Status : Stable
Ogmios Version : 6.0.0 and later Kupo Version : 2.7.0 and later
This backend module currently supports following services in Ogmios and Kupo. The following apis provides enough data to build and submit a transaction.
Ogmios service provides protocol paramters and transaction submission / evaluation capabilities.
Kupo as a chain-indexer provides unspent transactions for an address.
- OgmiosTransactionService
- Result<String> submitTransaction(byte[] cborData)
- Result<List<EvaluationResult>> evaluateTx(byte[] cborData)
- OgmiosEpochService
- Result<ProtocolParams> getProtocolParameters()
To get an instance of OgmiosBackendService
BackendService backendService = new OgmiosBackendService("http://host:port")
ProtocolParams protocolParams = backendService.getEpochService().getProtocolParameters().getValue();
- KupoUtxoService
- Result<List<Utxo>> getUtxos(String address, int count, int page)
Get an instance of KupoUtxoService
UtxoService kupoUtxoService = new KupoUtxoService("http://<kupo_host>:<port>");
Create an utxo supplier to use with TxBuilder api
UtxoSupplier utxoSupplier = new DefaultUtxoSupplier(kupoUtxoService);
Kupomios is a combination of Ogmios and Kupo. It provides all the services provided by Ogmios and Kupo backend services.
To get an instance of KupomiosBackendService
BackendService kupmiosBackendService = new KupmiosBackendService(OGMIOS_HTTP_URL, KUPO_HTTP_URL);