system.stderr.

Narwhal Module

The Narwhal module contains the command line parser declarations for Narwhal, and an Easter egg.

Packages Module

The packages module analyzes and installs packages, such that their libraries are available in the module search path, and also installs some engine-specific package components like Java archives at run-time. The package loader uses a five pass algorithm:

  • find and read package.json for every accessible package, collating them into a catalog. This involves a breadth first topological search of the packages/ directory of each package in the system.packagePrefixes Array. This guarantees that the packages installed in the Sea (virtual environment) can override the versions installed with the system.
  • verify that the catalog is internally consistent, dropping any package that depends on another package that is not installed.
  • sort the libraries from packages so that libraries that "depend" on other packages get higher precedence in the module search path.
  • "analyze" the packages in order. This involves finding the library directories in each package, including engine-specific libraries for all of the system.engines, and performing engine-specific analysis like finding the Java archives (jars) installed in each package.
  • "synthesize" a configuration from the analysis. This involves setting the module search path, and performing engine-specific synthesis, like installing a Java class loader for the Java archives, and creating a new, global Packages object.

Much of the weight of code in the packages module concerns using both the conventional locations for libraries and whatnot, but also handling overriden configuration values, gracefully accepting both single Strings and Arrays of multiple options for all directories. For example, packages assumes that each package has a lib directory. However, the package may provide a package.json that states that lib has been put somewhere else, like {"lib": "lib/js"}, or even multiple locations like {"lib": ["lib/js", "usr/lib/js"]}. This applies to "packages" and "jars" as well.

Unload Module

When the program is finished, Narwhal checks whether the "unload" module has been used. If so, it calls the "send" function exported by that module, so that any observers attached with the "when" method get called in first on first off order. This is handy for modules like "reactor" that initiate an event loop.