Pulling data from Virginia Beach ePro app of police incidents, for testing new ways to display or search that data.
- Web GUI: https://wwws.vbgov.com/ePRO/MainUI/Incidents/IncidentSearch.aspx
- API endpoint: https://public.vbgov.com/Secure/service.asmx?op=GetIncidentData
- Case Number format: YYYY123456. YYYY represents the year (e.g. 2006) followed by a 6-digit number. Do not include spaces or dashes.
- In root of this repo is output of a single call to the API, in xml format.
- API will only return one days worth of data, and only search value is date.
Ideas for Use (more here)
- Charts and stats showing incidents by date, type
- Maps showing heatmaps by date range, year-over-year, by type, by change
- Crime prediction
- Need a data definication. XML is semi-self-documeting but some fields need more detailed descrpition.
- Current API limits query to one day per query, of which all incident data for that day is returned.
It may be necessary to cache the data in a local storage mechanism for more flexable searching and data display. - A single query to the API took up to 6 seconds in testing.
- Data only goes back to 1/1/2011.