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new Client([opts])

Create a client instance from which to manage multiple cabal-core instances.


  • opts object
    • aliases object - key/value pairs of alias -> command name
    • commands object - key/value pairs of command name -> command object, which has the following properties:
      • call function - command function with the following signature, res, arg)
      • help function - return the help string for this command
      • category Array.<string> - a list of categories this commands belongs to
      • alias Array.<string> - a list of command aliases
    • config object
      • temp boolean - if temp is true no data is persisted to disk.
      • dbdir string - the directory to store the cabal data
      • preferredPort string - the port cabal will listen on for traffic
    • maxFeeds number = 1000 - max amount of feeds to sync
    • persistentCache object - specify a read and write to create a persistent DNS cache
      • read function - async cache lookup function
      • write function - async cache write function

client.readCabalSettingsFile() ⇒ object

Read and parse the contents of the settings.yml file. If the file doesn't exist, return {}.

Returns: object - the contents of the settings file

client.getCabalSettings(key) ⇒ object

Get the settings for a given cabal from the settings.yml file. If the file doesn't exist or the given cabal has no settings, return the default settings.

Returns: object - the cabal settings

  • key string - the cabal

client.writeCabalSettings(key, settings)

Reads the settings from the settings.yml file, updates the settings for the given cabal, then writes the revised settings to the settings.yml file.


  • key string - the cabal
  • settings object - the cabal settings

client.resolveName(name, [cb])

Resolve the DNS shortname name. If name is already a cabal key, it will be returned and the DNS lookup is aborted. If name is a whisper:// key, a DHT lookup for the passed-in key will occur. Once a match is found, it is assumed to be a cabal key, which is returned. Returns the cabal key in cb. If cb is null a Promise is returned.


  • name string - the DNS shortname, or whisper:// shortname
  • cb function - The callback to be called when lookup succeeds

client.createCabal() ⇒ Promise

Create a new cabal.

Returns: Promise - a promise that resolves into a CabalDetails instance.

client.addCabal(key, opts, cb) ⇒ Promise

Add/load the cabal at key.

Returns: Promise - a promise that resolves into a CabalDetails instance.

  • key string
  • opts object
  • cb function - a function to be called when the cabal has been initialized.


Focus the cabal at key, used when you want to switch from one open cabal to another.


  • key string

client.removeCabal(key, cb)

Remove the cabal key. Destroys everything related to it (the data is however still persisted to disk, fret not!).


  • key string
  • cb function

client.getDetails() ⇒ CabalDetails

Returns the details of a cabal for the given key.

client.getCabalKeys() ⇒ Array.<string>

Returns a list of cabal keys, one for each open cabal.

client.getCurrentCabal() ⇒ CabalDetails

Get the current cabal.

client.addCommand([name], [cmd])

Add a command to the set of supported commands.


  • name string - the long-form command name
  • cmd object - the command object
    • help function - function returning help text
    • alias array - array of string aliases
    • call function - implementation of the command receiving (cabal, res, arg) arguments


Remove a command.


  • name string - the command name


Get an object mapping command names to command objects.

client.addAlias([longCmd], [shortCmd])

Add an alias shortCmd for longCmd


  • longCmd string - command to be aliased
  • shortCmd string - alias

client.cabalToDetails([cabal]) ⇒ CabalDetails

Returns a CabalDetails instance for the passed in cabal-core instance.


  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.addStatusMessage(message, channel, [cabal])

Add a status message, displayed client-side only, to the specified channel and cabal. If no cabal is specified, the currently focused cabal is used.


  • message object
  • channel string
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.clearStatusMessages(channel, [cabal])

Clear status messages for the specified channel.


  • channel string
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.getUsers([cabal]) ⇒ Array.<Object>

Returns a list of all the users for the specified cabal. If no cabal is specified, the currently focused cabal is used.

Returns: Array.<Object> - the list of users

  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.getJoinedChannels([cabal]) ⇒ Array.<Object>

Returns a list of channels the user has joined for the specified cabal. If no cabal is specified, the currently focused cabal is used.

Returns: Array.<Object> - the list of Channels

  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.getChannels([cabal]) ⇒ Array.<Object>

Returns a list of all channels for the specified cabal. If no cabal is specified, the currently focused cabal is used.

Returns: Array.<Object> - the list of Channels

  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.subscribe(listener, [cabal])

Add a new listener for the update event.


  • listener function
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.unsubscribe(listener, [cabal])

Remove a previously added listener.


  • listener function
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.getMessages([opts], [cb], [cabal])

Returns a list of messages according to opts. If cb is null, a Promise is returned.


  • opts Object
    • olderThan number - timestamp in epoch time. we want to get messages that are older than this ts
    • newerThan number - timestamp in epoch time. we want to get messages that are newer than this ts
    • amount number - amount of messages to get
    • channel string - channel to get messages from. defaults to currently focused channel
  • cb function - the callback to be called when messages are retreived
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.searchMessages([searchString], [opts], [cabal]) ⇒ Promise

Searches for messages that include the search string according to opts. Each returned match contains a message string and a matchedIndexes array containing the indexes at which the search string was found in the message

Returns: Promise - a promise that resolves into a list of matches.

  • searchString string - string to match messages against
  • opts Object
    • olderThan number - timestamp in epoch time. we want to search through messages that are older than this ts
    • newerThan number - timestamp in epoch time. we want to search through messages that are newer than this ts
    • amount number - amount of messages to be search through
    • channel string - channel to get messages from. defaults to currently focused channel
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.getNumberUnreadMessages(channel, [cabal]) ⇒ number

Returns the number of unread messages for channel.


  • channel string
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.getNumberMentions([channel], [cabal])

Returns the number of mentions in channel.


  • channel string = "this.getCurrentChannel()"
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.getMentions([channel], [cabal])

Returns a list of messages that triggered a mention in channel.


  • channel string = "this.getCurrentChannel()"
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.focusChannel([channel], [keepUnread], [cabal])

View channel, closing the previously focused channel.


  • channel * = this.getCurrentChannel()
  • keepUnread boolean = false
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.unfocusChannel([channel], [newChannel], [cabal])

Close channel.


  • channel string = "this.getCurrentChannel()"
  • newChannel string = null
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

client.getCurrentChannel() ⇒ string

Returns the currently focused channel name.

client.markChannelRead(channel, [cabal])

Mark the channel as read.


  • channel string
  • cabal Cabal = this.currentCabal

Client.getDatabaseVersion() ⇒ string

Get the current database version.

Client.generateKey() ⇒ string

Returns a 64 character hex string i.e. a newly generated cabal key. Useful if you want to programmatically create a new cabal as part of a shell pipeline.

Client.scrubKey(key) ⇒ string

Removes URI scheme, URI search params (if present), and returns the cabal key as a 64 character hex string

Returns: string - the scrubbed key

  • key string - the key to scrub


// => '12345678...'

Client.getCabalDirectory() ⇒ string

Returns a string path of where all of the cabals are stored on the hard drive.

Returns: string - the cabal directory

Client.getCabalSettingsFile() ⇒ string

Returns a string path of where the cabal settings are stored on the hard drive.

Returns: string - the cabal settings file path


Emits: update, init, info, user-updated, new-channel, new-message, private-message, publish-message, publish-private-message, publish-nick, status-message, topic, channel-focus, channel-join, channel-leave, cabal-focus, started-peering, stopped-peering

new CabalDetails({, done)


  • { object - cabal , commands, aliases }
  • done function - the function to be called after the cabal is initialized

cabalDetails.processLine([line], [cb])

Interpret a line of input from the user. This may involve running a command or publishing a message to the current channel.


  • line string - input from the user
  • cb function - callback called when the input is processed

cabalDetails.publishMessage(msg, [opts], [cb])

Publish a message up to consumer. See cabal-core for the full list of options.


  • msg object - the full message object
  • opts object - options passed down to cabal.publish
  • cb function - callback function called when message is published


  type: 'chat/text',
  content: {
    text: 'hello world',
    channel: 'cabal-dev'

cabalDetails.publishNick(nick, [cb])

Announce a new nickname.


  • nick string
  • cb function - will be called after the nick is published

cabalDetails.publishChannelTopic([channel], topic, cb)

Publish a new channel topic to channel.


  • channel string = "this.chname"
  • topic string
  • cb function - will be called when publishing has finished.

cabalDetails.getTopic([channel]) ⇒ string

Returns: string - The current topic of channel as a string

  • channel string = "this.chname"

cabalDetails.getChannelMembers([channel]) ⇒ Array.<object>

Return the list of users that have joined channel. Note: this can be a subset of all of the users in a cabal.


  • channel string = "this.chname"

cabalDetails.addStatusMessage(message, [channel])

Add a status message, visible locally only.


  • message object
  • channel string = "this.chname"

cabalDetails.getChannels([opts]) ⇒ Array.<string>

Returns: Array.<string> - a list of all the channels in this cabal. Does not return channels with 0 members.

  • opts object


Name Type Description
includeArchived boolean Determines whether to include archived channels or not. Defaults to false.
includePM boolean Determines whether to include private message channels or not. Defaults to false.
onlyJoined boolean Determines whether to limit returned channels to only those that are joined or not. Defaults to false.

cabalDetails.getCurrentChannel() ⇒ string

Returns: string - The name of the current channel

cabalDetails.getCurrentChannelDetails() ⇒ ChannelDetails

Returns: ChannelDetails - A ChannelDetails object for the current chanel


Remove all of the virtual (i.e. status) messages associated with this channel. Virtual messages are local only.


  • channel string = "this.chname"


Get the list of currently opened private message channels.

Returns{string[]}: A list of all public keys you have an open PM with (hidden users are removed from list).


Query if the passed in channel name is private or not

Returns{boolean}: true if channel is private, false if not (or if it doesn't exist)


Join a private message channel if it is not already joined.


  • channel string - the key of the PM to join


Leave a private message channel if it has not already been left.


  • channel string - the key of the PM to leave

cabalDetails.publishPrivateMessage(msg, recipientKey, [cb])

Send a private message to a recipient. Open and focus a new private message channel if one doesn't exist already.


  • msg string - a message object conforming to any type of chat message (e.g. chat/text or chat/emote), see CabalDetails.publishMessage for more information
  • recipientKey string - the public key of the recipient
  • cb function - optional callback triggered after trying to publish (returns err if failed)

cabalDetails.getJoinedChannels() ⇒ Array.<string>

Returns: Array.<string> - A list of all of the channel names the user has joined. Excludes private message channels.

cabalDetails.getLocalUser() ⇒ user

Returns: user - The local user for this cabal.

cabalDetails.getLocalName() ⇒ string

Returns: string - The local user's username (or their truncated public key, if their username is not set)


Join a channel. This is distinct from focusing a channel, as this actually tracks changes and publishes a message announcing that you have joined the channel


  • channel string


Leave a joined channel. This publishes a message announcing that you have left the channel.


  • channel string

cabalDetails.archiveChannel(channel, [reason], cb(err))

Archive a channel. Publishes a message announcing that you have archived the channel, applying it to the views of others who have you as a moderator/admin.


  • channel string
  • reason string
  • cb(err) function - callback invoked when the operation has finished, with error as its only parameter

cabalDetails.unarchiveChannel(channel, [reason], cb(err))

Unarchive a channel. Publishes a message announcing that you have unarchived the channel.


  • channel string
  • reason string
  • cb(err) function - callback invoked when the operation has finished, with error as its only parameter

cabalDetails.getUsers() ⇒ object

Returns: object - all of the users in this cabal. Each key is the public key of its corresponding user.


Destroy all of the listeners associated with this details instance


Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
local boolean
online boolean
name string The user's username
key string The user's public key
flags Map.<string, string> The user's array of flags per channel ("@" means cabal-wide"). Possible flags include {"admin", "mod", "normal", "hide", "mute", "block"}.


Fires when the cabal has finished initialization

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails


Fires when a user has updated their nickname

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
key string Public key of the updated user
user object Object containing user information string Current nickname of the updated user


Fires when a new channel has been created

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
channel string Name of the created channel


Fires when a new message has been posted

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
channel string Name of the channel the message was posted to
author object Object containing the user that posted the message string Nickname of the user
author.key string Public key of the user
author.local boolean True if user is the local user (i.e. at the keyboard and not someone else in the cabal) boolean True if the user is currently online
message object The message that was posted. See cabal-core for more complete message documentation.
message.key string Public key of the user posting the message (again, it's a quirk)
message.seq number Sequence number of the message in the user's append-only log
message.value object Message content, see cabal-core documentation for more information.


Fires when a new private message has been posted

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
channel string The public key corresponding to the private message channel
author object Object containing the user that posted the message string Nickname of the user
author.key string Public key of the user
author.local boolean True if user is the local user (i.e. at the keyboard and not someone else in the cabal) boolean True if the user is currently online
message object The message that was posted. See cabal-core for more complete message documentation.
message.key string Public key of the user posting the message (again, it's a quirk)
message.seq number Sequence number of the message in the user's append-only log
message.value object Message content, see cabal-core documentation for more information.


Fires when the local user has published a new message

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
message object The message that was posted. See cabal-core for more complete message documentation.
message.type string Message type that was posted, e.g. chat/text or chat/emote
message.content string Message contents, e.g. channel and text if chat/text
message.timestamp number The time the message was published


Fires when the local user has published a new private message

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
message object The message that was posted. See cabal-core for more complete message documentation.
message.type string Message type that was posted, e.g. chat/text or chat/emote
message.content string Message contents, e.g. channel and text if chat/text
message.timestamp number The time the message was published


Fires when the local user has published a new nickname

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
name string The nickname that was published


Fires when a status message has been created. These are only visible by the local user.

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
channel string Name of the channel the message was published to
message object
message.timestamp number Publish timestamp
message.text string The published status message contents


Fires when a new channel topic has been set

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
channel string Name of the channel with the new topic
topic string Name of the channel with the new topic


Fires when the user has focused (i.e. switched to) a new channel

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
channel string Name of the focused channel


Fires when a user has joined a channel

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
channel string Name of the joined channel
key string Public key of the user joining the channel
isLocal boolean True if it was the local user joining a new channel


Fires when a user has leaveed a channel

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
channel string Name of the leaved channel
key string Public key of the user leaving the channel
isLocal boolean True if it was the local user leaving a new channel


Fires when another cabal has been focused

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
key string Key of the focused cabal


Fires when the local user has connected directly with another peer

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
key string Public key of the other peer
name- string Name of the other peer


Fires when the local user has disconnected with another peer

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
key string Public key of the other peer
name- string Name of the other peer


Fires when any kind of change has happened to the cabal.

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails


Fires when a valid slash-command (/) emits output. See src/commands.js for all commands & their payloads.

Kind: event emitted by CabalDetails

Name Type Description
command string The command that triggered the event & has emitted output