diff --git a/.eslint-default-config.yml b/.eslint-default-config.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 83e30a7..0000000 --- a/.eslint-default-config.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -# Copied from https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/master/packages/eslint-config-eslint/default.yml -# Updated 2015-04-06 - -extends: - "eslint:recommended" - -rules: - array-callback-return: "error" - indent: ["error", 4, {SwitchCase: 1}] - block-spacing: "error" - brace-style: ["error", "1tbs"] - camelcase: ["error", { properties: "never" }] - callback-return: ["error", ["cb", "callback", "next"]] - comma-spacing: "error" - comma-style: ["error", "last"] - consistent-return: "error" - curly: ["error", "all"] - default-case: "error" - dot-notation: ["error", { allowKeywords: true }] - eol-last: "error" - eqeqeq: "error" - func-style: ["error", "declaration"] - guard-for-in: "error" - key-spacing: ["error", { beforeColon: false, afterColon: true }] - keyword-spacing: "error" - lines-around-comment: ["error", { - beforeBlockComment: true, - afterBlockComment: false, - beforeLineComment: true, - afterLineComment: false - }] - new-cap: "error" - newline-after-var: "error" - new-parens: "error" - no-alert: "error" - no-array-constructor: "error" - no-caller: "error" - no-console: 0 - no-delete-var: "error" - no-eval: "error" - no-extend-native: "error" - no-extra-bind: "error" - no-fallthrough: "error" - no-floating-decimal: "error" - no-implied-eval: "error" - no-invalid-this: "error" - no-iterator: "error" - no-label-var: "error" - no-labels: "error" - no-lone-blocks: "error" - no-loop-func: "error" - no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: ["error", false] - no-multi-spaces: "error" - no-multi-str: "error" - no-native-reassign: "error" - no-nested-ternary: "error" - no-new: "error" - no-new-func: "error" - no-new-object: "error" - no-new-wrappers: "error" - no-octal: "error" - no-octal-escape: "error" - no-process-exit: "error" - no-proto: "error" - no-redeclare: "error" - no-return-assign: "error" - no-script-url: "error" - no-self-assign: "error" - no-sequences: "error" - no-shadow: "error" - no-shadow-restricted-names: "error" - no-spaced-func: "error" - no-trailing-spaces: "error" - no-undef: "error" - no-undef-init: "error" - no-undefined: "error" - no-underscore-dangle: ["error", {allowAfterThis: true}] - no-unmodified-loop-condition: "error" - no-unused-expressions: "error" - no-unused-vars: ["error", {vars: "all", args: "after-used"}] - no-use-before-define: "error" - no-useless-concat: "error" - no-with: "error" - one-var-declaration-per-line: "error" - quotes: ["error", "double"] - radix: "error" - require-jsdoc: "error" - semi: "error" - semi-spacing: ["error", {before: false, after: true}] - space-before-blocks: "error" - space-before-function-paren: ["error", "never"] - space-in-parens: "error" - space-infix-ops: "error" - space-unary-ops: ["error", {words: true, nonwords: false}] - spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { exceptions: ["-"]}] - strict: ["error", "global"] - valid-jsdoc: ["error", { prefer: { "return": "returns"}}] - wrap-iife: "error" - yoda: ["error", "never"] - - # Previously on by default in node environment - no-catch-shadow: "off" - no-mixed-requires: "error" - no-new-require: "error" - no-path-concat: "error" - handle-callback-err: ["error", "err"] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc deleted file mode 100644 index fe1d162..0000000 --- a/.eslintrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -extends: - ".eslint-default-config.yml" - -rules: - camelcase: [2, {"properties": "always"}] - comma-dangle: [2, "never"] - dot-location: [2, "property"] - lines-around-comment: 0 - newline-after-var: 0 - no-alert: 2 - no-console: 2 - no-debugger: 2 - no-else-return: 2 - no-unmodified-loop-condition: 0 - object-curly-spacing: [2, "always"] - operator-linebreak: [2, "after"] - space-before-function-paren: [2, {"anonymous": "always", "named": "never"}] # JSLint style - strict: 0 - quotes: [2, "single"] - - no-trailing-spaces: ["error", { "skipBlankLines": true }] - indent: ["error", "tab", {SwitchCase: 1}] - no-nested-ternary: 0 - no-invalid-this: 0 - eol-last: 0 - require-jsdoc: 0 - brace-style: [2, "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }] - wrap-iife: [2, "any"] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..791d41f --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintrc.json @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +{ + "env": { + "browser": true + }, + "extends": ["eslint:recommended", "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended"], + "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", + "plugins": ["@typescript-eslint"], + "parserOptions": { + "project": "./tsconfig.json" + }, + "ignorePatterns": ["dist"], + "rules": { + "camelcase": [ + 2, + { + "properties": "always" + } + ], + "capitalized-comments": ["warn", "always", { "ignoreConsecutiveComments": true }], + "class-methods-use-this": 0, + "comma-dangle": [ + 2, + "never" + ], + "consistent-return": 1, + "default-case": 1, + "default-param-last": 1, + "dot-notation": 0, + "function-paren-newline": 0, + "func-style": 0, + "indent": 2, + "max-len": [ + "error", + { + "code": 80, + "comments": 80, + "ignoreUrls": true, + "ignoreComments": true + } + ], + "no-dupe-class-members": 2, + "no-inner-declarations": 2, + "no-invalid-this": 0, + "no-shadow": 2, + "no-undef": 0, + "no-underscore-dangle": 2, + "no-unused-expressions": 0, + "no-use-before-define": 2, + "no-useless-constructor": 2, + "no-useless-escape": 2, + "no-useless-return": 2, + "object-curly-spacing": [2, "always"], + "object-shorthand": 2, + "prefer-const": 1, + "prefer-spread": 0, + "prefer-rest-params": 0, + "require-unicode-regexp": 2, + "quote-props": [2, "as-needed", { "keywords": true, "unnecessary": false }], + "semi": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/array-type": [2, { "default": "array-simple" }], + "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": [ + "error", + { + "allowExpressions": false, + "allowTypedFunctionExpressions": false + } + ], + "@typescript-eslint/indent": [ + "error", + 4, + { + "FunctionExpression": { "parameters": 1 }, + "SwitchCase": 1 + } + ], + "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises": 1, + "@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types": 1, + "@typescript-eslint/no-namespace": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias": 0, + "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-declaration-merging": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/prefer-as-const": 1, + "@typescript-eslint/prefer-includes": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/prefer-regexp-exec": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/prefer-string-starts-ends-with": 0, + "@typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands": 1, + "@typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions": 1, + "@typescript-eslint/semi": 2, + "@typescript-eslint/unbound-method": 0 + } +} diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4932675 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Dependency directories +node_modules/ +.vscode/* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.husky/pre-commit b/.husky/pre-commit new file mode 100755 index 0000000..58b91ab --- /dev/null +++ b/.husky/pre-commit @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env sh +. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/husky.sh" + +npm run lint +npm run test-dot diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2eb7509 --- /dev/null +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Changelog + +All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines. + +### [3.0.0](https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/pull/44) (2024-11-18) + +### Features + +* Refactored to Typescript-compatible version. +* Removed unused, legacy code related to the old Highcharts versions. +* Added snapshot testing for both coloredline/coloredarea series. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5010112..bf6931d 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,91 +1,150 @@ # Multicolor series - Highcharts module -Go to project page to see this module in action: [http://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/](http://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/) +Plugin developed by [Black Label](https://blacklabel.net/highcharts). -### Requirements +Go to project page to see this module in action: [https://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/](https://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/). -* Plugin requires the latest Highcharts (4+) +## General prerequisites -### Installation +- For version **3.0.0**: Highcharts **v11.3.0+** +- For version **2.4.0 - 3.0.0**: Highcharts **v10.0.0 - v11.2.0** +- For version **2.3.0**: Highcharts **v9.2.0 - v9.3.3** +- For version **2.x.x**: Highcharts **v4.2.2 - v9.2.0** +- For version **1.x.x**: Highcharts **v4.0.0 - v4.2.2** -* Like any other Highcharts module (e.g. exporting), add ` +``` -### Code - -The latest code is available on github: [https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/](https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/) +## Usage and demos + +### Basic usage example: +The Live example is available [here](https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/ou4L32cn/). + +```JS +Highcharts.chart('container', { + series: [{ + type: 'coloredline', + data: [{ + y: 70, + segmentColor: 'blue' + }, { + y: 20, + segmentColor: 'green' + }, { + y: 40, + segmentColor: 'yellow' + }, { + y: 50, + segmentColor: 'red' + }, { + y: 10, + segmentColor: 'pink' + }] + }] +}); +``` -### Usage and demos +### Basic usage example with Typescript (React): +The Live example is available [here](https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/highcharts-multicolor-series-forked-6m6dd9?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.tsx&workspaceId=e204a32a-9996-4c96-b99d-9fe3d6fc96d0). + +```tsx +import * as Highcharts from "highcharts"; +import HighchartsReact from "highcharts-react-official"; + +// Implement the package module. +import MulticolorSeries from "highcharts-multicolor-series"; +MulticolorSeries(Highcharts); + +// The package allows you to import both `Highcharts.SeriesMulticolorLineOptions` and +// `Highcharts.SeriesMulticolorAreaOptions` interfaces, accordingly to the series. +// Interfaces extend the default series options. + +const App = () => { + // Type the chart options. + const options: Highcharts.Options = { + series: [ + { + type: "coloredarea", + data: [ + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: "red" + }, + { + y: 60, + segmentColor: "blue" + }, + { + y: 30, + segmentColor: "yellow" + }, + { + y: 10, + segmentColor: "green" + }, + { + y: 50, + segmentColor: "brown" + }, + { + y: 20, + segmentColor: "pink" + }, + { + y: 70, + segmentColor: "orange" + } + ] + } + ] + }; + + return ; +}; + +export default App; +``` -* +## Parameters -``` - series: [{ - type: 'coloredline', - data: [{ - y: 200, - segmentColor: 'red' - },{ - y: 210, - segmentColor: 'red' - },{ - y: 210, - segmentColor: 'red' - },{ - y: 100, - segmentColor: 'green' - }, { - y: 100, - segmentColor: 'red' - }] - }] -``` +| Parameter | Type | Required | Defaults | Description | +| --------- | :----: | :--------: | :--------: | ----------- | +| `series.type` | String | yes | - | Set it to "coloredline" or "coloredarea" to use multicolor series. | +| `point.segmentColor` | String | no | - | Controls line color between n and n+1 point, independent from point.color, which changes marker color. | -### Parameters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
point.segmentColorControls line color between N and N+1 point, independent from point.color, which changes marker color.
series.typeSet it to "coloredline" or "coloredarea" to use multicolor series.
+## Changelog +The changelog is available [here](https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). -### Demo +## Development -Demos are available at project's github page: [http://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/](http://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/) +To ensure best compatibility, it is recommended to use `pnpm` as a package manager. -### Releases +## Tests -- Versions v2.4.0+: compatible with Highcharts v10.0.0+ +This package contains tests for the proper elements rendering. To run tests, type: +``` +npm run test +``` -- Version v2.3.0: compatible with Highcharts v9.2.0 - v9.3.3 +## License -- Versions v2.0.0 - v2.2.7: compatible with Highcharts v4.2.2 - v9.2.0 +This package is licensed under [MIT](https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/blob/master/license.txt). -- Versions v1.0.0 - v1.1.3: compatible with Highcharts v4.0.0 - v4.2.2 +The package is built on top of the Highcharts library which requires a commercial license. Non-commercial use may qualify for a free educational or personal license. Read more about licenses [here](https://shop.highcharts.com/?utm_source=npmjs&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=highchartspage&utm_content=licenseinfo"). diff --git a/bower.json b/bower.json deleted file mode 100644 index a69603d..0000000 --- a/bower.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "highcharts-multicolor-series", - "version": "2.3.0", - "homepage": "http://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/", - "authors": [ - "Sebastian Bochan ", - "Paweł Fus ", - "Kacper Madej " - ], - "description": "Highcharts plugin that adds new series: multicolor-series, where oyu can define color for each part of a path, between two points.", - "main": "multicolor_series.js", - "keywords": [ - "highcharts", - "multicolor", - "highcharts-addon" - ], - "license": "Creative Commons Attribution (CC)", - "ignore": [ - "**/.*", - "node_modules", - "bower_components", - "app/bower_components", - "test", - "tests" - ] -} diff --git a/css/styles.css b/css/styles.css index 56231bb..e267e7e 100644 --- a/css/styles.css +++ b/css/styles.css @@ -1,97 +1,266 @@ -@import 'https://code.highcharts.com/css/highcharts.css'; +@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Montserrat:ital,wght@0,100..900;1,100..900&display=swap"); -/* content wrapper */ -#main-content { max-width:900px; margin:0px auto; font-size: 1.3em; } -#main-content ul li { margin-bottom:10px; } +:root { + --main-color: #157af2; + --second-color: #5ba2f6; + --light-color: #157af226; +} -/* Highcharts */ +*, +*::before, +*::after { + box-sizing: inherit; +} -.highcharts-title { width: calc(100% - 30px)!important; } +html { + box-sizing: border-box; + scroll-behavior: smooth; +} -.highcharts-background { fill: #f7f7f7; stroke: #e8eaeb; stroke-width: 5;} -.highcharts-navigator-mask-outside { fill-opacity: 0; } -.highcharts-plot-line { stroke-width: 10px; stroke: #a4c08e; } -.highcharts-plot-band { fill: #FCFFC5; fill-opacity: 1; } +body { + font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} -/* Custom */ +.container { + max-width: 1200px; + width: 100%; + margin: 0 auto; + padding: 0 16px; +} -.btn { float: left; background-color: #d4d4d4; border: none; color: #000; cursor: pointer; } +header { + background-color: #1b1534; + color: white; + position: relative; + background: linear-gradient(91deg, #1b1534 39.41%, #3f1956 99.35%); + overflow: hidden; +} -#flash { color: #000000; background-color: rgb(90, 200, 90); display: none; height: 30px; width: calc(100% + 10px); } -#report { padding: 7px 0px 7px 10px; } +header .logo { + height: 64px; +} -.chart-title { background-color: #3d3d3d; color: #fff; float: left; font-size: 0.756em; padding: 10px; width: calc(100% - 1px); } -.chart-subtitle { line-height: 1.7em; font-size: 0.8em; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8); float: right; } +header .columns { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: space-between; + padding: 48px 0; + gap: 32px; +} -.chart-href, .chart-href a, .chart-href a:hover { float: right; color: red; text-decoration: none } +header .details { + max-width: 454px; +} -h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote { margin: 0; padding: 0; } +header .chart { + flex: 1; +} -body { background-color: #fff; color: #737373; font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 0.6em; margin: 10px 13px 10px 13px; line-height: 1.2em; } -table { margin: 10px 0 15px 0; border-collapse: collapse; } -td, th { border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 3px 10px; } -th { padding: 5px 10px; } -a { color: #0069d6; } -a:hover { color: #0050a3; text-decoration: none; } -a img { border: none; } -p { margin-bottom: 9px; } -h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color: #404040; line-height: 36px; } -h1 { margin-bottom: 18px; font-size: 30px; } -h2 { font-size: 24px; } -h3 { font-size: 18px; } -h4 { font-size: 16px; } -h5 {font-size: 14px; } -h6 { font-size: 13px; } -hr { margin: 0 0 19px; border: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } +header h1 { + font-size: 42px; + line-height: 48px; + font-weight: 500; +} -blockquote {padding: 13px 13px 21px 15px;margin-bottom: 18px;font-family: georgia, serif;font-style: italic; } -blockquote:before {content: "\201C";font-size: 40px;margin-left: -10px;font-family: georgia, serif;color: #eee; } -blockquote p {font-size: 14px;font-weight: 300;line-height: 18px;margin-bottom: 0;font-style: italic; } -code, pre {font-family: Monaco, Andale Mono, Courier New, monospace; } -code {background-color: #fee9cc;color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);padding: 1px 3px;font-size: 12px;-webkit-border-radius: 3px;-moz-border-radius: 3px;border-radius: 3px; } -pre {display: block;padding: 14px;margin: 0 0 18px;line-height: 16px;font-size: 11px;border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;white-space: pre-wrap;word-wrap: break-word; } -pre code {background-color: #fff;color: #737373;font-size: 11px;padding: 0; } -sup {font-size: 0.83em;vertical-align: super;line-height: 0; } +header p { + font-size: 20px; + line-height: 24px; +} -* {-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; } +nav { + background-color: var(--second-color); + position: sticky; + top: 0; + z-index: 2; + overflow-x: auto; +} -@media screen and (min-width: 914px) { - body { width: 100%; margin: 10px auto;} +nav ul { + height: 60px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + display: flex; + list-style: none; } -@media print { - body,code,pre code,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { color: black;}table,pre { page-break-inside: avoid;} +nav ul li a { + color: white; + height: 100%; + text-decoration: none; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + padding: 1.25rem; } -#chart, #chart-advanced, #chart-3d {height: 500px;width: 100%;position: relative; } +nav ul li a:hover { + background-color: var(--main-color); +} +main.container { + padding: 1px 16px 48px 16px; +} -/* Annotations UI */ +section { + margin: 32px 0; +} -.form {margin-right: 10px;width: 160px;height: 330px;padding: 0px;background-color: #e8eaeb;padding: 5px;float: left;font-size: 1.4em; } -.form .form-header {font-size: 1em;padding: 10px;background: #3d3d3d;color: #fff;line-height: 1.45em; } -.form > p {padding: 5px 10px;margin: 0px; } -.form > p:nth-child(2n) { background: #f7f7f7; } -.form label {width: 140px;float: left;margin-top: 5px;padding-bottom: 3px; } -.form input {width: 140px; } -.form input[type="radio"] {width: auto;margin-left: 55px;margin-bottom: 3px; } -.form .short {width: 60px;float: right;margin: 2px 0px 0px 0px; } +h2 { + padding-top: 60px; + margin: -60px 0 8px 0; +} -.highcharts-indicators { fill: none; } -#chart-advanced .highcharts-yaxis .highcharts-axis-line { stroke-width: 2px; } -#chart-advanced .highcharts-plot-line { stroke-width: 1px; stroke: orange; } +h3 { + margin: 16px 0 8px 0; +} +p { + margin: 8px 0; +} -/* ==== 3d ==== */ +pre { + margin: 10px 0 16px 0; +} -#chart-3d .highcharts-background { fill: #000;} -#chart-3d .highcharts-series.highcharts-series-0 path { stroke-width: 0; } -#chart-3d .highcharts-grid-line { stroke-width: 1px; stroke: #d8d8d8;} -#chart-3d .chart-title { width: calc(100% + 4px); } +ul { + margin: 8px 0; +} + +code { + border-radius: 4px; + line-height: 18px; +} + +pre { + position: relative; +} + +.prerequisites-list li { + margin-top: 4px; +} + +pre .hljs-copy { + position: absolute; + top: 5px; + right: 5px; + background-color: #282c34; + color: white; + border-radius: 4px; + border: none; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + height: 32px; + font-weight: 100; +} + +pre .hljs-copy path { + transition: all ease-in-out 0.2s; +} + +pre .hljs-copy:hover path { + stroke: var(--second-color); +} + +pre .hljs-copy + code.hljs { + padding-right: 72px; +} -/* custom gradients */ -#chart-3d .moon { fill-opacity: 1; fill: url(#gradient-2); stroke-width:0; } -#chart-3d .sun { fill-opacity: 1; fill: url(#gradient-1); stroke-width:0; } -#chart-3d .planet { fill-opacity: 1; fill: url(#gradient-0); stroke-width:0; } -#chart-3d .magneticFieldPink { fill-opacity: 1; fill: url(#magneticFieldPink); stroke-width:0; } -#chart-3d .magneticFieldBlue { fill-opacity: 1; fill: url(#magneticFieldBlue); stroke-width:0; } \ No newline at end of file +.table-container { + overflow-x: auto; +} + +table { + border-radius: 4px; + color: #abb2bf; + background: #282c34; + width: 100%; + min-width: 710px; + overflow: hidden; +} + +table, +table th, +table td { + border: 1px solid white; + border-collapse: collapse; +} + +table th, +table td { + text-align: left; + padding: 12px; +} + +table code.hljs { + background-color: #6e768166; + color: white; +} + +table tbody tr:nth-of-type(odd) { + background-color: #373b42; +} + +footer { + background-color: #1b1534; + color: white; + padding: 24px 0; +} + +footer .links { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + gap: 64px; +} + +footer .links a { + text-decoration: none; +} + +footer .logo { + height: 48px; +} + +footer .social { + display: flex; + gap: 16px; +} + +footer .social-link { + height: 32px; +} + +footer .social-img { + height: 100%; +} + +.hljs-copy { + float: right; + cursor: pointer; +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 1279px) { + .container { + padding: 0 2.5rem; + } +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { + .container { + padding: 0 1.5rem; + } + + footer .links { + flex-direction: column; + gap: 32px; + } +} + +/* Retina */ +@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { + .container { + max-width: 1100px; + } +} diff --git a/dist/multicolor-series.d.ts b/dist/multicolor-series.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcf8b31 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/multicolor-series.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +/** + * + * Static file (not generated during the compilation). + * + */ + +import * as _Highcharts from "highcharts"; + +interface SeriesColoredPoint extends _Highcharts.Point { + segmentColor?: string; +} + +type GraphPaths = SeriesColoredGraphPath[] | undefined; +type SeriesColoredSegmentPath = + | _Highcharts.SVGPathArray + | string + | number + | undefined; + +type SeriesColoredGraphPath = [ + SeriesColoredSegmentPath[], + _Highcharts.ColorType +]; + +declare module "highcharts" { + interface Series { + pointRange?: number | undefined; + singlePoints?: SeriesColoredPoint[]; + segments?: { + color: string; + points: SeriesColoredPoint[]; + }[]; + graphPaths?: GraphPaths; + areaPaths?: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[]; + graphs?: _Highcharts.SVGElement[] | []; + getPath?: (graphPaths: GraphPaths) => SeriesColoredSegmentPath[]; + getSegmentPath?: ( + segment: SeriesColoredPoint[] + ) => SeriesColoredSegmentPath[]; + processData?: (force?: boolean) => boolean; + formatTrackerPath?: ( + trackerPath: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] + ) => SeriesColoredSegmentPath[]; + drawTracker?: () => void; + getSegments?: () => void; + setSeriesGraphPathsAndSinglePoints?: () => SeriesColoredGraphPath[]; + getSegment?: ( + segment: SeriesColoredGraphPath, + colorType: _Highcharts.ColorType + ) => SVGElement | undefined; + closeSegment?: ( + path: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[], + segment: SeriesColoredPoint[], + translatedThreshold: number + ) => void; + } + + interface Point { + segmentColor?: string; + } + + interface PointOptionsObject { + segmentColor?: string; + } + + interface SeriesMulticolorLineOptions extends _Highcharts.PlotLineOptions, _Highcharts.SeriesOptions { + type: 'coloredline', + data?: Array<(number|[(number|string), (number|null)]|null|PointOptionsObject)>; + } + + interface SeriesMulticolorAreaOptions extends _Highcharts.PlotAreaOptions, _Highcharts.SeriesOptions { + type: 'coloredarea', + data?: Array<(number|[(number|string), (number|null)]|null|PointOptionsObject)>; + } + + interface SeriesOptionsRegistry { + SeriesMulticolorLineOptions: SeriesMulticolorLineOptions; + SeriesMulticolorAreaOptions: SeriesMulticolorAreaOptions; + } +} + +export function factory(highcharts: typeof _Highcharts): void; +export default factory; +export let Highcharts: typeof _Highcharts; diff --git a/dist/multicolor-series.js b/dist/multicolor-series.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48b6e35 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/multicolor-series.js @@ -0,0 +1,561 @@ +/** +* Multicolor Series v3.0.0 (2024-11-18) +* +* (c) 2012-2024 Black Label +* +* License: MIT +*/ +(function (factory) { + if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { + module.exports = factory; + } else { + factory(Highcharts); + } +}(function (Highcharts) { + const _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {}, + _registerModule = (obj, path, args, fn) => { + if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) { + obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args); + + if (typeof CustomEvent === 'function') { + window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( + 'HighchartsModuleLoaded', + { detail: { path: path, module: obj[path] } } + )); + } + } + } + + _registerModule( + _modules, + 'Extensions/MulticolorSeries.js', + [_modules['Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js'],_modules['Core/Utilities.js'],_modules['Core/Series/Series.js'],_modules['Series/Line/LineSeries.js']], + (SeriesRegistry,Utilities,Series,LineSeries) => { + + + + +/** + * + * Helpers + * + */ +const { isArray, pick } = Utilities; +const containsStringNumberNumberSequence = (sequenceValue) => { + let isSequenceFound = false; + for (let index = 0; index < sequenceValue.length; index++) { + if (typeof sequenceValue[index] === 'string' && + typeof sequenceValue[index + 1] === 'number' && + typeof sequenceValue[index + 2] === 'number') { + isSequenceFound = true; + } + else { + isSequenceFound = false; + break; + } + index += 2; + } + return isSequenceFound; +}; +/** + * + * Type guards + * + */ +const isSVGPathSegment = (value) => containsStringNumberNumberSequence(value); +/** + * + * @private + * @class + * @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.coloredline + * + * @augments Highcharts.seriesTypes.LineSeries + * + */ +class ColoredlineSeries extends LineSeries { + /** + * + * Constructor + * + */ + constructor() { + super(); + this.getSegment = (segment, colorType) => { + const series = this, options = series.options, lineWidth = options.lineWidth, dashStyle = options.dashStyle, roundCap = options.linecap !== 'square', attribs = { + stroke: colorType, + 'stroke-width': lineWidth, + fill: 'none', + zIndex: 1 // #1069 + }; + let item; + if (dashStyle) { + attribs.dashstyle = dashStyle; + } + else if (roundCap) { + attribs['stroke-linecap'] = + attribs['stroke-linejoin'] = 'round'; + } + if (segment[1]) { + attribs.stroke = segment[1]; + } + if (isSVGPathSegment(segment[0])) { + item = series.chart.renderer.path(segment[0]) + .attr(attribs) + .add(series.group); + } + if (item === null || item === void 0 ? void 0 : item.shadow) { + item.shadow(!!options.shadow); + } + return item; + }; + this.segments = []; + this.singlePoints = []; + this.graphPaths = []; + this.areaPaths = []; + this.graphs = []; + } + /** + * + * Functions + * + */ + getPath(graphPaths) { + let segmentPath = []; + if (graphPaths) { + graphPaths.forEach((graphPath) => { + if (isArray(graphPath[0])) { + segmentPath = segmentPath.concat(graphPath[0]); + } + }); + } + return segmentPath; + } + getSegmentPath(segment) { + const series = this, segmentPath = [], step = series.options.step; + // Build the segment line + segment.forEach((point, index) => { + const plotX = Number(point.plotX), plotY = Number(point.plotY); + let lastPoint; + // Declarations: moveTo or lineTo + segmentPath.push(index ? 'L' : 'M'); + // Step line? + if (step && index) { + lastPoint = segment[index - 1]; + const lastPointPlotX = Number(lastPoint.plotX); + if (step === 'right') { + segmentPath.push(lastPoint.plotX, plotY, 'L'); + } + else if (step === 'center') { + segmentPath.push((lastPointPlotX + plotX) / 2, lastPoint.plotY, 'L', (lastPointPlotX + plotX) / 2, plotY, 'L'); + } + else { + segmentPath.push(plotX, lastPoint.plotY, 'L'); + } + } + // Normal line to next point + segmentPath.push(plotX, plotY); + }); + return segmentPath; + } + formatTrackerPath(trackerPath) { + var _a, _b, _c, _d; + const series = this, options = series.options, trackerPathLength = trackerPath.length, singlePoints = series.singlePoints, snap = (_b = (_a = series.chart.options.tooltip) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.snap) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0; + let singlePoint, index; + // Extend end points. A better way would be to use round linecaps, + // but those are not clickable in VML. + if (trackerPathLength && !options.trackByArea) { + index = trackerPathLength + 1; + while (index--) { + if (((_c = trackerPath[index]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.toString()) === 'M') { // Extend left side + const nextTrackerPath = trackerPath[index + 1]; + if (typeof nextTrackerPath === 'number') { + trackerPath.splice(index + 1, 0, nextTrackerPath - snap, trackerPath[index + 2], 'L'); + } + } + if ((index && + ((_d = trackerPath[index]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.toString()) === 'M') || + index === trackerPathLength) { // Extend right side + const subPreviousTrackerPath = trackerPath[index - 2]; + if (typeof subPreviousTrackerPath === 'number') { + trackerPath.splice(index, 0, 'L', subPreviousTrackerPath + snap, trackerPath[index - 1]); + } + } + } + } + // Handle single points + for (index = 0; index < singlePoints.length; index++) { + singlePoint = singlePoints[index]; + const singlePointPlotX = Number(singlePoint.plotX); + trackerPath.push('M', singlePointPlotX - snap, singlePoint.plotY, 'L', singlePointPlotX + snap, singlePoint.plotY); + } + return trackerPath; + } + drawTracker() { + var _a, _b, _c; + const series = this, options = series.options, trackByArea = options.trackByArea, trackerPath = trackByArea ? series.areaPaths : + this.getPath(series.graphPaths), chart = series.chart, pointer = chart.pointer, renderer = chart.renderer, snap = (_b = (_a = chart.options.tooltip) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.snap) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0, tracker = series.tracker, cursor = options.cursor, css = cursor && { cursor }, trackerFill = 'rgba(192,192,192,0.002)'; + const onMouseOver = () => { + if (chart.hoverSeries !== series) { + series.onMouseOver(); + } + }; + const formattedTrackerPath = this.formatTrackerPath(trackerPath); + // Draw the tracker + if (isSVGPathSegment(formattedTrackerPath)) { + if (tracker) { + tracker.attr({ d: formattedTrackerPath }); + } + else { // Create a tracker + series.tracker = renderer.path(formattedTrackerPath) + .attr({ + 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', + visibility: series.visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden', + stroke: trackerFill, + fill: trackByArea ? trackerFill : 'none', + 'stroke-width': (_c = options.lineWidth) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 0 + + (trackByArea ? 0 : 2 * snap), + zIndex: 2 + }) + .add(series.group); + // The tracker is added to the series group, which is clipped, but is covered + // by the marker group. So the marker group also needs to capture events. + [series.tracker, series.markerGroup] + .forEach((track) => { + if (track) { + track.addClass('highcharts-tracker') + .on('mouseover', onMouseOver) + .on('mouseout', (event) => { + if (pointer) { + pointer.onTrackerMouseOut(event); + } + }); + if (css) { + track.css(css); + } + if (typeof document.documentElement.ontouchstart !== + 'undefined') { + track.on('touchstart', onMouseOver); + } + } + }); + } + } + } + setState(state, + // Unused inherit argument added to keep the same type as in the Series. + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + _inherit) { + var _a, _b, _c, _d; + const series = this, options = series.options, graphs = series.graphs, stateOptions = options.states; + let lineWidth = (_a = options.lineWidth) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0; + state = state || ''; + if (series.state !== state) { + series.state = state; + if (stateOptions && + state && + (((_b = stateOptions.hover) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.enabled) === false || + ((_c = stateOptions.inactive) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.enabled) === false)) { + return; + } + if (stateOptions && state) { + lineWidth = ((_d = stateOptions[state]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.lineWidth) || lineWidth + 1; + } + if (graphs) { // Hover is turned off for dashed lines in VML + // use attr because animate will cause any other animation on the graph to stop + graphs.forEach((graph) => { + if (!graph.dashstyle) { + graph.attr({ 'stroke-width': lineWidth }); + } + }); + } + } + } + getSegments() { + var _a, _b; + const series = this, points = series.points; + let segments = [], lastColor = 0, pointsLength = points.length; + if (pointsLength) { // No action required for [] + // if connect nulls, just remove null points + if (series.options.connectNulls) { + // Iterate backwars for secure point removal + for (let index = pointsLength - 1; index >= 0; --index) { + if (points[index].y === null) { + points.splice(index, 1); + } + } + pointsLength = points.length; + points.forEach((_point, pointIndex) => { + var _a; + if (pointIndex > 0 && + points[pointIndex].segmentColor !== + points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor) { + segments.push({ + points: points.slice(lastColor, pointIndex + 1), + color: (_a = points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '' + }); + lastColor = pointIndex; + } + }); + if (pointsLength) { + // Add the last segment (only single-point last segement is added) + if (lastColor !== pointsLength - 1) { + segments.push({ + points: points.slice(lastColor, pointsLength), + color: (_a = points[pointsLength - 1].segmentColor) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '' + }); + } + } + if ((points.length > 0) && segments.length === 0) { + segments = [ + { + color: (_b = points[0].segmentColor) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '', + points + } + ]; + } + // Else, split on null points or different colors + } + else { + let previousColor = null; + points.forEach((point, pointIndex) => { + var _a, _b, _c, _d; + const colorChanged = pointIndex > 0 && (point.y === null || + points[pointIndex - 1].y === null || + (point.segmentColor !== + points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor && + points[pointIndex].segmentColor !== + previousColor)), colorExists = !!(((_a = points[pointIndex - 1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.segmentColor) && + points[pointIndex - 1].y !== null); + let formattedPoints = points.slice(lastColor, pointIndex + 1); + if (colorChanged) { + if (formattedPoints.length > 0) { + // Do not create segments with null ponits + formattedPoints.forEach((pointObject, k) => { + if (pointObject.y === null) { + // Remove null points (might be on edges) + formattedPoints.splice(k, 1); + } + }); + segments.push({ + points: formattedPoints, + color: (_b = (colorExists ? + points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor : + previousColor)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '' + }); + lastColor = pointIndex; + } + } + else if (pointIndex === pointsLength - 1) { + let next = pointIndex + 1; + if (point.y === null) { + next--; + } + formattedPoints = points.slice(lastColor, next); + if (formattedPoints.length > 0) { + // Do not create segments with null ponits + formattedPoints.forEach((formattedPoint, formattedPointIndex) => { + if (formattedPoint.y === null) { + // Remove null points (might be on edges) + formattedPoints.splice(formattedPointIndex, 1); + } + }); + segments.push({ + points: formattedPoints, + color: (_c = (colorExists ? + points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor : + previousColor)) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : '' + }); + lastColor = pointIndex; + } + } + // Store previous color + if (point) { + previousColor = (_d = point.segmentColor) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : ''; + } + }); + } + } + // Register it + series.segments = segments; + } + setSeriesGraphPathsAndSinglePoints() { + const series = this, graphPaths = []; + let singlePoints = [], // Used in drawTracker + segmentPath; + // Divide into segments and build graph and area paths + series.segments.forEach((segment) => { + segmentPath = series.getSegmentPath(segment.points); + // Add the segment to the graph, or a single point for tracking + if (segment.points.length > 1) { + graphPaths.push([segmentPath, segment.color]); + } + else { + singlePoints = [...singlePoints, ...segment.points]; + } + }); + // Record it for use in drawGraph and drawTracker, and return graphPaths + series.singlePoints = singlePoints; + series.graphPaths = graphPaths; + return graphPaths; + } + drawGraph() { + const series = this, options = series.options, colorType = options.lineColor || series.color || '', graphPaths = series.setSeriesGraphPathsAndSinglePoints(), graphPathLength = graphPaths.length; + let graphSegmentsLength = 0; + // Draw the graphs + let graphs = series.graphs; + if (graphs) { // Cancel running animations, #459 + // do we have animation + graphPaths.forEach((segment, segmentIndex) => { + // Update color and path + if (series.graphs[segmentIndex] && isSVGPathSegment(segment[0])) { + series.graphs[segmentIndex].attr({ + d: segment[0], + stroke: segment[1] + }); + } + else { + const formattedSegment = this.getSegment(segment, colorType); + if (formattedSegment) { + series.graphs[segmentIndex] = formattedSegment; + } + } + }); + } + else if (graphPaths.length > 0) { // #1487 + graphs = []; + graphPaths.forEach((segment, segmentIndex) => { + const formattedSegment = this.getSegment(segment, colorType); + if (formattedSegment) { + graphs[segmentIndex] = formattedSegment; + } + }); + series.graphs = graphs; + } + // Checks if series.graphs exists. #3 + graphSegmentsLength = (series.graphs && series.graphs.length) || -1; + for (let index = graphSegmentsLength; index >= graphPathLength; index--) { + if (series.graphs && series.graphs[index]) { + series.graphs[index].destroy(); + series.graphs.splice(index, 1); + } + } + } + /** + * + * Events + * + */ + translate() { + super.translate.apply(this, arguments); + if (this.getSegments) { + this.getSegments(); + } + } +} +/** + * + * Registry + * + */ +SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('coloredline', ColoredlineSeries); +/** + * + * @private + * @class + * @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.coloredarea + * + */ +class ColoredareaSeries extends ColoredlineSeries { + /** + * + * Constructor + * + */ + constructor() { + super(); + this.segments = []; + this.singlePoints = []; + } + /** + * + * Functions + * + */ + init(chart, options) { + options.threshold = options.threshold || null; + Series.prototype.init.call(this, chart, options); + } + closeSegment(path, segment, translatedThreshold) { + path.push('L', segment[segment.length - 1].plotX, translatedThreshold, 'L', segment[0].plotX, translatedThreshold); + } + drawGraph() { + var _a; + super.drawGraph.call(this); + const series = this, graphs = series.graphs; + if (graphs) { // Cancel running animations, #459 + // do we have animation + (_a = series === null || series === void 0 ? void 0 : series.graphPaths) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((segment, index) => { + // Update color and path + if (series.graphs[index]) { + series.graphs[index].attr({ fill: segment[1] }); + } + }); + } + } + getSegmentPath(segment) { + var _a; + const segmentPath = super.getSegmentPath.call(this, segment), // Call base method + areaSegmentPath = [...segmentPath], // Work on a copy for the area path + options = this.options, segLength = segmentPath.length, translatedThreshold = this.yAxis.getThreshold((_a = options.threshold) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0); // #2181 + let yBottom; + if (segLength === 3) { // For animation from 1 to two points + areaSegmentPath.push('L', segmentPath[1], segmentPath[2]); + } + if (options.stacking) { + for (let index = segment.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { + yBottom = pick(segment[index].yBottom, translatedThreshold); + // Step line? + if (index < segment.length - 1 && options.step) { + areaSegmentPath.push(segment[index + 1].plotX, yBottom); + } + areaSegmentPath.push(segment[index].plotX, yBottom); + } + } + else { // Follow zero line back + this.closeSegment(areaSegmentPath, segment, translatedThreshold); + } + return areaSegmentPath; + } + setSeriesGraphPathsAndSinglePoints() { + const series = this, graphPaths = []; + let singlePoints = [], // Used in drawTracker + segmentPaths; + // Divide into segments and build graph and area paths + this.areaPaths = []; + series.segments.forEach((segment) => { + segmentPaths = series.getSegmentPath(segment.points); + // Add the segment to the graph, or a single point for tracking + if (segment.points.length > 1) { + graphPaths.push([segmentPaths, segment.color]); + } + else { + singlePoints = [...singlePoints, ...segment.points]; + } + }); + // Record it for use in drawGraph and drawTracker, and return graphPaths + series.singlePoints = singlePoints; + series.graphPaths = graphPaths; + return graphPaths; + } +} +/** + * + * Registry + * + */ +SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('coloredarea', ColoredareaSeries); + + + } + ) +})); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/multicolor-series.min.js b/dist/multicolor-series.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b752c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/multicolor-series.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/** +* Multicolor Series v3.0.0 (2024-11-18) +* +* (c) 2012-2024 Black Label +* +* License: MIT +*/ +(function(){ +(function(l){"object"===typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=l:l(Highcharts)})(function(l){l=l?l._modules:{};((p,q,x,y)=>{p.hasOwnProperty(q)||(p[q]=y.apply(null,x),"function"===typeof CustomEvent&&window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("HighchartsModuleLoaded",{detail:{path:q,module:p[q]}})))})(l,"Extensions/MulticolorSeries.js",[l["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],l["Core/Utilities.js"],l["Core/Series/Series.js"],l["Series/Line/LineSeries.js"]],(p,q,x,y)=>{const {isArray:D,pick:E}=q,z=b=>{let c= +!1;for(let a=0;a{const a=this.options,d=a.dashStyle,e="square"!==a.linecap;c={stroke:c,"stroke-width":a.lineWidth,fill:"none",zIndex:1};let g;d?c.dashstyle=d:e&&(c["stroke-linecap"]=c["stroke-linejoin"]="round");b[1]&&(c.stroke=b[1]);z(b[0])&&(g=this.chart.renderer.path(b[0]).attr(c).add(this.group));(null=== +g||void 0===g?0:g.shadow)&&g.shadow(!!a.shadow);return g};this.segments=[];this.singlePoints=[];this.graphPaths=[];this.areaPaths=[];this.graphs=[]}getPath(b){let c=[];b&&b.forEach(a=>{D(a[0])&&(c=c.concat(a[0]))});return c}getSegmentPath(b){const c=[],a=this.options.step;b.forEach((d,e)=>{const g=Number(d.plotX);d=Number(d.plotY);c.push(e?"L":"M");if(a&&e){e=b[e-1];const f=Number(e.plotX);"right"===a?c.push(e.plotX,d,"L"):"center"===a?c.push((f+g)/2,e.plotY,"L",(f+g)/2,d,"L"):c.push(g,e.plotY,"L")}c.push(g, +d)});return c}formatTrackerPath(b){var c,a,d,e;const g=this.options,f=b.length,h=this.singlePoints,k=null!==(a=null===(c=this.chart.options.tooltip)||void 0===c?void 0:c.snap)&&void 0!==a?a:0;if(f&&!g.trackByArea)for(c=f+1;c--;)if("M"===(null===(d=b[c])||void 0===d?void 0:d.toString())&&(a=b[c+1],"number"===typeof a&&b.splice(c+1,0,a-k,b[c+2],"L")),c&&"M"===(null===(e=b[c])||void 0===e?void 0:e.toString())||c===f)a=b[c-2],"number"===typeof a&&b.splice(c,0,"L",a+k,b[c-1]);for(c=0;c{if(h.hoverSeries!==d)d.onMouseOver()};f=this.formatTrackerPath(f);z(f)&&(b?b.attr({d:f}):(d.tracker=m.path(f).attr({"stroke-linejoin":"round", +visibility:d.visible?"visible":"hidden",stroke:"rgba(192,192,192,0.002)",fill:g?"rgba(192,192,192,0.002)":"none","stroke-width":null!==(a=e.lineWidth)&&void 0!==a?a:g?0:2*v,zIndex:2}).add(d.group),[d.tracker,d.markerGroup].forEach(u=>{if(u&&(u.addClass("highcharts-tracker").on("mouseover",t).on("mouseout",w=>{if(k)k.onTrackerMouseOut(w)}),r&&u.css(r),"undefined"!==typeof document.documentElement.ontouchstart))u.on("touchstart",t)})))}setState(b,c){var a,d,e,g;c=this.options;const f=this.graphs,h= +c.states;let k=null!==(a=c.lineWidth)&&void 0!==a?a:0;b=b||"";this.state!==b&&(this.state=b,!h||!b||!1!==(null===(d=h.hover)||void 0===d?void 0:d.enabled)&&!1!==(null===(e=h.inactive)||void 0===e?void 0:e.enabled))&&(h&&b&&(k=(null===(g=h[b])||void 0===g?void 0:g.lineWidth)||k+1),f&&f.forEach(m=>{m.dashstyle||m.attr({"stroke-width":k})}))}getSegments(){var b,c;const a=this.points;let d=[],e=0,g=a.length;if(g)if(this.options.connectNulls){for(let f=g-1;0<=f;--f)null===a[f].y&&a.splice(f,1);g=a.length; +a.forEach((f,h)=>{var k;0{var m,v,r,t;const u=0{null===A.y&&n.splice(B,1)}),d.push({points:n,color:null!==(v=w?a[k-1].segmentColor:f)&&void 0!==v?v:""}),e=k):k===g-1&&(m=k+1,null===h.y&&m--,n=a.slice(e,m),0{null===A.y&&n.splice(B,1)}),d.push({points:n,color:null!==(r=w?a[k-1].segmentColor:f)&&void 0!==r?r:""}),e=k));h&&(f=null!==(t=h.segmentColor)&&void 0!==t?t:"")})}this.segments=d}setSeriesGraphPathsAndSinglePoints(){const b= +this,c=[];let a=[],d;b.segments.forEach(e=>{d=b.getSegmentPath(e.points);1{b.graphs[h]&&z(f[0])?b.graphs[h].attr({d:f[0],stroke:f[1]}):(f=this.getSegment(f,c))&&(b.graphs[h]=f)}):0{(f=this.getSegment(f,c))&&(g[h]= +f)}),b.graphs=g);e=b.graphs&&b.graphs.length||-1;for(a=e;a>=d;a--)b.graphs&&b.graphs[a]&&(b.graphs[a].destroy(),b.graphs.splice(a,1))}translate(){super.translate.apply(this,arguments);this.getSegments&&this.getSegments()}}p.registerSeriesType("coloredline",C);class F extends C{constructor(){super();this.segments=[];this.singlePoints=[]}init(b,c){c.threshold=c.threshold||null;x.prototype.init.call(this,b,c)}closeSegment(b,c,a){b.push("L",c[c.length-1].plotX,a,"L",c[0].plotX,a)}drawGraph(){var b;super.drawGraph.call(this); +const c=this;c.graphs&&(null===(b=null===c||void 0===c?void 0:c.graphPaths)||void 0===b||b.forEach((a,d)=>{c.graphs[d]&&c.graphs[d].attr({fill:a[1]})}))}getSegmentPath(b){var c,a=super.getSegmentPath.call(this,b);const d=[...a],e=this.options,g=a.length,f=this.yAxis.getThreshold(null!==(c=e.threshold)&&void 0!==c?c:0);3===g&&d.push("L",a[1],a[2]);if(e.stacking)for(a=b.length-1;0<=a;a--)c=E(b[a].yBottom,f),a{d=b.getSegmentPath(e.points);1 { + return tsProject + .src() + .pipe(tsProject()) + .js + .pipe(rename('multicolor-series.js')) + .pipe(through2.obj(async function (file, _encoding, callback) { + if (file.isBuffer()) { + let fileContent = file.contents.toString('utf8'); + const removedSpecifiers = [], + removedPaths = [], + importPathReg = /import (.+?) from ["'](.+?)["'];/g, + formattedPathReg = /^highcharts-github\/ts\//, + exportReg = /\bexport\s*{[^}]*};?/g; -gulp.task('lint-watch', function () { - return gulp.src(files) - .pipe(eslint()) - .pipe(eslint.formatEach()); -}); + fileContent = fileContent.replace(importPathReg, (_match, specifier, path) => { + removedSpecifiers.push(specifier); + removedPaths.push(`${path.replace(formattedPathReg, "")}.js`); + return ''; + }); + + fileContent = fileContent.replace(exportReg, ''); + + const wrappedFileContent = decorator.join('\n') + +`(function (factory) { + if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { + module.exports = factory; + } else { + factory(Highcharts); + } +}(function (Highcharts) { + const _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {}, + _registerModule = (obj, path, args, fn) => { + if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) { + obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args); -gulp.task('compile', function () { - return gulp.src(files[0]) - .pipe(closureCompiler({ - compilation_level: 'SIMPLE', - warning_level: 'VERBOSE', - language_in: 'ECMASCRIPT6_STRICT', - language_out: 'ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT', - output_wrapper: '(function(){\n%output%\n}).call(this)', - js_output_file: 'multicolor_series.min.js', - externs: 'compileExterns.js' + if (typeof CustomEvent === 'function') { + window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( + 'HighchartsModuleLoaded', + { detail: { path: path, module: obj[path] } } + )); + } + } + } + + _registerModule( + _modules, + 'Extensions/MulticolorSeries.js', + [${removedPaths.map((path) => `_modules[${`'${path}'`}]`)}], + (${removedSpecifiers.map((specifier) => specifier)}) => { + ${fileContent} + } + ) +}));`; + file.contents = Buffer.from(wrappedFileContent, 'utf8'); + } + + this.push(file); + callback(); + })) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')) + .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) + .pipe(babel({ + presets: ['@babel/preset-env'], + overrides: [{ + presets: [["@babel/preset-env", { targets: "defaults" }]] + }] })) - .pipe(sourcemaps.write('/')) - .pipe(gulp.dest('./js')); + .pipe(closureCompiler({ + compilation_level: 'SIMPLE', + warning_level: 'DEFAULT', // VERBOSE + language_in: 'ECMASCRIPT6_STRICT', + language_out: 'ECMASCRIPT6_STRICT', + output_wrapper: '(function(){\n%output%\n}).call(this)', + js_output_file: 'multicolor-series.min.js', + externs: 'compileExterns.js' + })) + .pipe(sourcemaps.write('/')) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')) +}); + +gulp.task('lint', function () { + return gulp.src(['ts/*.ts']) + .pipe(eslint()) + .pipe(eslint.format()) + .pipe(eslint.failAfterError()); }); +gulp.task('build', gulp.series('lint', 'compile')); + gulp.task('add-decorator', function (done) { - var minFile = './js/multicolor_series.min.js', + const minFile = './dist/multicolor-series.min.js', main = fs.readFileSync(files[0], 'utf8'), min = fs.readFileSync(minFile, 'utf8'), old = main.match('(.*\r?\n){7}')[0]; @@ -68,18 +134,18 @@ gulp.task('add-decorator', function (done) { }); gulp.task('get-version', function (done) { - var options = fs.readFileSync('package.json', {encoding: 'utf8'}), + const options = fs.readFileSync('package.json', {encoding: 'utf8'}), optJSON = JSON.parse(options), now = new Date(); version = optJSON.version; - decorator[1] = '* Multicolor Series v' + version + '(' + dateformat(now, 'yyyy-mm-dd') + ')'; + decorator[1] = '* Multicolor Series v' + version + ' (' + now.toLocaleDateString('en-CA') + ')'; done(); }); gulp.task('release-commit', function (done) { - var message = 'Release version ' + version; - gulp.src(['package.json', 'manifest.json', 'js/*']) + const message = 'Release version ' + version; + gulp.src(['package.json', 'manifest.json', 'dist/*']) .pipe(git.add()) .pipe(git.commit(message, {emitData: true})) .on('data', function (data) { @@ -133,9 +199,9 @@ gulp.task('push-master', function (done) { gulp.task('bump-files', function () { // Props to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36339694/how-to-increment-version-number-via-gulp-task - var type = args.type; - var v = args.ver; - var options = {}; + const type = args.type; + const v = args.ver; + let options = {}; if (v) { options.version = v; } else { @@ -149,22 +215,22 @@ gulp.task('bump-files', function () { }); gulp.task('default', function (done) { - gutil.log([ + log([ '\n', - gutil.colors.yellow('TASKS: '), - gutil.colors.cyan('prerelease:') + ' lind and compile sources', - gutil.colors.cyan('lint :') + ' lint JS files', - gutil.colors.cyan('compile :') + ' compile JS files', - gutil.colors.cyan('watch :') + ' watch changes in JS files and automatically lint', - gutil.colors.cyan('release :') + ' updates a version, usage: ', - gutil.colors.blue(' 1. gulp release:') + ' releases the package to the next minor revision.', - ' Includes: liniting, compiling, commit with new tags, merge with gh-pages, and push to the repo for commits and tags.', + colors.yellow('TASKS: '), + colors.cyan('prerelease:') + ' lint and compile sources', + colors.cyan('lint :') + ' lint TS files', + colors.cyan('compile :') + ' compile TS files', + colors.cyan('watch :') + ' watch changes in TS files and automatically lint', + colors.cyan('release :') + ' updates a version, usage: ', + colors.blue(' 1. gulp release:') + ' releases the package to the next minor revision.', + ' Includes: linting, compiling, commit with new tags, merge with gh-pages, and push to the repo for commits and tags.', ' i.e. from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2', - gutil.colors.blue(' 2. gulp release --ver 1.1.1') + ' => Release the package with specific version.', - gutil.colors.blue(' 3. gulp release --type major') + ' => Increment major: 1.0.0', - gutil.colors.blue(' gulp release --type minor') + ' => Increment minor: 0.1.0', - gutil.colors.blue(' gulp release --type patch') + ' => Increment patch: 0.0.2', - gutil.colors.blue(' gulp release --type prerelease') + ' => Sets prerelease: 0.0.1-2', + colors.blue(' 2. gulp release --ver 1.1.1') + ' => Release the package with specific version.', + colors.blue(' 3. gulp release --type major') + ' => Increment major: 1.0.0', + colors.blue(' gulp release --type minor') + ' => Increment minor: 0.1.0', + colors.blue(' gulp release --type patch') + ' => Increment patch: 0.0.2', + colors.blue(' gulp release --type prerelease') + ' => Sets prerelease: 0.0.1-2', '' ].join('\n')); done(); @@ -172,12 +238,12 @@ gulp.task('default', function (done) { gulp.task('watch', function () { - return gulp.watch(files, gulp.series('lint-watch')); + return gulp.watch('ts/*.ts', gulp.series('lint', 'compile')); }); gulp.task('prerelease', gulp.series('lint', 'compile')); -gulp.task('release', +gulp.task('release', gulp.series( 'lint', 'compile', @@ -190,11 +256,11 @@ gulp.task('release', 'checkout-gh-pages', 'merge-with-master', 'checkout-master', - + 'push-gh-pages', 'push-master', 'push-tags' //'npm-publish' ) -); \ No newline at end of file +); diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 8cd4128..6fa6baf 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -1,97 +1,294 @@ + Multicolor series - - - - - - - - - - -

Multicolor series - Highcharts module


Go to project page to see this module in action: http://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/.

+ + + -


+ -

The latest code is available on github: https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/

+ + + -

Usage and demos

+ -

-	series: [{
-            type: 'coloredline',
-            data: [{
-            		y: 200,
-            		segmentColor: 'red'
-            },{
-            		y: 210,
-            		segmentColor: 'red'
-            },{
-            		y: 210,
-            		segmentColor: 'red'
-            },{
-            		y: 100,
-            		segmentColor: 'green'
-            }, {
-            		y: 100,
-            		segmentColor: 'red'
-            }]
-	}]
+ + + +

Multicolor Series Highcharts Module


Typescript-supported Highcharts plugin that adds both line/area multicolor series, where you can define color for each part of a path.

+ +

+ The latest code is available on GitHub: + + https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/ + +


General prerequisites


This module requires Highcharts package with the following versions installed in your project:

  • For version 3.0.0: Highcharts v11.3.0+
  • +
  • For version 2.4.0 - 3.0.0: Highcharts v10.0.0 - v11.2.0
  • +
  • For version 2.3.0: Highcharts v9.2.0 - v9.3.3
  • +
  • For version 2.x.x: Highcharts v4.2.2 - v9.2.0
  • +
  • For version 1.x.x: Highcharts v4.0.0 - v4.2.2
  • +





+ Get the package from NPM in your app: +

npm install highcharts-multicolor-series


+ If Highcharts is not already installed, get the package with Highcharts: +

npm install highcharts highcharts-multicolor-series




+ Add a <script> tag below the Highcharts script tag: +

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/highcharts-multicolor-series"></script>



Basic usage example:


The Live example is available here.

Highcharts.chart('container', {
+  series: [{
+    type: 'coloredline',
+    data: [{
+      y: 70,
+      segmentColor: 'blue'
+    }, {
+      y: 20,
+      segmentColor: 'green'
+    }, {
+      y: 40,
+      segmentColor: 'yellow'
+    }, {
+      y: 50,
+      segmentColor: 'red'
+    }, {
+      y: 10,
+      segmentColor: 'pink'
+    }]
+  }]

Basic usage example with Typescript (React):


The Live example is available here.

import * as Highcharts from "highcharts";
+import HighchartsReact from "highcharts-react-official";


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
point.segmentColorControls line color between N and N+1 point, independent from point.color, which changes marker color.
series.typeSet it to "coloredline" or "coloreadarea" to use multicolor series.
- -


- -
- - - -


- -
  • Versions 2.x.y: compatible with Highcharts >= 4.2.2
  • -
  • Versions 1.x.y: compatible with Highcharts < 4.2.2
  • -
+// Implement the package module. +import MulticolorSeries from "highcharts-multicolor-series"; +MulticolorSeries(Highcharts); + +// The package allows you to import both `Highcharts.SeriesMulticolorLineOptions` and +// `Highcharts.SeriesMulticolorAreaOptions` interfaces, accordingly to the series. +// Interfaces extend the default series options. + +const App = () => { + // Type the chart options. + const options: Highcharts.Options = { + series: [ + { + type: "coloredarea", + data: [ + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: "red" + }, + { + y: 60, + segmentColor: "blue" + }, + { + y: 30, + segmentColor: "yellow" + }, + { + y: 10, + segmentColor: "green" + }, + { + y: 50, + segmentColor: "brown" + }, + { + y: 20, + segmentColor: "pink" + }, + { + y: 70, + segmentColor: "orange" + } + ] + } + ] + }; + + return <HighchartsReact highcharts={Highcharts} options={options} />; +}; + +export default App; + + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
series.typeStringYes-Set it to coloredline or coloredarea to use multicolor series.
point.segmentColorStringNo-Controls line color between n and n+1 point, independent from point.color, which changes marker color.





This package contains tests for the proper elements rendering. To run tests, type:

npm run test



The changelog is available here.




This package is licensed under MIT.


The package is built on top of the Highcharts library which requires a commercial license. Non-commercial use may qualify for a free educational or personal license. Read more about licenses here.

+ + + diff --git a/jest.config.ts b/jest.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3510c7f --- /dev/null +++ b/jest.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import type { Config } from 'jest'; + +const config: Config = { + preset: "ts-jest", + clearMocks: true, + testEnvironment: "jest-environment-jsdom", + modulePaths: ["."] +}; + +export default config; diff --git a/js/demo.js b/js/demo.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8eeefab..0000000 --- a/js/demo.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -/* global Highcharts $:true */ -$(function () { - var colors = Highcharts.getOptions().colors || [ - '#7cb5ec', '#434348', '#90ed7d', '#f7a35c', '#8085e9', - '#f15c80', '#e4d354', '#2b908f', '#f45b5b', '#91e8e1' - ]; - - function color(i) { - var ret; - if (i < colors.length) { - ret = colors[i]; - } else { - ret = colors[i % colors.length]; - } - return ret; - } - - function genData(n) { - var d = [], - i = 0; - while (i < n) { - var v = Math.round(i / 16); - d.push({ - y: Math.random() * 100, - segmentColor: color(v) - }); - i++; - } - return d; - } - - Highcharts.chart('container-line', { - chart: { - type: 'coloredline', - zoomType: 'xy' - }, - title: { - useHTML: true, - x: -10, - y: 8, - text: 'Multicolor (line) series Black Label plugin by ' - }, - series: [{ - data: genData(256) - }] - }); - Highcharts.chart('container-area', { - chart: { - type: 'coloredarea', - zoomType: 'xy' - }, - title: { - style: { - 'fontSize': '1em' - }, - useHTML: true, - x: -10, - y: 8, - text: 'Multicolor (area) series Black Label plugin by ' - }, - series: [{ - data: genData(256) - }] - }); -}); diff --git a/js/multicolor_series.js b/js/multicolor_series.js deleted file mode 100644 index dda3c51..0000000 --- a/js/multicolor_series.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,662 +0,0 @@ -/** -* Multicolor Series v2.4.1(2023-09-28) -* -* (c) 2012-2022 Black Label -* -* License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC) -*/ -/* global Highcharts window document module:true */ -/** - * @fileoverview - * @suppress {checkTypes} - */ -(function (factory) { - if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { - module.exports = factory; - } else { - factory(Highcharts); - } -}(function (H) { - var seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes, - pick = H.pick, - UNDEFINED, - NORMAL_STATE = '', - VISIBLE = 'visible', - HIDDEN = 'hidden', - PREFIX = 'highcharts-', - NONE = 'none', - hasTouch = document.documentElement.ontouchstart !== UNDEFINED, - TRACKER_FILL = 'rgba(192,192,192,' + (H.hasSVG ? 0.0001 : 0.002) + ')', // invisible but clickable - M = 'M', - L = 'L'; - - // handle unsorted data, throw error anyway - function error(code, stop) { - var msg = 'Highcharts error #' + code + ': www.highcharts.com/errors/' + code; - if (stop) { - throw msg; - } else if (window.console) { - console.log(msg); // eslint-disable-line - } - } - - /** - If replacing L and M in tracker will be necessary use that getPath(): - - function getPath(arr){ - var ret = []; - arr.forEach(function(el, ind) { - var len = el[0].length; - for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ - var p = el[0][i]; - if(p == M && ind != 0 && i == 0) { - p = L; - } - ret.push(p); - } - }); - return ret; - } - **/ - - - function getPath(arr) { - var ret = []; - arr.forEach(function (el) { - ret = ret.concat(el[0]); - }); - return ret; - } - - /** - * Return the graph path of a segment - compatibility with 4.2.3+ - * @param {Object} segment of the path - * @returns {Array} Path (SVG) - */ - H.Series.prototype.getSegmentPath = function (segment) { - var series = this, - segmentPath = [], - step = series.options.step; - - // build the segment line - segment.forEach(function (point, i) { - var plotX = point.plotX, - plotY = point.plotY, - lastPoint; - - if (series.getPointSpline) { - // generate the spline as defined in the SplineSeries object - segmentPath.push.apply(segmentPath, series.getPointSpline(segment, point, i)); - } else { - // moveTo or lineTo - segmentPath.push(i ? L : M); - - // step line? - if (step && i) { - lastPoint = segment[i - 1]; - if (step === 'right') { - segmentPath.push( - lastPoint.plotX, - plotY, - L - ); - } else if (step === 'center') { - segmentPath.push( - (lastPoint.plotX + plotX) / 2, - lastPoint.plotY, - L, - (lastPoint.plotX + plotX) / 2, - plotY, - L - ); - } else { - segmentPath.push( - plotX, - lastPoint.plotY, - L - ); - } - } - - // normal line to next point - segmentPath.push( - point.plotX, - point.plotY - ); - } - }); - - return segmentPath; - }; - - /** - * - * ColoredLine series type - * - **/ - - seriesTypes.coloredline = H.extendClass(seriesTypes.line); - - H.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.processData = function (force) { - var series = this, - processedXData = series.xData, // copied during slice operation below - processedYData = series.yData, - cropStart = 0, - cropped, - distance, - closestPointRange, - xAxis = series.xAxis, - i, // loop variable - options = series.options, - isCartesian = series.isCartesian; - - // If the series data or axes haven't changed, don't go through this. Return false to pass - // the message on to override methods like in data grouping. - if (isCartesian && !series.isDirty && !xAxis.isDirty && !series.yAxis.isDirty && !force) { - return false; - } - - // Find the closest distance between processed points - for (i = processedXData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - distance = processedXData[i] - processedXData[i - 1]; - if (distance > 0 && (closestPointRange === UNDEFINED || distance < closestPointRange)) { - closestPointRange = distance; - - // Unsorted data is not supported by the line tooltip, as well as data grouping and - // navigation in Stock charts (#725) and width calculation of columns (#1900) - } else if (distance < 0 && series.requireSorting) { - error(15); - } - } - - // Record the properties - series.cropped = cropped; // undefined or true - series.cropStart = cropStart; - series.processedXData = processedXData; - series.processedYData = processedYData; - - if (options.pointRange === null) { // null means auto, as for columns, candlesticks and OHLC - series.pointRange = closestPointRange || 1; - } - series.closestPointRange = closestPointRange; - return true; - }; - - H.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.drawTracker = function () { - var series = this, - options = series.options, - trackByArea = options.trackByArea, - trackerPath = [].concat(trackByArea ? series.areaPath : getPath(series.graphPath)), - trackerPathLength = trackerPath.length, - chart = series.chart, - pointer = chart.pointer, - renderer = chart.renderer, - snap = chart.options.tooltip.snap, - tracker = series.tracker, - cursor = options.cursor, - css = cursor && { cursor: cursor }, - singlePoints = series.singlePoints, - singlePoint, - i, - onMouseOver; - - onMouseOver = function () { - if (chart.hoverSeries !== series) { - series.onMouseOver(); - } - }; - // Extend end points. A better way would be to use round linecaps, - // but those are not clickable in VML. - if (trackerPathLength && !trackByArea) { - i = trackerPathLength + 1; - while (i--) { - if (trackerPath[i] === M) { // extend left side - trackerPath.splice(i + 1, 0, trackerPath[i + 1] - snap, trackerPath[i + 2], L); - } - if ((i && trackerPath[i] === M) || i === trackerPathLength) { // extend right side - trackerPath.splice(i, 0, L, trackerPath[i - 2] + snap, trackerPath[i - 1]); - } - } - } - - // handle single points - for (i = 0; i < singlePoints.length; i++) { - singlePoint = singlePoints[i]; - if (singlePoint.plotX && singlePoint.plotY) { - trackerPath.push(M, singlePoint.plotX - snap, singlePoint.plotY, - L, singlePoint.plotX + snap, singlePoint.plotY); - } - } - - // draw the tracker - if (tracker) { - tracker.attr({ d: trackerPath }); - } else { // create - series.tracker = renderer.path(trackerPath) - .attr({ - 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', // #1225 - visibility: series.visible ? VISIBLE : HIDDEN, - stroke: TRACKER_FILL, - fill: trackByArea ? TRACKER_FILL : NONE, - 'stroke-width': options.lineWidth + (trackByArea ? 0 : 2 * snap), - zIndex: 2 - }) - .add(series.group); - - // The tracker is added to the series group, which is clipped, but is covered - // by the marker group. So the marker group also needs to capture events. - [series.tracker, series.markerGroup].forEach(function (track) { - track.addClass(PREFIX + 'tracker') - .on('mouseover', onMouseOver) - .on('mouseout', function (e) { pointer.onTrackerMouseOut(e); }); - - if (css) { - track.css(css); - } - - if (hasTouch) { - track.on('touchstart', onMouseOver); - } - }); - } - - }; - - H.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.setState = function (state) { - var series = this, - options = series.options, - graph = series.graph, - stateOptions = options.states, - lineWidth = options.lineWidth, - attribs; - - state = state || NORMAL_STATE; - - if (series.state !== state) { - series.state = state; - - if (stateOptions[state] && stateOptions[state].enabled === false) { - return; - } - - if (state) { - lineWidth = stateOptions[state].lineWidth || lineWidth + 1; - } - - if (graph && !graph.dashstyle) { // hover is turned off for dashed lines in VML - attribs = { - 'stroke-width': lineWidth - }; - // use attr because animate will cause any other animation on the graph to stop - graph.forEach(function (seg) { - seg.attr(attribs); - }); - } - } - }; - - /** - * The main change to get multi color isFinite changes segments array. - * From array of points to object with color and array of points. - * @returns {undefined} - **/ - H.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.getSegments = function () { - var series = this, - lastColor = 0, - segments = [], - i, - points = series.points, - pointsLength = points.length; - - if (pointsLength) { // no action required for [] - - // if connect nulls, just remove null points - if (series.options.connectNulls) { - // iterate backwars for secure point removal - for (i = pointsLength - 1; i >= 0; --i) { - if (points[i].y === null) { - points.splice(i, 1); - } - } - pointsLength = points.length; - - points.forEach(function (point, j) { - if (j > 0 && points[j].segmentColor !== points[j - 1].segmentColor) { - segments.push({ - points: points.slice(lastColor, j + 1), - color: points[j - 1].segmentColor - }); - lastColor = j; - } - }); - - if (pointsLength) { - // add the last segment (only single-point last segement is added) - if (lastColor !== pointsLength - 1) { - segments.push({ - points: points.slice(lastColor, pointsLength), - color: points[pointsLength - 1].segmentColor - }); - } - } - - if (points.length && segments.length === 0) { - segments = [points]; - } - - // else, split on null points or different colors - } else { - var previousColor = null; - points.forEach(function (point, j) { - var colorChanged = j > 0 && (point.y === null || points[j - 1].y === null || (point.segmentColor !== points[j - 1].segmentColor && points[j].segmentColor !== previousColor)), - colorExists = points[j - 1] && points[j - 1].segmentColor && points[j - 1].y !== null ? true : false; - - if (colorChanged) { - var p = points.slice(lastColor, j + 1); - if (p.length > 0) { - // do not create segments with null ponits - p.forEach(function (pointObject, k) { - if (pointObject.y === null) { - // remove null points (might be on edges) - p.splice(k, 1); - } - }); - - segments.push({ - points: p, - color: colorExists ? points[j - 1].segmentColor : previousColor - }); - lastColor = j; - } - } else if (j === pointsLength - 1) { - var next = j + 1; - if (point.y === null) { - next--; - } - p = points.slice(lastColor, next); - if (p.length > 0) { - // do not create segments with null ponits - p.forEach(function (pointObject, k) { - if (pointObject.y === null) { - // remove null points (might be on edges) - p.splice(k, 1); - } - }); - segments.push({ - points: p, - color: colorExists ? points[j - 1].segmentColor : previousColor - }); - lastColor = j; - } - - } - - // store previous color - if (point) { - previousColor = point.segmentColor; - } - }); - } - } - // register it - series.segments = segments; - }; - - H.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.getGraphPath = function () { - // var ret = f.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); - var series = this, - graphPath = [], - segmentPath, - singlePoints = []; // used in drawTracker - // Divide into segments and build graph and area paths - series.segments.forEach(function (segment) { - segmentPath = series.getSegmentPath(segment.points); - // add the segment to the graph, or a single point for tracking - if (segment.points.length > 1) { - graphPath.push([segmentPath, segment.color]); - } else { - singlePoints.push(segment.points); - } - }); - - // Record it for use in drawGraph and drawTracker, and return graphPath - series.singlePoints = singlePoints; - series.graphPath = graphPath; - - return graphPath; - }; - - H.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.drawGraph = function () { - var series = this, - options = series.options, - props = [['graph', options.lineColor || series.color]], - lineWidth = options.lineWidth, - dashStyle = options.dashStyle, - roundCap = options.linecap !== 'square', - graphPath = series.getGraphPath(), - graphPathLength = graphPath.length, - graphSegmentsLength = 0; - - function getSegment(segment, prop, i) { - var attribs = { - stroke: prop[1], - 'stroke-width': lineWidth, - fill: 'none', - zIndex: 1 // #1069 - }, - item; - if (dashStyle) { - attribs.dashstyle = dashStyle; - } else if (roundCap) { - attribs['stroke-linecap'] = attribs['stroke-linejoin'] = 'round'; - } - if (segment[1]) { - attribs.stroke = segment[1]; - } - - item = series.chart.renderer.path(segment[0]) - .attr(attribs) - .add(series.group); - - - if (item.shadow) { - item.shadow(!i && options.shadow); - } - - return item; - } - - // draw the graph - props.forEach(function (prop, i) { - var graphKey = prop[0], - graph = series[graphKey], - g; - - if (graph) { // cancel running animations, #459 - // do we have animation - graphPath.forEach(function (segment, j) { - // update color and path - - if (series[graphKey][j]) { - series[graphKey][j].attr({ d: segment[0], stroke: segment[1] }); - } else { - series[graphKey][j] = getSegment(segment, prop, i); - } - }); - - } else if (graphPath.length) { // #1487 - graph = []; - graphPath.forEach(function (segment, j) { - graph[j] = getSegment(segment, prop, i); - }); - series[graphKey] = graph; - // add destroying elements - series[graphKey].destroy = function () { - for (g in series[graphKey]) { // eslint-disable-line - var el = series[graphKey][g]; - if (el && el.destroy) { - el.destroy(); - } - } - }; - } - // Checks if series.graph exists. #3 - graphSegmentsLength = (series.graph && series.graph.length) || -1; - - for (var j = graphSegmentsLength; j >= graphPathLength; j--) { - if (series[graphKey][j]) { - series[graphKey][j].destroy(); - series[graphKey].splice(j, 1); - } - } - }); - }; - - H.wrap(seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype, 'translate', function (proceed) { - proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); - if (this.getSegments) { - this.getSegments(); - } - }); - - H.wrap(H.Series.prototype, 'applyZones', function (proceed) { - var series = this, - parts = ['area', 'graph']; - - parts.forEach(function (part) { - var shape = series[part]; - - if (shape && H.isArray(shape)) { - shape.show = function () { - shape.forEach(function (subGraph) { - subGraph.show(true); - }); - }; - shape.hide = function () { - shape.forEach(function (subGraph) { - subGraph.hide(); - }); - }; - } - }); - - return proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); - }); - - H.wrap(seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype, 'destroy', function (proceed) { - // destroy all parts - if (this.graph) { - this.graph.destroy(); - } - proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); - }); - - /** - * - * ColoredArea series type - * - **/ - seriesTypes.coloredarea = H.extendClass(seriesTypes.coloredline); - - H.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.init = function (chart, options) { - options.threshold = options.threshold || null; - H.Series.prototype.init.call(this, chart, options); - }; - - H.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.closeSegment = function (path, segment, translatedThreshold) { - path.push( - L, - segment[segment.length - 1].plotX, - translatedThreshold, - L, - segment[0].plotX, - translatedThreshold - ); - }; - - H.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.drawGraph = function (f) { - H.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.drawGraph.call(this, f); - var series = this, - options = this.options, - props = [['graph', options.lineColor || series.color]]; - - props.forEach(function (prop) { - var graphKey = prop[0], - graph = series[graphKey]; - - if (graph) { // cancel running animations, #459 - // do we have animation - series.graphPath.forEach(function (segment, j) { - // update color and path - - if (series[graphKey][j]) { - series[graphKey][j].attr({ fill: segment[1] }); - } - }); - - } - }); - }; - - /** - * Extend the base Series getSegmentPath method by adding the path for the area. - * This path is pushed to the series.areaPath property. - * @param {Object} segment of the path - * @returns {Array} Path (SVG) - **/ - H.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.getSegmentPath = function (segment) { - var segmentPath = H.Series.prototype.getSegmentPath.call(this, segment), // call base method - areaSegmentPath = [].concat(segmentPath), // work on a copy for the area path - i, - options = this.options, - segLength = segmentPath.length, - translatedThreshold = this.yAxis.getThreshold(options.threshold), // #2181 - yBottom; - - if (segLength === 3) { // for animation from 1 to two points - areaSegmentPath.push(L, segmentPath[1], segmentPath[2]); - } - if (options.stacking && !this.closedStacks) { - for (i = segment.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - - yBottom = pick(segment[i].yBottom, translatedThreshold); - - // step line? - if (i < segment.length - 1 && options.step) { - areaSegmentPath.push(segment[i + 1].plotX, yBottom); - } - areaSegmentPath.push(segment[i].plotX, yBottom); - } - } else { // follow zero line back - this.closeSegment(areaSegmentPath, segment, translatedThreshold); - } - return areaSegmentPath; - }; - - H.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.getGraphPath = function () { - var series = this, - graphPath = [], - segmentPath, - singlePoints = []; // used in drawTracker - // Divide into segments and build graph and area paths - - this.areaPath = []; - series.segments.forEach(function (segment) { - segmentPath = series.getSegmentPath(segment.points); - // add the segment to the graph, or a single point for tracking - if (segment.points.length > 1) { - graphPath.push([segmentPath, segment.color]); - } else { - singlePoints.push(segment.points); - } - }); - - // Record it for use in drawGraph and drawTracker, and return graphPath - series.singlePoints = singlePoints; - series.graphPath = graphPath; - return graphPath; - - }; - - H.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.drawLegendSymbol = H._modules['Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js'].rectangle; // eslint-disable-line -})); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/js/multicolor_series.min.js b/js/multicolor_series.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9d9611f..0000000 --- a/js/multicolor_series.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -/** -* Multicolor Series v2.4.1(2023-09-28) -* -* (c) 2012-2022 Black Label -* -* License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC) -*/ -(function(){ -'use strict';(function(f){"object"===typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=f:f(Highcharts)})(function(f){function u(b){var a=[];b.forEach(function(b){a=a.concat(b[0])});return a}var l=f.seriesTypes,v=f.pick,w=void 0!==document.documentElement.ontouchstart,r="rgba(192,192,192,"+(f.hasSVG?1E-4:.002)+")";f.Series.prototype.getSegmentPath=function(b){var a=this,e=[],c=a.options.step;b.forEach(function(d,k){var f=d.plotX,g=d.plotY;a.getPointSpline?e.push.apply(e,a.getPointSpline(b,d,k)):(e.push(k? -"L":"M"),c&&k&&(k=b[k-1],"right"===c?e.push(k.plotX,g,"L"):"center"===c?e.push((k.plotX+f)/2,k.plotY,"L",(k.plotX+f)/2,g,"L"):e.push(f,k.plotY,"L")),e.push(d.plotX,d.plotY))});return e};l.coloredline=f.extendClass(l.line);f.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.processData=function(b){var a=this.xData,e=this.yData,c,d=this.xAxis,f=this.options;if(this.isCartesian&&!this.isDirty&&!d.isDirty&&!this.yAxis.isDirty&&!b)return!1;for(d=a.length-1;0<=d;d--)b=a[d]-a[d-1],0b&&this.requireSorting&& -window.console&&console.log("Highcharts error #15: www.highcharts.com/errors/15");this.cropped=void 0;this.cropStart=0;this.processedXData=a;this.processedYData=e;null===f.pointRange&&(this.pointRange=c||1);this.closestPointRange=c;return!0};f.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.drawTracker=function(){var b=this,a=b.options,e=a.trackByArea,c=[].concat(e?b.areaPath:u(b.graphPath)),d=c.length,f=b.chart,x=f.pointer,g=f.renderer,n=f.options.tooltip.snap,m=b.tracker,p=a.cursor,t=p&&{cursor:p},p=b.singlePoints, -h,q;q=function(){if(f.hoverSeries!==b)b.onMouseOver()};if(d&&!e)for(h=d+1;h--;)"M"===c[h]&&c.splice(h+1,0,c[h+1]-n,c[h+2],"L"),(h&&"M"===c[h]||h===d)&&c.splice(h,0,"L",c[h-2]+n,c[h-1]);for(h=0;h=n;l--)a[d][l]&&(a[d][l].destroy(),a[d].splice(l,1))})};f.wrap(l.coloredline.prototype,"translate",function(b){b.apply(this,[].slice.call(arguments, -1));this.getSegments&&this.getSegments()});f.wrap(f.Series.prototype,"applyZones",function(b){var a=this;["area","graph"].forEach(function(b){var c=a[b];c&&f.isArray(c)&&(c.show=function(){c.forEach(function(a){a.show(!0)})},c.hide=function(){c.forEach(function(a){a.hide()})})});return b.apply(this,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1))});f.wrap(l.coloredline.prototype,"destroy",function(b){this.graph&&this.graph.destroy();b.apply(this,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1))});l.coloredarea=f.extendClass(l.coloredline); -f.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.init=function(b,a){a.threshold=a.threshold||null;f.Series.prototype.init.call(this,b,a)};f.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.closeSegment=function(b,a,e){b.push("L",a[a.length-1].plotX,e,"L",a[0].plotX,e)};f.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.drawGraph=function(b){f.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.drawGraph.call(this,b);var a=this;[["graph",this.options.lineColor||a.color]].forEach(function(b){var c=b[0];a[c]&&a.graphPath.forEach(function(b,e){a[c][e]&&a[c][e].attr({fill:b[1]})})})}; -f.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.getSegmentPath=function(b){var a=f.Series.prototype.getSegmentPath.call(this,b),e=[].concat(a),c=this.options,d=a.length,k=this.yAxis.getThreshold(c.threshold);3===d&&e.push("L",a[1],a[2]);if(c.stacking&&!this.closedStacks)for(a=b.length-1;0<=a;a--)d=v(b[a].yBottom,k),a= 0; i--) {\n\t\t\tdistance = processedXData[i] - processedXData[i - 1];\n\t\t\tif (distance > 0 && (closestPointRange === UNDEFINED || distance < closestPointRange)) {\n\t\t\t\tclosestPointRange = distance;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t// Unsorted data is not supported by the line tooltip, as well as data grouping and\n\t\t\t\t// navigation in Stock charts (#725) and width calculation of columns (#1900)\n\t\t\t} else if (distance < 0 && series.requireSorting) {\n\t\t\t\terror(15);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t// Record the properties\n\t\tseries.cropped = cropped; // undefined or true\n\t\tseries.cropStart = cropStart;\n\t\tseries.processedXData = processedXData;\n\t\tseries.processedYData = processedYData;\n\t\t\n\t\tif (options.pointRange === null) { // null means auto, as for columns, candlesticks and OHLC\n\t\t\tseries.pointRange = closestPointRange || 1;\n\t\t}\n\t\tseries.closestPointRange = closestPointRange;\n\t\treturn true;\n\t};\n\t\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.drawTracker = function () {\n\t\tvar series = this,\n\t\t\toptions = series.options,\n\t\t\ttrackByArea = options.trackByArea,\n\t\t\ttrackerPath = [].concat(trackByArea ? series.areaPath : getPath(series.graphPath)),\n\t\t\ttrackerPathLength = trackerPath.length,\n\t\t\tchart = series.chart,\n\t\t\tpointer = chart.pointer,\n\t\t\trenderer = chart.renderer,\n\t\t\tsnap = chart.options.tooltip.snap,\n\t\t\ttracker = series.tracker,\n\t\t\tcursor = options.cursor,\n\t\t\tcss = cursor && { cursor: cursor },\n\t\t\tsinglePoints = series.singlePoints,\n\t\t\tsinglePoint,\n\t\t\ti,\n\t\t\tonMouseOver;\n\n\t\tonMouseOver = function () {\n\t\t\tif (chart.hoverSeries !== series) {\n\t\t\t\tseries.onMouseOver();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\t// Extend end points. A better way would be to use round linecaps,\n\t\t// but those are not clickable in VML.\n\t\tif (trackerPathLength && !trackByArea) {\n\t\t\ti = trackerPathLength + 1;\n\t\t\twhile (i--) {\n\t\t\t\tif (trackerPath[i] === M) { // extend left side\n\t\t\t\t\ttrackerPath.splice(i + 1, 0, trackerPath[i + 1] - snap, trackerPath[i + 2], L);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif ((i && trackerPath[i] === M) || i === trackerPathLength) { // extend right side\n\t\t\t\t\ttrackerPath.splice(i, 0, L, trackerPath[i - 2] + snap, trackerPath[i - 1]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t// handle single points\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < singlePoints.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tsinglePoint = singlePoints[i];\n\t\t\tif (singlePoint.plotX && singlePoint.plotY) {\n\t\t\t\ttrackerPath.push(M, singlePoint.plotX - snap, singlePoint.plotY,\n\t\t\t\t\tL, singlePoint.plotX + snap, singlePoint.plotY);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t// draw the tracker\n\t\tif (tracker) {\n\t\t\ttracker.attr({ d: trackerPath });\n\t\t} else { // create\n\t\t\tseries.tracker = renderer.path(trackerPath)\n\t\t\t.attr({\n\t\t\t\t'stroke-linejoin': 'round', // #1225\n\t\t\t\tvisibility: series.visible ? VISIBLE : HIDDEN,\n\t\t\t\tstroke: TRACKER_FILL,\n\t\t\t\tfill: trackByArea ? TRACKER_FILL : NONE,\n\t\t\t\t'stroke-width': options.lineWidth + (trackByArea ? 0 : 2 * snap),\n\t\t\t\tzIndex: 2\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t.add(series.group);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t// The tracker is added to the series group, which is clipped, but is covered\n\t\t\t// by the marker group. So the marker group also needs to capture events.\n\t\t\t[series.tracker, series.markerGroup].forEach(function (track) {\n\t\t\t\ttrack.addClass(PREFIX + 'tracker')\n\t\t\t\t.on('mouseover', onMouseOver)\n\t\t\t\t.on('mouseout', function (e) { pointer.onTrackerMouseOut(e); });\n\n\t\t\t\tif (css) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttrack.css(css);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif (hasTouch) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttrack.on('touchstart', onMouseOver);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t};\n\t\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.setState = function (state) {\n\t\tvar series = this,\n\t\t\toptions = series.options,\n\t\t\tgraph = series.graph,\n\t\t\tstateOptions = options.states,\n\t\t\tlineWidth = options.lineWidth,\n\t\t\tattribs;\n\t\t\n\t\tstate = state || NORMAL_STATE;\n\t\t\n\t\tif (series.state !== state) {\n\t\t\tseries.state = state;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (stateOptions[state] && stateOptions[state].enabled === false) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (state) {\n\t\t\t\tlineWidth = stateOptions[state].lineWidth || lineWidth + 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (graph && !graph.dashstyle) { // hover is turned off for dashed lines in VML\n\t\t\t\tattribs = {\n\t\t\t\t\t'stroke-width': lineWidth\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t// use attr because animate will cause any other animation on the graph to stop\n\t\t\t\tgraph.forEach(function (seg) {\n\t\t\t\t\tseg.attr(attribs);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\t\n\t/**\n\t* The main change to get multi color isFinite changes segments array.\n\t* From array of points to object with color and array of points.\n\t* @returns {undefined}\n\t**/\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.getSegments = function () {\n\t\tvar series = this,\n\t\t\tlastColor = 0,\n\t\t\tsegments = [],\n\t\t\ti,\n\t\t\tpoints = series.points,\n\t\t\tpointsLength = points.length;\n\t\t\n\t\tif (pointsLength) { // no action required for []\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t// if connect nulls, just remove null points\n\t\t\tif (series.options.connectNulls) {\n\t\t\t\t// iterate backwars for secure point removal\n\t\t\t\tfor (i = pointsLength - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (points[i].y === null) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpoints.splice(i, 1);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tpointsLength = points.length;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tpoints.forEach(function (point, j) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (j > 0 && points[j].segmentColor !== points[j - 1].segmentColor) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsegments.push({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpoints: points.slice(lastColor, j + 1),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcolor: points[j - 1].segmentColor\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlastColor = j;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t\tif (pointsLength) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// add the last segment (only single-point last segement is added)\n\t\t\t\t\tif (lastColor !== pointsLength - 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsegments.push({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpoints: points.slice(lastColor, pointsLength),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcolor: points[pointsLength - 1].segmentColor\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif (points.length && segments.length === 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsegments = [points];\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t// else, split on null points or different colors\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tvar previousColor = null;\n\t\t\t\tpoints.forEach(function (point, j) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar colorChanged = j > 0 && (point.y === null || points[j - 1].y === null || (point.segmentColor !== points[j - 1].segmentColor && points[j].segmentColor !== previousColor)),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcolorExists = points[j - 1] && points[j - 1].segmentColor && points[j - 1].y !== null ? true : false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (colorChanged) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar p = points.slice(lastColor, j + 1);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (p.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// do not create segments with null ponits\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tp.forEach(function (pointObject, k) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (pointObject.y === null) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// remove null points (might be on edges)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tp.splice(k, 1);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsegments.push({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpoints: p,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcolor: colorExists ? points[j - 1].segmentColor : previousColor\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastColor = j;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t} else if (j === pointsLength - 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar next = j + 1;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (point.y === null) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnext--;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp = points.slice(lastColor, next);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (p.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// do not create segments with null ponits\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tp.forEach(function (pointObject, k) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (pointObject.y === null) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// remove null points (might be on edges)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tp.splice(k, 1);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsegments.push({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpoints: p,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcolor: colorExists ? points[j - 1].segmentColor : previousColor\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastColor = j;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t// store previous color\n\t\t\t\t\tif (point) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpreviousColor = point.segmentColor;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// register it\n\t\tseries.segments = segments;\n\t};\n\t\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.getGraphPath = function () {\n\t\t// var ret = f.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));\n\t\tvar series = this,\n\t\t\tgraphPath = [],\n\t\t\tsegmentPath,\n\t\t\tsinglePoints = []; // used in drawTracker\n\t\t// Divide into segments and build graph and area paths\n\t\tseries.segments.forEach(function (segment) {\n\t\t\tsegmentPath = series.getSegmentPath(segment.points);\n\t\t\t// add the segment to the graph, or a single point for tracking\n\t\t\tif (segment.points.length > 1) {\n\t\t\t\tgraphPath.push([segmentPath, segment.color]);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tsinglePoints.push(segment.points);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\t// Record it for use in drawGraph and drawTracker, and return graphPath\n\t\tseries.singlePoints = singlePoints;\n\t\tseries.graphPath = graphPath;\n\t\t\n\t\treturn graphPath;\n\t};\n\t\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.drawGraph = function () {\n\t\tvar series = this,\n\t\t\toptions = series.options,\n\t\t\tprops = [['graph', options.lineColor || series.color]],\n\t\t\tlineWidth = options.lineWidth,\n\t\t\tdashStyle = options.dashStyle,\n\t\t\troundCap = options.linecap !== 'square',\n\t\t\tgraphPath = series.getGraphPath(),\n\t\t\tgraphPathLength = graphPath.length,\n\t\t\tgraphSegmentsLength = 0;\n\t\t\n\t\tfunction getSegment(segment, prop, i) {\n\t\t\tvar attribs = {\n\t\t\t\t\tstroke: prop[1],\n\t\t\t\t\t'stroke-width': lineWidth,\n\t\t\t\t\tfill: 'none',\n\t\t\t\t\tzIndex: 1 // #1069\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\titem;\n\t\t\tif (dashStyle) {\n\t\t\t\tattribs.dashstyle = dashStyle;\n\t\t\t} else if (roundCap) {\n\t\t\t\tattribs['stroke-linecap'] = attribs['stroke-linejoin'] = 'round';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (segment[1]) {\n\t\t\t\tattribs.stroke = segment[1];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\titem = series.chart.renderer.path(segment[0])\n\t\t\t.attr(attribs)\n\t\t\t.add(series.group);\n\n\n\t\t\tif (item.shadow) {\n\t\t\t\titem.shadow(!i && options.shadow);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\treturn item;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// draw the graph\n\t\tprops.forEach(function (prop, i) {\n\t\t\tvar graphKey = prop[0],\n\t\t\t\tgraph = series[graphKey],\n\t\t\t\tg;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (graph) { // cancel running animations, #459\n\t\t\t\t// do we have animation\n\t\t\t\tgraphPath.forEach(function (segment, j) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// update color and path\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (series[graphKey][j]) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tseries[graphKey][j].attr({ d: segment[0], stroke: segment[1] });\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tseries[graphKey][j] = getSegment(segment, prop, i);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t} else if (graphPath.length) { // #1487\n\t\t\t\tgraph = [];\n\t\t\t\tgraphPath.forEach(function (segment, j) {\n\t\t\t\t\tgraph[j] = getSegment(segment, prop, i);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\tseries[graphKey] = graph;\n\t\t\t\t// add destroying elements\n\t\t\t\tseries[graphKey].destroy = function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (g in series[graphKey]) { // eslint-disable-line\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar el = series[graphKey][g];\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (el && el.destroy) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tel.destroy();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Checks if series.graph exists. #3\n\t\t\tgraphSegmentsLength = (series.graph && series.graph.length) || -1;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tfor (var j = graphSegmentsLength; j >= graphPathLength; j--) {\n\t\t\t\tif (series[graphKey][j]) {\n\t\t\t\t\tseries[graphKey][j].destroy();\n\t\t\t\t\tseries[graphKey].splice(j, 1);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\tH.wrap(seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype, 'translate', function (proceed) {\n\t\tproceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));\n\t\tif (this.getSegments) {\n\t\t\tthis.getSegments();\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t\n\tH.wrap(H.Series.prototype, 'applyZones', function (proceed) {\n\t\tvar series = this,\n\t\t\tparts = ['area', 'graph'];\n\n\t\tparts.forEach(function (part) {\n\t\t\tvar shape = series[part];\n\n\t\t\tif (shape && H.isArray(shape)) {\n\t\t\t\tshape.show = function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tshape.forEach(function (subGraph) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsubGraph.show(true);\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\tshape.hide = function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tshape.forEach(function (subGraph) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsubGraph.hide();\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\n\t\treturn proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));\n\t});\n\n\tH.wrap(seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype, 'destroy', function (proceed) {\n\t\t// destroy all parts\n\t\tif (this.graph) {\n\t\t\tthis.graph.destroy();\n\t\t}\n\t\tproceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));\n\t});\n\t\n\t/**\n\t*\n\t* ColoredArea series type\n\t*\n\t**/\n\tseriesTypes.coloredarea = H.extendClass(seriesTypes.coloredline);\n\t\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.init = function (chart, options) {\n\t\toptions.threshold = options.threshold || null;\n\t\tH.Series.prototype.init.call(this, chart, options);\n\t};\n\t\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.closeSegment = function (path, segment, translatedThreshold) {\n\t\tpath.push(\n\t\t\tL,\n\t\t\tsegment[segment.length - 1].plotX,\n\t\t\ttranslatedThreshold,\n\t\t\tL,\n\t\t\tsegment[0].plotX,\n\t\t\ttranslatedThreshold\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\t\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.drawGraph = function (f) {\n\t\tH.seriesTypes.coloredline.prototype.drawGraph.call(this, f);\n\t\tvar series = this,\n\t\t\toptions = this.options,\n\t\t\tprops = [['graph', options.lineColor || series.color]];\n\n\t\tprops.forEach(function (prop) {\n\t\t\tvar graphKey = prop[0],\n\t\t\t\tgraph = series[graphKey];\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (graph) { // cancel running animations, #459\n\t\t\t\t// do we have animation\n\t\t\t\tseries.graphPath.forEach(function (segment, j) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// update color and path\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (series[graphKey][j]) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tseries[graphKey][j].attr({ fill: segment[1] });\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t* Extend the base Series getSegmentPath method by adding the path for the area.\n\t* This path is pushed to the series.areaPath property.\n\t* @param {Object} segment of the path\n\t* @returns {Array} Path (SVG)\n\t**/\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.getSegmentPath = function (segment) {\n\t\tvar segmentPath = H.Series.prototype.getSegmentPath.call(this, segment), // call base method\n\t\t\tareaSegmentPath = [].concat(segmentPath), // work on a copy for the area path\n\t\t\ti,\n\t\t\toptions = this.options,\n\t\t\tsegLength = segmentPath.length,\n\t\t\ttranslatedThreshold = this.yAxis.getThreshold(options.threshold), // #2181\n\t\t\tyBottom;\n\n\t\tif (segLength === 3) { // for animation from 1 to two points\n\t\t\tareaSegmentPath.push(L, segmentPath[1], segmentPath[2]);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (options.stacking && !this.closedStacks) {\n\t\t\tfor (i = segment.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n\n\t\t\t\tyBottom = pick(segment[i].yBottom, translatedThreshold);\n\n\t\t\t\t// step line?\n\t\t\t\tif (i < segment.length - 1 && options.step) {\n\t\t\t\t\tareaSegmentPath.push(segment[i + 1].plotX, yBottom);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tareaSegmentPath.push(segment[i].plotX, yBottom);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else { // follow zero line back\n\t\t\tthis.closeSegment(areaSegmentPath, segment, translatedThreshold);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn areaSegmentPath;\n\t};\n\t\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.getGraphPath = function () {\n\t\tvar series = this,\n\t\t\tgraphPath = [],\n\t\t\tsegmentPath,\n\t\t\tsinglePoints = []; // used in drawTracker\n\t\t// Divide into segments and build graph and area paths\n\t\t\n\t\tthis.areaPath = [];\n\t\tseries.segments.forEach(function (segment) {\n\t\t\tsegmentPath = series.getSegmentPath(segment.points);\n\t\t\t// add the segment to the graph, or a single point for tracking\n\t\t\tif (segment.points.length > 1) {\n\t\t\t\tgraphPath.push([segmentPath, segment.color]);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tsinglePoints.push(segment.points);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\t// Record it for use in drawGraph and drawTracker, and return graphPath\n\t\tseries.singlePoints = singlePoints;\n\t\tseries.graphPath = graphPath;\n\t\treturn graphPath;\n\t\n\t};\n\t\n\tH.seriesTypes.coloredarea.prototype.drawLegendSymbol = H._modules['Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js'].rectangle; // eslint-disable-line\n}));"]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/license.txt b/license.txt index ed02b31..af06e52 100644 --- a/license.txt +++ b/license.txt @@ -1,14 +1,7 @@ -THE WORK (AS DEFINED BELOW) IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS CREATIVE COMMONS PUBLIC LICENSE ("CCPL" OR "LICENSE"). THE WORK IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW. ANY USE OF THE WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS LICENSE OR COPYRIGHT LAW IS PROHIBITED. -BY EXERCISING ANY RIGHTS TO THE WORK PROVIDED HERE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. TO THE EXTENT THIS LICENSE MAY BE CONSIDERED TO BE A CONTRACT, THE LICENSOR GRANTS YOU THE RIGHTS CONTAINED HERE IN CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS. -1. Definitions -"Adaptation" means a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation, adaptation, derivative work, arrangement of music or other alterations of a literary or artistic work, or phonogram or performance and includes cinematographic adaptations or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed, or adapted including in any form recognizably derived from the original, except that a work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Work is a musical work, performance or phonogram, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image ("synching") will be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License. "Collection" means a collection of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopedias and anthologies, or performances, phonograms or broadcasts, or other works or subject matter other than works listed in Section 1(f) below, which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations, in which the Work is included in its entirety in unmodified form along with one or more other contributions, each constituting separate and independent works in themselves, which together are assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an Adaptation (as defined above) for the purposes of this License. "Distribute" means to make available to the public the original and copies of the Work or Adaptation, as appropriate, through sale or other transfer of ownership. "Licensor" means the individual, individuals, entity or entities that offer(s) the Work under the terms of this License. "Original Author" means, in the case of a literary or artistic work, the individual, individuals, entity or entities who created the Work or if no individual or entity can be identified, the publisher; and in addition (i) in the case of a performance the actors, singers, musicians, dancers, and other persons who act, sing, deliver, declaim, play in, interpret or otherwise perform literary or artistic works or expressions of folklore; (ii) in the case of a phonogram the producer being the person or legal entity who first fixes the sounds of a performance or other sounds; and, (iii) in the case of broadcasts, the organization that transmits the broadcast. "Work" means the literary and/or artistic work offered under the terms of this License including without limitation any production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression including digital form, such as a book, pamphlet and other writing; a lecture, address, sermon or other work of the same nature; a dramatic or dramatico-musical work; a choreographic work or entertainment in dumb show; a musical composition with or without words; a cinematographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to cinematography; a work of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving or lithography; a photographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to photography; a work of applied art; an illustration, map, plan, sketch or three-dimensional work relative to geography, topography, architecture or science; a performance; a broadcast; a phonogram; a compilation of data to the extent it is protected as a copyrightable work; or a work performed by a variety or circus performer to the extent it is not otherwise considered a literary or artistic work. "You" means an individual or entity exercising rights under this License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation. "Publicly Perform" means to perform public recitations of the Work and to communicate to the public those public recitations, by any means or process, including by wire or wireless means or public digital performances; to make available to the public Works in such a way that members of the public may access these Works from a place and at a place individually chosen by them; to perform the Work to the public by any means or process and the communication to the public of the performances of the Work, including by public digital performance; to broadcast and rebroadcast the Work by any means including signs, sounds or images. "Reproduce" means to make copies of the Work by any means including without limitation by sound or visual recordings and the right of fixation and reproducing fixations of the Work, including storage of a protected performance or phonogram in digital form or other electronic medium. 2. Fair Dealing Rights. Nothing in this License is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any uses free from copyright or rights arising from limitations or exceptions that are provided for in connection with the copyright protection under copyright law or other applicable laws. -3. License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below: -to Reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collections, and to Reproduce the Work as incorporated in the Collections; to create and Reproduce Adaptations provided that any such Adaptation, including any translation in any medium, takes reasonable steps to clearly label, demarcate or otherwise identify that changes were made to the original Work. For example, a translation could be marked "The original work was translated from English to Spanish," or a modification could indicate "The original work has been modified."; to Distribute and Publicly Perform the Work including as incorporated in Collections; and, to Distribute and Publicly Perform Adaptations. For the avoidance of doubt: -Non-waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In those jurisdictions in which the right to collect royalties through any statutory or compulsory licensing scheme cannot be waived, the Licensor reserves the exclusive right to collect such royalties for any exercise by You of the rights granted under this License; Waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In those jurisdictions in which the right to collect royalties through any statutory or compulsory licensing scheme can be waived, the Licensor waives the exclusive right to collect such royalties for any exercise by You of the rights granted under this License; and, Voluntary License Schemes. The Licensor waives the right to collect royalties, whether individually or, in the event that the Licensor is a member of a collecting society that administers voluntary licensing schemes, via that society, from any exercise by You of the rights granted under this License. The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter devised. The above rights include the right to make such modifications as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other media and formats. Subject to Section 8(f), all rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved. -4. Restrictions. The license granted in Section 3 above is expressly made subject to and limited by the following restrictions: -You may Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work only under the terms of this License. You must include a copy of, or the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for, this License with every copy of the Work You Distribute or Publicly Perform. You may not offer or impose any terms on the Work that restrict the terms of this License or the ability of the recipient of the Work to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License. You may not sublicense the Work. You must keep intact all notices that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties with every copy of the Work You Distribute or Publicly Perform. When You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work, You may not impose any effective technological measures on the Work that restrict the ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License. This Section 4(a) applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collection, but this does not require the Collection apart from the Work itself to be made subject to the terms of this License. If You create a Collection, upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable, remove from the Collection any credit as required by Section 4(b), as requested. If You create an Adaptation, upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable, remove from the Adaptation any credit as required by Section 4(b), as requested. If You Distribute, or Publicly Perform the Work or any Adaptations or Collections, You must, unless a request has been made pursuant to Section 4(a), keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and provide, reasonable to the medium or means You are utilizing: (i) the name of the Original Author (or pseudonym, if applicable) if supplied, and/or if the Original Author and/or Licensor designate another party or parties (e.g., a sponsor institute, publishing entity, journal) for attribution ("Attribution Parties") in Licensor's copyright notice, terms of service or by other reasonable means, the name of such party or parties; (ii) the title of the Work if supplied; (iii) to the extent reasonably practicable, the URI, if any, that Licensor specifies to be associated with the Work, unless such URI does not refer to the copyright notice or licensing information for the Work; and (iv) , consistent with Section 3(b), in the case of an Adaptation, a credit identifying the use of the Work in the Adaptation (e.g., "French translation of the Work by Original Author," or "Screenplay based on original Work by Original Author"). The credit required by this Section 4 (b) may be implemented in any reasonable manner; provided, however, that in the case of a Adaptation or Collection, at a minimum such credit will appear, if a credit for all contributing authors of the Adaptation or Collection appears, then as part of these credits and in a manner at least as prominent as the credits for the other contributing authors. For the avoidance of doubt, You may only use the credit required by this Section for the purpose of attribution in the manner set out above and, by exercising Your rights under this License, You may not implicitly or explicitly assert or imply any connection with, sponsorship or endorsement by the Original Author, Licensor and/or Attribution Parties, as appropriate, of You or Your use of the Work, without the separate, express prior written permission of the Original Author, Licensor and/or Attribution Parties. Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Licensor or as may be otherwise permitted by applicable law, if You Reproduce, Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work either by itself or as part of any Adaptations or Collections, You must not distort, mutilate, modify or take other derogatory action in relation to the Work which would be prejudicial to the Original Author's honor or reputation. Licensor agrees that in those jurisdictions (e.g. Japan), in which any exercise of the right granted in Section 3(b) of this License (the right to make Adaptations) would be deemed to be a distortion, mutilation, modification or other derogatory action prejudicial to the Original Author's honor and reputation, the Licensor will waive or not assert, as appropriate, this Section, to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable national law, to enable You to reasonably exercise Your right under Section 3(b) of this License (right to make Adaptations) but not otherwise. 5. Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer -UNLESS OTHERWISE MUTUALLY AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES IN WRITING, LICENSOR OFFERS THE WORK AS-IS AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE WORK, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTIBILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR THE ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, ACCURACY, OR THE PRESENCE OF ABSENCE OF ERRORS, WHETHER OR NOT DISCOVERABLE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO SUCH EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. -6. Limitation on Liability. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR BE LIABLE TO YOU ON ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS LICENSE OR THE USE OF THE WORK, EVEN IF LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. -7. Termination -This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically upon any breach by You of the terms of this License. Individuals or entities who have received Adaptations or Collections from You under this License, however, will not have their licenses terminated provided such individuals or entities remain in full compliance with those licenses. Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will survive any termination of this License. Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted here is perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright in the Work). Notwithstanding the above, Licensor reserves the right to release the Work under different license terms or to stop distributing the Work at any time; provided, however that any such election will not serve to withdraw this License (or any other license that has been, or is required to be, granted under the terms of this License), and this License will continue in full force and effect unless terminated as stated above. 8. Miscellaneous -Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work or a Collection, the Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to You under this License. Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform an Adaptation, Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the original Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to You under this License. If any provision of this License is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this License, and without further action by the parties to this agreement, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable. No term or provision of this License shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged with such waiver or consent. This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Work licensed here. There are no understandings, agreements or representations with respect to the Work not specified here. Licensor shall not be bound by any additional provisions that may appear in any communication from You. This License may not be modified without the mutual written agreement of the Licensor and You. The rights granted under, and the subject matter referenced, in this License were drafted utilizing the terminology of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (as amended on September 28, 1979), the Rome Convention of 1961, the WIPO Copyright Treaty of 1996, the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 1996 and the Universal Copyright Convention (as revised on July 24, 1971). These rights and subject matter take effect in the relevant jurisdiction in which the License terms are sought to be enforced according to the corresponding provisions of the implementation of those treaty provisions in the applicable national law. If the standard suite of rights granted under applicable copyright law includes additional rights not granted under this License, such additional rights are deemed to be included in the License; this License is not intended to restrict the license of any rights under applicable law. +Copyright 2024 Black Label + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json index 11c71c9..9ea28c0 100644 --- a/manifest.json +++ b/manifest.json @@ -1,43 +1,40 @@ { - "name": "Multicolor series", - "version": "2.4.1", - "title": "Multicolor", - "author": { - "name": "Black Label", - "url": "http://www.blacklabel.pl/" - }, - "licenses": [ - { - "type": "Creative Commons Attribution (CC)", - "url": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/blob/master/license.txt" - } - ], - "dependencies": { - "highcharts": ">9.2.0" - }, - "demo": [ - "https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/av87r7uo/", - "https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/tg58gc6x/" - ], - "description": "Plugin that allows define different color for each part of path between points.", - "keywords": [ - "series", - "multicolor", - "highcharts-addon" - ], - "maintainers": [ + "name": "Multicolor series", + "version": "3.0.0", + "title": "Multicolor", + "author": { + "name": "Black Label", + "url": "https://www.blacklabel.net/" + }, + "licenses": [ + { + "type": "MIT License", + "url": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/blob/master/license.txt" + } + ], + "dependencies": { + "highcharts": ">11.3.0" + }, + "demo": [ + "https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/ou4L32cn/", + "https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/highcharts-multicolor-series-forked-6m6dd9?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.tsx&workspaceId=e204a32a-9996-4c96-b99d-9fe3d6fc96d0" + ], + "description": "A Highcharts plugin that allows defining different colors for each part of the path between points.", + "keywords": ["series", "multicolor", "highcharts-addon"], + "maintainers": [ { "name": "Sebastian Bochan", - "email": "sebastian@blacklabel.pl", - "url": "http://www.blacklabel.pl" - },{ + "email": "sebastian.bochan@blacklabel.net", + "url": "https://www.blacklabel.net" + }, + { "name": "Paweł Fus", - "email": "pawel@blacklabel.pl", - "url": "http://www.blacklabel.pl" + "email": "pawel.fus@blacklabel.net", + "url": "https://www.blacklabel.net" } ], - "homepage": "http://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/", - "docs": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/", - "bugs": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/issues", - "download": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/archive/master.zip" + "homepage": "http://blacklabel.github.io/multicolor_series/", + "docs": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/", + "bugs": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/issues", + "download": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/archive/master.zip" } diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index e393a56..c2b0f69 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ { "name": "highcharts-multicolor-series", - "version": "2.4.1", + "version": "3.0.0", "description": "Highcharts plugin that adds new series: multicolor-series, where you can define color for each part of a path, between two points.", - "main": "js/multicolor_series.js", + "main": "./dist/multicolor-series.js", + "types": "./dist/multicolor-series.d.ts", + "engines": { + "pnpm": ">=9.0.0" + }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series.git" @@ -12,25 +16,50 @@ "multicolor", "highcharts-addon" ], - "author": "Black Label (http://blacklabel.pl)", + "author": "Black Label (https://blacklabel.net)", "license": "SEE LICENSE IN license.txt", "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series/issues" }, - "files": [ - "js/multicolor_series.js", - "js/multicolor_series.min.js", - "js/multicolor_series.min.js.map" - ], "homepage": "https://github.com/blacklabel/multicolor_series#readme", + "scripts": { + "test": "testem", + "test-dot": "testem ci -R dot", + "build": "gulp build", + "lint": "gulp 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version: 6.11.0(eslint@8.0.1)(typescript@5.2.2) + ansi-colors: + specifier: ^4.1.3 + version: 4.1.3 + eslint: + specifier: ^8.0.1 + version: 8.0.1 + fancy-log: + specifier: ^2.0.0 + version: 2.0.0 + google-closure-compiler: + specifier: ^20240317.0.0 + version: 20240317.0.0 + gulp: + specifier: ^5.0.0 + version: 5.0.0 + gulp-babel: + specifier: ^8.0.0 + version: 8.0.0(@babel/core@7.25.2) + gulp-bump: + specifier: ^3.2.0 + version: 3.2.0 + gulp-eslint: + specifier: ^6.0.0 + version: 6.0.0 + gulp-git: + specifier: ^2.11.0 + version: 2.11.0 + gulp-rename: + specifier: ^2.0.0 + version: 2.0.0 + gulp-replace: + specifier: ^1.1.4 + version: 1.1.4 + gulp-sourcemaps: + specifier: 3.0.0 + version: 3.0.0 + gulp-typescript: + specifier: ^6.0.0-alpha.1 + version: 6.0.0-alpha.1(typescript@5.2.2) + highcharts-github: + specifier: github:highcharts/highcharts + version: highcharts@https://codeload.github.com/highcharts/highcharts/tar.gz/0863a0f305da17d62dff7a17001f2736f9386d3b + husky: + specifier: 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'>=6.9.0'} + + '@babel/types@7.25.6': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/l42B1qxpG6RdfYf343Uw1vmDjeNhneUXtzhojE7pDgfpEypmRhI6j1kr17XCVv4Cgl9HdAiQY2x0GwKm7rWCw==} + engines: {node: '>=6.9.0'} + + '@bcoe/v8-coverage@0.2.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0hYQ8SB4Db5zvZB4axdMHGwEaQjkZzFjQiN9LVYvIFB2nSUHW9tYpxWriPrWDASIxiaXax83REcLxuSdnGPZtw==} + + '@cspotcode/source-map-support@0.8.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IchNf6dN4tHoMFIn/7OE8LWZ19Y6q/67Bmf6vnGREv8RSbBVb9LPJxEcnwrcwX6ixSvaiGoomAUvu4YSxXrVgw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + '@eslint-community/eslint-utils@4.4.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1/sA4dwrzBAyeUoQ6oxahHKmrZvsnLCg4RfxW3ZFGGmQkSNQPFNLV9CUEFQP1x9EYXHTo5p6xdhZM1Ne9p/AfA==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || >=8.0.0 + + '@eslint-community/regexpp@4.11.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-m4DVN9ZqskZoLU5GlWZadwDnYo3vAEydiUayB9widCl9ffWx2IvPnp6n3on5rJmziJSw9Bv+Z3ChDVdMwXCY8Q==} + engines: {node: ^12.0.0 || ^14.0.0 || >=16.0.0} + + '@eslint/eslintrc@1.4.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XXrH9Uarn0stsyldqDYq8r++mROmWRI1xKMXa640Bb//SY1+ECYX6VzT6Lcx5frD0V30XieqJ0oX9I2Xj5aoMA==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + + '@gulp-sourcemaps/identity-map@2.0.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Tb+nSISZku+eQ4X1lAkevcQa+jknn/OVUgZ3XCxEKIsLsqYuPoJwJOPQeaOk75X3WPftb29GWY1eqE7GLsXb1Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + '@gulp-sourcemaps/map-sources@1.0.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-o/EatdaGt8+x2qpb0vFLC/2Gug/xYPRXb6a+ET1wGYKozKN3krDWC/zZFZAtrzxJHuDL12mwdfEFKcKMNvc55A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + '@gulpjs/messages@1.1.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ys9sazDatyTgZVb4xPlDufLweJ/Os2uHWOv+Caxvy2O85JcnT4M3vc73bi8pdLWlv3fdWQz3pdI9tVwo8rQQSg==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + '@gulpjs/to-absolute-glob@4.0.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kjotm7XJrJ6v+7knhPaRgaT6q8F8K2jiafwYdNHLzmV0uGLuZY43FK6smNSHUPrhq5kX2slCUy+RGG/xGqmIKA==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + '@humanwhocodes/config-array@0.6.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JQlEKbcgEUjBFhLIF4iqM7u/9lwgHRBcpHrmUNCALK0Q3amXN6lxdoXLnF0sm11E9VqTmBALR87IlUg1bZ8A9A==} + engines: {node: '>=10.10.0'} + deprecated: Use @eslint/config-array instead + + '@humanwhocodes/object-schema@1.2.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZnQMnLV4e7hDlUvw8H+U8ASL02SS2Gn6+9Ac3wGGLIe7+je2AeAOxPY+izIPJDfFDb7eDjev0Us8MO1iFRN8hA==} + deprecated: Use @eslint/object-schema instead + + '@istanbuljs/load-nyc-config@1.1.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VjeHSlIzpv/NyD3N0YuHfXOPDIixcA1q2ZV98wsMqcYlPmv2n3Yb2lYP9XMElnaFVXg5A7YLTeLu6V84uQDjmQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + '@istanbuljs/schema@0.1.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZXRY4jNvVgSVQ8DL3LTcakaAtXwTVUxE81hslsyD2AtoXW/wVob10HkOJ1X/pAlcI7D+2YoZKg5do8G/w6RYgA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + '@jest/console@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5Ni4CU7XHQi32IJ398EEP4RrB8eV09sXP2ROqD4bksHrnTree52PsxvX8tpL8LvTZ3pFzXyPbNQReSN41CAhOg==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/core@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-n7aeXWKMnGtDA48y8TLWJPJmLmmZ642Ceo78cYWEpiD7FzDgmNDV/GCVRorPABdXLJZ/9wzzgZAlHjXjxDHGsg==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + node-notifier: ^8.0.1 || ^9.0.0 || ^10.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + node-notifier: + optional: true + + '@jest/environment@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aQIfHDq33ExsN4jP1NWGXhxgQ/wixs60gDiKO+XVMd8Mn0NWPWgc34ZQDTb2jKaUWQ7MuwoitXAsN2XVXNMpAw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/expect-utils@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GlsNBWiFQFCVi9QVSx7f5AgMeLxe9YCCs5PuP2O2LdjDAA8Jh9eX7lA1Jq/xdXw3Wb3hyvlFNfZIfcRetSzYcA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/expect@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8uMeAMycttpva3P1lBHB8VciS9V0XAr3GymPpipdyQXbBcuhkLQOSe8E/p92RyAdToS6ZD1tFkX+CkhoECE0dQ==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/fake-timers@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-q4DH1Ha4TTFPdxLsqDXK1d3+ioSL7yL5oCMJZgDYm6i+6CygW5E5xVr/D1HdsGxjt1ZWSfUAs9OxSB/BNelWrQ==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/globals@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mpiz3dutLbkW2MNFubUGUEVLkTGiqW6yLVTA+JbP6fI6J5iL9Y0Nlg8k95pcF8ctKwCS7WVxteBs29hhfAotzQ==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/reporters@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DApq0KJbJOEzAFYjHADNNxAE3KbhxQB1y5Kplb5Waqw6zVbuWatSnMjE5gs8FUgEPmNsnZA3NCWl9NG0ia04Pg==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + node-notifier: ^8.0.1 || ^9.0.0 || ^10.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + node-notifier: + optional: true + + '@jest/schemas@29.6.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mo5j5X+jIZmJQveBKeS/clAueipV7KgiX1vMgCxam1RNYiqE1w62n0/tJJnHtjW8ZHcQco5gY85jA3mi0L+nSA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/source-map@29.6.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MHjT95QuipcPrpLM+8JMSzFx6eHp5Bm+4XeFDJlwsvVBjmKNiIAvasGK2fxz2WbGRlnvqehFbh07MMa7n3YJnw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/test-result@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Fdx+tv6x1zlkJPcWXmMDAG2HBnaR9XPSd5aDWQVsfrZmLVT3lU1cwyxLgRmXR9yrq4NBoEm9BMsfgFzTQAbJYA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/test-sequencer@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GQwJ5WZVrKnOJuiYiAF52UNUJXgTZx1NHjFSEB0qEMmSZKAkdMoIzw/Cj6x6NF4AvV23AUqDpFzQkN/eYCYTxw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/transform@29.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ok/BTPFzFKVMwO5eOHRrvnBVHdRy9IrsrW1GpMaQ9MCnilNLXQKmAX8s1YXDFaai9xJpac2ySzV0YeRRECr2Vw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jest/types@29.6.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-u3UPsIilWKOM3F9CXtrG8LEJmNxwoCQC/XVj4IKYXvvpx7QIi/Kg1LI5uDmDpKlac62NUtX7eLjRh+jVZcLOzw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@jridgewell/gen-mapping@0.3.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IzL8ZoEDIBRWEzlCcRhOaCupYyN5gdIK+Q6fbFdPDg6HqX6jpkItn7DFIpW9LQzXG6Df9sA7+OKnq0qlz/GaQg==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + '@jridgewell/resolve-uri@3.1.2': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bRISgCIjP20/tbWSPWMEi54QVPRZExkuD9lJL+UIxUKtwVJA8wW1Trb1jMs1RFXo1CBTNZ/5hpC9QvmKWdopKw==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + '@jridgewell/set-array@1.2.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R8gLRTZeyp03ymzP/6Lil/28tGeGEzhx1q2k703KGWRAI1VdvPIXdG70VJc2pAMw3NA6JKL5hhFu1sJX0Mnn/A==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@1.5.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gv3ZRaISU3fjPAgNsriBRqGWQL6quFx04YMPW/zD8XMLsU32mhCCbfbO6KZFLjvYpCZ8zyDEgqsgf+PwPaM7GQ==} + + '@jridgewell/trace-mapping@0.3.25': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vNk6aEwybGtawWmy/PzwnGDOjCkLWSD2wqvjGGAgOAwCGWySYXfYoxt00IJkTF+8Lb57DwOb3Aa0o9CApepiYQ==} + + '@jridgewell/trace-mapping@0.3.9': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3Belt6tdc8bPgAtbcmdtNJlirVoTmEb5e2gC94PnkwEW9jI6CAHUeoG85tjWP5WquqfavoMtMwiG4P926ZKKuQ==} + + '@nodelib/fs.scandir@2.1.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vq24Bq3ym5HEQm2NKCr3yXDwjc7vTsEThRDnkp2DK9p1uqLR+DHurm/NOTo0KG7HYHU7eppKZj3MyqYuMBf62g==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + '@nodelib/fs.stat@2.0.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RkhPPp2zrqDAQA/2jNhnztcPAlv64XdhIp7a7454A5ovI7Bukxgt7MX7udwAu3zg1DcpPU0rz3VV1SeaqvY4+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + '@nodelib/fs.walk@1.2.8': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oGB+UxlgWcgQkgwo8GcEGwemoTFt3FIO9ababBmaGwXIoBKZ+GTy0pP185beGg7Llih/NSHSV2XAs1lnznocSg==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + '@sinclair/typebox@0.27.8': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+Fj43pSMwJs4KRrH/938Uf+uAELIgVBmQzg/q1YG10djyfA3TnrU8N8XzqCh/okZdszqBQTZf96idMfE5lnwTA==} + + '@sinonjs/commons@3.0.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-K3mCHKQ9sVh8o1C9cxkwxaOmXoAMlDxC1mYyHrjqOWEcBjYr76t96zL2zlj5dUGZ3HSw240X1qgH3Mjf1yJWpQ==} + + '@sinonjs/fake-timers@10.3.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-V4BG07kuYSUkTCSBHG8G8TNhM+F19jXFWnQtzj+we8DrkpSBCee9Z3Ms8yiGer/dlmhe35/Xdgyo3/0rQKg7YA==} + + '@socket.io/component-emitter@3.1.2': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9BCxFwvbGg/RsZK9tjXd8s4UcwR0MWeFQ1XEKIQVVvAGJyINdrqKMcTRyLoK8Rse1GjzLV9cwjWV1olXRWEXVA==} + + '@tootallnate/once@2.0.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XCuKFP5PS55gnMVu3dty8KPatLqUoy/ZYzDzAGCQ8JNFCkLXzmI7vNHCR+XpbZaMWQK/vQubr7PkYq8g470J/A==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + + '@tsconfig/node10@1.0.11': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DcRjDCujK/kCk/cUe8Xz8ZSpm8mS3mNNpta+jGCA6USEDfktlNvm1+IuZ9eTcDbNk41BHwpHHeW+N1lKCz4zOw==} + + '@tsconfig/node12@1.0.11': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cqefuRsh12pWyGsIoBKJA9luFu3mRxCA+ORZvA4ktLSzIuCUtWVxGIuXigEwO5/ywWFMZ2QEGKWvkZG1zDMTag==} + + '@tsconfig/node14@1.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ysT8mhdixWK6Hw3i1V2AeRqZ5WfXg1G43mqoYlM2nc6388Fq5jcXyr5mRsqViLx/GJYdoL0bfXD8nmF+Zn/Iow==} + + '@tsconfig/node16@1.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vxhUy4J8lyeyinH7Azl1pdd43GJhZH/tP2weN8TntQblOY+A0XbT8DJk1/oCPuOOyg/Ja757rG0CgHcWC8OfMA==} + + '@types/babel__core@7.20.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qoQprZvz5wQFJwMDqeseRXWv3rqMvhgpbXFfVyWhbx9X47POIA6i/+dXefEmZKoAgOaTdaIgNSMqMIU61yRyzA==} + + '@types/babel__generator@7.6.8': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ASsj+tpEDsEiFr1arWrlN6V3mdfjRMZt6LtK/Vp/kreFLnr5QH5+DhvD5nINYZXzwJvXeGq+05iUXcAzVrqWtw==} + + '@types/babel__template@7.4.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-h/NUaSyG5EyxBIp8YRxo4RMe2/qQgvyowRwVMzhYhBCONbW8PUsg4lkFMrhgZhUe5z3L3MiLDuvyJ/CaPa2A8A==} + + '@types/babel__traverse@7.20.6': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-r1bzfrm0tomOI8g1SzvCaQHo6Lcv6zu0EA+W2kHrt8dyrHQxGzBBL4kdkzIS+jBMV+EYcMAEAqXqYaLJq5rOZg==} + + '@types/cookie@0.4.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XW/Aa8APYr6jSVVA1y/DEIZX0/GMKLEVekNG727R8cs56ahETkRAy/3DR7+fJyh7oUgGwNQaRfXCun0+KbWY7Q==} + + '@types/cors@2.8.17': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8CGDvrBj1zgo2qE+oS3pOCyYNqCPryMWY2bGfwA0dcfopWGgxs+78df0Rs3rc9THP4JkOhLsAa+15VdpAqkcUA==} + + '@types/expect@1.20.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Q5Vn3yjTDyCMV50TB6VRIbQNxSE4OmZR86VSbGaNpfUolm0iePBB4KdEEHmxoY5sT2+2DIvXW0rvMDP2nHZ4Mg==} + + '@types/graceful-fs@4.1.9': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-olP3sd1qOEe5dXTSaFvQG+02VdRXcdytWLAZsAq1PecU8uqQAhkrnbli7DagjtXKW/Bl7YJbUsa8MPcuc8LHEQ==} + + '@types/istanbul-lib-coverage@2.0.6': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2QF/t/auWm0lsy8XtKVPG19v3sSOQlJe/YHZgfjb/KBBHOGSV+J2q/S671rcq9uTBrLAXmZpqJiaQbMT+zNU1w==} + + '@types/istanbul-lib-report@3.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NQn7AHQnk/RSLOxrBbGyJM/aVQ+pjj5HCgasFxc0K/KhoATfQ/47AyUl15I2yBUpihjmas+a+VJBOqecrFH+uA==} + + '@types/istanbul-reports@3.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pk2B1NWalF9toCRu6gjBzR69syFjP4Od8WRAX+0mmf9lAjCRicLOWc+ZrxZHx/0XRjotgkF9t6iaMJ+aXcOdZQ==} + + '@types/jest@29.5.6': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/t9NnzkOpXb4Nfvg17ieHE6EeSjDS2SGSpNYfoLbUAeL/EOueU/RSdOWFpfQTXBEM7BguYW1XQ0EbM+6RlIh6w==} + + '@types/jquery@3.5.6': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SmgCQRzGPId4MZQKDj9Hqc6kSXFNWZFHpELkyK8AQhf8Zr6HKfCzFv9ZC1Fv3FyQttJZOlap3qYb12h61iZAIg==} + + '@types/jsdom@20.0.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d0r18sZPmMQr1eG35u12FZfhIXNrnsPU/g5wvRKCUf/tOGilKKwYMYGqh33BNR6ba+2gkHw1EUiHoN3mn7E5IQ==} + + '@types/json-schema@7.0.15': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5+fP8P8MFNC+AyZCDxrB2pkZFPGzqQWUzpSeuuVLvm8VMcorNYavBqoFcxK8bQz4Qsbn4oUEEem4wDLfcysGHA==} + + '@types/node@22.6.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-V48tCfcKb/e6cVUigLAaJDAILdMP0fUW6BidkPK4GpGjXcfbnoHasCZDwz3N3yVt5we2RHm4XTQCpv0KJz9zqw==} + + '@types/semver@7.5.8': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-I8EUhyrgfLrcTkzV3TSsGyl1tSuPrEDzr0yd5m90UgNxQkyDXULk3b6MlQqTCpZpNtWe1K0hzclnZkTcLBe2UQ==} + + '@types/sizzle@2.3.8': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0vWLNK2D5MT9dg0iOo8GlKguPAU02QjmZitPEsXRuJXU/OGIOt9vT9Fc26wtYuavLxtO45v9PGleoL9Z0k1LHg==} + + '@types/stack-utils@2.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9aEbYZ3TbYMznPdcdr3SmIrLXwC/AKZXQeCf9Pgao5CKb8CyHuEX5jzWPTkvregvhRJHcpRO6BFoGW9ycaOkYw==} + + '@types/tough-cookie@4.0.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Ad8+nIOV7Rl++6f1BdKxFSMgmoqEoYbHRpPcx3JEfv8VRsQe9Z4mCXeJBzxs7mbHY/XOZZuXlRNfhpVPbs6ZA==} + + '@types/trusted-types@2.0.2': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-F5DIZ36YVLE+PN+Zwws4kJogq47hNgX3Nx6WyDJ3kcplxyke3XIzB8uK5n/Lpm1HBsbGzd6nmGehL8cPekP+Tg==} + + '@types/vinyl@2.0.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Sr2fYMBUVGYq8kj3UthXFAu5UN6ZW+rYr4NACjZQJvHvj+c8lYv0CahmZ2P/r7iUkN44gGUBwqxZkrKXYPb7cw==} + + '@types/yargs-parser@21.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-I4q9QU9MQv4oEOz4tAHJtNz1cwuLxn2F3xcc2iV5WdqLPpUnj30aUuxt1mAxYTG+oe8CZMV/+6rU4S4gRDzqtQ==} + + '@types/yargs@17.0.33': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WpxBCKWPLr4xSsHgz511rFJAM+wS28w2zEO1QDNY5zM/S8ok70NNfztH0xwhqKyaK0OHCbN98LDAZuy1ctxDkA==} + + '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@6.11.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uXnpZDc4VRjY4iuypDBKzW1rz9T5YBBK0snMn8MaTSNd2kMlj50LnLBABELjJiOL5YHk7ZD8hbSpI9ubzqYI0w==} + engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': ^6.0.0 || ^6.0.0-alpha + eslint: ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0 + typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + + '@typescript-eslint/parser@6.11.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+whEdjk+d5do5nxfxx73oanLL9ghKO3EwM9kBCkUtWMRwWuPaFv9ScuqlYfQ6pAD6ZiJhky7TZ2ZYhrMsfMxVQ==} + engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0 + typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + + '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager@6.11.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0A8KoVvIURG4uhxAdjSaxy8RdRE//HztaZdG8KiHLP8WOXSk0vlF7Pvogv+vlJA5Rnjj/wDcFENvDaHb+gKd1A==} + engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@typescript-eslint/type-utils@6.11.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nA4IOXwZtqBjIoYrJcYxLRO+F9ri+leVGoJcMW1uqr4r1Hq7vW5cyWrA43lFbpRvQ9XgNrnfLpIkO3i1emDBIA==} + engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0 + typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + + '@typescript-eslint/types@6.11.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZbEzuD4DwEJxwPqhv3QULlRj8KYTAnNsXxmfuUXFCxZmO6CF2gM/y+ugBSAQhrqaJL3M+oe4owdWunaHM6beqA==} + engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@6.11.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Aezzv1o2tWJwvZhedzvD5Yv7+Lpu1by/U1LZ5gLc4tCx8jUmuSCMioPFRjliN/6SJIvY6HpTtJIWubKuYYYesQ==} + engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + + '@typescript-eslint/utils@6.11.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-p23ibf68fxoZy605dc0dQAEoUsoiNoP3MD9WQGiHLDuTSOuqoTsa4oAy+h3KDkTcxbbfOtUjb9h3Ta0gT4ug2g==} + engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0 + + '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@6.11.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+SUN/W7WjBr05uRxPggJPSzyB8zUpaYo2hByKasWbqr3PM8AXfZt8UHdNpBS1v9SA62qnSSMF3380SwDqqprgQ==} + engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0} + + '@xmldom/xmldom@0.8.10': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2WALfTl4xo2SkGCYRt6rDTFfk9R1czmBvUQy12gK2KuRKIpWEhcbbzy8EZXtz/jkRqHX8bFEc6FC1HjX4TUWYw==} + engines: {node: '>=10.0.0'} + + abab@2.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-j2afSsaIENvHZN2B8GOpF566vZ5WVk5opAiMTvWgaQT8DkbOqsTfvNAvHoRGU2zzP8cPoqys+xHTRDWW8L+/BA==} + deprecated: Use your platform's native atob() and btoa() methods instead + + accepts@1.3.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PYAthTa2m2VKxuvSD3DPC/Gy+U+sOA1LAuT8mkmRuvw+NACSaeXEQ+NHcVF7rONl6qcaxV3Uuemwawk+7+SJLw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + acorn-globals@7.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-umOSDSDrfHbTNPuNpC2NSnnA3LUrqpevPb4T9jRx4MagXNS0rs+gwiTcAvqCRmsD6utzsrzNt+ebm00SNWiC3Q==} + + acorn-jsx@5.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rq9s+JNhf0IChjtDXxllJ7g41oZk5SlXtp0LHwyA5cejwn7vKmKp4pPri6YEePv2PU65sAsegbXtIinmDFDXgQ==} + peerDependencies: + acorn: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0 + + acorn-walk@8.3.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ueEepnujpqee2o5aIYnvHU6C0A42MNdsIDeqy5BydrkuC5R1ZuUFnm27EeFJGoEHJQgn3uleRvmTXaJgfXbt4g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + + acorn@6.4.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XtGIhXwF8YM8bJhGxG5kXgjkEuNGLTkoYqVE+KMR+aspr4KGYmKYg7yUe3KghyQ9yheNwLnjmzh/7+gfDBmHCQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + hasBin: true + + acorn@7.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nQyp0o1/mNdbTO1PO6kHkwSrmgZ0MT/jCCpNiwbUjGoRN4dlBhqJtoQuCnEOKzgTVwg0ZWiCoQy6SxMebQVh8A==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + hasBin: true + + acorn@8.12.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tcpGyI9zbizT9JbV6oYE477V6mTlXvvi0T0G3SNIYE2apm/G5huBa1+K89VGeovbg+jycCrfhl3ADxErOuO6Jg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + hasBin: true + + agent-base@6.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RZNwNclF7+MS/8bDg70amg32dyeZGZxiDuQmZxKLAlQjr3jGyLx+4Kkk58UO7D2QdgFIQCovuSuZESne6RG6XQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 6.0.0'} + + ajv@6.12.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-j3fVLgvTo527anyYyJOGTYJbG+vnnQYvE0m5mmkc1TK+nxAppkCLMIL0aZ4dblVCNoGShhm+kzE4ZUykBoMg4g==} + + ansi-colors@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SFKX67auSNoVR38N3L+nvsPjOE0bybKTYbkf5tRvushrAPQ9V75huw0ZxBkKVeRU9kqH3d6HA4xTckbwZ4ixmA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + ansi-colors@4.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/6w/C21Pm1A7aZitlI5Ni/2J6FFQN8i1Cvz3kHABAAbw93v/NlvKdVOqz7CCWz/3iv/JplRSEEZ83XION15ovw==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + ansi-escapes@4.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gKXj5ALrKWQLsYG9jlTRmR/xKluxHV+Z9QEwNIgCfM1/uwPMCuzVVnh5mwTd+OuBZcwSIMbqssNWRm1lE51QaQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + ansi-gray@0.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HrgGIZUl8h2EHuZaU9hTR/cU5nhKxpVE1V6kdGsQ8e4zirElJ5fvtfc8N7Q1oq1aatO275i8pUFUCpNWCAnVWw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + ansi-regex@2.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TIGnTpdo+E3+pCyAluZvtED5p5wCqLdezCyhPZzKPcxvFplEt4i+W7OONCKgeZFT3+y5NZZfOOS/Bdcanm1MYA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + ansi-regex@4.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ILlv4k/3f6vfQ4OoP2AGvirOktlQ98ZEL1k9FaQjxa3L1abBgbuTDAdPOpvbGncC0BTVQrl+OM8xZGK6tWXt7g==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + ansi-regex@5.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-quJQXlTSUGL2LH9SUXo8VwsY4soanhgo6LNSm84E1LBcE8s3O0wpdiRzyR9z/ZZJMlMWv37qOOb9pdJlMUEKFQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + ansi-styles@2.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kmCevFghRiWM7HB5zTPULl4r9bVFSWjz62MhqizDGUrq2NWuNMQyuv4tHHoKJHs69M/MF64lEcHdYIocrdWQYA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + ansi-styles@3.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VT0ZI6kZRdTh8YyJw3SMbYm/u+NqfsAxEpWO0Pf9sq8/e94WxxOpPKx9FR1FlyCtOVDNOQ+8ntlqFxiRc+r5qA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + ansi-styles@4.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zbB9rCJAT1rbjiVDb2hqKFHNYLxgtk8NURxZ3IZwD3F6NtxbXZQCnnSi1Lkx+IDohdPlFp222wVALIheZJQSEg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + ansi-styles@5.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Cxwpt2SfTzTtXcfOlzGEee8O+c+MmUgGrNiBcXnuWxuFJHe6a5Hz7qwhwe5OgaSYI0IJvkLqWX1ASG+cJOkEiA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + ansi-wrap@0.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZyznvL8k/FZeQHr2T6LzcJ/+vBApDnMNZvfVFy3At0knswWd6rJ3/0Hhmpu8oqa6C92npmozs890sX9Dl6q+Qw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + any-shell-escape@0.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-36j4l5HVkboyRhIWgtMh1I9i8LTdFqVwDEHy1cp+QioJyKgAUG40X0W8s7jakWRta/Sjvm8mUG1fU6Tj8mWagQ==} + + anymatch@3.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KMReFUr0B4t+D+OBkjR3KYqvocp2XaSzO55UcB6mgQMd3KbcE+mWTyvVV7D/zsdEbNnV6acZUutkiHQXvTr1Rw==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + append-buffer@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WLbYiXzD3y/ATLZFufV/rZvWdZOs+Z/+5v1rBZ463Jn398pa6kcde27cvozYnBoxXblGZTFfoPpsaEw0orU5BA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + aproba@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lYe4Gx7QT+MKGbDsA+Z+he/Wtef0BiwDOlK/XkBrdfsh9J/jPPXbX0tE9x9cl27Tmu5gg3QUbUrQYa/y+KOHPQ==} + + are-we-there-yet@3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QZW4EDmGwlYur0Yyf/b2uGucHQMa8aFUP7eu9ddR73vvhFyt4V0Vl3QHPcTNJ8l6qYOBdxgXdnBXQrHilfRQBg==} + engines: {node: ^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || >=16.0.0} + deprecated: This package is no longer supported. + + arg@4.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-58S9QDqG0Xx27YwPSt9fJxivjYl432YCwfDMfZ+71RAqUrZef7LrKQZ3LHLOwCS4FLNBplP533Zx895SeOCHvA==} + + argparse@1.0.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-o5Roy6tNG4SL/FOkCAN6RzjiakZS25RLYFrcMttJqbdd8BWrnA+fGz57iN5Pb06pvBGvl5gQ0B48dJlslXvoTg==} + + argparse@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8+9WqebbFzpX9OR+Wa6O29asIogeRMzcGtAINdpMHHyAg10f05aSFVBbcEqGf/PXw1EjAZ+q2/bEBg3DvurK3Q==} + + arr-diff@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YVIQ82gZPGBebQV/a8dar4AitzCQs0jjXwMPZllpXMaGjXPYVUawSxQrRsjhjupyVxEvbHgUmIhKVlND+j02kA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + arr-union@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sKpyeERZ02v1FeCZT8lrfJq5u6goHCtpTAzPwJYe7c8SPFOboNjNg1vz2L4VTn9T4PQxEx13TbXLmYUcS6Ug7Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + array-each@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zHjL5SZa68hkKHBFBK6DJCTtr9sfTCPCaph/L7tMSLcTFgy+zX7E+6q5UArbtOtMBCtxdICpfTCspRse+ywyXA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + array-find-index@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-M1HQyIXcBGtVywBt8WVdim+lrNaK7VHp99Qt5pSNziXznKHViIBbXWtfRTpEFpF/c4FdfxNAsCCwPp5phBYJtw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + array-flatten@1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PCVAQswWemu6UdxsDFFX/+gVeYqKAod3D3UVm91jHwynguOwAvYPhx8nNlM++NqRcK6CxxpUafjmhIdKiHibqg==} + + array-slice@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-B1qMD3RBP7O8o0H2KbrXDyB0IccejMF15+87Lvlor12ONPRHP6gTjXMNkt/d3ZuOGbAe66hFmaCfECI24Ufp6w==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + array-union@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HGyxoOTYUyCM6stUe6EJgnd4EoewAI7zMdfqO+kGjnlZmBDz/cR5pf8r/cR4Wq60sL/p0IkcjUEEPwS3GFrIyw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + assign-symbols@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Q+JC7Whu8HhmTdBph/Tq59IoRtoy6KAm5zzPv00WdujX82lbAL8K7WVjne7vdCsAmbF4AYaDOPyO3k0kl8qIrw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + astral-regex@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+Ryf6g3BKoRc7jfp7ad8tM4TtMiaWvbF/1/sQcZPkkS7ag3D5nMBCe2UfOTONtAkaG0tO0ij3C5Lwmf1EiyjHg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + async-done@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-j0s3bzYq9yKIVLKGE/tWlCpa3PfFLcrDZLTSVdnnCTGagXuXBJO4SsY9Xdk/fQBirCkH4evW5xOeJXqlAQFdsw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + async-settle@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Obu/KE8FurfQRN6ODdHN9LuXqwC+JFIM9NRyZqJJ4ZfLJmIYN9Rg0/kb+wF70VV5+fJusTMQlJ1t5rF7J/ETdg==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + async@0.2.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eAkdoKxU6/LkKDBzLpT+t6Ff5EtfSF4wx1WfJiPEEV7WNLnDaRXk0oVysiEPm262roaachGexwUv94WhSgN5TQ==} + + asynckit@0.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Oei9OH4tRh0YqU3GxhX79dM/mwVgvbZJaSNaRk+bshkj0S5cfHcgYakreBjrHwatXKbz+IoIdYLxrKim2MjW0Q==} + + atob@2.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Wm6ukoaOGJi/73p/cl2GvLjTI5JM1k/O14isD73YML8StrH/7/lRFgmg8nICZgD3bZZvjwCGxtMOD3wWNAu8cg==} + engines: {node: '>= 4.5.0'} + hasBin: true + + b4a@1.6.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5Tk1HLk6b6ctmjIkAcU/Ujv/1WqiDl0F0JdRCR80VsOcUlHcu7pWeWRlOqQLHfDEsVx9YH/aif5AG4ehoCtTmg==} + + babel-jest@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BrvGY3xZSwEcCzKvKsCi2GgHqDqsYkOP4/by5xCgIwGXQxIEh+8ew3gmrE1y7XRR6LHZIj6yLYnUi/mm2KXKBg==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': ^7.8.0 + + babel-plugin-istanbul@6.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y1IQok9821cC9onCx5otgFfRm7Lm+I+wwxOx738M/WLPZ9Q42m4IG5W0FNX8WLL2gYMZo3JkuXIH2DOpWM+qwA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + babel-plugin-jest-hoist@29.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ESAc/RJvGTFEzRwOTT4+lNDk/GNHMkKbNzsvT0qKRfDyyYTskxB5rnU2njIDYVxXCBHHEI1c0YwHob3WaYujOg==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2@0.4.11: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sMEJ27L0gRHShOh5G54uAAPaiCOygY/5ratXuiyb2G46FmlSpc9eFCzYVyDiPxfNbwzA7mYahmjQc5q+CZQ09Q==} + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': ^7.4.0 || ^8.0.0-0 <8.0.0 + + babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3@0.10.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-b37+KR2i/khY5sKmWNVQAnitvquQbNdWy6lJdsr0kmquCKEEUgMKK4SboVM3HtfnZilfjr4MMQ7vY58FVWDtIA==} + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': ^7.4.0 || ^8.0.0-0 <8.0.0 + + babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator@0.6.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2R25rQZWP63nGwaAswvDazbPXfrM3HwVoBXK6HcqeKrSrL/JqcC/rDcf95l4r7LXLyxDXc8uQDa064GubtCABg==} + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': ^7.4.0 || ^8.0.0-0 <8.0.0 + + babel-preset-current-node-syntax@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ldYss8SbBlWva1bs28q78Ju5Zq1F+8BrqBZZ0VFhLBvhh6lCpC2o3gDJi/5DRLs9FgYZCnmPYIVFU4lRXCkyUw==} + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': ^7.0.0 + + babel-preset-jest@29.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0B3bhxR6snWXJZtR/RliHTDPRgn1sNHOR0yVtq/IiQFyuOVjFS+wuio/R4gSNkyYmKmJB4wGZv2NZanmKmTnNA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': ^7.0.0 + + bach@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-A7bvGMGiTOxGMpNupYl9HQTf0FFDNF4VCmks4PJpFyN1AX2pdKuxuwdvUz2Hu388wcgp+OvGFNsumBfFNkR7eg==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + backbone@1.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-13PUjmsgw/49EowNcQvfG4gmczz1ximTMhUktj0Jfrjth0MVaTxehpU+qYYX4MxnuIuhmvBLC6/ayxuAGnOhbA==} + + balanced-match@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3oSeUO0TMV67hN1AmbXsK4yaqU7tjiHlbxRDZOpH0KW9+CeX4bRAaX0Anxt0tx2MrpRpWwQaPwIlISEJhYU5Pw==} + + bare-events@2.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/E8dDe9dsbLyh2qrZ64PEPadOQ0F4gbl1sUJOrmph7xOiIxfY8vwab/4bFLh4Y88/Hk/ujKcrQKc+ps0mv873A==} + + base64-js@1.5.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AKpaYlHn8t4SVbOHCy+b5+KKgvR4vrsD8vbvrbiQJps7fKDTkjkDry6ji0rUJjC0kzbNePLwzxq8iypo41qeWA==} + + base64id@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lGe34o6EHj9y3Kts9R4ZYs/Gr+6N7MCaMlIFA3F1R2O5/m7K06AxfSeO5530PEERE6/WyEg3lsuyw4GHlPZHog==} + engines: {node: ^4.5.0 || >= 5.9} + + binary-extensions@2.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ceh+7ox5qe7LJuLHoY0feh3pHuUDHAcRUeyL2VYghZwfpkNIy/+8Ocg0a3UuSoYzavmylwuLWQOf3hl0jjMMIw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + binaryextensions@2.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nAihlQsYGyc5Bwq6+EsubvANYGExeJKHDO3RjnvwU042fawQTQfM3Kxn7IHUXQOz4bzfwsGYYHGSvXyW4zOGLg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8'} + + bl@5.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tv1ZJHLfTDnXE6tMHv73YgSJaWR2AFuPwMntBe7XL/GBFHnT0CLnsHMogfk5+GzCDC5ZWarSCYaIGATZt9dNsQ==} + + bluebird@3.7.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XpNj6GDQzdfW+r2Wnn7xiSAd7TM3jzkxGXBGTtWKuSXv1xUV+azxAm8jdWZN06QTQk+2N2XB9jRDkvbmQmcRtg==} + + body-parser@1.20.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7rAxByjUMqQ3/bHJy7D6OGXvx/MMc4IqBn/X0fcM1QUcAItpZrBEYhWGem+tzXH90c+G01ypMcYJBO9Y30203g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8', npm: 1.2.8000 || >= 1.4.16} + + brace-expansion@1.1.11: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iCuPHDFgrHX7H2vEI/5xpz07zSHB00TpugqhmYtVmMO6518mCuRMoOYFldEBl0g187ufozdaHgWKcYFb61qGiA==} + + braces@3.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yQbXgO/OSZVD2IsiLlro+7Hf6Q18EJrKSEsdoMzKePKXct3gvD8oLcOQdIzGupr5Fj+EDe8gO/lxc1BzfMpxvA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + browserslist@4.23.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-btwCFJVjI4YWDNfau8RhZ+B1Q/VLoUITrm3RlP6y1tYGWIOa+InuYiRGXUBXo8nA1qKmHMyLB/iVQg5TT4eFoA==} + engines: {node: ^6 || ^7 || ^8 || ^9 || ^10 || ^11 || ^12 || >=13.7} + hasBin: true + + bs-logger@0.2.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pd8DCoxmbgc7hyPKOvxtqNcjYoOsABPQdcCUjGp3d42VR2CX1ORhk2A87oqqu5R1kk+76nsxZupkmyd+MVtCog==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + bser@2.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gQxTNE/GAfIIrmHLUE3oJyp5FO6HRBfhjnw4/wMmA63ZGDJnWBmgY/lyQBpnDUkGmAhbSe39tx2d/iTOAfglwQ==} + + buffer-equal@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QoV3ptgEaQpvVwbXdSO39iqPQTCxSF7A5U99AxbHYqUdCizL/lH2Z0A2y6nbZucxMEOtNyZfG2s6gsVugGpKkg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4'} + + buffer-from@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E+XQCRwSbaaiChtv6k6Dwgc+bx+Bs6vuKJHHl5kox/BaKbhiXzqQOwK4cO22yElGp2OCmjwVhT3HmxgyPGnJfQ==} + + buffer@6.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FTiCpNxtwiZZHEZbcbTIcZjERVICn9yq/pDFkTl95/AxzD1naBctN7YO68riM/gLSDY7sdrMby8hofADYuuqOA==} + + bump-regex@4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-75Kr/Iw6lqnOKF/7YpE0WyOMBaaSpdrXTquIxR0qbTgZxwJos6563zNSn+w/LPJUoL4DXq20QX9AQy4+UJbyhw==} + engines: {node: '>= 4.0.0'} + + bytes@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pMhOfFDPiv9t5jjIXkHosWmkSyQbvsgEVNkz0ERHbuLh2T/7j4Mqqpz523Fe8MVY89KC6Sh/QfS2sM+SjgFDcw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + bytes@3.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Nf7TyzTx6S3yRJObOAV7956r8cr2+Oj8AC5dt8wSP3BQAoeX58NoHyCU8P8zGkNXStjTSi6fzO6F0pBdcYbEg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + call-bind@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GHTSNSYICQ7scH7sZ+M2rFopRoLh8t2bLSW6BbgrtLsahOIB5iyAVJf9GjWK3cYTDaMj4XdBpM1cA6pIS0Kv2w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + callsites@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-P8BjAsXvZS+VIDUI11hHCQEv74YT67YUi5JJFNWIqL235sBmjX4+qx9Muvls5ivyNENctx46xQLQ3aTuE7ssaQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + camelcase-keys@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bA/Z/DERHKqoEOrp+qeGKw1QlvEQkGZSc0XaY6VnTxZr+Kv1G5zFwttpjv8qxZ/sBPT4nthwZaAcsAZTJlSKXQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + camelcase@2.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DLIsRzJVBQu72meAKPkWQOLcujdXT32hwdfnkI1frSiSRMK1MofjKHf+MEx0SB6fjEFXL8fBDv1dKymBlOp4Qw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + camelcase@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4nhGqUkc4BqbBBB4Q6zLuD7lzzrHYrjKGeYaEji/3tFR5VdJu9v+LilhGIVe8wxEJPPOeWo7eg8dwY13TZ1BNg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + 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char-regex@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kWWXztvZ5SBQV+eRgKFeh8q5sLuZY2+8WUIzlxWVTg+oGwY14qylx1KbKzHd8P6ZYkAg0xyIDU9JMHhyJMZ1jw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + chardet@0.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mT8iDcrh03qDGRRmoA2hmBJnxpllMR+0/0qlzjqZES6NdiWDcZkCNAk4rPFZ9Q85r27unkiNNg8ZOiwZXBHwcA==} + + charm@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wqW3VdPnlSWT4eRiYX+hcs+C6ViBPUWk1qTCd+37qw9kEm/a5n2qcyQDMBWvSYKN/ctqZzeXNQaeBjOetJJUkw==} + + chokidar@3.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7VT13fmjotKpGipCW9JEQAusEPE+Ei8nl6/g4FBAmIm0GOOLMua9NDDo/DWp0ZAxCr3cPq5ZpBqmPAQgDda2Pw==} + engines: {node: '>= 8.10.0'} + + ci-info@3.9.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NIxF55hv4nSqQswkAeiOi1r83xy8JldOFDTWiug55KBu9Jnblncd2U6ViHmYgHf01TPZS77NJBhBMKdWj9HQMQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + cjs-module-lexer@1.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cuSVIHi9/9E/+821Qjdvngor+xpnlwnuwIyZOaLmHBVdXL+gP+I6QQB9VkO7RI77YIcTV+S1W9AreJ5eN63JBA==} + + cli-cursor@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-I/zHAwsKf9FqGoXM4WWRACob9+SNukZTd94DWF57E4toouRulbCxcUh6RKUEOQlYTHJnzkPMySvPNaaSLNfLZw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + cli-width@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FxqpkPPwu1HjuN93Omfm4h8uIanXofW0RxVEW3k5RKx+mJJYSthzNhp32Kzxxy3YAEZ/Dc/EWN1vZRY0+kOhbw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + + cliui@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0yayqDxWQbqk3ojkYqUKqaAQ6AfNKeKWRNA8kR0WXzAsdHpP4BIaOmMAG87JGuO6qcobyW4GjxHd9PmhEd+T9w==} + + cliui@7.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OcRE68cOsVMXp1Yvonl/fzkQOyjLSu/8bhPDfQt0e0/Eb283TKP20Fs2MqoPsr9SwA595rRCA+QMzYc9nBP+JQ==} + + cliui@8.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BSeNnyus75C4//NQ9gQt1/csTXyo/8Sb+afLAkzAptFuMsod9HFokGNudZpi/oQV73hnVK+sR+5PVRMd+Dr7YQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + clone-buffer@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KLLTJWrvwIP+OPfMn0x2PheDEP20RPUcGXj/ERegTgdmPEZylALQldygiqrPPu8P45uNuPs7ckmReLY6v/iA5g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + clone-stats@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-au6ydSpg6nsrigcZ4m8Bc9hxjeW+GJ8xh5G3BJCMt4WXe1H10UNaVOamqQTmrx1kjVuxAHIQSNU6hY4Nsn9/ag==} + + clone@2.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3Pe/CF1Nn94hyhIYpjtiLhdCoEoz0DqQ+988E9gmeEdQZlojxnOb74wctFyuwWQHzqyf9X7C7MG8juUpqBJT8w==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8'} + + cloneable-readable@1.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2EF8zTQOxYq70Y4XKtorQupqF0m49MBz2/yf5Bj+MHjvpG3Hy7sImifnqD6UA+TKYxeSV+u6qqQPawN5UvnpKQ==} + + co@4.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QVb0dM5HvG+uaxitm8wONl7jltx8dqhfU33DcqtOZcLSVIKSDDLDi7+0LbAKiyI8hD9u42m2YxXSkMGWThaecQ==} + engines: {iojs: '>= 1.0.0', node: '>= 0.12.0'} + + code-point-at@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RpAVKQA5T63xEj6/giIbUEtZwJ4UFIc3ZtvEkiaUERylqe8xb5IvqcgOurZLahv93CLKfxcw5YI+DZcUBRyLXA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + collect-v8-coverage@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lHl4d5/ONEbLlJvaJNtsF/Lz+WvB07u2ycqTYbdrq7UypDXailES4valYb2eWiJFxZlVmpGekfqoxQhzyFdT4Q==} + + color-convert@1.9.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QfAUtd+vFdAtFQcC8CCyYt1fYWxSqAiK2cSD6zDB8N3cpsEBAvRxp9zOGg6G/SHHJYAT88/az/IuDGALsNVbGg==} + + color-convert@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RRECPsj7iu/xb5oKYcsFHSppFNnsj/52OVTRKb4zP5onXwVF3zVmmToNcOfGC+CRDpfK/U584fMg38ZHCaElKQ==} + engines: {node: '>=7.0.0'} + + color-name@1.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-72fSenhMw2HZMTVHeCA9KCmpEIbzWiQsjN+BHcBbS9vr1mtt+vJjPdksIBNUmKAW8TFUDPJK5SUU3QhE9NEXDw==} + + color-name@1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOy+3AuW3a2wNbZHIuMZpTcgjGuLU/uBL/ubcZF9OXbDo8ff4O8yVp5Bf0efS8uEoYo5q4Fx7dY9OgQGXgAsQA==} + + color-support@1.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qiBjkpbMLO/HL68y+lh4q0/O1MZFj2RX6X/KmMa3+gJD3z+WwI1ZzDHysvqHGS3mP6mznPckpXmw1nI9cJjyRg==} + hasBin: true + + combined-stream@1.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FQN4MRfuJeHf7cBbBMJFXhKSDq+2kAArBlmRBvcvFE5BB1HZKXtSFASDhdlz9zOYwxh8lDdnvmMOe/+5cdoEdg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + commander@2.20.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GpVkmM8vF2vQUkj2LvZmD35JxeJOLCwJ9cUkugyk2nuhbv3+mJvpLYYt+0+USMxE+oj+ey/lJEnhZw75x/OMcQ==} + + commander@7.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QrWXB+ZQSVPmIWIhtEO9H+gwHaMGYiF5ChvoJ+K9ZGHG/sVsa6yiesAD1GC/x46sET00Xlwo1u49RVVVzvcSkw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + + compressible@2.0.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AF3r7P5dWxL8MxyITRMlORQNaOA2IkAFaTr4k7BUumjPtRpGDTZpl0Pb1XCO6JeDCBdp126Cgs9sMxqSjgYyRg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + compression@1.7.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jaSIDzP9pZVS4ZfQ+TzvtiWhdpFhE2RDHz8QJkpX9SIpLq88VueF5jJw6t+6CUQcAoA6t+x89MLrWAqpfDE8iQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + concat-map@0.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Srv4dswyQNBfohGpz9o6Yb3Gz3SrUDqBH5rTuhGR7ahtlbYKnVxw2bCFMRljaA7EXHaXZ8wsHdodFvbkhKmqg==} + + console-control-strings@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ty/fTekppD2fIwRvnZAVdeOiGd1c7YXEixbgJTNzqcxJWKQnjJ/V1bNEEE6hygpM3WjwHFUVK6HTjWSzV4a8sQ==} + + consolidate@0.16.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Nhl1wzCslqXYTJVDyJCu3ODohy9OfBMB5uD2BiBTzd7w+QY0lBzafkR8y8755yMYHAaMD4NuzbAw03/xzfw+eQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10.0'} + deprecated: Please upgrade to consolidate v1.0.0+ as it has been modernized with several long-awaited fixes implemented. Maintenance is supported by Forward Email at https://forwardemail.net ; follow/watch https://github.com/ladjs/consolidate for updates and release changelog + peerDependencies: + arc-templates: ^0.5.3 + atpl: '>=0.7.6' + babel-core: ^6.26.3 + bracket-template: ^1.1.5 + coffee-script: ^1.12.7 + dot: ^1.1.3 + dust: ^0.3.0 + dustjs-helpers: ^1.7.4 + dustjs-linkedin: ^2.7.5 + eco: ^1.1.0-rc-3 + ect: ^0.5.9 + ejs: ^3.1.5 + haml-coffee: ^1.14.1 + hamlet: ^0.3.3 + hamljs: ^0.6.2 + handlebars: ^4.7.6 + hogan.js: ^3.0.2 + htmling: ^0.0.8 + jade: ^1.11.0 + jazz: ^0.0.18 + jqtpl: ~1.1.0 + just: ^0.1.8 + liquid-node: ^3.0.1 + liquor: ^0.0.5 + lodash: ^4.17.20 + marko: ^3.14.4 + mote: ^0.2.0 + mustache: ^4.0.1 + nunjucks: ^3.2.2 + plates: ~0.4.11 + pug: ^3.0.0 + qejs: ^3.0.5 + ractive: ^1.3.12 + razor-tmpl: ^1.3.1 + react: ^16.13.1 + react-dom: ^16.13.1 + slm: ^2.0.0 + squirrelly: ^5.1.0 + swig: ^1.4.2 + swig-templates: ^2.0.3 + teacup: ^2.0.0 + templayed: '>=0.2.3' + then-jade: '*' + then-pug: '*' + tinyliquid: ^0.2.34 + toffee: ^0.3.6 + twig: ^1.15.2 + twing: ^5.0.2 + underscore: ^1.11.0 + vash: ^0.13.0 + velocityjs: ^2.0.1 + walrus: ^0.10.1 + whiskers: ^0.4.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + arc-templates: + optional: true + atpl: + optional: true + babel-core: + optional: true + bracket-template: + optional: true + coffee-script: + optional: true + dot: + optional: true + dust: + optional: true + dustjs-helpers: + optional: true + dustjs-linkedin: + optional: true + eco: + optional: true + ect: + optional: true + ejs: + optional: true + haml-coffee: + optional: true + hamlet: + optional: true + hamljs: + optional: true + handlebars: + optional: true + hogan.js: + optional: true + htmling: + optional: true + jade: + optional: true + jazz: + optional: true + jqtpl: + optional: true + just: + optional: true + liquid-node: + optional: true + liquor: + optional: true + lodash: + optional: true + marko: + optional: true + mote: + optional: true + mustache: + optional: true + nunjucks: + optional: true + plates: + optional: true + pug: + optional: true + qejs: + optional: true + ractive: + optional: true + razor-tmpl: + optional: true + react: + optional: true + react-dom: + optional: true + slm: + optional: true + squirrelly: + optional: true + swig: + optional: true + swig-templates: + optional: true + teacup: + optional: true + templayed: + optional: true + then-jade: + optional: true + then-pug: + optional: true + tinyliquid: + optional: true + toffee: + optional: true + twig: + optional: true + twing: + optional: true + underscore: + optional: true + vash: + optional: true + velocityjs: + optional: true + walrus: + optional: true + whiskers: + optional: true + + content-disposition@0.5.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FveZTNuGw04cxlAiWbzi6zTAL/lhehaWbTtgluJh4/E95DqMwTmha3KZN1aAWA8cFIhHzMZUvLevkw5Rqk+tSQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + content-type@1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nTjqfcBFEipKdXCv4YDQWCfmcLZKm81ldF0pAopTvyrFGVbcR6P/VAAd5G7N+0tTr8QqiU0tFadD6FK4NtJwOA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + convert-source-map@1.9.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ASFBup0Mz1uyiIjANan1jzLQami9z1PoYSZCiiYW2FczPbenXc45FZdBZLzOT+r6+iciuEModtmCti+hjaAk0A==} + + convert-source-map@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Kvp459HrV2FEJ1CAsi1Ku+MY3kasH19TFykTz2xWmMeq6bk2NU3XXvfJ+Q61m0xktWwt+1HSYf3JZsTms3aRJg==} + + cookie-signature@1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QADzlaHc8icV8I7vbaJXJwod9HWYp8uCqf1xa4OfNu1T7JVxQIrUgOWtHdNDtPiywmFbiS12VjotIXLrKM3orQ==} + + cookie@0.4.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aSWTXFzaKWkvHO1Ny/s+ePFpvKsPnjc551iI41v3ny/ow6tBG5Vd+FuqGNhh1LxOmVzOlGUriIlOaokOvhaStA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + cookie@0.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-U71cyTamuh1CRNCfpGY6to28lxvNwPG4Guz/EVjgf3Jmzv0vlDp1atT9eS5dDjMYHucpHbWns6Lwf3BKz6svdw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + copy-props@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bVWtw1wQLzzKiYROtvNlbJgxgBYt2bMJpkCbKmXM3xyijvcjjWXEk5nyrrT3bgJ7ODb19ZohE2T0Y3FgNPyoTw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + core-js-compat@3.38.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JRH6gfXxGmrzF3tZ57lFx97YARxCXPaMzPo6jELZhv88pBH5VXpQ+y0znKGlFnzuaihqhLbefxSJxWJMPtfDzw==} + + core-util-is@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZQBvi1DcpJ4GDqanjucZ2Hj3wEO5pZDS89BWbkcrvdxksJorwUDDZamX9ldFkp9aw2lmBDLgkObEA4DWNJ9FYQ==} + + cors@2.8.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KIHbLJqu73RGr/hnbrO9uBeixNGuvSQjul/jdFvS/KFSIH1hWVd1ng7zOHx+YrEfInLG7q4n6GHQ9cDtxv/P6g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + create-jest@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Adz2bdH0Vq3F53KEMJOoftQFutWCukm6J24wbPWRO4k1kMY7gS7ds/uoJkNuV8wDCtWWnuwGcJwpWcih+zEW1Q==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + hasBin: true + + create-require@1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dcKFX3jn0MpIaXjisoRvexIJVEKzaq7z2rZKxf+MSr9TkdmHmsU4m2lcLojrj/FHl8mk5VxMmYA+ftRkP/3oKQ==} + + cross-spawn@6.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eTVLrBSt7fjbDygz805pMnstIs2VTBNkRm0qxZd+M7A5XDdxVRWO5MxGBXZhjY4cqLYLdtrGqRf8mBPmzwSpWQ==} + engines: {node: '>=4.8'} + + cross-spawn@7.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iRDPJKUPVEND7dHPO8rkbOnPpyDygcDFtWjpeWNCgy8WP2rXcxXL8TskReQl6OrB2G7+UJrags1q15Fudc7G6w==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + css@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DG9pFfwOrzc+hawpmqX/dHYHJG+Bsdb0klhyi1sDneOgGOXy9wQIC8hzyVp1e4NRYDBdxcylvywPkkXCHAzTyQ==} + + cssom@0.3.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-b0tGHbfegbhPJpxpiBPU2sCkigAqtM9O121le6bbOlgyV+NyGyCmVfJ6QW9eRjz8CpNfWEOYBIMIGRYkLwsIYg==} + + cssom@0.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iKuQcq+NdHqlAcwUY0o/HL69XQrUaQdMjmStJ8JFmUaiiQErlhrmuigkg/CU4E2J0IyUKUrMAgl36TvN67MqTw==} + + cssstyle@2.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AZL67abkUzIuvcHqk7c09cezpGNcxUxU4Ioi/05xHk4DQeTkWmGYftIE6ctU6AEt+Gn4n1lDStOtj7FKycP71A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + currently-unhandled@0.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/fITjgjGU50vjQ4FH6eUoYu+iUoUKIXws2hL15JJpIR+BbTxaXQsMuuyjtNh2WqsSBS5nsaZHFsFecyw5CCAng==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + d@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MOqHvMWF9/9MX6nza0KgvFH4HpMU0EF5uUDXqX/BtxtU8NfB0QzRtJ8Oe/6SuS4kbhyzVJwjd97EA4PKrzJ8bw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.12'} + + data-urls@3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Jy/tj3ldjZJo63sVAvg6LHt2mHvl4V6AgRAmNDtLdm7faqtsx+aJG42rsyCo9JCoRVKwPFzKlIPx3DIibwSIaQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + dateformat@1.0.12: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5sFRfAAmbHdIts+eKjR9kYJoF0ViCMVX9yqLu5A7S/v+nd077KgCITOMiirmyCBiZpKLDXbBOkYm6tu7rX/TKg==} + hasBin: true + + debug-fabulous@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GZqvGIgKNlUnHUPQhepnUZFIMoi3dgZKQBzKDeL2g7oJF9SNAji/AAu36dusFUas0O+pae74lNeoIPHqXWDkLg==} + + debug@2.6.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bC7ElrdJaJnPbAP+1EotYvqZsb3ecl5wi6Bfi6BJTUcNowp6cvspg0jXznRTKDjm/E7AdgFBVeAPVMNcKGsHMA==} + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + + debug@3.2.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CFjzYYAi4ThfiQvizrFQevTTXHtnCqWfe7x1AhgEscTz6ZbLbfoLRLPugTQyBth6f8ZERVUSyWHFD/7Wu4t1XQ==} + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + + debug@4.3.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Er2nc/H7RrMXZBFCEim6TCmMk02Z8vLC2Rbi1KEBggpo0fS6l0S1nnapwmIi3yW/+GOJap1Krg4w0Hg80oCqgQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0'} + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + + decamelize@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-z2S+W9X73hAUUki+N+9Za2lBlun89zigOyGrsax+KUQ6wKW4ZoWpEYBkGhQjwAjjDCkWxhY0VKEhk8wzY7F5cA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + decimal.js@10.4.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VBBaLc1MgL5XpzgIP7ny5Z6Nx3UrRkIViUkPUdtl9aya5amy3De1gsUUSB1g3+3sExYNjCAsAznmukyxCb1GRA==} + + decode-uri-component@0.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FqUYQ+8o158GyGTrMFJms9qh3CqTKvAqgqsTnkLI8sKu0028orqBhxNMFkFen0zGyg6epACD32pjVk58ngIErQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10'} + + dedent@1.5.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NHQtfOOW68WD8lgypbLA5oT+Bt0xXJhiYvoR6SmmNXZfpzOGXwdKWmcwG8N7PwVVWV3eF/68nmD9BaJSsTBhyQ==} + peerDependencies: + babel-plugin-macros: ^3.1.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + babel-plugin-macros: + optional: true + + deep-is@0.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oIPzksmTg4/MriiaYGO+okXDT7ztn/w3Eptv/+gSIdMdKsJo0u4CfYNFJPy+4SKMuCqGw2wxnA+URMg3t8a/bQ==} + + deepmerge@4.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3sUqbMEc77XqpdNO7FRyRog+eW3ph+GYCbj+rK+uYyRMuwsVy0rMiVtPn+QJlKFvWP/1PYpapqYn0Me2knFn+A==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + define-data-property@1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rBMvIzlpA8v6E+SJZoo++HAYqsLrkg7MSfIinMPFhmkorw7X+dOXVJQs+QT69zGkzMyfDnIMN2Wid1+NbL3T+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + define-properties@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8QmQKqEASLd5nx0U1B1okLElbUuuttJ/AnYmRXbbbGDWh6uS208EjD4Xqq/I9wK7u0v6O08XhTWnt5XtEbR6Dg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + delayed-stream@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZySD7Nf91aLB0RxL4KGrKHBXl7Eds1DAmEdcoVawXnLD7SDhpNgtuII2aAkg7a7QS41jxPSZ17p4VdGnMHk3MQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + + delegates@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bd2L678uiWATM6m5Z1VzNCErI3jiGzt6HGY8OVICs40JQq/HALfbyNJmp0UDakEY4pMMaN0Ly5om/B1VI/+xfQ==} + + depd@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-g7nH6P6dyDioJogAAGprGpCtVImJhpPk/roCzdb3fIh61/s/nPsfR6onyMwkCAR/OlC3yBC0lESvUoQEAssIrw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + destroy@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2sJGJTaXIIaR1w4iJSNoN0hnMY7Gpc/n8D4qSCJw8QqFWXf7cuAgnEHxBpweaVcPevC2l3KpjYCx3NypQQgaJg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8', npm: 1.2.8000 || >= 1.4.16} + + detect-file@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DtCOLG98P007x7wiiOmfI0fi3eIKyWiLTGJ2MDnVi/E04lWGbf+JzrRHMm0rgIIZJGtHpKpbVgLWHrv8xXpc3Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + detect-newline@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CwffZFvlJffUg9zZA0uqrjQayUTC8ob94pnr5sFwaVv3IOmkfUHcWH+jXaQK3askE51Cqe8/9Ql/0uXNwqZ8Zg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + detect-newline@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TLz+x/vEXm/Y7P7wn1EJFNLxYpUD4TgMosxY6fAVJUnJMbupHBOncxyWUG9OpTaH9EBD7uFI5LfEgmMOc54DsA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + diff-sequences@29.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EjePK1srD3P08o2j4f0ExnylqRs5B9tJjcp9t1krH2qRi8CCdsYfwe9JgSLurFBWwq4uOlipzfk5fHNvwFKr8Q==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + diff@4.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-58lmxKSA4BNyLz+HHMUzlOEpg09FV+ev6ZMe3vJihgdxzgcwZ8VoEEPmALCZG9LmqfVoNMMKpttIYTVG6uDY7A==} + engines: {node: '>=0.3.1'} + + dir-glob@3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WkrWp9GR4KXfKGYzOLmTuGVi1UWFfws377n9cc55/tb6DuqyF6pcQ5AbiHEshaDpY9v6oaSr2XCDidGmMwdzIA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + doctrine@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yS+Q5i3hBf7GBkd4KG8a7eBNNWNGLTaEwwYWUijIYM7zrlYDM0BFXHjjPWlWZ1Rg7UaddZeIDmi9jF3HmqiQ2w==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + domexception@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-A2is4PLG+eeSfoTMA95/s4pvAoSo2mKtiM5jlHkAVewmiO8ISFTFKZjH7UAM1Atli/OT/7JHOrJRJiMKUZKYBw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + deprecated: Use your platform's native DOMException instead + + duplexify@3.7.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-07z8uv2wMyS51kKhD1KsdXJg5WQ6t93RneqRxUHnskXVtlYYkLqM0gqStQZ3pj073g687jPCHrqNfCzawLYh5g==} + + each-props@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IYf1hpuWrdzse/s/YJOrFmU15lyhSzxelNVAHTEG3DtP4QsLTWZUzcUL3HMXmKQxXpa4EIrBPpwRgj0aehdvAw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + ee-first@1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WMwm9LhRUo+WUaRN+vRuETqG89IgZphVSNkdFgeb6sS/E4OrDIN7t48CAewSHXc6C8lefD8KKfr5vY61brQlow==} + + electron-to-chromium@1.5.28: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VufdJl+rzaKZoYVUijN13QcXVF5dWPZANeFTLNy+OSpHdDL5ynXTF35+60RSBbaQYB1ae723lQXHCrf4pyLsMw==} + + emittery@0.13.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DeWwawk6r5yR9jFgnDKYt4sLS0LmHJJi3ZOnb5/JdbYwj3nW+FxQnHIjhBKz8YLC7oRNPVM9NQ47I3CVx34eqQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + emoji-regex@7.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CwBLREIQ7LvYFB0WyRvwhq5N5qPhc6PMjD6bYggFlI5YyDgl+0vxq5VHbMOFqLg7hfWzmu8T5Z1QofhmTIhItA==} + + emoji-regex@8.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MSjYzcWNOA0ewAHpz0MxpYFvwg6yjy1NG3xteoqz644VCo/RPgnr1/GGt+ic3iJTzQ8Eu3TdM14SawnVUmGE6A==} + + encodeurl@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TPJXq8JqFaVYm2CWmPvnP2Iyo4ZSM7/QKcSmuMLDObfpH5fi7RUGmd/rTDf+rut/saiDiQEeVTNgAmJEdAOx0w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + encodeurl@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Q0n9HRi4m6JuGIV1eFlmvJB7ZEVxu93IrMyiMsGC0lrMJMWzRgx6WGquyfQgZVb31vhGgXnfmPNNXmxnOkRBrg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + end-of-stream@1.4.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+uw1inIHVPQoaVuHzRyXd21icM+cnt4CzD5rW+NC1wjOUSTOs+Te7FOv7AhN7vS9x/oIyhLP5PR1H+phQAHu5Q==} + + engine.io-parser@5.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HqD3yTBfnBxIrbnM1DoD6Pcq8NECnh8d4As1Qgh0z5Gg3jRRIqijury0CL3ghu/edArpUYiYqQiDUQBIs4np3Q==} + engines: {node: '>=10.0.0'} + + engine.io@6.6.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NEpDCw9hrvBW+hVEOK4T7v0jFJ++KgtPl4jKFwsZVfG1XhS0dCrSb3VMb9gPAd7VAdW52VT1EnaNiU2vM8C0og==} + engines: {node: '>=10.2.0'} + + enquirer@2.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rRqJg/6gd538VHvR3PSrdRBb/1Vy2YfzHqzvbhGIQpDRKIa4FgV/54b5Q1xYSxOOwKvjXweS26E0Q+nAMwp2pQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6'} + + entities@4.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-V0hjH4dGPh9Ao5p0MoRY6BVqtwCjhz6vI5LT8AJ55H+4g9/4vbHx1I54fS0XuclLhDHArPQCiMjDxjaL8fPxhw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.12'} + + error-ex@1.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7dFHNmqeFSEt2ZBsCriorKnn3Z2pj+fd9kmI6QoWw4//DL+icEBfc0U7qJCisqrTsKTjw4fNFy2pW9OqStD84g==} + + es-define-property@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jxayLKShrEqqzJ0eumQbVhTYQM27CfT1T35+gCgDFoL82JLsXqTJ76zv6A0YLOgEnLUMvLzsDsGIrl8NFpT2gQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + es-errors@1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Zf5H2Kxt2xjTvbJvP2ZWLEICxA6j+hAmMzIlypy4xcBg1vKVnx89Wy0GbS+kf5cwCVFFzdCFh2XSCFNULS6csw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + es5-ext@0.10.64: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-p2snDhiLaXe6dahss1LddxqEm+SkuDvV8dnIQG0MWjyHpcMNfXKPE+/Cc0y+PhxJX3A4xGNeFCj5oc0BUh6deg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10'} + + es6-iterator@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zw4SRzoUkd+cl+ZoE15A9o1oQd920Bb0iOJMQkQhl3jNc03YqVjAhG7scf9C5KWRU/R13Orf588uCC6525o02g==} + + es6-symbol@3.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-U9bFFjX8tFiATgtkJ1zg25+KviIXpgRvRHS8sau3GfhVzThRQrOeksPeT0BWW2MNZs1OEWJ1DPXOQMn0KKRkvg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.12'} + + es6-weak-map@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-p5um32HOTO1kP+w7PRnB+5lQ43Z6muuMuIMffvDN8ZB4GcnjLBV6zGStpbASIMk4DCAvEaamhe2zhyCb/QXXsA==} + + escalade@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WUj2qlxaQtO4g6Pq5c29GTcWGDyd8itL8zTlipgECz3JesAiiOKotd8JU6otB3PACgG6xkJUyVhboMS+bje/jA==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + escape-html@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NiSupZ4OeuGwr68lGIeym/ksIZMJodUGOSCZ/FSnTxcrekbvqrgdUxlJOMpijaKZVjAJrWrGs/6Jy8OMuyj9ow==} + + escape-string-regexp@1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vbRorB5FUQWvla16U8R/qgaFIya2qGzwDrNmCZuYKrbdSUMG6I1ZCGQRefkRVhuOkIGVne7BQ35DSfo1qvJqFg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8.0'} + + escape-string-regexp@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UpzcLCXolUWcNu5HtVMHYdXJjArjsF9C0aNnquZYY4uW/Vu0miy5YoWvbV345HauVvcAUnpRuhMMcqTcGOY2+w==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + escape-string-regexp@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TtpcNJ3XAzx3Gq8sWRzJaVajRs0uVxA2YAkdb1jm2YkPz4G6egUFAyA3n5vtEIZefPk5Wa4UXbKuS5fKkJWdgA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + escodegen@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2NlIDTwUWJN0mRPQOdtQBzbUHvdGY2P1VXSyU83Q3xKxM7WHX2Ql8dKq782Q9TgQUNOLEzEYu9bzLNj1q88I5w==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0'} + hasBin: true + + eslint-scope@5.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2NxwbF/hZ0KpepYN0cNbo+FN6XoK7GaHlQhgx/hIZl6Va0bF45RQOOwhLIy8lQDbuCiadSLCBnH2CFYquit5bw==} + engines: {node: '>=8.0.0'} + + eslint-scope@6.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uRDL9MWmQCkaFus8RF5K9/L/2fn+80yoW3jkD53l4shjCh26fCtvJGasxjUqP5OT87SYTxCVA3BwTUzuELx9kA==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + + eslint-utils@1.4.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fbBN5W2xdY45KulGXmLHZ3c3FHfVYmKg0IrAKGOkT/464PQsx2UeIzfz1RmEci+KLm1bBaAzZAh8+/E+XAeZ8Q==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + eslint-utils@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uuQC43IGctw68pJA1RgbQS8/NP7rch6Cwd4j3ZBtgo4/8Flj4eGE7ZYSZRN3iq5pVUv6GPdW5Z1RFleo84uLDA==} + engines: {node: ^10.0.0 || ^12.0.0 || >= 14.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: '>=5' + + eslint-visitor-keys@1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6J72N8UNa462wa/KFODt/PJ3IU60SDpC3QXC1Hjc1BXXpfL2C9R5+AU7jhe0F6GREqVMh4Juu+NY7xn+6dipUQ==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + eslint-visitor-keys@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0rSmRBzXgDzIsD6mGdJgevzgezI534Cer5L/vyMX0kHzT/jiB43jRhd9YUlMGYLQy2zprNmoT8qasCGtY+QaKw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + eslint-visitor-keys@3.4.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wpc+LXeiyiisxPlEkUzU6svyS1frIO3Mgxj1fdy7Pm8Ygzguax2N3Fa/D/ag1WqbOprdI+uY6wMUl8/a2G+iag==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + + eslint@6.8.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-K+Iayyo2LtyYhDSYwz5D5QdWw0hCacNzyq1Y821Xna2xSJj7cijoLLYmLxTQgcgZ9mC61nryMy9S7GRbYpI5Ig==} + engines: {node: ^8.10.0 || ^10.13.0 || >=11.10.1} + hasBin: true + + eslint@8.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LsgcwZgQ72vZ+SMp4K6pAnk2yFDWL7Ti4pJaRvsZ0Hsw2h8ZjUIW38a9AFn2cZXdBMlScMFYYgsSp4ttFI/0bA==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + hasBin: true + + esniff@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kTUIGKQ/mDPFoJ0oVfcmyJn4iBDRptjNVIzwIFR7tqWXdVI9xfA2RMwY/gbSpJG3lkdWNEjLap/NqVHZiJsdfg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10'} + + espree@6.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ysCxRQY3WaXJz9tdbWOwuWr5Y/XrPTGX9Kiz3yoUXwW0VZ4w30HTkQLaGx/+ttFjF8i+ACbArnB4ce68a9m5hw==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + espree@9.6.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oruZaFkjorTpF32kDSI5/75ViwGeZginGGy2NoOSg3Q9bnwlnmDm4HLnkl0RE3n+njDXR037aY1+x58Z/zFdwQ==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + + esprima@4.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eGuFFw7Upda+g4p+QHvnW0RyTX/SVeJBDM/gCtMARO0cLuT2HcEKnTPvhjV6aGeqrCB/sbNop0Kszm0jsaWU4A==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + hasBin: true + + esquery@1.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ca9pw9fomFcKPvFLXhBKUK90ZvGibiGOvRJNbjljY7s7uq/5YO4BOzcYtJqExdx99rF6aAcnRxHmcUHcz6sQsg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10'} + + esrecurse@4.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KmfKL3b6G+RXvP8N1vr3Tq1kL/oCFgn2NYXEtqP8/L3pKapUA4G8cFVaoF3SU323CD4XypR/ffioHmkti6/Tag==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + + estraverse@4.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-39nnKffWz8xN1BU/2c79n9nB9HDzo0niYUqx6xyqUnyoAnQyyWpOTdZEeiCch8BBu515t4wp9ZmgVfVhn9EBpw==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + + estraverse@5.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MMdARuVEQziNTeJD8DgMqmhwR11BRQ/cBP+pLtYdSTnf3MIO8fFeiINEbX36ZdNlfU/7A9f3gUw49B3oQsvwBA==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + + esutils@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kVscqXk4OCp68SZ0dkgEKVi6/8ij300KBWTJq32P/dYeWTSwK41WyTxalN1eRmA5Z9UU/LX9D7FWSmV9SAYx6g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + etag@1.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aIL5Fx7mawVa300al2BnEE4iNvo1qETxLrPI/o05L7z6go7fCw1J6EQmbK4FmJ2AS7kgVF/KEZWufBfdClMcPg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + event-emitter@0.3.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D9rRn9y7kLPnJ+hMq7S/nhvoKwwvVJahBi2BPmx3bvbsEdK3W9ii8cBSGjP+72/LnM4n6fo3+dkCX5FeTQruXA==} + + eventemitter3@4.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8guHBZCwKnFhYdHr2ysuRWErTwhoN2X8XELRlrRwpmfeY2jjuUN4taQMsULKUVo1K4DvZl+0pgfyoysHxvmvEw==} + + events-to-array@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-inRWzRY7nG+aXZxBzEqYKB3HPgwflZRopAjDCHv0whhRx+MTUr1ei0ICZUypdyE0HRm4L2d5VEcIqLD6yl+BFA==} + + execa@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-adbxcyWV46qiHyvSp50TKt05tB4tK3HcmF7/nxfAdhnox83seTDbwnaqKO4sXRy7roHAIFqJP/Rw/AuEbX61LA==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + execa@5.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8uSpZZocAZRBAPIEINJj3Lo9HyGitllczc27Eh5YYojjMFMn8yHMDMaUHE2Jqfq05D/wucwI4JGURyXt1vchyg==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + exit@0.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Zk/eNKV2zbjpKzrsQ+n1G6poVbErQxJ0LBOJXaKZ1EViLzH+hrLu9cdXI4zw9dBQJslwBEpbQ2P1oS7nDxs6jQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + expand-tilde@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-A5EmesHW6rfnZ9ysHQjPdJRni0SRar0tjtG5MNtm9n5TUvsYU8oozprtRD4AqHxcZWWlVuAmQo2nWKfN9oyjTw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + expect@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2Zks0hf1VLFYI1kbh0I5jP3KHHyCHpkfyHBzsSXRFgl/Bg9mWYfMW8oD+PdMPlEwy5HNsR9JutYy6pMeOh61nw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + express@4.21.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VqcNGcj/Id5ZT1LZ/cfihi3ttTn+NJmkli2eZADigjq29qTlWi/hAQ43t/VLPq8+UX06FCEx3ByOYet6ZFblng==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10.0'} + + ext@1.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6hxeJYaL110a9b5TEJSj0gojyHQAmA2ch5Os+ySCiA1QGdS697XWY1pzsrSjqA9LDEEgdB/KypIlR59RcLuHYw==} + + extend-shallow@3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BwY5b5Ql4+qZoefgMj2NUmx+tehVTH/Kf4k1ZEtOHNFcm2wSxMRo992l6X3TIgni2eZVTZ85xMOjF31fwZAj6Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + extend@3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fjquC59cD7CyW6urNXK0FBufkZcoiGG80wTuPujX590cB5Ttln20E2UB4S/WARVqhXffZl2LNgS+gQdPIIim/g==} + + external-editor@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hMQ4CX1p1izmuLYyZqLMO/qGNw10wSv9QDCPfzXfyFrOaCSSoRfqE1Kf1s5an66J5JZC62NewG+mK49jOCtQew==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + fancy-log@1.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k9oEhlyc0FrVh25qYuSELjr8oxsCoc4/LEZfg2iJJrfEk/tZL9bCoJE47gqAvI2m/AUjluCS4+3I0eTx8n3AEw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + fancy-log@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9CzxZbACXMUXW13tS0tI8XsGGmxWzO2DmYrGuBJOJ8k8q2K7hwfJA5qHjuPPe8wtsco33YR9wc+Rlr5wYFvhSA==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + fast-deep-equal@3.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-f3qQ9oQy9j2AhBe/H9VC91wLmKBCCU/gDOnKNAYG5hswO7BLKj09Hc5HYNz9cGI++xlpDCIgDaitVs03ATR84Q==} + + fast-fifo@1.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/d9sfos4yxzpwkDkuN7k2SqFKtYNmCTzgfEpz82x34IM9/zc8KGxQoXg1liNC/izpRM/MBdt44Nmx41ZWqk+FQ==} + + fast-glob@3.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oX2ruAFQwf/Orj8m737Y5adxDQO0LAB7/S5MnxCdTNDd4p6BsyIVsv9JQsATbTSq8KHRpLwIHbVlUNatxd+1Ow==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6.0'} + + fast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lhd/wF+Lk98HZoTCtlVraHtfh5XYijIjalXck7saUtuanSDyLMxnHhSXEDJqHxD7msR8D0uCmqlkwjCV8xvwHw==} + + fast-levenshtein@2.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DCXu6Ifhqcks7TZKY3Hxp3y6qphY5SJZmrWMDrKcERSOXWQdMhU9Ig/PYrzyw/ul9jOIyh0N4M0tbC5hodg8dw==} + + fast-levenshtein@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hKKNajm46uNmTlhHSyZkmToAc56uZJwYq7yrciZjqOxnlfQwERDQJmHPUp7m1m9wx8vgOe8IaCKZ5Kv2k1DdCQ==} + + fastest-levenshtein@1.0.16: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eRnCtTTtGZFpQCwhJiUOuxPQWRXVKYDn0b2PeHfXL6/Zi53SLAzAHfVhVWK2AryC/WH05kGfxhFIPvTF0SXQzg==} + engines: {node: '>= 4.9.1'} + + fastq@1.17.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sRVD3lWVIXWg6By68ZN7vho9a1pQcN/WBFaAAsDDFzlJjvoGx0P8z7V1t72grFJfJhu3YPZBuu25f7Kaw2jN1w==} + + fb-watchman@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-p5161BqbuCaSnB8jIbzQHOlpgsPmK5rJVDfDKO91Axs5NC1uu3HRQm6wt9cd9/+GtQQIO53JdGXXoyDpTAsgYA==} + + figures@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yaduQFRKLXYOGgEn6AZau90j3ggSOyiqXU0F9JZfeXYhNa+Jk4X+s45A2zg5jns87GAFa34BBm2kXw4XpNcbdg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + file-entry-cache@5.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bCg29ictuBaKUwwArK4ouCaqDgLZcysCFLmM/Yn/FDoqndh/9vNuQfXRDvTuXKLxfD/JtZQGKFT8MGcJBK644g==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + file-entry-cache@6.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7Gps/XWymbLk2QLYK4NzpMOrYjMhdIxXuIvy2QBsLE6ljuodKvdkWs/cpyJJ3CVIVpH0Oi1Hvg1ovbMzLdFBBg==} + engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0} + + fill-range@7.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YsGpe3WHLK8ZYi4tWDg2Jy3ebRz2rXowDxnld4bkQB00cc/1Zw9AWnC0i9ztDJitivtQvaI9KaLyKrc+hBW0yg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + finalhandler@1.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6BN9trH7bp3qvnrRyzsBz+g3lZxTNZTbVO2EV1CS0WIcDbawYVdYvGflME/9QP0h0pYlCDBCTjYa9nZzMDpyxQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + find-up@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jvElSjyuo4EMQGoTwo1uJU5pQMwTW5lS1x05zzfJuTIyLR3zwO27LYrxNg+dlvKpGOuGy/MzBdXh80g0ve5+HA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + find-up@4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PpOwAdQ/YlXQ2vj8a3h8IipDuYRi3wceVQQGYWxNINccq40Anw7BlsEXCMbt1Zt+OLA6Fq9suIpIWD0OsnISlw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + findup-sync@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MzwXju70AuyflbgeOhzvQWAvvQdo1XL0A9bVvlXsYcFEBM87WR4OakL4OfZq+QRmr+duJubio+UtNQCPsVESzQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + fined@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OFRzsL6ZMHz5s0JrsEr+TpdGNCtrVtnuG3x1yzGNiQHT0yaDnXAj8V/lWcpJVrnoDpcwXcASxAZYbuXda2Y82A==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + fireworm@0.7.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GjebTzq+NKKhfmDxjKq3RXwQcN9xRmZWhnnuC9L+/x5wBQtR0aaQM50HsjrzJ2wc28v1vSdfOpELok0TKR4ddg==} + + first-chunk-stream@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-X8Z+b/0L4lToKYq+lwnKqi9X/Zek0NibLpsJgVsSxpoYq7JtiCtRb5HqKVEjEw/qAb/4AKKRLOwwKHlWNpm2Eg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + flagged-respawn@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Gq/a6YCi8zexmGHMuJwahTGzXlAZAOsbCVKduWXC6TlLCjjFRlExMJc4GC2NYPYZ0r/brw9P7CpRgQmlPVeOoA==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + flat-cache@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LoQe6yDuUMDzQAEH8sgmh4Md6oZnc/7PjtwjNFSzveXqSHt6ka9fPBuso7IGf9Rz4uqnSnWiFH2B/zj24a5ReA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + flat-cache@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CYcENa+FtcUKLmhhqyctpclsq7QF38pKjZHsGNiSQF5r4FtoKDWabFDl3hzaEQMvT1LHEysw5twgLvpYYb4vbw==} + engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0} + + flatted@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-r5wGx7YeOwNWNlCA0wQ86zKyDLMQr+/RB8xy74M4hTphfmjlijTSSXGuH8rnvKZnfT9i+75zmd8jcKdMR4O6jA==} + + flatted@3.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-X8cqMLLie7KsNUDSdzeN8FYK9rEt4Dt67OsG/DNGnYTSDBG4uFAJFBnUeiV+zCVAvwFy56IjM9sH51jVaEhNxw==} + + flush-write-stream@1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3Z4XhFZ3992uIq0XOqb9AreonueSYphE6oYbpt5+3u06JWklbsPkNv3ZKkP9Bz/r+1MWCaMoSQ28P85+1Yc77w==} + + follow-redirects@1.15.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gew4GsXizNgdoRyqmyfMHyAmXsZDk6mHkSxZFCzW9gwlbtOW44CDtYavM+y+72qD/Vq2l550kMF52DT8fOLJqQ==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + peerDependencies: + debug: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + debug: + optional: true + + for-in@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7EwmXrOjyL+ChxMhmG5lnW9MPt1aIeZEwKhQzoBUdTV0N3zuwWDZYVJatDvZ2OyzPUvdIAZDsCetk3coyMfcnQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + for-own@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0OABksIGrxKK8K4kynWkQ7y1zounQxP+CWnyclVwj81KW3vlLlGUx57DKGcP/LH216GzqnstnPocF16Nxs0Ycg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + form-data@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ETEklSGi5t0QMZuiXoA/Q6vcnxcLQP5vdugSpuAyi6SVGi2clPPp+xgEhuMaHC+zGgn31Kd235W35f7Hykkaww==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + forwarded@0.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-buRG0fpBtRHSTCOASe6hD258tEubFoRLb4ZNA6NxMVHNw2gOcwHo9wyablzMzOA5z9xA9L1KNjk/Nt6MT9aYow==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + fresh@0.5.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zJ2mQYM18rEFOudeV4GShTGIQ7RbzA7ozbU9I/XBpm7kqgMywgmylMwXHxZJmkVoYkna9d2pVXVXPdYTP9ej8Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + fs-mkdirp-stream@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+vSd9frUnapVC2RZYfL3FCB2p3g4TBhaUmrsWlSudsGdnxIuUvBB2QM1VZeBtc49QFwrp+wQLrDs3+xxDgI5gQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + fs-mkdirp-stream@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UTOY+59K6IA94tec8Wjqm0FSh5OVudGNB0NL/P6fB3HiE3bYOY3VYBGijsnOHNkQSwC1FKkU77pmq7xp9CskLw==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + fs.realpath@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OO0pH2lK6a0hZnAdau5ItzHPI6pUlvI7jMVnxUQRtw4owF2wk8lOSabtGDCTP4Ggrg2MbGnWO9X8K1t4+fGMDw==} + + fsevents@2.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5xoDfX+fL7faATnagmWPpbFtwh/R77WmMMqqHGS65C3vvB0YHrgF+B1YmZ3441tMj5n63k0212XNoJwzlhffQw==} + engines: {node: ^8.16.0 || ^10.6.0 || >=11.0.0} + os: [darwin] + + function-bind@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7XHNxH7qX9xG5mIwxkhumTox/MIRNcOgDrxWsMt2pAr23WHp6MrRlN7FBSFpCpr+oVO0F744iUgR82nJMfG2SA==} + + functional-red-black-tree@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dsKNQNdj6xA3T+QlADDA7mOSlX0qiMINjn0cgr+eGHGsbSHzTabcIogz2+p/iqP1Xs6EP/sS2SbqH+brGTbq0g==} + + gauge@4.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-f9m+BEN5jkg6a0fZjleidjN51VE1X+mPFQ2DJ0uv1V39oCLCbsGe6yjbBnp7eK7z/+GAon99a3nHuqbuuthyPg==} + engines: {node: ^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || >=16.0.0} + deprecated: This package is no longer supported. + + gensync@1.0.0-beta.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3hN7NaskYvMDLQY55gnW3NQ+mesEAepTqlg+VEbj7zzqEMBVNhzcGYYeqFo/TlYz6eQiFcp1HcsCZO+nGgS8zg==} + engines: {node: '>=6.9.0'} + + get-caller-file@2.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DyFP3BM/3YHTQOCUL/w0OZHR0lpKeGrxotcHWcqNEdnltqFwXVfhEBQ94eIo34AfQpo0rGki4cyIiftY06h2Fg==} + engines: {node: 6.* || 8.* || >= 10.*} + + get-intrinsic@1.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5uYhsJH8VJBTv7oslg4BznJYhDoRI6waYCxMmCdnTrcCrHA/fCFKoTFz2JKKE0HdDFUF7/oQuhzumXJK7paBRQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + get-package-type@0.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pjzuKtY64GYfWizNAJ0fr9VqttZkNiK2iS430LtIHzjBEr6bX8Am2zm4sW4Ro5wjWW5cAlRL1qAMTcXbjNAO2Q==} + engines: {node: '>=8.0.0'} + + get-stdin@4.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-F5aQMywwJ2n85s4hJPTT9RPxGmubonuB10MNYo17/xph174n2MIR33HRguhzVag10O/npM7SPk73LMZNP+FaWw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + get-stream@4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GMat4EJ5161kIy2HevLlr4luNjBgvmj413KaQA7jt4V8B4RDsfpHk7WQ9GVqfYyyx8OS/L66Kox+rJRNklLK7w==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + get-stream@6.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ts6Wi+2j3jQjqi70w5AlN8DFnkSwC+MqmxEzdEALB2qXZYV3X/b1CTfgPLGJNMeAWxdPfU8FO1ms3NUfaHCPYg==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + glob-parent@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E8Ak/2+dZY6fnzlR7+ueWvhsH1SjHr4jjss4YS/h4py44jY9MhK/VFdaZJAWDz6BbL21KeteKxFSFpq8OS5gVA==} + + glob-parent@5.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AOIgSQCepiJYwP3ARnGx+5VnTu2HBYdzbGP45eLw1vr3zB3vZLeyed1sC9hnbcOc9/SrMyM5RPQrkGz4aS9Zow==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + glob-parent@6.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XxwI8EOhVQgWp6iDL+3b0r86f4d6AX6zSU55HfB4ydCEuXLXc5FcYeOu+nnGftS4TEju/11rt4KJPTMgbfmv4A==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + glob-stream@6.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uMbLGAP3S2aDOHUDfdoYcdIePUCfysbAd0IAoWVZbeGU/oNQ8asHVSshLDJUPWxfzj8zsCG7/XeHPHTtow0nsw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + glob-stream@8.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R8z6eTB55t3QeZMmU1C+Gv+t5UnNRkA55c5yo67fAVfxODxieTwsjNG7utxS/73NdP1NbDgCrhVEg2h00y4fFw==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + glob-watcher@6.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wGM28Ehmcnk2NqRORXFOTOR064L4imSw3EeOqU5bIwUf62eXGwg89WivH6VMahL8zlQHeodzvHpXplrqzrz3Nw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + glob@7.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nFR0zLpU2YCaRxwoCJvL6UvCH2JFyFVIvwTLsIf21AuHlMskA1hhTdk+LlYJtOlYt9v6dvszD2BGRqBL+iQK9Q==} + deprecated: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported + + global-modules@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sKzpEkf11GpOFuw0Zzjzmt4B4UZwjOcG757PPvrfhxcLFbq0wpsgpOqxpxtxFiCG4DtG93M6XRVbF2oGdev7bg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + global-prefix@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5lsx1NUDHtSjfg0eHlmYvZKv8/nVqX4ckFbM+FrGcQ+04KWcWFo9P5MxPZYSzUvyzmdTbI7Eix8Q4IbELDqzKg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + globals@11.12.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WOBp/EEGUiIsJSp7wcv/y6MO+lV9UoncWqxuFfm8eBwzWNgyfBd6Gz+IeKQ9jCmyhoH99g15M3T+QaVHFjizVA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + globals@12.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BWICuzzDvDoH54NHKCseDanAhE3CeDorgDL5MT6LMXXj2WCnd9UC2szdk4AWLfjdgNBCXLUanXYcpBBKOSWGwg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + globals@13.24.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AhO5QUcj8llrbG09iWhPU2B204J1xnPeL8kQmVorSsy+Sjj1sk8gIyh6cUocGmH4L0UuhAJy+hJMRA4mgA4mFQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + globalyzer@0.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-40oNTM9UfG6aBmuKxk/giHn5nQ8RVz/SS4Ir6zgzOv9/qC3kKZ9v4etGTcJbEl/NyVQH7FGU7d+X1egr57Md2Q==} + + globby@11.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jhIXaOzy1sb8IyocaruWSn1TjmnBVs8Ayhcy83rmxNJ8q2uWKCAj3CnJY+KpGSXCueAPc0i05kVvVKtP1t9S3g==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + globrex@0.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uHJgbwAMwNFf5mLst7IWLNg14x1CkeqglJb/K3doi4dw6q2IvAAmM/Y81kevy83wP+Sst+nutFTYOGg3d1lsxg==} + + glogg@2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eWv1ds/zAlz+M1ioHsyKJomfY7jbDDPpwSkv14KQj89bycx1nvK5/2Cj/T9g7kzJcX5Bc7Yv22FjfBZS/jl94A==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + google-closure-compiler-java@20240317.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oWURPChjcCrVfiQOuVtpSoUJVvtOYo41JGEQ2qtArsTGmk/DpWh40vS6hitwKRM/0YzJX/jYUuyt9ibuXXJKmg==} + + google-closure-compiler-linux@20240317.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dYLtcbbJdbbBS0lTy9SzySdVv/aGkpyTekQiW4ADhT/i1p1b4r0wQTKj6kpVVmFvbZ6t9tW/jbXc9EXXNUahZw==} + cpu: [x32, x64] + os: [linux] + + google-closure-compiler-osx@20240317.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0mABwjD4HP11rikFd8JRIb9OgPqn9h3o3wS0otufMfmbwS7zRpnnoJkunifhORl3VoR1gFm6vcTC9YziTEFdOw==} + cpu: [x32, x64, arm64] + os: [darwin] + + google-closure-compiler-windows@20240317.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fTueVFzNOWURFlXZmrFkAB7yA+jzpA2TeDOYeBEFwVlVGHwi8PV3Q9vCIWlbkE8wLpukKEg5wfRHYrLwVPINCA==} + cpu: [x32, x64] + os: [win32] + + google-closure-compiler@20240317.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PlC5aU2vwsypKbxyFNXOW4psDZfhDoOr2dCwuo8VcgQji+HVIgRi2lviO66x2SfTi0ilm3kI6rq/RSdOMFczcQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + hasBin: true + + gopd@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d65bNlIadxvpb/A2abVdlqKqV563juRnZ1Wtk6s1sIR8uNsXR70xqIzVqxVf1eTqDunwT2MkczEeaezCKTZhwA==} + + graceful-fs@4.2.11: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RbJ5/jmFcNNCcDV5o9eTnBLJ/HszWV0P73bc+Ff4nS/rJj+YaS6IGyiOL0VoBYX+l1Wrl3k63h/KrH+nhJ0XvQ==} + + graphemer@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EtKwoO6kxCL9WO5xipiHTZlSzBm7WLT627TqC/uVRd0HKmq8NXyebnNYxDoBi7wt8eTWrUrKXCOVaFq9x1kgag==} + + growly@1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+xGQY0YyAWCnqy7Cd++hc2JqMYzlm0dG30Jd0beaA64sROr8C4nt8Yc9V5Ro3avlSUDTN0ulqP/VBKi1/lLygw==} + + gulp-babel@8.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oomaIqDXxFkg7lbpBou/gnUkX51/Y/M2ZfSjL2hdqXTAlSWZcgZtd2o0cOH0r/eE8LWD0+Q/PsLsr2DKOoqToQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': ^7.0.0 + + gulp-bump@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-j3Yvi0QQZEN1HsXArQCBMdX5jedQZ1Cul3W1VZrvKal/Z4Slb6Z7UQLQyPaLm0heNdJKCjpKHgkYSR8VhfPlTA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.9.0'} + + gulp-cli@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RtMIitkT8DEMZZygHK2vEuLPqLPAFB4sntSxg4NoDta7ciwGZ18l7JuhCTiS5deOJi2IoK0btE+hs6R4sfj7AA==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + hasBin: true + + gulp-eslint@6.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dCVPSh1sA+UVhn7JSQt7KEb4An2sQNbOdB3PA8UCfxsoPlAKjJHxYHGXdXC7eb+V1FAnilSFFqslPrq037l1ig==} + + gulp-git@2.11.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7YOcwin7sr68weYhBNOtZia3LZOGZWXgGcxxcxCi2hjljTgysOhH9mLTH2hdG5YLcuAFNg7mMbb2xIRfYsaQZw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.9.0'} + + gulp-rename@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-97Vba4KBzbYmR5VBs9mWmK+HwIf5mj+/zioxfZhOKeXtx5ZjBk57KFlePf5nxq9QsTtFl0ejnHE3zTC9MHXqyQ==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + gulp-replace@1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SVSF7ikuWKhpAW4l4wapAqPPSToJoiNKsbDoUnRrSgwZHH7lH8pbPeQj1aOVYQrbZKhfSVBxVW+Py7vtulRktw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + gulp-sourcemaps@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RqvUckJkuYqy4VaIH60RMal4ZtG0IbQ6PXMNkNsshEGJ9cldUPRb/YCgboYae+CLAs1HQNb4ADTKCx65HInquQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + gulp-typescript@6.0.0-alpha.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KoT0TTfjfT7w3JItHkgFH1T/zK4oXWC+a8xxKfniRfVcA0Fa1bKrIhztYelYmb+95RB80OLMBreknYkdwzdi2Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + peerDependencies: + typescript: '~2.7.1 || >=2.8.0-dev || >=2.9.0-dev || ~3.0.0 || >=3.0.0-dev || >=3.1.0-dev || >= 3.2.0-dev || >= 3.3.0-dev || >= 3.4.0-dev || >= 3.5.0-dev || >= 3.6.0-dev || >= 3.7.0-dev ' + + gulp@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-S8Z8066SSileaYw1S2N1I64IUc/myI2bqe2ihOBzO6+nKpvNSg7ZcWJt/AwF8LC/NVN+/QZ560Cb/5OPsyhkhg==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + hasBin: true + + gulplog@2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-V2FaKiOhpR3DRXZuYdRLn/qiY0yI5XmqbTKrYbdemJ+xOh2d2MOweI/XFgMzd/9+1twdvMwllnZbWZNJ+BOm4A==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + has-ansi@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-C8vBJ8DwUCx19vhm7urhTuUsr4/IyP6l4VzNQDv+ryHQObW3TTTp9yB68WpYgRe2bbaGuZ/se74IqFeVnMnLZg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + has-flag@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sKJf1+ceQBr4SMkvQnBDNDtf4TXpVhVGateu0t918bl30FnbE2m4vNLX+VWe/dpjlb+HugGYzW7uQXH98HPEYw==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + has-flag@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EykJT/Q1KjTWctppgIAgfSO0tKVuZUjhgMr17kqTumMl6Afv3EISleU7qZUzoXDFTAHTDC4NOoG/ZxU3EvlMPQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + has-property-descriptors@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-55JNKuIW+vq4Ke1BjOTjM2YctQIvCT7GFzHwmfZPGo5wnrgkid0YQtnAleFSqumZm4az3n2BS+erby5ipJdgrg==} + + has-proto@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SJ1amZAJUiZS+PhsVLf5tGydlaVB8EdFpaSO4gmiUKUOxk8qzn5AIy4ZeJUmh22znIdk/uMAUT2pl3FxzVUH+Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + has-symbols@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-l3LCuF6MgDNwTDKkdYGEihYjt5pRPbEg46rtlmnSPlUbgmB8LOIrKJbYYFBSbnPaJexMKtiPO8hmeRjRz2Td+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + has-unicode@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8Rf9Y83NBReMnx0gFzA8JImQACstCYWUplepDa9xprwwtmgEZUF0h/i5xSA625zB/I37EtrswSST6OXxwaaIJQ==} + + hasown@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0hJU9SCPvmMzIBdZFqNPXWa6dqh7WdH0cII9y+CyS8rG3nL48Bclra9HmKhVVUHyPWNH5Y7xDwAB7bfgSjkUMQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + highcharts@https://codeload.github.com/highcharts/highcharts/tar.gz/0863a0f305da17d62dff7a17001f2736f9386d3b: + resolution: {tarball: https://codeload.github.com/highcharts/highcharts/tar.gz/0863a0f305da17d62dff7a17001f2736f9386d3b} + version: 11.4.8 + engines: {node: '>=14.14.0'} + + homedir-polyfill@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eSmmWE5bZTK2Nou4g0AI3zZ9rswp7GRKoKXS1BLUkvPviOqs4YTN1djQIqrXy9k5gEtdLPy86JjRwsNM9tnDcA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + hosted-git-info@2.8.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mxIDAb9Lsm6DoOJ7xH+5+X4y1LU/4Hi50L9C5sIswK3JzULS4bwk1FvjdBgvYR4bzT4tuUQiC15FE2f5HbLvYw==} + + html-encoding-sniffer@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oWv4T4yJ52iKrufjnyZPkrN0CH3QnrUqdB6In1g5Fe1mia8GmF36gnfNySxoZtxD5+NmYw1EElVXiBk93UeskA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + html-escaper@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-H2iMtd0I4Mt5eYiapRdIDjp+XzelXQ0tFE4JS7YFwFevXXMmOp9myNrUvCg0D6ws8iqkRPBfKHgbwig1SmlLfg==} + + http-errors@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FtwrG/euBzaEjYeRqOgly7G0qviiXoJWnvEH2Z1plBdXgbyjv34pHTSb9zoeHMyDy33+DWy5Wt9Wo+TURtOYSQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + http-proxy-agent@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-n2hY8YdoRE1i7r6M0w9DIw5GgZN0G25P8zLCRQ8rjXtTU3vsNFBI/vWK/UIeE6g5MUUz6avwAPXmL6Fy9D/90w==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + http-proxy@1.18.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7mz/721AbnJwIVbnaSv1Cz3Am0ZLT/UBwkC92VlxhXv/k/BBQfM2fXElQNC27BVGr0uwUpplYPQM9LnaBMR5NQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8.0.0'} + + https-proxy-agent@5.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dFcAjpTQFgoLMzC2VwU+C/CbS7uRL0lWmxDITmqm7C+7F0Odmj6s9l6alZc6AELXhrnggM2CeWSXHGOdX2YtwA==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + human-signals@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-B4FFZ6q/T2jhhksgkbEW3HBvWIfDW85snkQgawt07S7J5QXTk6BkNV+0yAeZrM5QpMAdYlocGoljn0sJ/WQkFw==} + engines: {node: '>=10.17.0'} + + husky@8.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4qbE/5dzNDNxFEkX9MNRPKl5+omTXQzdILCUWiqG/lWIAioiM5vln265/l6I2Zx8gpW8l1ukZwGQeCFbBZ6+6w==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + hasBin: true + + iconv-lite@0.4.24: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-v3MXnZAcvnywkTUEZomIActle7RXXeedOR31wwl7VlyoXO4Qi9arvSenNQWne1TcRwhCL1HwLI21bEqdpj8/rA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + iconv-lite@0.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4fCk79wshMdzMp2rH06qWrJE4iolqLhCUH+OiuIgU++RB0+94NlDL81atO7GX55uUKueo0txHNtvEyI6D7WdMw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + ieee754@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dcyqhDvX1C46lXZcVqCpK+FtMRQVdIMN6/Df5js2zouUsqG7I6sFxitIC+7KYK29KdXOLHdu9zL4sFnoVQnqaA==} + + ignore@4.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cyFDKrqc/YdcWFniJhzI42+AzS+gNwmUzOSFcRCQYwySuBBBy/KjuxWLZ/FHEH6Moq1NizMOBWyTcv8O4OZIMg==} + engines: {node: '>= 4'} + + ignore@5.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hsBTNUqQTDwkWtcdYI2i06Y/nUBEsNEDJKjWdigLvegy8kDuJAS8uRlpkkcQpyEXL0Z/pjDy5HBmMjRCJ2gq+g==} + engines: {node: '>= 4'} + + import-fresh@3.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-veYYhQa+D1QBKznvhUHxb8faxlrwUnxseDAbAp457E0wLNio2bOSKnjYDhMj+YiAq61xrMGhQk9iXVk5FzgQMw==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + import-local@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2SPlun1JUPWoM6t3F0dw0FkCF/jWY8kttcY4f599GLTSjh2OCuuhdTkJQsEcZzBqbXZGKMK2OqW1oZsjtf/gQA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + hasBin: true + + imurmurhash@0.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JmXMZ6wuvDmLiHEml9ykzqO6lwFbof0GG4IkcGaENdCRDDmMVnny7s5HsIgHCbaq0w2MyPhDqkhTUgS2LU2PHA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8.19'} + + indent-string@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aqwDFWSgSgfRaEwao5lg5KEcVd/2a+D1rvoG7NdilmYz0NwRk6StWpWdz/Hpk34MKPpx7s8XxUqimfcQK6gGlg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + inflight@1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k92I/b08q4wvFscXCLvqfsHCrjrF7yiXsQuIVvVE7N82W3+aqpzuUdBbfhWcy/FZR3/4IgflMgKLOsvPDrGCJA==} + deprecated: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful. + + inherits@2.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k/vGaX4/Yla3WzyMCvTQOXYeIHvqOKtnqBduzTHpzpQZzAskKMhZ2K+EnBiSM9zGSoIFeMpXKxa4dYeZIQqewQ==} + + ini@1.3.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JV/yugV2uzW5iMRSiZAyDtQd+nxtUnjeLt0acNdw98kKLrvuRVyB80tsREOE7yvGVgalhZ6RNXCmEHkUKBKxew==} + + inquirer@7.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JG3eIAj5V9CwcGvuOmoo6LB9kbAYT8HXffUl6memuszlwDC/qvFAJw49XJ5NROSFNPxp3iQg1GqkFhaY/CR0IA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.0.0'} + + interpret@3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6xwYfHbajpoF0xLW+iwLkhwgvLoZDfjYfoFNu8ftMoXINzwuymNLd9u/KmwtdT2GbR+/Cz66otEGEVVUHX9QLQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + invert-kv@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xgs2NH9AE66ucSq4cNG1nhSFghr5l6tdL15Pk+jl46bmmBapgoaY/AacXyaDznAqmGL99TiLSQgO/XazFSKYeQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + ipaddr.js@1.9.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0KI/607xoxSToH7GjN1FfSbLoU0+btTicjsQSWQlh/hZykN8KpmMf7uYwPW3R+akZ6R/w18ZlXSHBYXiYUPO3g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + is-absolute@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOWoqflvcydARa360Gvv18DZ/gRuHKi2NU/wU5X1ZFzdYfH29nkiNZsF3mp4OJ3H4yo9Mx8A/uAGNzpzPN3yBA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-arrayish@0.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zz06S8t0ozoDXMG+ube26zeCTNXcKIPJZJi8hBrF4idCLms4CG9QtK7qBl1boi5ODzFpjswb5JPmHCbMpjaYzg==} + + is-binary-path@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZMERYes6pDydyuGidse7OsHxtbI7WVeUEozgR/g7rd0xUimYNlvZRE/K2MgZTjWy725IfelLeVcEM97mmtRGXw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + is-buffer@1.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NcdALwpXkTm5Zvvbk7owOUSvVvBKDgKP5/ewfXEznmQFfs4ZRmanOeKBTjRVjka3QFoN6XJ+9F3USqfHqTaU5w==} + + is-core-module@2.15.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-z0vtXSwucUJtANQWldhbtbt7BnL0vxiFjIdDLAatwhDYty2bad6s+rijD6Ri4YuYJubLzIJLUidCh09e1djEVQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-docker@2.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-F+i2BKsFrH66iaUFc0woD8sLy8getkwTwtOBjvs56Cx4CgJDeKQeqfz8wAYiSb8JOprWhHH5p77PbmYCvvUuXQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + hasBin: true + + is-extendable@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-arnXMxT1hhoKo9k1LZdmlNyJdDDfy2v0fXjFlmok4+i8ul/6WlbVge9bhM74OpNPQPMGUToDtz+KXa1PneJxOA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-extglob@2.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SbKbANkN603Vi4jEZv49LeVJMn4yGwsbzZworEoyEiutsN3nJYdbO36zfhGJ6QEDpOZIFkDtnq5JRxmvl3jsoQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-finite@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cdyMtqX/BOqqNBBiKlIVkytNHm49MtMlYyn1zxzvJKWmFMlGzm+ry5BBfYyeY9YmNKbRSo/o7OX9w9ale0wg3w==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1pqUqRjkhPJ9miNq9SwMfdvi6lBJcd6eFxvfaivQhaH3SgisfiuudvFntdKOmxuee/77l+FPjKrQjWvmPjWrRw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-fullwidth-code-point@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VHskAKYM8RfSFXwee5t5cbN5PZeq1Wrh6qd5bkyiXIf6UQcN6w/A0eXM9r6t8d+GYOh+o6ZhiEnb88LN/Y8m2w==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zymm5+u+sCsSWyD9qNaejV3DFvhCKclKdizYaJUuHA83RLjb7nSuGnddCHGv0hk+KY7BMAlsWeK4Ueg6EV6XQg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + is-generator-fn@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cTIB4yPYL/Grw0EaSzASzg6bBy9gqCofvWN8okThAYIxKJZC+udlRAmGbM0XLeniEJSs8uEgHPGuHSe1XsOLSQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + is-glob@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UFpDDrPgM6qpnFNI+rh/p3bUaq9hKLZN8bMUWzxmcnZVS3omf4IPK+BrewlnWjO1WmUsMYuSjKh4UJuV4+Lqmw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-glob@4.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xelSayHH36ZgE7ZWhli7pW34hNbNl8Ojv5KVmkJD4hBdD3th8Tfk9vYasLM+mXWOZhFkgZfxhLSnrwRr4elSSg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-negated-glob@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-czXVVn/QEmgvej1f50BZ648vUI+em0xqMq2Sn+QncCLN4zj1UAxlT+kw/6ggQTOaZPd1HqKQGEqbpQVtJucWug==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-number@7.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-41Cifkg6e8TylSpdtTpeLVMqvSBEVzTttHvERD741+pnZ8ANv0004MRL43QKPDlK9cGvNp6NZWZUBlbGXYxxng==} + engines: {node: '>=0.12.0'} + + is-plain-object@2.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-h5PpgXkWitc38BBMYawTYMWJHFZJVnBquFE57xFpjB8pJFiF6gZ+bU+WyI/yqXiFR5mdLsgYNaPe8uao6Uv9Og==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-plain-object@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VRSzKkbMm5jMDoKLbltAkFQ5Qr7VDiTFGXxYFXXowVj387GeGNOCsOH6Msy00SGZ3Fp84b1Naa1psqgcCIEP5Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-potential-custom-element-name@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bCYeRA2rVibKZd+s2625gGnGF/t7DSqDs4dP7CrLA1m7jKWz6pps0LpYLJN8Q64HtmPKJ1hrN3nzPNKFEKOUiQ==} + + is-promise@2.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+lP4/6lKUBfQjZ2pdxThZvLUAafmZb8OAxFb8XXtiQmS35INgr85hdOGoEs124ez1FCnZJt6jau/T+alh58QFQ==} + + is-relative@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Kw/ReK0iqwKeu0MITLFuj0jbPAmEiOsIwyIXvvbfa6QfmN9pkD1M+8pdk7Rl/dTKbH34/XBFMbgD4iMJhLQbGA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-stream@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uQPm8kcs47jx38atAcWTVxyltQYoPT68y9aWYdV6yWXSyW8mzSat0TL6CiWdZeCdF3KrAvpVtnHbTv4RN+rqdQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-stream@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hFoiJiTl63nn+kstHGBtewWSKnQLpyb155KHheA1l39uvtO9nWIop1p3udqPcUd/xbF1VLMO4n7OI6p7RbngDg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + is-type@0.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YwJh/zBVrcJ90aAnPBM0CbHvm7lG9ao7lIFeqTZ1UQj4iFLpM5CikdaU+dGGesrMJwxLqPGmjjrUrQ6Kn3Zh+w==} + + is-unc-path@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mrGpVd0fs7WWLfVsStvgF6iEJnbjDFZh9/emhRDcGWTduTfNHd9CHeUwH3gYIjdbwo4On6hunkztwOaAw0yllQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-utf8@0.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rMYPYvCzsXywIsldgLaSoPlw5PfoB/ssr7hY4pLfcodrA5M/eArza1a9VmTiNIBNMjOGr1Ow9mTyU2o69U6U9Q==} + + is-valid-glob@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AhiROmoEFDSsjx8hW+5sGwgKVIORcXnrlAx/R0ZSeaPw70Vw0CqkGBBhHGL58Uox2eXnU1AnvXJl1XlyedO5bA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-windows@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eXK1UInq2bPmjyX6e3VHIzMLobc4J94i4AWn+Hpq3OU5KkrRC96OAcR3PRJ/pGu6m8TRnBHP9dkXQVsT/COVIA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-wsl@2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fKzAra0rGJUUBwGBgNkHZuToZcn+TtXHpeCgmkMJMMYx1sQDYaCSyjJBSCa2nH1DGm7s3n1oBnohoVTBaN7Lww==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + isarray@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VLghIWNM6ELQzo7zwmcg0NmTVyWKYjvIeM83yjp0wRDTmUnrM678fQbcKBo6n2CJEF0szoG//ytg+TKla89ALQ==} + + isexe@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RHxMLp9lnKHGHRng9QFhRCMbYAcVpn69smSGcq3f36xjgVVWThj4qqLbTLlq7Ssj8B+fIQ1EuCEGI2lKsyQeIw==} + + isobject@3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WhB9zCku7EGTj/HQQRz5aUQEUeoQZH2bWcltRErOpymJ4boYE6wL9Tbr23krRPSZ+C5zqNSrSw+Cc7sZZ4b7vg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + istanbul-lib-coverage@3.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-O8dpsF+r0WV/8MNRKfnmrtCWhuKjxrq2w+jpzBL5UZKTi2LeVWnWOmWRxFlesJONmc+wLAGvKQZEOanko0LFTg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + istanbul-lib-instrument@5.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pzqtp31nLv/XFOzXGuvhCb8qhjmTVo5vjVk19XE4CRlSWz0KoeJ3bw9XsA7nOp9YBf4qHjwBxkDzKcME/J29Yg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + istanbul-lib-instrument@6.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Vtgk7L/R2JHyyGW07spoFlB8/lpjiOLTjMdms6AFMraYt3BaJauod/NGrfnVG/y4Ix1JEuMRPDPEj2ua+zz1/Q==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + istanbul-lib-report@3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GCfE1mtsHGOELCU8e/Z7YWzpmybrx/+dSTfLrvY8qRmaY6zXTKWn6WQIjaAFw069icm6GVMNkgu0NzI4iPZUNw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + istanbul-lib-source-maps@4.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-n3s8EwkdFIJCG3BPKBYvskgXGoy88ARzvegkitk60NxRdwltLOTaH7CUiMRXvwYorl0Q712iEjcWB+fK/MrWVw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + istanbul-reports@3.1.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BewmUXImeuRk2YY0PVbxgKAysvhRPUQE0h5QRM++nVWyubKGV0l8qQ5op8+B2DOmwSe63Jivj0BjkPQVf8fP5g==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + istextorbinary@3.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Tvq1W6NAcZeJ8op+Hq7tdZ434rqnMx4CCZ7H0ff83uEloDvVbqAwaMTZcafKGJT0VHkYzuXUiCY4hlXQg6WfoQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + jest-changed-files@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fEArFiwf1BpQ+4bXSprcDc3/x4HSzL4al2tozwVpDFpsxALjLYdyiIK4e5Vz66GQJIbXJ82+35PtysofptNX2w==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-circus@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3E1nCMgipcTkCocFwM90XXQab9bS+GMsjdpmPrlelaxwD93Ad8iVEjX/vvHPdLPnFf+L40u+5+iutRdA1N9myw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-cli@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OVVobw2IubN/GSYsxETi+gOe7Ka59EFMR/twOU3Jb2GnKKeMGJB5SGUUrEz3SFVmJASUdZUzy83sLNNQ2gZslg==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + node-notifier: ^8.0.1 || ^9.0.0 || ^10.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + node-notifier: + optional: true + + jest-config@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uXbpfeQ7R6TZBqI3/TxCU4q4ttk3u0PJeC+E0zbfSoSjq6bJ7buBPxzQPL0ifrkY4DNu4JUdk0ImlBUYi840eQ==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + '@types/node': '*' + ts-node: '>=9.0.0' + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@types/node': + optional: true + ts-node: + optional: true + + jest-diff@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LMIgiIrhigmPrs03JHpxUh2yISK3vLFPkAodPeo0+BuF7wA2FoQbkEg1u8gBYBThncu7e1oEDUfIXVuTqLRUjw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-docblock@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-q617Auw3A612guyaFgsbFeYpNP5t2aoUNLwBUbc/0kD1R4t9ixDbyFTHd1nok4epoVFpr7PmeWHrhvuV3XaJ4g==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-each@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gns+Er14+ZrEoC5fhOfYCY1LOHHr0TI+rQUHZS8Ttw2l7gl+80eHc/gFf2Ktkw0+SIACDTeWvpFcv3B04VembQ==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-environment-jsdom@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k9iQbsf9OyOfdzWH8HDmrRT0gSIcX+FLNW7IQq94tFX0gynPwqDTW0Ho6iMVNjGz/nb+l/vW3dWM2bbLLpkbXA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + peerDependencies: + canvas: ^2.5.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + canvas: + optional: true + + jest-environment-node@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DOSwCRqXirTOyheM+4d5YZOrWcdu0LNZ87ewUoywbcb2XR4wKgqiG8vNeYwhjFMbEkfju7wx2GYH0P2gevGvFw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-get-type@29.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zrteXnqYxfQh7l5FHyL38jL39di8H8rHoecLH3JNxH3BwOrBsNeabdap5e0I23lD4HHI8W5VFBZqG4Eaq5LNcw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-haste-map@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fP8u2pyfqx0K1rGn1R9pyE0/KTn+G7PxktWidOBTqFPLYX0b9ksaMFkhK5vrS3DVun09pckLdlx90QthlW7AmA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-leak-detector@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kYA8IJcSYtST2BY9I+SMC32nDpBT3J2NvWJx8+JCuCdl/CR1I4EKUJROiP8XtCcxqgTTBGJNdbB1A8XRKbTetw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-matcher-utils@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sBkD+Xi9DtcChsI3L3u0+N0opgPYnCRPtGcQYrgXmR+hmt/fYfWAL0xRXYU8eWOdfuLgBe0YCW3AFtnRLagq/g==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-message-util@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GBEV4GRADeP+qtB2+6u61stea8mGcOT4mCtrYISZwfu9/ISHFJ/5zOMXYbpBE9RsS5+Gb63DW4FgmnKJ79Kf6w==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-mock@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ITOMZn+UkYS4ZFh83xYAOzWStloNzJFO2s8DWrE4lhtGD+AorgnbkiKERe4wQVBydIGPx059g6riW5Btp6Llnw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-pnp-resolver@1.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+3NpwQEnRoIBtx4fyhblQDPgJI0H1IEIkX7ShLUjPGA7TtUTvI1oiKi3SR4oBR0hQhQR80l4WAe5RrXBwWMA8w==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + peerDependencies: + jest-resolve: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + jest-resolve: + optional: true + + jest-regex-util@29.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KJJBsRCyyLNWCNBOvZyRDnAIfUiRJ8v+hOBQYGn8gDyF3UegwiP4gwRR3/SDa42g1YbVycTidUF3rKjyLFDWbg==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-resolve-dependencies@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-un0zD/6qxJ+S0et7WxeI3H5XSe9lTBBR7bOHCHXkKR6luG5mwDDlIzVQ0V5cZCuoTgEdcdwzTghYkTWfubi+nA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-resolve@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IOVhZSrg+UvVAshDSDtHyFCCBUl/Q3AAJv8iZ6ZjnZ74xzvwuzLXid9IIIPgTnY62SJjfuupMKZsZQRsCvxEgA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-runner@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fsc4N6cPCAahybGBfTRcq5wFR6fpLznMg47sY5aDpsoejOcVYFb07AHuSnR0liMcPTgBsA3ZJL6kFOjPdoNipQ==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-runtime@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gUnLjgwdGqW7B4LvOIkbKs9WGbn+QLqRQQ9juC6HndeDiezIwhDP+mhMwHWCEcfQ5RUXa6OPnFF8BJh5xegwwQ==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-snapshot@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Rm0BMWtxBcioHr1/OX5YCP8Uov4riHvKPknOGs804Zg9JGZgmIBkbtlxJC/7Z4msKYVbIJtfU+tKb8xlYNfdkw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-util@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-z6EbKajIpqGKU56y5KBUgy1dt1ihhQJgWzUlZHArA/+X2ad7Cb5iF+AK1EWVL/Bo7Rz9uurpqw6SiBCefUbCGA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-validate@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZB7wHqaRGVw/9hST/OuFUReG7M8vKeq0/J2egIGLdvjHCmYqGARhzXmtgi+gVeZ5uXFF219aOc3Ls2yLg27tkw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-watcher@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-49Fg7WXkU3Vl2h6LbLtMQ/HyB6rXSIX7SqvBLQmssRBGN9I0PNvPmAmCWSOY6SOvrjhI/F7/bGAv9RtnsPA03g==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest-worker@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eIz2msL/EzL9UFTFFx7jBTkeZfku0yUAyZZZmJ93H2TYEiroIx2PQjEXcwYtYl8zXCxb+PAmA2hLIt/6ZEkPHw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + jest@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NIy3oAFp9shda19hy4HK0HRTWKtPJmGdnvywu01nOqNC2vZg+Z+fvJDxpMQA88eb2I9EcafcdjYgsDthnYTvGw==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + node-notifier: ^8.0.1 || ^9.0.0 || ^10.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + node-notifier: + optional: true + + js-tokens@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RdJUflcE3cUzKiMqQgsCu06FPu9UdIJO0beYbPhHN4k6apgJtifcoCtT9bcxOpYBtpD2kCM6Sbzg4CausW/PKQ==} + + js-yaml@3.14.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-okMH7OXXJ7YrN9Ok3/SXrnu4iX9yOk+25nqX4imS2npuvTYDmo/QEZoqwZkYaIDk3jVvBOTOIEgEhaLOynBS9g==} + hasBin: true + + js-yaml@4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wpxZs9NoxZaJESJGIZTyDEaYpl0FKSA+FB9aJiyemKhMwkxQg63h4T1KJgUGHpTqPDNRcmmYLugrRjJlBtWvRA==} + hasBin: true + + jsdom@20.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SYhBvTh89tTfCD/CRdSOm13mOBa42iTaTyfyEWBdKcGdPxPtLFBXuHR8XHb33YNYaP+lLbmSvBTsnoesCNJEsQ==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + canvas: ^2.5.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + canvas: + optional: true + + jsesc@0.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uZz5UnB7u4T9LvwmFqXii7pZSouaRPorGs5who1Ip7VO0wxanFvBL7GkM6dTHlgX+jhBApRetaWpnDabOeTcnA==} + hasBin: true + + jsesc@2.5.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OYu7XEzjkCQ3C5Ps3QIZsQfNpqoJyZZA99wd9aWd05NCtC5pWOkShK2mkL6HXQR6/Cy2lbNdPlZBpuQHXE63gA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + hasBin: true + + json-buffer@3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4bV5BfR2mqfQTJm+V5tPPdf+ZpuhiIvTuAB5g8kcrXOZpTT/QwwVRWBywX1ozr6lEuPdbHxwaJlm9G6mI2sfSQ==} + + json-parse-even-better-errors@2.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xyFwyhro/JEof6Ghe2iz2NcXoj2sloNsWr/XsERDK/oiPCfaNhl5ONfp+jQdAZRQQ0IJWNzH9zIZF7li91kh2w==} + + json-schema-traverse@0.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xbbCH5dCYU5T8LcEhhuh7HJ88HXuW3qsI3Y0zOZFKfZEHcpWiHU/Jxzk629Brsab/mMiHQti9wMP+845RPe3Vg==} + + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Bdboy+l7tA3OGW6FjyFHWkP5LuByj1Tk33Ljyq0axyzdk9//JSi2u3fP1QSmd1KNwq6VOKYGlAu87CisVir6Pw==} + + json5@2.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XmOWe7eyHYH14cLdVPoyg+GOH3rYX++KpzrylJwSW98t3Nk+U8XOl8FWKOgwtzdb8lXGf6zYwDUzeHMWfxasyg==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + hasBin: true + + keyv@4.5.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oxVHkHR/EJf2CNXnWxRLW6mg7JyCCUcG0DtEGmL2ctUo1PNTin1PUil+r/+4r5MpVgC/fn1kjsx7mjSujKqIpw==} + + kleur@3.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eTIzlVOSUR+JxdDFepEYcBMtZ9Qqdef+rnzWdRZuMbOywu5tO2w2N7rqjoANZ5k9vywhL6Br1VRjUIgTQx4E8w==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + last-run@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-j+y6WhTLN4Itnf9j5ZQos1BGPCS8DAwmgMroR3OzfxAsBxam0hMw7J8M3KqZl0pLQJ1jNnwIexg5DYpC/ctwEQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + lazystream@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-b94GiNHQNy6JNTrt5w6zNyffMrNkXZb3KTkCZJb2V1xaEGCk093vkZ2jk3tpaeP33/OiXC+WvK9AxUebnf5nbw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6.3'} + + lcid@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YiGkH6EnGrDGqLMITnGjXtGmNtjoXw9SVUzcaos8RBi7Ps0VBylkq+vOcY9QE5poLasPCR849ucFUkl0UzUyOw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + lead@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IpSVCk9AYvLHo5ctcIXxOBpMWUe+4TKN3VPWAKUbJikkmsGp0VrSM8IttVc32D6J4WUsiPE6aEFRNmIoF/gdow==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + lead@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DpMa59o5uGUWWjruMp71e6knmwKU3jRBBn1kjuLWN9EeIOxNeSAwvHf03WIl8g/ZMR2oSQC9ej3yeLBwdDc/pg==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + leven@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qsda+H8jTaUaN/x5vzW2rzc+8Rw4TAQ/4KjB46IwK5VH+IlVeeeje/EoZRpiXvIqjFgK84QffqPztGI3VBLG1A==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + levn@0.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0OO4y2iOHix2W6ujICbKIaEQXvFQHue65vUG3pb5EUomzPI90z9hsA1VsO/dbIIpC53J8gxM9Q4Oho0jrCM/yA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + levn@0.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+bT2uH4E5LGE7h/n3evcS/sQlJXCpIp6ym8OWJ5eV6+67Dsql/LaaT7qJBAt2rzfoa/5QBGBhxDix1dMt2kQKQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + liftoff@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-a5BQjbCHnB+cy+gsro8lXJ4kZluzOijzJ1UVVfyJYZC+IP2pLv1h4+aysQeKuTmyO8NAqfyQAk4HWaP/HjcKTg==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + lines-and-columns@1.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7ylylesZQ/PV29jhEDl3Ufjo6ZX7gCqJr5F7PKrqc93v7fzSymt1BpwEU8nAUXs8qzzvqhbjhK5QZg6Mt/HkBg==} + + load-json-file@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cy7ZdNRXdablkXYNI049pthVeXFurRyb9+hA/dZzerZ0pGTx42z+y+ssxBaVV2l70t1muq5IdKhn4UtcoGUY9A==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + locate-path@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-t7hw9pI+WvuwNJXwk5zVHpyhIqzg2qTlklJOf0mVxGSbe3Fp2VieZcduNYjaLDoy6p9uGpQEGWG87WpMKlNq8g==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + lodash._baseflatten@3.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fESngZd+X4k+GbTxdMutf8ohQa0s3sJEHIcwtu4/LsIQ2JTDzdRxDCMQjW+ezzwRitLmHnacVVmosCbxifefbw==} + + lodash._getnative@3.9.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RrL9VxMEPyDMHOd9uFbvMe8X55X16/cGM5IgOKgRElQZutpX89iS6vwl64duTV1/16w5JY7tuFNXqoekmh1EmA==} + + lodash._isiterateecall@3.0.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-De+ZbrMu6eThFti/CSzhRvTKMgQToLxbij58LMfM8JnYDNSOjkjTCIaa8ixglOeGh2nyPlakbt5bJWJ7gvpYlQ==} + + lodash.assign@4.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hFuH8TY+Yji7Eja3mGiuAxBqLagejScbG8GbG0j6o9vzn0YL14My+ktnqtZgFTosKymC9/44wP6s7xyuLfnClw==} + + lodash.assignin@4.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yX/rx6d/UTVh7sSVWVSIMjfnz95evAgDFdb1ZozC35I9mSFCkmzptOzevxjgbQUsc78NR44LVHWjsoMQXy9FDg==} + + lodash.castarray@4.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aVx8ztPv7/2ULbArGJ2Y42bG1mEQ5mGjpdvrbJcJFU3TbYybe+QlLS4pst9zV52ymy2in1KpFPiZnAOATxD4+Q==} + + lodash.clonedeep@4.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-H5ZhCF25riFd9uB5UCkVKo61m3S/xZk1x4wA6yp/L3RFP6Z/eHH1ymQcGLo7J3GMPfm0V/7m1tryHuGVxpqEBQ==} + + lodash.debounce@3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lcmJwMpdPAtChA4hfiwxTtgFeNAaow701wWUgVUqeD0XJF7vMXIN+bu/2FJSGxT0NUbZy9g9VFrlOFfPjl+0Ew==} + + lodash.debounce@4.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FT1yDzDYEoYWhnSGnpE/4Kj1fLZkDFyqRb7fNt6FdYOSxlUWAtp42Eh6Wb0rGIv/m9Bgo7x4GhQbm5Ys4SG5ow==} + + lodash.find@4.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yaRZoAV3Xq28F1iafWN1+a0rflOej93l1DQUejs3SZ41h2O9UJBoS9aueGjPDgAl4B6tPC0NuuchLKaDQQ3Isg==} + + lodash.flatten@3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jCXLoNcqQRbnT/KWZq2fIREHWeczrzpTR0vsycm96l/pu5hGeAntVBG0t7GuM/2wFqmnZs3d1eGptnAH2E8+xQ==} + + lodash.isarguments@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-chi4NHZlZqZD18a0imDHnZPrDeBbTtVN7GXMwuGdRH9qotxAjYs3aVLKc7zNOG9eddR5Ksd8rvFEBc9SsggPpg==} + + lodash.isarray@3.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JwObCrNJuT0Nnbuecmqr5DgtuBppuCvGD9lxjFpAzwnVtdGoDQ1zig+5W8k5/6Gcn0gZ3936HDAlGd28i7sOGQ==} + + lodash.memoize@4.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-t7j+NzmgnQzTAYXcsHYLgimltOV1MXHtlOWf6GjL9Kj8GK5FInw5JotxvbOs+IvV1/Dzo04/fCGfLVs7aXb4Ag==} + + lodash.merge@4.6.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0KpjqXRVvrYyCsX1swR/XTK0va6VQkQM6MNo7PqW77ByjAhoARA8EfrP1N4+KlKj8YS0ZUCtRT/YUuhyYDujIQ==} + + lodash.uniqby@4.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-e/zcLx6CSbmaEgFHCA7BnoQKyCtKMxnuWrJygbwPs/AIn+IMKl66L8/s+wBUn5LRw2pZx3bUHibiV1b6aTWIww==} + + lodash@4.17.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-v2kDEe57lecTulaDIuNTPy3Ry4gLGJ6Z1O3vE1krgXZNrsQ+LFTGHVxVjcXPs17LhbZVGedAJv8XZ1tvj5FvSg==} + + loud-rejection@1.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RPNliZOFkqFumDhvYqOaNY4Uz9oJM2K9tC6JWsJJsNdhuONW4LQHRBpb0qf4pJApVffI5N39SwzWZJuEhfd7eQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + lru-cache@5.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KpNARQA3Iwv+jTA0utUVVbrh+Jlrr1Fv0e56GGzAFOXN7dk/FviaDW8LHmK52DlcH4WP2n6gI8vN1aesBFgo9w==} + + lru-queue@0.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BpdYkt9EvGl8OfWHDQPISVpcl5xZthb+XPsbELj5AQXxIC8IriDZIQYjBJPEm5rS420sjZ0TLEzRcq5KdBhYrQ==} + + make-dir@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hXdUTZYIVOt1Ex//jAQi+wTZZpUpwBj/0QsOzqegb3rGMMeJiSEu5xLHnYfBrRV4RH2+OCSOO95Is/7x1WJ4bw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + make-error@1.3.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-s8UhlNe7vPKomQhC1qFelMokr/Sc3AgNbso3n74mVPA5LTZwkB9NlXf4XPamLxJE8h0gh73rM94xvwRT2CVInw==} + + makeerror@1.0.12: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JmqCvUhmt43madlpFzG4BQzG2Z3m6tvQDNKdClZnO3VbIudJYmxsT0FNJMeiB2+JTSlTQTSbU8QdesVmwJcmLg==} + + map-cache@0.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8y/eV9QQZCiyn1SprXSrCmqJN0yNRATe+PO8ztwqrvrbdRLA3eYJF0yaR0YayLWkMbsQSKWS9N2gPcGEc4UsZg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + map-obj@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7N/q3lyZ+LVCp7PzuxrJr4KMbBE2hW7BT7YNia330OFxIf4d3r5zVpicP2650l7CPN6RM9zOJRl3NGpqSiw3Eg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + media-typer@0.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dq+qelQ9akHpcOl/gUVRTxVIOkAJ1wR3QAvb4RsVjS8oVoFjDGTc679wJYmUmknUF5HwMLOgb5O+a3KxfWapPQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + memoizee@0.4.17: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DGqD7Hjpi/1or4F/aYAspXKNm5Yili0QDAFAY4QYvpqpgiY6+1jOfqpmByzjxbWd/T9mChbCArXAbDAsTm5oXA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.12'} + + meow@3.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TNdwZs0skRlpPpCUK25StC4VH+tP5GgeY1HQOOGP+lQ2xtdkN2VtT/5tiX9k3IWpkBPV9b3LsAWXn4GGi/PrSA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + merge-descriptors@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gaNvAS7TZ897/rVaZ0nMtAyxNyi/pdbjbAwUpFQpN70GqnVfOiXpeUUMKRBmzXaSQ8DdTX4/0ms62r2K+hE6mQ==} + + merge-stream@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-abv/qOcuPfk3URPfDzmZU1LKmuw8kT+0nIHvKrKgFrwifol/doWcdA4ZqsWQ8ENrFKkd67Mfpo/LovbIUsbt3w==} + + merge2@1.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8q7VEgMJW4J8tcfVPy8g09NcQwZdbwFEqhe/WZkoIzjn/3TGDwtOCYtXGxA3O8tPzpczCCDgv+P2P5y00ZJOOg==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + methods@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iclAHeNqNm68zFtnZ0e+1L2yUIdvzNoauKU4WBA3VvH/vPFieF7qfRlwUZU+DA9P9bPXIS90ulxoUoCH23sV2w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + micromatch@4.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PXwfBhYu0hBCPw8Dn0E+WDYb7af3dSLVWKi3HGv84IdF4TyFoC0ysxFd0Goxw7nSv4T/PzEJQxsYsEiFCKo2BA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6'} + + mime-db@1.52.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sPU4uV7dYlvtWJxwwxHD0PuihVNiE7TyAbQ5SWxDCB9mUYvOgroQOwYQQOKPJ8CIbE+1ETVlOoK1UC2nU3gYvg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + mime-db@1.53.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oHlN/w+3MQ3rba9rqFr6V/ypF10LSkdwUysQL7GkXoTgIWeV+tcXGA852TBxH+gsh8UWoyhR1hKcoMJTuWflpg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + mime-types@2.1.35: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZDY+bPm5zTTF+YpCrAU9nK0UgICYPT0QtT1NZWFv4s++TNkcgVaT0g6+4R2uI4MjQjzysHB1zxuWL50hzaeXiw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + mime@1.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-x0Vn8spI+wuJ1O6S7gnbaQg8Pxh4NNHb7KSINmEWKiPE4RKOplvijn+NkmYmmRgP68mc70j2EbeTFRsrswaQeg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + hasBin: true + + mimic-fn@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OqbOk5oEQeAZ8WXWydlu9HJjz9WVdEIvamMCcXmuqUYjTknH/sqsWvhQ3vgwKFRR1HpjvNBKQ37nbJgYzGqGcg==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + minimatch@3.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-J7p63hRiAjw1NDEww1W7i37+ByIrOWO5XQQAzZ3VOcL0PNybwpfmV/N05zFAzwQ9USyEcX6t3UO+K5aqBQOIHw==} + + minimist@1.2.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2yyAR8qBkN3YuheJanUpWC5U3bb5osDywNB8RzDVlDwDHbocAJveqqj1u8+SVD7jkWT4yvsHCpWqqWqAxb0zCA==} + + minipass@2.9.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wxfUjg9WebH+CUDX/CdbRlh5SmfZiy/hpkxaRI16Y9W56Pa75sWgd/rvFilSgrauD9NyFymP/+JFV3KwzIsJeg==} + + mkdirp@0.5.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FP+p8RB8OWpF3YZBCrP5gtADmtXApB5AMLn+vdyA+PyxCjrCs00mjyUozssO33cwDeT3wNGdLxJ5M//YqtHAJw==} + hasBin: true + + mkdirp@3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+NsyUUAZDmo6YVHzL/stxSu3t9YS1iljliy3BSDrXJ/dkn1KYdmtZODGGjLcc9XLgVVpH4KshHB8XmZgMhaBXg==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + hasBin: true + + ms@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Tpp60P6IUJDTuOq/5Z8cdskzJujfwqfOTkrwIwj7IRISpnkJnT6SyJ4PCPnGMoFjC9ddhal5KVIYtAt97ix05A==} + + ms@2.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6FlzubTLZG3J2a/NVCAleEhjzq5oxgHyaCU9yYXvcLsvoVaHJq/s5xXI6/XXP6tz7R9xAOtHnSO/tXtF3WRTlA==} + + mustache@4.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-71ippSywq5Yb7/tVYyGbkBggbU8H3u5Rz56fH60jGFgr8uHwxs+aSKeqmluIVzM0m0kB7xQjKS6qPfd0b2ZoqQ==} + hasBin: true + + mute-stdout@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-32GSKM3Wyc8dg/p39lWPKYu8zci9mJFzV1Np9Of0ZEpe6Fhssn/FbI7ywAMd40uX+p3ZKh3T5EeCFv81qS3HmQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + mute-stream@0.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nnbWWOkoWyUsTjKrhgD0dcz22mdkSnpYqbEjIm2nhwhuxlSkpywJmBo8h0ZqJdkp73mb90SssHkN4rsRaBAfAA==} + + natural-compare@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OWND8ei3VtNC9h7V60qff3SVobHr996CTwgxubgyQYEpg290h9J0buyECNNJexkFm5sOajh5G116RYA1c8ZMSw==} + + negotiator@0.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+EUsqGPLsM+j/zdChZjsnX51g4XrHFOIXwfnCVPGlQk/k5giakcKsuxCObBRu6DSm9opw/O6slWbJdghQM4bBg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + next-tick@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CXdUiJembsNjuToQvxayPZF9Vqht7hewsvy2sOWafLvi2awflj9mOC6bHIg50orX8IJvWKY9wYQ/zB2kogPslQ==} + + nice-try@1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1nh45deeb5olNY7eX82BkPO7SSxR5SSYJiPTrTdFUVYwAl8CKMA5N9PjTYkHiRjisVcxcQ1HXdLhx2qxxJzLNQ==} + + node-int64@0.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-O5lz91xSOeoXP6DulyHfllpq+Eg00MWitZIbtPfoSEvqIHdl5gfcY6hYzDWnj0qD5tz52PI08u9qUvSVeUBeHw==} + + node-notifier@10.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YX7TSyDukOZ0g+gmzjB6abKu+hTGvO8+8+gIFDsRCU2t8fLV/P2unmt+LGFaIa4y64aX98Qksa97rgz4vMNeLQ==} + + node-releases@2.0.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d9VeXT4SJ7ZeOqGX6R5EM022wpL+eWPooLI+5UpWn2jCT1aosUQEhQP214x33Wkwx3JQMvIm+tIoVOdodFS40g==} + + node-watch@0.7.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3l4E8uMPY1HdMMryPRUAl+oIHtXtyiTlIiESNSVSNxcPfzAFzeTbXFQkZfAwBbo0B1qMSG8nUABx+Gd+YrbKrQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + normalize-package-data@2.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/5CMN3T0R4XTj4DcGaexo+roZSdSFW/0AOOTROrjxzCG1wrWXEsGbRKevjlIL+ZDE4sZlJr5ED4YW0yqmkK+eA==} + + normalize-path@2.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3pKJwH184Xo/lnH6oyP1q2pMd7HcypqqmRs91/6/i2CGtWwIKGCkOOMTm/zXbgTEWHw1uNpNi/igc3ePOYHb6w==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + normalize-path@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6eZs5Ls3WtCisHWp9S2GUy8dqkpGi4BVSz3GaqiE6ezub0512ESztXUwUB6C6IKbQkY2Pnb/mD4WYojCRwcwLA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + now-and-later@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KGvQ0cB70AQfg107Xvs/Fbu+dGmZoTRJp2TaPwcwQm3/7PteUyN2BCgk8KBMPGBUXZdVwyWS8fDCGFygBm19UQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + now-and-later@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pGO4pzSdaxhWTGkfSfHx3hVzJVslFPwBp2Myq9MYN/ChfJZF87ochMAXnvz6/58RJSf5ik2q9tXprBBrk2cpcg==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + npm-run-path@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lJxZYlT4DW/bRUtFh1MQIWqmLwQfAxnqWG4HhEdjMlkrJYnJn0Jrr2u3mgxqaWsdiBc76TYkTG/mhrnYTuzfHw==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + npm-run-path@4.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-S48WzZW777zhNIrn7gxOlISNAqi9ZC/uQFnRdbeIHhZhCA6UqpkOT8T1G7BvfdgP4Er8gF4sUbaS0i7QvIfCWw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + npmlog@6.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/vBvz5Jfr9dT/aFWd0FIRf+T/Q2WBsLENygUaFUqstqsycmZAP/t5BvFJTK0viFmSUxiUKTUplWy5vt+rvKIxg==} + engines: {node: ^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || >=16.0.0} + deprecated: This package is no longer supported. + + number-is-nan@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4jbtZXNAsfZbAHiiqjLPBiCl16dES1zI4Hpzzxw61Tk+loF+sBDBKx1ICKKKwIqQ7M0mFn1TmkN7euSncWgHiQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + nwsapi@2.2.12: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qXDmcVlZV4XRtKFzddidpfVP4oMSGhga+xdMc25mv8kaLUHtgzCDhUxkrN8exkGdTlLNaXj7CV3GtON7zuGZ+w==} + + object-assign@4.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rJgTQnkUnH1sFw8yT6VSU3zD3sWmu6sZhIseY8VX+GRu3P6F7Fu+JNDoXfklElbLJSnc3FUQHVe4cU5hj+BcUg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + object-inspect@1.13.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IRZSRuzJiynemAXPYtPe5BoI/RESNYR7TYm50MC5Mqbd3Jmw5y790sErYw3V6SryFJD64b74qQQs9wn5Bg/k3g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + object-keys@1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NuAESUOUMrlIXOfHKzD6bpPu3tYt3xvjNdRIQ+FeT0lNb4K8WR70CaDxhuNguS2XG+GjkyMwOzsN5ZktImfhLA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + object.assign@4.1.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-byy+U7gp+FVwmyzKPYhW2h5l3crpmGsxl7X2s8y43IgxvG4g3QZ6CffDtsNQy1WsmZpQbO+ybo0AlW7TY6DcBQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + object.defaults@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-c/K0mw/F11k4dEUBMW8naXUuBuhxRCfG7W+yFy8EcijU/rSmazOUd1XAEEe6bC0OuXY4HUKjTJv7xbxIMqdxrA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + object.pick@1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tqa/UMy/CCoYmj+H5qc07qvSL9dqcs/WZENZ1JbtWBlATP+iVOe778gE6MSijnyCnORzDuX6hU+LA4SZ09YjFQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + on-finished@2.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oVlzkg3ENAhCk2zdv7IJwd/QUD4z2RxRwpkcGY8psCVcCYZNq4wYnVWALHM+brtuJjePWiYF/ClmuDr8Ch5+kg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + on-headers@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pZAE+FJLoyITytdqK0U5s+FIpjN0JP3OzFi/u8Rx+EV5/W+JTWGXG8xFzevE7AjBfDqHv/8vL8qQsIhHnqRkrA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + once@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lNaJgI+2Q5URQBkccEKHTQOPaXdUxnZZElQTZY0MFUAuaEqe1E+Nyvgdz/aIyNi6Z9MzO5dv1H8n58/GELp3+w==} + + onetime@5.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kbpaSSGJTWdAY5KPVeMOKXSrPtr8C8C7wodJbcsd51jRnmD+GZu8Y0VoU6Dm5Z4vWr0Ig/1NKuWRKf7j5aaYSg==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + optionator@0.8.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+IW9pACdk3XWmmTXG8m3upGUJst5XRGzxMRjXzAuJ1XnIFNvfhjjIuYkDvysnPQ7qzqVzLt78BCruntqRhWQbA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + optionator@0.9.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6IpQ7mKUxRcZNLIObR0hz7lxsapSSIYNZJwXPGeF0mTVqGKFIXj1DQcMoT22S3ROcLyY/rz0PWaWZ9ayWmad9g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + ordered-read-streams@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Z87aSjx3r5c0ZB7bcJqIgIRX5bxR7A4aSzvIbaxd0oTkWBCOoKfuGHiKj60CHVUgg1Phm5yMZzBdt8XqRs73Mw==} + + os-locale@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PRT7ZORmwu2MEFt4/fv3Q+mEfN4zetKxufQrkShY2oGvUms9r8otu5HfdyIFHkYXjO7laNsoVGmM2MANfuTA8g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + os-tmpdir@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D2FR03Vir7FIu45XBY20mTb+/ZSWB00sjU9jdQXt83gDrI4Ztz5Fs7/yy74g2N5SVQY4xY1qDr4rNddwYRVX0g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + p-finally@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LICb2p9CB7FS+0eR1oqWnHhp0FljGLZCWBE9aix0Uye9W8LTQPwMTYVGWQWIw9RdQiDg4+epXQODwIYJtSJaow==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + p-limit@2.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-//88mFWSJx8lxCzwdAABTJL2MyWB12+eIY7MDL2SqLmAkeKU9qxRvWuSyTjm3FUmpBEMuFfckAIqEaVGUDxb6w==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + p-limit@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TYOanM3wGwNGsZN2cVTYPArw454xnXj5qmWF1bEoAc4+cU/ol7GVh7odevjp1FNHduHc3KZMcFduxU5Xc6uJRQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + p-locate@4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R79ZZ/0wAxKGu3oYMlz8jy/kbhsNrS7SKZ7PxEHBgJ5+F2mtFW2fK2cOtBh1cHYkQsbzFV7I+EoRKe6Yt0oK7A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + p-try@2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R4nPAVTAU0B9D35/Gk3uJf/7XYbQcyohSKdvAxIRSNghFl4e71hVoGnBNQz9cWaXxO2I10KTC+3jMdvvoKw6dQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + parent-module@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GQ2EWRpQV8/o+Aw8YqtfZZPfNRWZYkbidE9k5rpl/hC3vtHHBfGm2Ifi6qWV+coDGkrUKZAxE3Lot5kcsRlh+g==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + parse-filepath@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FwdRXKCohSVeXqwtYonZTXtbGJKrn+HNyWDYVcp5yuJlesTwNH4rsmRZ+GrKAPJ5bLpRxESMeS+Rl0VCHRvB2Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8'} + + parse-json@2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QR/GGaKCkhwk1ePQNYDRKYZ3mwU9ypsKhB0XyFnLQdomyEqk3e8wpW3V5Jp88zbxK4n5ST1nqo+g9juTpownhQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + parse-json@5.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ayCKvm/phCGxOkYRSCM82iDwct8/EonSEgCSxWxD7ve6jHggsFl4fZVQBPRNgQoKiuV/odhFrGzQXZwbifC8Rg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + parse-node-version@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3YHlOa/JgH6Mnpr05jP9eDG254US9ek25LyIxZlDItp2iJtwyaXQb57lBYLdT3MowkUFYEV2XXNAYIPlESvJlA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + parse-passwd@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1Y1A//QUXEZK7YKz+rD9WydcE1+EuPr6ZBgKecAB8tmoW6UFv0NREVJe1p+jRxtThkcbbKkfwIbWJe/IeE6m2Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + parse5@7.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Czj1WaSVpaoj0wbhMzLmWD69anp2WH7FXMB9n1Sy8/ZFF9jolSQVMu1Ij5WIyGmcBmhk7EOndpO4mIpihVqAXw==} + + parseurl@1.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CiyeOxFT/JZyN5m0z9PfXw4SCBJ6Sygz1Dpl0wqjlhDEGGBP1GnsUVEL0p63hoG1fcj3fHynXi9NYO4nWOL+qQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + path-dirname@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ALzNPpyNq9AqXMBjeymIjFDAkAFH06mHJH/cSBHAgU0s4vfpBn6b2nf8tiRLvagKD8RbTpq2FKTBg7cl9l3c7Q==} + + path-exists@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yTltuKuhtNeFJKa1PiRzfLAU5182q1y4Eb4XCJ3PBqyzEDkAZRzBrKKBct682ls9reBVHf9udYLN5Nd+K1B9BQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + path-exists@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ak9Qy5Q7jYb2Wwcey5Fpvg2KoAc/ZIhLSLOSBmRmygPsGwkVVt0fZa0qrtMz+m6tJTAHfZQ8FnmB4MG4LWy7/w==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + path-is-absolute@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AVbw3UJ2e9bq64vSaS9Am0fje1Pa8pbGqTTsmXfaIiMpnr5DlDhfJOuLj9Sf95ZPVDAUerDfEk88MPmPe7UCQg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + path-key@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fEHGKCSmUSDPv4uoj8AlD+joPlq3peND+HRYyxFz4KPw4z926S/b8rIuFs2FYJg3BwsxJf6A9/3eIdLaYC+9Dw==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + path-key@3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ojmeN0qd+y0jszEtoY48r0Peq5dwMEkIlCOu6Q5f41lfkswXuKtYrhgoTpLnyIcHm24Uhqx+5Tqm2InSwLhE6Q==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + path-parse@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LDJzPVEEEPR+y48z93A0Ed0yXb8pAByGWo/k5YYdYgpY2/2EsOsksJrq7lOHxryrVOn1ejG6oAp8ahvOIQD8sw==} + + path-root-regex@0.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4GlJ6rZDhQZFE0DPVKh0e9jmZ5egZfxTkp7bcRDuPlJXbAwhxcl2dINPUAsjLdejqaLsCeg8axcLjIbvBjN4pQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + path-root@0.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QLcPegTHF11axjfojBIoDygmS2E3Lf+8+jI6wOVmNVenrKSo3mFdSGiIgdSHenczw3wPtlVMQaFVwGmM7BJdtg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + path-to-regexp@0.1.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7lf7qcQidTku0Gu3YDPc8DJ1q7OOucfa/BSsIwjuh56VU7katFvuM8hULfkwB3Fns/rsVF7PwPKVw1sl5KQS9w==} + + path-type@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-S4eENJz1pkiQn9Znv33Q+deTOKmbl+jj1Fl+qiP/vYezj+S8x+J3Uo0ISrx/QoEvIlOaDWJhPaRd1flJ9HXZqg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + path-type@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gDKb8aZMDeD/tZWs9P6+q0J9Mwkdl6xMV8TjnGP3qJVJ06bdMgkbBlLU8IdfOsIsFz2BW1rNVT3XuNEl8zPAvw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + picocolors@0.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cMlDqaLEqfSaW8Z7N5Jw+lyIW869EzT73/F5lhtY9cLGoVxSXznfgfXMO0Z5K0o0Q2TkTXq+0KFsdnSe3jDViA==} + + picocolors@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TQ92mBOW0l3LeMeyLV6mzy/kWr8lkd/hp3mTg7wYK7zJhuBStmGMBG0BdeDZS/dZx1IukaX6Bk11zcln25o1Aw==} + + picomatch@2.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JU3teHTNjmE2VCGFzuY8EXzCDVwEqB2a8fsIvwaStHhAWJEeVd1o1QD80CU6+ZdEXXSLbSsuLwJjkCBWqRQUVA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6'} + + pify@2.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-udgsAY+fTnvv7kI7aaxbqwWNb0AHiB0qBO89PZKPkoTmGOgdbrHDKD+0B2X4uTfJ/FT1R09r9gTsjUjNJotuog==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + pinkie-promise@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0Gni6D4UcLTbv9c57DfxDGdr41XfgUjqWZu492f0cIGr16zDU06BWP/RAEvOuo7CQ0CNjHaLlM59YJJFm3NWlw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + pinkie@2.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MnUuEycAemtSaeFSjXKW/aroV7akBbY+Sv+RkyqFjgAe73F+MR0TBWKBRDkmfWq/HiFmdavfZ1G7h4SPZXaCSg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + pirates@4.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-saLsH7WeYYPiD25LDuLRRY/i+6HaPYr6G1OUlN39otzkSTxKnubR9RTxS3/Kk50s1g2JTgFwWQDQyplC5/SHZg==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + pkg-conf@1.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9hHgE5+Xai/ChrnahNP8Ke0VNF/s41IZIB/d24eMHEaRamdPg+wwlRm2lTb5wMvE8eTIKrYZsrxfuOwt3dpsIQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + pkg-dir@4.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HRDzbaKjC+AOWVXxAU/x54COGeIv9eb+6CkDSQoNTt4XyWoIJvuPsXizxu/Fr23EiekbtZwmh1IcIG/l/a10GQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + plugin-error@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-L1zP0dk7vGweZME2i+EeakvUNqSrdiI3F91TwEoYiGrAfUXmVv6fJIq4g82PAXxNsWOp0J7ZqQy/3Szz0ajTxA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + plugin-log@0.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TzmfWRMEFAnrZbI4GfyXv9Gp5E71eby3gmvnP6LEfmYbVC8FPN2RBRhwxg4sjIg+fy8AJ3mczhLXvk0pzHPeMg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.9.0'} + deprecated: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at https://www.npmjs.com/support for more info. + + postcss@7.0.39: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yioayjNbHn6z1/Bywyb2Y4s3yvDAeXGOyxqD+LnVOinq6Mdmd++SW2wUNVzavyyHxd6+DxzWGIuosg6P1Rj8uA==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + prelude-ls@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ESF23V4SKG6lVSGZgYNpbsiaAkdab6ZgOxe52p7+Kid3W3u3bxR4Vfd/o21dmN7jSt0IwgZ4v5MUd26FEtXE9w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + prelude-ls@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vkcDPrRZo1QZLbn5RLGPpg/WmIQ65qoWWhcGKf/b5eplkkarX0m9z8ppCat4mlOqUsWpyNuYgO3VRyrYHSzX5g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + pretty-format@29.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Pdlw/oPxN+aXdmM9R00JVC9WVFoCLTKJvDVLgmJ+qAffBMxsV85l/Lu7sNx4zSzPyoL2euImuEwHhOXdEgNFZQ==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + + printf@0.6.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-is0ctgGdPJ5951KulgfzvHGwJtZ5ck8l042vRkV6jrkpBzTmb/lueTqguWHy2JfVA+RY6gFVlaZgUS0j7S/dsw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.9.0'} + + process-nextick-args@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3ouUOpQhtgrbOa17J7+uxOTpITYWaGP7/AhoR3+A+/1e9skrzelGi/dXzEYyvbxubEF6Wn2ypscTKiKJFFn1ag==} + + progress@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7PiHtLll5LdnKIMw100I+8xJXR5gW2QwWYkT6iJva0bXitZKa/XMrSbdmg3r2Xnaidz9Qumd0VPaMrZlF9V9sA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + + prompts@2.4.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NxNv/kLguCA7p3jE8oL2aEBsrJWgAakBpgmgK6lpPWV+WuOmY6r2/zbAVnP+T8bQlA0nzHXSJSJW0Hq7ylaD2Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + proxy-addr@2.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-llQsMLSUDUPT44jdrU/O37qlnifitDP+ZwrmmZcoSKyLKvtZxpyV0n2/bD/N4tBAAZ/gJEdZU7KMraoK1+XYAg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + psl@1.9.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E/ZsdU4HLs/68gYzgGTkMicWTLPdAftJLfJFlLUAAKZGkStNU72sZjT66SnMDVOfOWY/YAoiD7Jxa9iHvngcag==} + + pump@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ruPMNRkN3MHP1cWJc9OWr+T/xDP0jhXYCLfJcBuX54hhfIBnaQmAUMfDcG4DM5UMWByBbJY69QSphm3jtDKIkA==} + + pump@3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tUPXtzlGM8FE3P0ZL6DVs/3P58k9nk8/jZeQCurTJylQA8qFYzHFfhBJkuqyE0FifOsQ0uKWekiZ5g8wtr28cw==} + + pumpify@1.5.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oClZI37HvuUJJxSKKrC17bZ9Cu0ZYhEAGPsPUy9KlMUmv9dKX2o77RUmq7f3XjIxbwyGwYzbzQ1L2Ks8sIradQ==} + + punycode@2.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vYt7UD1U9Wg6138shLtLOvdAu+8DsC/ilFtEVHcH+wydcSpNE20AfSOduf6MkRFahL5FY7X1oU7nKVZFtfq8Fg==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + pure-rand@6.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bVWawvoZoBYpp6yIoQtQXHZjmz35RSVHnUOTefl8Vcjr8snTPY1wnpSPMWekcFwbxI6gtmT7rSYPFvz71ldiOA==} + + qs@6.13.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+38qI9SOr8tfZ4QmJNplMUxqjbe7LKvvZgWdExBOmd+egZTtjLB67Gu0HRX3u/XOq7UU2Nx6nsjvS16Z9uwfpg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.6'} + + querystringify@2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FIqgj2EUvTa7R50u0rGsyTftzjYmv/a3hO345bZNrqabNqjtgiDMgmo4mkUjd+nzU5oF3dClKqFIPUKybUyqoQ==} + + queue-microtask@1.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NuaNSa6flKT5JaSYQzJok04JzTL1CA6aGhv5rfLW3PgqA+M2ChpZQnAC8h8i4ZFkBS8X5RqkDBHA7r4hej3K9A==} + + queue-tick@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kJt5qhMxoszgU/62PLP1CJytzd2NKetjSRnyuj31fDd3Rlcz3fzlFdFLD1SItunPwyqEOkca6GbV612BWfaBag==} + + qunit@2.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-N8Fp1J55waE+QG1KwX2LOyqulZUToRrrPBqDOfYfuAMkEglFL15uwvmH1P4Tq/omQ/mGbBI8PEB3PhIfvUb+jg==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + hasBin: true + + range-parser@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Hrgsx+orqoygnmhFbKaHE6c296J+HTAQXoxEF6gNupROmmGJRoyzfG3ccAveqCBrwr/2yxQ5BVd/GTl5agOwSg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + raw-body@2.5.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8zGqypfENjCIqGhgXToC8aB2r7YrBX+AQAfIPs/Mlk+BtPTztOvTS01NRW/3Eh60J+a48lt8qsCzirQ6loCVfA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + react-is@18.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/LLMVyas0ljjAtoYiPqYiL8VWXzUUdThrmU5+n20DZv+a+ClRoevUzw5JxU+Ieh5/c87ytoTBV9G1FiKfNJdmg==} + + read-pkg-up@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WD9MTlNtI55IwYUS27iHh9tK3YoIVhxis8yKhLpTqWtml739uXc9NWTpxoHkfZf3+DkCCsXox94/VWZniuZm6A==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + read-pkg@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7BGwRHqt4s/uVbuyoeejRn4YmFnYZiFl4AuaeXHlgZf3sONF0SOGlxs2Pw8g6hCKupo08RafIO5YXFNOKTfwsQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + readable-stream@2.3.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8p0AUk4XODgIewSi0l8Epjs+EVnWiK7NoDIEGU0HhE7+ZyY8D1IMY7odu5lRrFXGg71L15KG8QrPmum45RTtdA==} + + readable-stream@3.6.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9u/sniCrY3D5WdsERHzHE4G2YCXqoG5FTHUiCC4SIbr6XcLZBY05ya9EKjYek9O5xOAwjGq+1JdGBAS7Q9ScoA==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + readdirp@3.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hOS089on8RduqdbhvQ5Z37A0ESjsqz6qnRcffsMU3495FuTdqSm+7bhJ29JvIOsBDEEnan5DPu9t3To9VRlMzA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.10.0'} + + rechoir@0.8.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/vxpCXddiX8NGfGO/mTafwjq4aFa/71pvamip0++IQk3zG8cbCj0fifNPrjjF1XMXUne91jL9OoxmdykoEtifQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + redent@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qtW5hKzGQZqKoh6JNSD+4lfitfPKGz42e6QwiRmPM5mmKtR0N41AbJRYu0xJi7nhOJ4WDgRkKvAk6tw4WIwR4g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + regenerate-unicode-properties@10.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DqHn3DwbmmPVzeKj9woBadqmXxLvQoQIwu7nopMc72ztvxVmVk2SBhSnx67zuye5TP+lJsb/TBQsjLKhnDf3MA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + regenerate@1.4.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zrceR/XhGYU/d/opr2EKO7aRHUeiBI8qjtfHqADTwZd6Szfy16la6kqD0MIUs5z5hx6AaKa+PixpPrR289+I0A==} + + regenerator-runtime@0.14.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dYnhHh0nJoMfnkZs6GmmhFknAGRrLznOu5nc9ML+EJxGvrx6H7teuevqVqCuPcPK//3eDrrjQhehXVx9cnkGdw==} + + regenerator-transform@0.15.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hfMp2BoF0qOk3uc5V20ALGDS2ddjQaLrdl7xrGXvAIow7qeWRM2VA2HuCHkUKk9slq3VwEwLNK3DFBqDfPGYtg==} + + regexpp@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lv0M6+TkDVniA3aD1Eg0DVpfU/booSu7Eev3TDO/mZKHBfVjgCGTV4t4buppESEYDtkArYFOxTJWv6S5C+iaNw==} + engines: {node: '>=6.5.0'} + + regexpp@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pq2bWo9mVD43nbts2wGv17XLiNLya+GklZ8kaDLV2Z08gDCsGpnKn9BFMepvWuHCbyVvY7J5o5+BVvoQbmlJLg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + regexpu-core@5.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RAM5FlZz+Lhmo7db9L298p2vHP5ZywrVXmVXpmAD9GuL5MPH6t9ROw1iA/wfHkQ76Qe7AaPF0nGuim96/IrQMQ==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + regjsparser@0.9.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dQUtn90WanSNl+7mQKcXAgZxvUe7Z0SqXlgzv0za4LwiUhyzBC58yQO3liFoUgu8GiJVInAhJjkj1N0EtQ5nkQ==} + hasBin: true + + remove-bom-buffer@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8v2rWhaakv18qcvNeli2mZ/TMTL2nEyAKRvzo1WtnZBl15SHyEhrCu2/xKlJyUFKHiHgfXIyuY6g2dObJJycXQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + remove-bom-stream@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wigO8/O08XHb8YPzpDDT+QmRANfW6vLqxfaXm1YXhnFf3AkSLyjfG3GEFg4McZkmgL7KvCj5u2KczkvSP6NfHA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + remove-trailing-separator@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/hS+Y0u3aOfIETiaiirUFwDBDzmXPvO+jAfKTitUngIPzdKc6Z0LoFjM/CK5PL4C+eKwHohlHAb6H0VFfmmUsw==} + + repeating@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZqtSMuVybkISo2OWvqvm7iHSWngvdaW3IpsT9/uP8v4gMi591LY6h35wdOfvQdWCKFWZWm2Y1Opp4kV7vQKT6A==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + replace-ext@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yD5BHCe7quCgBph4rMQ+0KkIRKwWCrHDOX1p1Gp6HwjPM5kVoCdKGNhN7ydqqsX6lJEnQDKZ/tFMiEdQ1dvPEw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + replace-ext@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UszKE5KVK6JvyD92nzMn9cDapSk6w/CaFZ96CnmDMUqH9oowfxF/ZjRITD25H4DnOQClLA4/j7jLGXXLVKxAug==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + + replace-homedir@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bgEuQQ/BHW0XkkJtawzrfzHFSN70f/3cNOiHa2QsYxqrjaC30X1k74FJ6xswVBP0sr0SpGIdVFuPwfrYziVeyw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + replacestream@4.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AC0FiLS352pBBiZhd4VXB1Ab/lh0lEgpP+GGvZqbQh8a5cmXVoTe5EX/YeTFArnp4SRGTHh1qCHu9lGs1qG8sA==} + + require-dir@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LY85DTSu+heYgDqq/mK+7zFHWkttVNRXC9NKcKGyuGLdlsfbjEPrIEYdCVrx6hqnJb+xSu3Lzaoo8VnmOhhjNA==} + + require-directory@2.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fGxEI7+wsG9xrvdjsrlmL22OMTTiHRwAMroiEeMgq8gzoLC/PQr7RsRDSTLUg/bZAZtF+TVIkHc6/4RIKrui+Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + require-main-filename@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IqSUtOVP4ksd1C/ej5zeEh/BIP2ajqpn8c5x+q99gvcIG/Qf0cud5raVnE/Dwd0ua9TXYDoDc0RE5hBSdz22Ug==} + + requires-port@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KigOCHcocU3XODJxsu8i/j8T9tzT4adHiecwORRQ0ZZFcp7ahwXuRU1m+yuO90C5ZUyGeGfocHDI14M3L3yDAQ==} + + resolve-cwd@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OrZaX2Mb+rJCpH/6CpSqt9xFVpN++x01XnN2ie9g6P5/3xelLAkXWVADpdz1IHD/KFfEXyE6V0U01OQ3UO2rEg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + resolve-dir@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R7uiTjECzvOsWSfdM0QKFNBVFcK27aHOUwdvK53BcW8zqnGdYp0Fbj82cy54+2A4P2tFM22J5kRfe1R+lM/1yg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + resolve-from@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pb/MYmXstAkysRFx8piNI1tGFNQIFA3vkE3Gq4EuA1dF6gHp/+vgZqsCGJapvy8N3Q+4o7FwvquPJcnZ7RYy4g==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + resolve-from@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qYg9KP24dD5qka9J47d0aVky0N+b4fTU89LN9iDnjB5waksiC49rvMB0PrUJQGoTmH50XPiqOvAjDfaijGxYZw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + resolve-options@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NYDgziiroVeDC29xq7bp/CacZERYsA9bXYd1ZmcJlF3BcrZv5pTb4NG7SjdyKDnXZ84aC4vo2u6sNKIA1LCu/A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + resolve-options@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/FopbmmFOQCfsCx77BRFdKOniglTiHumLgwvd6IDPihy1GKkadZbgQJBcTb2lMzSR1pndzd96b1nZrreZ7+9/A==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + resolve.exports@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-X2UW6Nw3n/aMgDVy+0rSqgHlv39WZAlZrXCdnbyEiKm17DSqHX4MmQMaST3FbeWR5FTuRcUwYAziZajji0Y7mg==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + resolve@1.22.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oKWePCxqpd6FlLvGV1VU0x7bkPmmCNolxzjMf4NczoDnQcIWrAF+cPtZn5i6n+RfD2d9i0tzpKnG6Yk168yIyw==} + hasBin: true + + restore-cursor@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-l+sSefzHpj5qimhFSE5a8nufZYAM3sBSVMAPtYkmC+4EH2anSGaEMXSD0izRQbu9nfyQ9y5JrVmp7E8oZrUjvA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + reusify@1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-U9nH88a3fc/ekCF1l0/UP1IosiuIjyTh7hBvXVMHYgVcfGvt897Xguj2UOLDeI5BG2m7/uwyaLVT6fbtCwTyzw==} + engines: {iojs: '>=1.0.0', node: '>=0.10.0'} + + rimraf@2.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mwqeW5XsA2qAejG46gYdENaxXjx9onRNCfn7L0duuP4hCuTIi/QO7PDK07KJfp1d+izWPrzEJDcSqBa0OZQriA==} + deprecated: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported + hasBin: true + + rimraf@3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JZkJMZkAGFFPP2YqXZXPbMlMBgsxzE8ILs4lMIX/2o0L9UBw9O/Y3o6wFw/i9YLapcUJWwqbi3kdxIPdC62TIA==} + deprecated: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported + hasBin: true + + run-async@2.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tvVnVv01b8c1RrA6Ep7JkStj85Guv/YrMcwqYQnwjsAS2cTmmPGBBjAjpCW7RrSodNSoE2/qg9O4bceNvUuDgQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.12.0'} + + run-parallel@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5l4VyZR86LZ/lDxZTR6jqL8AFE2S0IFLMP26AbjsLVADxHdhB/c0GUsH+y39UfCi3dzz8OlQuPmnaJOMoDHQBA==} + + rxjs@6.6.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hTdwr+7yYNIT5n4AMYp85KA6yw2Va0FLa3Rguvbpa4W3I5xynaBZo41cM3XM+4Q6fRMj3sBYIR1VAmZMXYJvRQ==} + engines: {npm: '>=2.0.0'} + + safe-buffer@5.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Gd2UZBJDkXlY7GbJxfsE8/nvKkUEU1G38c1siN6QP6a9PT9MmHB8GnpscSmMJSoF8LOIrt8ud/wPtojys4G6+g==} + + safe-buffer@5.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rp3So07KcdmmKbGvgaNxQSJr7bGVSVk5S9Eq1F+ppbRo70+YeaDxkw5Dd8NPN+GD6bjnYm2VuPuCXmpuYvmCXQ==} + + safer-buffer@2.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YZo3K82SD7Riyi0E1EQPojLz7kpepnSQI9IyPbHHg1XXXevb5dJI7tpyN2ADxGcQbHG7vcyRHk0cbwqcQriUtg==} + + saxes@6.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xAg7SOnEhrm5zI3puOOKyy1OMcMlIJZYNJY7xLBwSze0UjhPLnWfj2GF2EpT0jmzaJKIWKHLsaSSajf35bcYnA==} + engines: {node: '>=v12.22.7'} + + semver-greatest-satisfied-range@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lH3f6kMbwyANB7HuOWRMlLCa2itaCrZJ+SAqqkSZrZKO/cAsk2EOyaKHUtNkVLFyFW9pct22SFesFp3Z7zpA0g==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + semver@5.7.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cBznnQ9KjJqU67B52RMC65CMarK2600WFnbkcaiwWq3xy/5haFJlshgnpjovMVJ+Hff49d8GEn0b87C5pDQ10g==} + hasBin: true + + semver@6.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BR7VvDCVHO+q2xBEWskxS6DJE1qRnb7DxzUrogb71CWoSficBxYsiAGd+Kl0mmq/MprG9yArRkyrQxTO6XjMzA==} + hasBin: true + + semver@7.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oVekP1cKtI+CTDvHWYFUcMtsK/00wmAEfyqKfNdARm8u1wNVhSgaX7A8d4UuIlUI5e84iEwOhs7ZPYRmzU9U6A==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + hasBin: true + + send@0.19.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dW41u5VfLXu8SJh5bwRmyYUbAoSB3c9uQh6L8h/KtsFREPWpbX1lrljJo186Jc4nmci/sGUZ9a0a0J2zgfq2hw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + serve-static@1.16.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VqpjJZKadQB/PEbEwvFdO43Ax5dFBZ2UECszz8bQ7pi7wt//PWe1P6MN7eCnjsatYtBT6EuiClbjSWP2WrIoTw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + set-blocking@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KiKBS8AnWGEyLzofFfmvKwpdPzqiy16LvQfK3yv/fVH7Bj13/wl3JSR1J+rfgRE9q7xUJK4qvgS8raSOeLUehw==} + + set-function-length@1.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pgRc4hJ4/sNjWCSS9AmnS40x3bNMDTknHgL5UaMBTMyJnU90EgWh1Rz+MC9eFu4BuN/UwZjKQuY/1v3rM7HMfg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + setprototypeof@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E5LDX7Wrp85Kil5bhZv46j8jOeboKq5JMmYM3gVGdGH8xFpPWXUMsNrlODCrkoxMEeNi/XZIwuRvY4XNwYMJpw==} + + shebang-command@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EV3L1+UQWGor21OmnvojK36mhg+TyIKDh3iFBKBohr5xeXIhNBcx8oWdgkTEEQ+BEFFYdLRuqMfd5L84N1V5Vg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + shebang-command@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kHxr2zZpYtdmrN1qDjrrX/Z1rR1kG8Dx+gkpK1G4eXmvXswmcE1hTWBWYUzlraYw1/yZp6YuDY77YtvbN0dmDA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + shebang-regex@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wpoSFAxys6b2a2wHZ1XpDSgD7N9iVjg29Ph9uV/uaP9Ex/KXlkTZTeddxDPSYQpgvzKLGJke2UU0AzoGCjNIvQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + shebang-regex@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7++dFhtcx3353uBaq8DDR4NuxBetBzC7ZQOhmTQInHEd6bSrXdiEyzCvG07Z44UYdLShWUyXt5M/yhz8ekcb1A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + shellwords@0.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vFwSUfQvqybiICwZY5+DAWIPLKsWO31Q91JSKl3UYv+K5c2QRPzn0qzec6QPu1Qc9eHYItiP3NdJqNVqetYAww==} + + side-channel@1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fDW/EZ6Q9RiO8eFG8Hj+7u/oW+XrPTIChwCOM2+th2A6OblDtYYIpve9m+KvI9Z4C9qSEXlaGR6bTEYHReuglA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + signal-exit@3.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wnD2ZE+l+SPC/uoS0vXeE9L1+0wuaMqKlfz9AMUo38JsyLSBWSFcHR1Rri62LZc12vLr1gb3jl7iwQhgwpAbGQ==} + + sisteransi@1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bLGGlR1QxBcynn2d5YmDX4MGjlZvy2MRBDRNHLJ8VI6l6+9FUiyTFNJ0IveOSP0bcXgVDPRcfGqA0pjaqUpfVg==} + + slash@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-g9Q1haeby36OSStwb4ntCGGGaKsaVSjQ68fBxoQcutl5fS1vuY18H3wSt3jFyFtrkx+Kz0V1G85A4MyAdDMi2Q==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + slice-ansi@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Qu+VC3EwYLldKa1fCxuuvULvSJOKEgk9pi8dZeCVK7TqBfUNTH4sFkk4joj8afVSfAYgJoSOetjx9QWOJ5mYoQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + socket.io-adapter@2.5.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eLDQas5dzPgOWCk9GuuJC2lBqItuhKI4uxGgo9aIV7MYbk2h9Q6uULEh8WBzThoI7l+qU9Ast9fVUmkqPP9wYg==} + + socket.io-parser@4.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/GbIKmo8ioc+NIWIhwdecY0ge+qVBSMdgxGygevmdHj24bsfgtCmcUUcQ5ZzcylGFHsN3k4HB4Cgkl96KVnuew==} + engines: {node: '>=10.0.0'} + + socket.io@4.8.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8U6BEgGjQOfGz3HHTYaC/L1GaxDCJ/KM0XTkJly0EhZ5U/du9uNEZy4ZgYzEzIqlx2CMm25CrCqr1ck899eLNA==} + engines: {node: '>=10.2.0'} + + source-map-resolve@0.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KXBr9d/fO/bWo97NXsPIAW1bFSBOuCnjbNTBMO7N59hsv5i9yzRDfcYwwt0l04+VqnKC+EwzvJZIP/qkuMgR/w==} + deprecated: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated + + source-map-support@0.5.13: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SHSKFHadjVA5oR4PPqhtAVdcBWwRYVd6g6cAXnIbRiIwc2EhPrTuKUBdSLvlEKyIP3GCf89fltvcZiP9MMFA1w==} + + source-map@0.5.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LbrmJOMUSdEVxIKvdcJzQC+nQhe8FUZQTXQy6+I75skNgn3OoQ0DZA8YnFa7gp8tqtL3KPf1kmo0R5DoApeSGQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + source-map@0.6.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UjgapumWlbMhkBgzT7Ykc5YXUT46F0iKu8SGXq0bcwP5dz/h0Plj6enJqjz1Zbq2l5WaqYnrVbwWOWMyF3F47g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + source-map@0.7.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-l3BikUxvPOcn5E74dZiq5BGsTb5yEwhaTSzccU6t4sDOH8NWJCstKO5QT2CvtFoK6F0saL7p9xHAqHOlCPJygA==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + sparkles@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-r7iW1bDw8R/cFifrD3JnQJX0K1jqT0kprL48BiBpLZLJPmAm34zsVBsK5lc7HirZYZqMW65dOXZgbAGt/I6frg==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + spawn-args@0.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-73BoniQDcRWgnLAf/suKH6V5H54gd1KLzwYN9FB6J/evqTV33htH9xwV/4BHek+++jzxpVlZQKKZkqstPQPmQg==} + + spdx-correct@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kN9dJbvnySHULIluDHy32WHRUu3Og7B9sbY7tsFLctQkIqnMh3hErYgdMjTYuqmcXX+lK5T1lnUt3G7zNswmZA==} + + spdx-exceptions@2.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PiU42r+xO4UbUS1buo3LPJkjlO7430Xn5SVAhdpzzsPHsjbYVflnnFdATgabnLude+Cqu25p6N+g2lw/PFsa4w==} + + spdx-expression-parse@3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cbqHunsQWnJNE6KhVSMsMeH5H/L9EpymbzqTQ3uLwNCLZ1Q481oWaofqH7nO6V07xlXwY6PhQdQ2IedWx/ZK4Q==} + + spdx-license-ids@3.0.20: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jg25NiDV/1fLtSgEgyvVyDunvaNHbuwF9lfNV17gSmPFAlYzdfNBlLtLzXTevwkPj7DhGbmN9VnmJIgLnhvaBw==} + + sprintf-js@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D9cPgkvLlV3t3IzL0D0YLvGA9Ahk4PcvVwUbN0dSGr1aP0Nrt4AEnTUbuGvquEC0mA64Gqt1fzirlRs5ibXx8g==} + + stack-utils@2.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XlkWvfIm6RmsWtNJx+uqtKLS8eqFbxUg0ZzLXqY0caEy9l7hruX8IpiDnjsLavoBgqCCR71TqWO8MaXYheJ3RQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + statuses@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RwNA9Z/7PrK06rYLIzFMlaF+l73iwpzsqRIFgbMLbTcLD6cOao82TaWefPXQvB2fOC4AjuYSEndS7N/mTCbkdQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + stream-composer@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bnBselmwfX5K10AH6L4c8+S5lgZMWI7ZYrz2rvYjCPB2DIMC4Ig8OpxGpNJSxRZ58oti7y1IcNvjBAz9vW5m4w==} + + stream-exhaust@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-b/qaq/GlBK5xaq1yrK9/zFcyRSTNxmcZwFLGSTG0mXgZl/4Z6GgiyYOXOvY7N3eEvFRAG1bkDRz5EPGSvPYQlw==} + + stream-shift@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-76ORR0DO1o1hlKwTbi/DM3EXWGf3ZJYO8cXX5RJwnul2DEg2oyoZyjLNoQM8WsvZiFKCRfC1O0J7iCvie3RZmQ==} + + streamx@2.20.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uTa0mU6WUC65iUvzKH4X9hEdvSW7rbPxPtwfWiLMSj3qTdQbAiUboZTxauKfpFuGIGa1C2BYijZ7wgdUXICJhA==} + + string-length@4.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+l6rNN5fYHNhZZy41RXsYptCjA2Igmq4EG7kZAYFQI1E1VTXarr6ZPXBg6eq7Y6eK4FEhY6AJlyuFIb/v/S0VQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + string-width@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0XsVpQLnVCXHJfyEs8tC0zpTVIr5PKKsQtkT29IwupnPTjtPmQ3xT/4yCREF9hYkV/3M3kzcUTSAZT6a6h81tw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + string-width@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vafcv6KjVZKSgz06oM/H6GDBrAtz8vdhQakGjFIvNrHA6y3HCF1CInLy+QLq8dTJPQ1b+KDUqDFctkdRW44e1w==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + string-width@4.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wKyQRQpjJ0sIp62ErSZdGsjMJWsap5oRNihHhu6G7JVO/9jIB6UyevL+tXuOqrng8j/cxKTWyWUwvSTriiZz/g==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + string_decoder@1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-n/ShnvDi6FHbbVfviro+WojiFzv+s8MPMHBczVePfUpDJLwoLT0ht1l4YwBCbi8pJAveEEdnkHyPyTP/mzRfwg==} + + string_decoder@1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hkRX8U1WjJFd8LsDJ2yQ/wWWxaopEsABU1XfkM8A+j0+85JAGppt16cr1Whg6KIbb4okU6Mql6BOj+uup/wKeA==} + + strip-ansi@3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VhumSSbBqDTP8p2ZLKj40UjBCV4+v8bUSEpUb4KjRgWk9pbqGF4REFj6KEagidb2f/M6AzC0EmFyDNGaw9OCzg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + strip-ansi@5.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DuRs1gKbBqsMKIZlrffwlug8MHkcnpjs5VPmL1PAh+mA30U0DTotfDZ0d2UUsXpPmPmMMJ6W773MaA3J+lbiWA==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + strip-ansi@6.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y38VPSHcqkFrCpFnQ9vuSXmquuv5oXOKpGeT6aGrr3o3Gc9AlVa6JBfUSOCnbxGGZF+/0ooI7KrPuUSztUdU5A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + strip-bom-buf@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1sUIL1jck0T1mhOLP2c696BIznzT525Lkub+n4jjMHjhjhoAQA6Ye659DxdlZBr0aLDMQoTxKIpnlqxgtwjsuQ==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + strip-bom-stream@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2di6sulSHfspbuEJHwwF6vzwijA4uaKsKYtviRQsJsOdxxb6yexiDcZFQ5oY10J50YxmCdHn/1sQmxDKbrGOVw==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + strip-bom-string@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uCC2VHvQRYu+lMh4My/sFNmF2klFymLX1wHJeXnbEJERpV/ZsVuonzerjfrGpIGF7LBVa1O7i9kjiWvJiFck8g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + strip-bom@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kwrX1y7czp1E69n2ajbG65mIo9dqvJ+8aBQXOGVxqwvNbsXdFM6Lq37dLAY3mknUwru8CfcCbfOLL/gMo+fi3g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + strip-bom@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3xurFv5tEgii33Zi8Jtp55wEIILR9eh34FAW00PZf+JnSsTmV/ioewSgQl97JHvgjoRGwPShsWm+IdrxB35d0w==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + strip-eof@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7FCwGGmx8mD5xQd3RPUvnSpUXHM3BWuzjtpD4TXsfcZ9EL4azvVVUscFYwD9nx8Kh+uCBC00XBtAykoMHwTh8Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + strip-final-newline@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BrpvfNAE3dcvq7ll3xVumzjKjZQ5tI1sEUIKr3Uoks0XUl45St3FlatVqef9prk4jRDzhW6WZg+3bk93y6pLjA==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + strip-indent@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-I5iQq6aFMM62fBEAIB/hXzwJD6EEZ0xEGCX2t7oXqaKPIRgt4WruAQ285BISgdkP+HLGWyeGmNJcpIwFeRYRUA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + hasBin: true + + strip-json-comments@3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6fPc+R4ihwqP6N/aIv2f1gMH8lOVtWQHoqC4yK6oSDVVocumAsfCqjkXnqiYMhmMwS/mEHLp7Vehlt3ql6lEig==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + styled_string@0.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DU2KZiB6VbPkO2tGSqQ9n96ZstUPjW7X4sGO6V2m1myIQluX0p1Ol8BrA/l6/EesqhMqXOIXs3cJNOy1UuU2BA==} + + supports-color@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KKNVtd6pCYgPIKU4cp2733HWYCpplQhddZLBUryaAHou723x+FRzQ5Df824Fj+IyyuiQTRoub4SnIFfIcrp70g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8.0'} + + supports-color@5.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QjVjwdXIt408MIiAqCX4oUKsgU2EqAGzs2Ppkm4aQYbjm+ZEWEcW4SfFNTr4uMNZma0ey4f5lgLrkB0aX0QMow==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + supports-color@7.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qpCAvRl9stuOHveKsn7HncJRvv501qIacKzQlO/+Lwxc9+0q2wLyv4Dfvt80/DPn2pqOBsJdDiogXGR9+OvwRw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + supports-color@8.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MpUEN2OodtUzxvKQl72cUF7RQ5EiHsGvSsVG0ia9c5RbWGL2CI4C7EpPS8UTBIplnlzZiNuV56w+FuNxy3ty2Q==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ot0WnXS9fgdkgIcePe6RHNk1WA8+muPa6cSjeR3V8K27q9BB1rTE3R1p7Hv0z1ZyAc8s6Vvv8DIyWf681MAt0w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + sver@1.8.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-71o1zfzyawLfIWBOmw8brleKyvnbn73oVHNCsu51uPMz/HWiKkkXsI31JjHW5zqXEqnPYkIiHd8ZmL7FCimLEA==} + + symbol-tree@3.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9QNk5KwDF+Bvz+PyObkmSYjI5ksVUYtjW7AU22r2NKcfLJcXp96hkDWU3+XndOsUb+AQ9QhfzfCT2O+CNWT5Tw==} + + symbol@0.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IUW+ek7apEaW5bFhS6WpYoNtVpNTlNoqB/PH7YiMWQTxSPeXCzG4PILVakwXivJt3ZXWeO1fIJnUd/L9A/VeGA==} + + table@5.4.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wmEc8m4fjnob4gt5riFRtTu/6+4rSe12TpAELNSqHMfF3IqnA+CH37USM6/YR3qRZv7e56kAEAtd6nKZaxe0Ug==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + tap-parser@7.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-05G8/LrzqOOFvZhhAk32wsGiPZ1lfUrl+iV7+OkKgfofZxiceZWMHkKmow71YsyVQ8IvGBP2EjcIjE5gL4l5lA==} + hasBin: true + + teex@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eYE6iEI62Ni1H8oIa7KlDU6uQBtqr4Eajni3wX7rpfXD8ysFx8z0+dri+KWEPWpBsxXfxu58x/0jvTVT1ekOSg==} + + test-exclude@6.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cAGWPIyOHU6zlmg88jwm7VRyXnMN7iV68OGAbYDk/Mh/xC/pzVPlQtY6ngoIH/5/tciuhGfvESU8GrHrcxD56w==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + testem@3.11.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-q0U126/nnRH54ZDrr6j1Ai5zK6vOm2rdY/5VJrbqcEPQgOWoLB6zrymWUs7BqN2/yRsdorocl9E9ZEwm7LLIZQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 7.*'} + hasBin: true + + text-decoder@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-n1yg1mOj9DNpk3NeZOx7T6jchTbyJS3i3cucbNN6FcdPriMZx7NsgrGpWWdWZZGxD7ES1XB+3uoqHMgOKaN+fg==} + + text-table@0.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-N+8UisAXDGk8PFXP4HAzVR9nbfmVJ3zYLAWiTIoqC5v5isinhr+r5uaO8+7r3BMfuNIufIsA7RdpVgacC2cSpw==} + + textextensions@3.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mk82dS8eRABNbeVJrEiN5/UMSCliINAuz8mkUwH4SwslkNP//gbEzlWNS5au0z5Dpx40SQxzqZevZkn+WYJ9Dw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + through2-filter@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jaRjI2WxN3W1V8/FMZ9HKIBXixtiqs3SQSX4/YGIiP3gL6djW48VoZq9tDqeCWs3MT8YY5wb/zli8VW8snY1CA==} + + through2@2.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/mrRod8xqpA+IHSLyGCQ2s8SPHiCDEeQJSep1jqLYeEUClOFG2Qsh+4FU6G9VeqpZnGW/Su8LQGc4YKni5rYSQ==} + + through2@3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-enaDQ4MUyP2W6ZyT6EsMzqBPZaM/avg8iuo+l2d3QCs0J+6RaqkHV/2/lOwDTueBHeJ/2LG9lrLW3d5rWPucuQ==} + + through2@4.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iOqSav00cVxEEICeD7TjLB1sueEL+81Wpzp2bY17uZjZN0pWZPuo4suZ/61VujxmqSGFfgOcNuTZ85QJwNZQpw==} + + through@2.3.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-w89qg7PI8wAdvX60bMDP+bFoD5Dvhm9oLheFp5O4a2QF0cSBGsBX4qZmadPMvVqlLJBBci+WqGGOAPvcDeNSVg==} + + time-stamp@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gLCeArryy2yNTRzTGKbZbloctj64jkZ57hj5zdraXue6aFgd6PmvVtEyiUU+hvU0v7q08oVv8r8ev0tRo6bvgw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + timers-ext@0.1.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wFH7+SEAcKfJpfLPkrgMPvvwnEtj8W4IurvEyrKsDleXnKLCDw71w8jltvfLa8Rm4qQxxT4jmDBYbJG/z7qoww==} + engines: {node: '>=0.12'} + + tiny-glob@0.2.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-g/55ssRPUjShh+xkfx9UPDXqhckHEsHr4Vd9zX55oSdGZc/MD0m3sferOkwWtp98bv+kcVfEHtRJgBVJzelrzg==} + + tmp@0.0.33: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jRCJlojKnZ3addtTOjdIqoRuPEKBvNXcGYqzO6zWZX8KfKEpnGY5jfggJQ3EjKuu8D4bJRr0y+cYJFmYbImXGw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.6.0'} + + tmpl@1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3f0uOEAQwIqGuWW2MVzYg8fV/QNnc/IpuJNG837rLuczAaLVHslWHZQj4IGiEl5Hs3kkbhwL9Ab7Hrsmuj+Smw==} + + to-absolute-glob@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rtwLUQEwT8ZeKQbyFJyomBRYXyE16U5VKuy0ftxLMK/PZb2fkOsg5r9kHdauuVDbsNdIBoC/HCthpidamQFXYA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + to-fast-properties@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/OaKK0xYrs3DmxRYqL/yDc+FxFUVYhDlXMhRmv3z915w2HF1tnN1omB354j8VUGO/hbRzyD6Y3sA7v7GS/ceog==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + to-regex-range@5.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-65P7iz6X5yEr1cwcgvQxbbIw7Uk3gOy5dIdtZ4rDveLqhrdJP+Li/Hx6tyK0NEb+2GCyneCMJiGqrADCSNk8sQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8.0'} + + to-through@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+QIz37Ly7acM4EMdw2PRN389OneM5+d844tirkGp4dPKzI5OE72V9OsbFp+CIYJDahZ41ZV05hNtcPAQUAm9/Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + to-through@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-y8MN937s/HVhEoBU1SxfHC+wxCHkV1a9gW8eAdTadYh/bGyesZIVcbjI+mSpFbSVwQici/XjBjuUyri1dnXwBw==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + toidentifier@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-o5sSPKEkg/DIQNmH43V0/uerLrpzVedkUh8tGNvaeXpfpuwjKenlSox/2O/BTlZUtEe+JG7s5YhEz608PlAHRA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.6'} + + tough-cookie@4.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Loo5UUvLD9ScZ6jh8beX1T6sO1w2/MpCRpEP7V280GKMVUQ0Jzar2U3UJPsrdbziLEMMhu3Ujnq//rhiFuIeag==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + tr46@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-l7FvfAHlcmulp8kr+flpQZmVwtu7nfRV7NZujtN0OqES8EL4O4e0qqzL0DC5gAvx/ZC/9lk6rhcUwYvkBnBnYA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + trim-newlines@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Nm4cF79FhSTzrLKGDMi3I4utBtFv8qKy4sq1enftf2gMdpqI8oVQTAfySkTz5r49giVzDj88SVZXP4CeYQwjaw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + ts-api-utils@1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UQMIo7pb8WRomKR1/+MFVLTroIvDVtMX3K6OUir8ynLyzB8Jeriont2bTAtmNPa1ekAgN7YPDyf6V+ygrdU+eQ==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + peerDependencies: + typescript: '>=4.2.0' + + ts-jest@29.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D6xjnnbP17cC85nliwGiL+tpoKN0StpgE0TeOjXQTU6MVCfsB4v7aW05CgQ/1OywGb0x/oy9hHFnN+sczTiRaA==} + engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0} + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': '>=7.0.0-beta.0 <8' + '@jest/types': ^29.0.0 + babel-jest: ^29.0.0 + esbuild: '*' + jest: ^29.0.0 + typescript: '>=4.3 <6' + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@babel/core': + optional: true + '@jest/types': + optional: true + babel-jest: + optional: true + esbuild: + optional: true + + ts-node@10.9.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NtVysVPkxxrwFGUUxGYhfux8k78pQB3JqYBXlLRZgdGUqTO5wU/UyHop5p70iEbGhB7q5KmiZiU0Y3KlJrScEw==} + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + '@swc/core': '>=1.2.50' + '@swc/wasm': '>=1.2.50' + '@types/node': '*' + typescript: '>=2.7' + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@swc/core': + optional: true + '@swc/wasm': + optional: true + + tslib@1.14.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Xni35NKzjgMrwevysHTCArtLDpPvye8zV/0E4EyYn43P7/7qvQwPh9BGkHewbMulVntbigmcT7rdX3BNo9wRJg==} + + type-check@0.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZCmOJdvOWDBYJlzAoFkC+Q0+bUyEOS1ltgp1MGU03fqHG+dbi9tBFU2Rd9QKiDZFAYrhPh2JUf7rZRIuHRKtOg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + type-check@0.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XleUoc9uwGXqjWwXaUTZAmzMcFZ5858QA2vvx1Ur5xIcixXIP+8LnFDgRplU30us6teqdlskFfu+ae4K79Ooew==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + type-detect@4.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0fr/mIH1dlO+x7TlcMy+bIDqKPsw/70tVyeHW787goQjhmqaZe10uwLujubK9q9Lg6Fiho1KUKDYz0Z7k7g5/g==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + type-fest@0.20.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ne+eE4r0/iWnpAxD852z3A+N0Bt5RN//NjJwRd2VFHEmrywxf5vsZlh4R6lixl6B+wz/8d+maTSAkN1FIkI3LQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + type-fest@0.21.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-t0rzBq87m3fVcduHDUFhKmyyX+9eo6WQjZvf51Ea/M0Q7+T374Jp1aUiyUl0GKxp8M/OETVHSDvmkyPgvX+X2w==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + type-fest@0.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4dbzIzqvjtgiM5rw1k5rEHtBANKmdudhGyBEajN01fEyhaAIhsoKNy6y7+IN93IfpFtwY9iqi7kD+xwKhQsNJA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + type-is@1.6.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TkRKr9sUTxEH8MdfuCSP7VizJyzRNMjj2J2do2Jr3Kym598JVdEksuzPQCnlFPW4ky9Q+iA+ma9BGm06XQBy8g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + type@2.7.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8j+1QmAbPvLZow5Qpi6NCaN8FB60p/6x8/vfNqOk/hC+HuvFZhL4+WfekuhQLiqFZXOgQdrs3B+XxEmCc6b3FQ==} + + typescript@5.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mI4WrpHsbCIcwT9cF4FZvr80QUeKvsUsUvKDoR+X/7XHQH98xYD8YHZg7ANtz2GtZt/CBq2QJ0thkGJMHfqc1w==} + engines: {node: '>=14.17'} + hasBin: true + + unc-path-regex@0.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eXL4nmJT7oCpkZsHZUOJo8hcX3GbsiDOa0Qu9F646fi8dT3XuSVopVqAcEiVzSKKH7UoDti23wNX3qGFxcW5Qg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + underscore@1.13.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GMXzWtsc57XAtguZgaQViUOzs0KTkk8ojr3/xAxXLITqf/3EMwxC0inyETfDFjH/Krbhuep0HNbbjI9i/q3F3g==} + + undertaker-registry@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+hhVICbnp+rlzZMgxXenpvTxpuvA67Bfgtt+O9WOE5jo7w/dyiF1VmoZVIHvP2EkUjsyKyTwYKlLhA+j47m1Ew==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13.0'} + + undertaker@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tO/bf30wBbTsJ7go80j0RzA2rcwX6o7XPBpeFcb+jzoeb4pfMM2zUeSDIkY1AWqeZabWxaQZ/h8N9t35QKDLPQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + undici-types@6.19.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ve2KP6f/JnbPBFyobGHuerC9g1FYGn/F8n1LWTwNxCEzd6IfqTwUQcNXgEtmmQ6DlRrC1hrSrBnCZPokRrDHjw==} + + unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dA8WbNeb2a6oQzAQ55YlT5vQAWGV9WXOsi3SskE3bcCdM0P4SDd+24zS/OCacdRq5BkdsRj9q3Pg6YyQoxIGqg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + unicode-match-property-ecmascript@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5kaZCrbp5mmbz5ulBkDkbY0SsPOjKqVS35VpL9ulMPfSl0J0Xsm+9Evphv9CoIZFwre7aJoa94AY6seMKGVN5Q==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript@2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4IehN3V/+kkr5YeSSDDQG8QLqO26XpL2XP3GQtqwlT/QYSECAwFztxVHjlbh0+gjJ3XmNLS0zDsbgs9jWKExLg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6t3foTQI9qne+OZoVQB/8x8rk2k1eVy1gRXhV3oFQ5T6R1dqQ1xtin3XqSlx3+ATBkliTaR/hHyJBm+LVPNM8w==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + unique-stream@2.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2nY4TnBE70yoxHkDli7DMazpWiP7xMdCYqU2nBRO0UB+ZpEkGsSija7MvmvnZFUeC+mrgiUfcHSr3LmRFIg4+A==} + + universalify@0.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CJ1QgKmNg3CwvAv/kOFmtnEN05f0D/cn9QntgNOQlQF9dgvVTHj3t+8JPdjqawCHk7V/KA+fbUqzZ9XWhcqPUg==} + engines: {node: '>= 4.0.0'} + + unpipe@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pjy2bYhSsufwWlKwPc+l3cN7+wuJlK6uz0YdJEOlQDbl6jo/YlPi4mb8agUkVC8BF7V8NuzeyPNqRksA3hztKQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + update-browserslist-db@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EdRAaAyk2cUE1wOf2DkEhzxqOQvFOoRJFNS6NeyJ01Gp2beMRpBAINjM2iDXE3KCuKhwnvHIQCJm6ThL2Z+HzQ==} + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + browserslist: '>= 4.21.0' + + uri-js@4.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7rKUyy33Q1yc98pQ1DAmLtwX109F7TIfWlW1Ydo8Wl1ii1SeHieeh0HHfPeL2fMXK6z0s8ecKs9frCuLJvndBg==} + + url-parse@1.5.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WypcfiRhfeUP9vvF0j6rw0J3hrWrw6iZv3+22h6iRMJ/8z1Tj6XfLP4DsUix5MhMPnXpiHDoKyoZ/bdCkwBCiQ==} + + util-deprecate@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EPD5q1uXyFxJpCrLnCc1nHnq3gOa6DZBocAIiI2TaSCA7VCJ1UJDMagCzIkXNsUYfD1daK//LTEQ8xiIbrHtcw==} + + utils-merge@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pMZTvIkT1d+TFGvDOqodOclx0QWkkgi6Tdoa8gC8ffGAAqz9pzPTZWAybbsHHoED/ztMtkv/VoYTYyShUn81hA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4.0'} + + uuid@8.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+NYs2QeMWy+GWFOEm9xnn6HCDp0l7QBD7ml8zLUmJ+93Q5NF0NocErnwkTkXVFNiX3/fpC6afS8Dhb/gz7R7eg==} + hasBin: true + + 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sha512-NiibMgt6VJGJmyw7vtzhctDcfKch4e4n9TBeoWlirb7FMg9/1Ov9k+A5ZRAtywBpRPiyECvQRQllYM8dECegVA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + vinyl-sourcemap@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BAEvWxbBUXvlNoFQVFVHpybBbjW1r03WhohJzJDSfgrrK5xVYIDTan6xN14DlyImShgDRv2gl9qhM6irVMsV0Q==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + vinyl-sourcemaps-apply@0.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+oDh3KYZBoZC8hfocrbrxbLUeaYtQK7J5WU5Br9VqWqmCll3tFJqKp97GC9GmMsVIL0qnx2DgEDVxdo5EZ5sSw==} + + vinyl@2.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LII3bXRFBZLlezoG5FfZVcXflZgWP/4dCwKtxd5ky9+LOtM4CS3bIRQsmR1KMnMW07jpE8fqR2lcxPZ+8sJIcw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + vinyl@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rC2VRfAVVCGEgjnxHUnpIVh3AGuk62rP3tqVrn+yab0YH7UULisC085+NYH+mnqf3Wx4SpSi1RQMwudL89N03g==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + w3c-xmlserializer@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d+BFHzbiCx6zGfz0HyQ6Rg69w9k19nviJspaj4yNscGjrHu94sVP+aRm75yEbCh+r2/yR+7q6hux9LVtbuTGBw==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + + walker@1.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ts/8E8l5b7kY0vlWLewOkDXMmPdLcVV4GmOQLyxuSswIJsweeFZtAsMF7k1Nszz+TYBQrlYRmzOnr398y1JemQ==} + + webidl-conversions@7.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VwddBukDzu71offAQR975unBIGqfKZpM+8ZX6ySk8nYhVoo5CYaZyzt3YBvYtRtO+aoGlqxPg/B87NGVZ/fu6g==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + whatwg-encoding@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-p41ogyeMUrw3jWclHWTQg1k05DSVXPLcVxRTYsXUk+ZooOCZLcoYgPZ/HL/D/N+uQPOtcp1me1WhBEaX02mhWg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + whatwg-mimetype@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nt+N2dzIutVRxARx1nghPKGv1xHikU7HKdfafKkLNLindmPU/ch3U31NOCGGA/dmPcmb1VlofO0vnKAcsm0o/Q==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + whatwg-url@11.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RKT8HExMpoYx4igMiVMY83lN6UeITKJlBQ+vR/8ZJ8OCdSiN3RwCq+9gH0+Xzj0+5IrM6i4j/6LuvzbZIQgEcQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + which@1.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HxJdYWq1MTIQbJ3nw0cqssHoTNU267KlrDuGZ1WYlxDStUtKUhOaJmh112/TZmHxxUfuJqPXSOm7tDyas0OSIQ==} + hasBin: true + + which@2.0.2: + 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sha512-xDPzHvjDQWcYDrVEo+fcRsJiYVR5l1B6BG6gxOBeZWCEGfbtmdY9HlVKp0IvrxiRL3+aZ+K0tOfRLNMZ+N8rzQ==} + + yn@3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ux4ygGWsu2c7isFWe8Yu1YluJmqVhxqK2cLXNQA5AcC3QfbGNpM7fu0Y8b/z16pXLnFxZYvWhd3fhBY9DLmC6Q==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + yocto-queue@0.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rVksvsnNCdJ/ohGc6xgPwyN8eheCxsiLM8mxuE/t/mOVqJewPuO1miLpTHQiRgTKCLexL4MeAFVagts7HmNZ2Q==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + +snapshots: + + '@ampproject/remapping@2.3.0': + dependencies: + '@jridgewell/gen-mapping': 0.3.5 + '@jridgewell/trace-mapping': 0.3.25 + + '@babel/code-frame@7.24.7': + dependencies: + '@babel/highlight': 7.24.7 + picocolors: 1.1.0 + + '@babel/compat-data@7.25.4': {} + + '@babel/core@7.25.2': + dependencies: + '@ampproject/remapping': 2.3.0 + '@babel/code-frame': 7.24.7 + '@babel/generator': 7.25.6 + '@babel/helper-compilation-targets': 7.25.2 + '@babel/helper-module-transforms': 7.25.2(@babel/core@7.25.2) + '@babel/helpers': 7.25.6 + '@babel/parser': 7.25.6 + 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ansi-escapes@4.3.2: + dependencies: + type-fest: 0.21.3 + + ansi-gray@0.1.1: + dependencies: + ansi-wrap: 0.1.0 + + ansi-regex@2.1.1: {} + + ansi-regex@4.1.1: {} + + ansi-regex@5.0.1: {} + + ansi-styles@2.2.1: {} + + ansi-styles@3.2.1: + dependencies: + color-convert: 1.9.3 + + ansi-styles@4.3.0: + dependencies: + color-convert: 2.0.1 + + ansi-styles@5.2.0: {} + + ansi-wrap@0.1.0: {} + + any-shell-escape@0.1.1: {} + + anymatch@3.1.3: + dependencies: + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + append-buffer@1.0.2: + dependencies: + buffer-equal: 1.0.1 + + aproba@2.0.0: {} + + are-we-there-yet@3.0.1: + dependencies: + delegates: 1.0.0 + readable-stream: 3.6.2 + + arg@4.1.3: {} + + argparse@1.0.10: + dependencies: + sprintf-js: 1.0.3 + + argparse@2.0.1: {} + + arr-diff@4.0.0: {} + + arr-union@3.1.0: {} + + array-each@1.0.1: {} + + array-find-index@1.0.2: {} + + array-flatten@1.1.1: {} + + array-slice@1.1.0: {} + + array-union@2.1.0: {} + + assign-symbols@1.0.0: {} + + astral-regex@1.0.0: {} + + async-done@2.0.0: + dependencies: + end-of-stream: 1.4.4 + once: 1.4.0 + stream-exhaust: 1.0.2 + + async-settle@2.0.0: + dependencies: + async-done: 2.0.0 + + async@0.2.10: {} + + asynckit@0.4.0: {} + + atob@2.1.2: {} + + b4a@1.6.6: {} + + babel-jest@29.7.0(@babel/core@7.25.2): + dependencies: + '@babel/core': 7.25.2 + '@jest/transform': 29.7.0 + '@types/babel__core': 7.20.5 + babel-plugin-istanbul: 6.1.1 + babel-preset-jest: 29.6.3(@babel/core@7.25.2) + chalk: 4.1.2 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + slash: 3.0.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + babel-plugin-istanbul@6.1.1: + dependencies: + '@babel/helper-plugin-utils': 7.24.8 + '@istanbuljs/load-nyc-config': 1.1.0 + '@istanbuljs/schema': 0.1.3 + istanbul-lib-instrument: 5.2.1 + test-exclude: 6.0.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + babel-plugin-jest-hoist@29.6.3: + dependencies: + '@babel/template': 7.25.0 + '@babel/types': 7.25.6 + '@types/babel__core': 7.20.5 + 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babel-preset-jest@29.6.3(@babel/core@7.25.2): + dependencies: + '@babel/core': 7.25.2 + babel-plugin-jest-hoist: 29.6.3 + babel-preset-current-node-syntax: 1.1.0(@babel/core@7.25.2) + + bach@2.0.1: + dependencies: + async-done: 2.0.0 + async-settle: 2.0.0 + now-and-later: 3.0.0 + + backbone@1.6.0: + dependencies: + underscore: 1.13.7 + + balanced-match@1.0.2: {} + + bare-events@2.5.0: + optional: true + + base64-js@1.5.1: {} + + base64id@2.0.0: {} + + binary-extensions@2.3.0: {} + + binaryextensions@2.3.0: {} + + bl@5.1.0: + dependencies: + buffer: 6.0.3 + inherits: 2.0.4 + readable-stream: 3.6.2 + + bluebird@3.7.2: {} + + body-parser@1.20.3: + dependencies: + bytes: 3.1.2 + content-type: 1.0.5 + debug: 2.6.9 + depd: 2.0.0 + destroy: 1.2.0 + http-errors: 2.0.0 + iconv-lite: 0.4.24 + on-finished: 2.4.1 + qs: 6.13.0 + raw-body: 2.5.2 + type-is: 1.6.18 + unpipe: 1.0.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + brace-expansion@1.1.11: + dependencies: + balanced-match: 1.0.2 + concat-map: 0.0.1 + + braces@3.0.3: + dependencies: + fill-range: 7.1.1 + + browserslist@4.23.3: + dependencies: + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001663 + electron-to-chromium: 1.5.28 + node-releases: 2.0.18 + update-browserslist-db: 1.1.0(browserslist@4.23.3) + + bs-logger@0.2.6: + dependencies: + fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.1.0 + + bser@2.1.1: + dependencies: + node-int64: 0.4.0 + + buffer-equal@1.0.1: {} + + buffer-from@1.1.2: {} + + buffer@6.0.3: + dependencies: + base64-js: 1.5.1 + ieee754: 1.2.1 + + bump-regex@4.1.0: + dependencies: + semver: 5.7.2 + + bytes@3.0.0: {} + + bytes@3.1.2: {} + + call-bind@1.0.7: + dependencies: + es-define-property: 1.0.0 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + function-bind: 1.1.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + set-function-length: 1.2.2 + + callsites@3.1.0: {} + + camelcase-keys@2.1.0: + dependencies: + camelcase: 2.1.1 + map-obj: 1.0.1 + + camelcase@2.1.1: {} + + camelcase@3.0.0: {} + + camelcase@5.3.1: {} + + camelcase@6.3.0: {} + + caniuse-lite@1.0.30001663: {} + + chalk@1.1.3: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 2.2.1 + escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5 + has-ansi: 2.0.0 + strip-ansi: 3.0.1 + supports-color: 2.0.0 + + chalk@2.4.2: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 3.2.1 + escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5 + supports-color: 5.5.0 + + chalk@4.1.2: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + supports-color: 7.2.0 + + char-regex@1.0.2: {} + + chardet@0.7.0: {} + + charm@1.0.2: + dependencies: + inherits: 2.0.4 + + chokidar@3.6.0: + dependencies: + anymatch: 3.1.3 + braces: 3.0.3 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + is-binary-path: 2.1.0 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + readdirp: 3.6.0 + optionalDependencies: + fsevents: 2.3.3 + + ci-info@3.9.0: {} + + cjs-module-lexer@1.4.1: {} + + cli-cursor@3.1.0: + dependencies: + restore-cursor: 3.1.0 + + cli-width@3.0.0: {} + + cliui@3.2.0: + dependencies: + string-width: 1.0.2 + strip-ansi: 3.0.1 + wrap-ansi: 2.1.0 + + cliui@7.0.4: + dependencies: + string-width: 4.2.3 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + wrap-ansi: 7.0.0 + + cliui@8.0.1: + dependencies: + 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consolidate@0.16.0(lodash@4.17.21)(mustache@4.2.0)(underscore@1.13.7): + dependencies: + bluebird: 3.7.2 + optionalDependencies: + lodash: 4.17.21 + mustache: 4.2.0 + underscore: 1.13.7 + + content-disposition@0.5.4: + dependencies: + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + + content-type@1.0.5: {} + + convert-source-map@1.9.0: {} + + convert-source-map@2.0.0: {} + + cookie-signature@1.0.6: {} + + cookie@0.4.2: {} + + cookie@0.6.0: {} + + copy-props@4.0.0: + dependencies: + each-props: 3.0.0 + is-plain-object: 5.0.0 + + core-js-compat@3.38.1: + dependencies: + browserslist: 4.23.3 + + core-util-is@1.0.3: {} + + cors@2.8.5: + dependencies: + object-assign: 4.1.1 + vary: 1.1.2 + + create-jest@29.7.0(@types/node@22.6.1)(ts-node@10.9.1(@types/node@22.6.1)(typescript@5.2.2)): + dependencies: + '@jest/types': 29.6.3 + chalk: 4.1.2 + exit: 0.1.2 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + jest-config: 29.7.0(@types/node@22.6.1)(ts-node@10.9.1(@types/node@22.6.1)(typescript@5.2.2)) + jest-util: 29.7.0 + prompts: 2.4.2 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - '@types/node' + - babel-plugin-macros + - supports-color + - ts-node + + create-require@1.1.1: {} + + cross-spawn@6.0.5: + dependencies: + nice-try: 1.0.5 + path-key: 2.0.1 + semver: 5.7.2 + shebang-command: 1.2.0 + which: 1.3.1 + + cross-spawn@7.0.3: + dependencies: + path-key: 3.1.1 + shebang-command: 2.0.0 + which: 2.0.2 + + css@3.0.0: + dependencies: + inherits: 2.0.4 + source-map: 0.6.1 + source-map-resolve: 0.6.0 + + cssom@0.3.8: {} + + cssom@0.5.0: {} + + cssstyle@2.3.0: + dependencies: + cssom: 0.3.8 + + currently-unhandled@0.4.1: + dependencies: + array-find-index: 1.0.2 + + d@1.0.2: + dependencies: + es5-ext: 0.10.64 + type: 2.7.3 + + data-urls@3.0.2: + dependencies: + abab: 2.0.6 + whatwg-mimetype: 3.0.0 + whatwg-url: 11.0.0 + + dateformat@1.0.12: + dependencies: + get-stdin: 4.0.1 + meow: 3.7.0 + + debug-fabulous@1.1.0: + dependencies: + debug: 3.2.7 + memoizee: 0.4.17 + object-assign: 4.1.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + debug@2.6.9: + dependencies: + ms: 2.0.0 + + debug@3.2.7: + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.3 + + debug@4.3.7: + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.3 + + decamelize@1.2.0: {} + + decimal.js@10.4.3: {} + + decode-uri-component@0.2.2: {} + + dedent@1.5.3: {} + + deep-is@0.1.4: {} + + deepmerge@4.3.1: {} + + define-data-property@1.1.4: + dependencies: + es-define-property: 1.0.0 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + gopd: 1.0.1 + + define-properties@1.2.1: + dependencies: + define-data-property: 1.1.4 + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + + delayed-stream@1.0.0: {} + + delegates@1.0.0: {} + + depd@2.0.0: {} + + destroy@1.2.0: {} + + detect-file@1.0.0: {} + + detect-newline@2.1.0: {} + + detect-newline@3.1.0: {} + + diff-sequences@29.6.3: {} + + diff@4.0.2: {} + + dir-glob@3.0.1: + dependencies: + path-type: 4.0.0 + + doctrine@3.0.0: + dependencies: + esutils: 2.0.3 + + domexception@4.0.0: + dependencies: + webidl-conversions: 7.0.0 + + duplexify@3.7.1: + dependencies: + end-of-stream: 1.4.4 + inherits: 2.0.4 + readable-stream: 2.3.8 + stream-shift: 1.0.3 + + each-props@3.0.0: + dependencies: + is-plain-object: 5.0.0 + object.defaults: 1.1.0 + + ee-first@1.1.1: {} + + electron-to-chromium@1.5.28: {} + + emittery@0.13.1: {} + + emoji-regex@7.0.3: {} + + emoji-regex@8.0.0: {} + + encodeurl@1.0.2: {} + + encodeurl@2.0.0: {} + + end-of-stream@1.4.4: + dependencies: + once: 1.4.0 + + engine.io-parser@5.2.3: {} + + engine.io@6.6.1: + dependencies: + '@types/cookie': 0.4.1 + '@types/cors': 2.8.17 + '@types/node': 22.6.1 + accepts: 1.3.8 + base64id: 2.0.0 + cookie: 0.4.2 + cors: 2.8.5 + debug: 4.3.7 + engine.io-parser: 5.2.3 + ws: 8.17.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - bufferutil + - supports-color + - utf-8-validate + + enquirer@2.4.1: + dependencies: + ansi-colors: 4.1.3 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + + entities@4.5.0: {} + + error-ex@1.3.2: + dependencies: + is-arrayish: 0.2.1 + + es-define-property@1.0.0: + dependencies: + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + + es-errors@1.3.0: {} + + es5-ext@0.10.64: + dependencies: + es6-iterator: 2.0.3 + es6-symbol: 3.1.4 + esniff: 2.0.1 + next-tick: 1.1.0 + + es6-iterator@2.0.3: + dependencies: + d: 1.0.2 + es5-ext: 0.10.64 + es6-symbol: 3.1.4 + + es6-symbol@3.1.4: + dependencies: + d: 1.0.2 + ext: 1.7.0 + + es6-weak-map@2.0.3: + dependencies: + d: 1.0.2 + es5-ext: 0.10.64 + es6-iterator: 2.0.3 + es6-symbol: 3.1.4 + + escalade@3.2.0: {} + + escape-html@1.0.3: {} + + escape-string-regexp@1.0.5: {} + + escape-string-regexp@2.0.0: {} + + escape-string-regexp@4.0.0: {} + + escodegen@2.1.0: + dependencies: + esprima: 4.0.1 + estraverse: 5.3.0 + esutils: 2.0.3 + optionalDependencies: + source-map: 0.6.1 + + eslint-scope@5.1.1: + dependencies: + esrecurse: 4.3.0 + estraverse: 4.3.0 + + eslint-scope@6.0.0: + dependencies: + esrecurse: 4.3.0 + estraverse: 5.3.0 + + eslint-utils@1.4.3: + dependencies: + eslint-visitor-keys: 1.3.0 + + eslint-utils@3.0.0(eslint@8.0.1): + dependencies: + eslint: 8.0.1 + eslint-visitor-keys: 2.1.0 + + eslint-visitor-keys@1.3.0: {} + + eslint-visitor-keys@2.1.0: {} + + eslint-visitor-keys@3.4.3: {} + + eslint@6.8.0: + dependencies: + '@babel/code-frame': 7.24.7 + ajv: 6.12.6 + chalk: 2.4.2 + cross-spawn: 6.0.5 + debug: 4.3.7 + doctrine: 3.0.0 + eslint-scope: 5.1.1 + eslint-utils: 1.4.3 + eslint-visitor-keys: 1.3.0 + espree: 6.2.1 + esquery: 1.6.0 + esutils: 2.0.3 + file-entry-cache: 5.0.1 + functional-red-black-tree: 1.0.1 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + globals: 12.4.0 + ignore: 4.0.6 + import-fresh: 3.3.0 + imurmurhash: 0.1.4 + inquirer: 7.3.3 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + js-yaml: 3.14.1 + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify: 1.0.1 + levn: 0.3.0 + lodash: 4.17.21 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + mkdirp: 0.5.6 + natural-compare: 1.4.0 + optionator: 0.8.3 + progress: 2.0.3 + regexpp: 2.0.1 + semver: 6.3.1 + strip-ansi: 5.2.0 + strip-json-comments: 3.1.1 + table: 5.4.6 + text-table: 0.2.0 + v8-compile-cache: 2.4.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + eslint@8.0.1: + dependencies: + '@eslint/eslintrc': 1.4.1 + '@humanwhocodes/config-array': 0.6.0 + ajv: 6.12.6 + chalk: 4.1.2 + cross-spawn: 7.0.3 + debug: 4.3.7 + doctrine: 3.0.0 + enquirer: 2.4.1 + escape-string-regexp: 4.0.0 + eslint-scope: 6.0.0 + eslint-utils: 3.0.0(eslint@8.0.1) + eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3 + espree: 9.6.1 + esquery: 1.6.0 + esutils: 2.0.3 + fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3 + file-entry-cache: 6.0.1 + functional-red-black-tree: 1.0.1 + glob-parent: 6.0.2 + globals: 13.24.0 + ignore: 4.0.6 + import-fresh: 3.3.0 + imurmurhash: 0.1.4 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + js-yaml: 4.1.0 + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify: 1.0.1 + levn: 0.4.1 + lodash.merge: 4.6.2 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + natural-compare: 1.4.0 + optionator: 0.9.4 + progress: 2.0.3 + regexpp: 3.2.0 + semver: 7.6.3 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + strip-json-comments: 3.1.1 + text-table: 0.2.0 + v8-compile-cache: 2.4.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + esniff@2.0.1: + dependencies: + d: 1.0.2 + es5-ext: 0.10.64 + event-emitter: 0.3.5 + type: 2.7.3 + + espree@6.2.1: + dependencies: + acorn: 7.4.1 + acorn-jsx: 5.3.2(acorn@7.4.1) + eslint-visitor-keys: 1.3.0 + + espree@9.6.1: + dependencies: + acorn: 8.12.1 + acorn-jsx: 5.3.2(acorn@8.12.1) + eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3 + + esprima@4.0.1: {} + + esquery@1.6.0: + dependencies: + estraverse: 5.3.0 + + esrecurse@4.3.0: + dependencies: + estraverse: 5.3.0 + + estraverse@4.3.0: {} + + estraverse@5.3.0: {} + + esutils@2.0.3: {} + + etag@1.8.1: {} + + event-emitter@0.3.5: + dependencies: + d: 1.0.2 + es5-ext: 0.10.64 + + eventemitter3@4.0.7: {} + + events-to-array@1.1.2: {} + + execa@1.0.0: + dependencies: + cross-spawn: 6.0.5 + get-stream: 4.1.0 + is-stream: 1.1.0 + npm-run-path: 2.0.2 + p-finally: 1.0.0 + signal-exit: 3.0.7 + strip-eof: 1.0.0 + + execa@5.1.1: + dependencies: + cross-spawn: 7.0.3 + get-stream: 6.0.1 + human-signals: 2.1.0 + is-stream: 2.0.1 + merge-stream: 2.0.0 + npm-run-path: 4.0.1 + onetime: 5.1.2 + signal-exit: 3.0.7 + strip-final-newline: 2.0.0 + + exit@0.1.2: {} + + expand-tilde@2.0.2: + dependencies: + homedir-polyfill: 1.0.3 + + expect@29.7.0: + dependencies: + '@jest/expect-utils': 29.7.0 + jest-get-type: 29.6.3 + jest-matcher-utils: 29.7.0 + jest-message-util: 29.7.0 + jest-util: 29.7.0 + + express@4.21.0: + dependencies: + accepts: 1.3.8 + array-flatten: 1.1.1 + body-parser: 1.20.3 + content-disposition: 0.5.4 + content-type: 1.0.5 + cookie: 0.6.0 + cookie-signature: 1.0.6 + debug: 2.6.9 + depd: 2.0.0 + encodeurl: 2.0.0 + escape-html: 1.0.3 + etag: 1.8.1 + finalhandler: 1.3.1 + fresh: 0.5.2 + http-errors: 2.0.0 + merge-descriptors: 1.0.3 + methods: 1.1.2 + on-finished: 2.4.1 + parseurl: 1.3.3 + path-to-regexp: 0.1.10 + proxy-addr: 2.0.7 + qs: 6.13.0 + range-parser: 1.2.1 + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + send: 0.19.0 + serve-static: 1.16.2 + setprototypeof: 1.2.0 + statuses: 2.0.1 + type-is: 1.6.18 + utils-merge: 1.0.1 + vary: 1.1.2 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + ext@1.7.0: + dependencies: + type: 2.7.3 + + extend-shallow@3.0.2: + dependencies: + assign-symbols: 1.0.0 + is-extendable: 1.0.1 + + extend@3.0.2: {} + + external-editor@3.1.0: + dependencies: + chardet: 0.7.0 + iconv-lite: 0.4.24 + tmp: 0.0.33 + + fancy-log@1.3.3: + dependencies: + ansi-gray: 0.1.1 + color-support: 1.1.3 + parse-node-version: 1.0.1 + time-stamp: 1.1.0 + + fancy-log@2.0.0: + dependencies: + color-support: 1.1.3 + + fast-deep-equal@3.1.3: {} + + fast-fifo@1.3.2: {} + + fast-glob@3.3.2: + dependencies: + '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.5 + '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + merge2: 1.4.1 + micromatch: 4.0.8 + + fast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0: {} + + fast-levenshtein@2.0.6: {} + + fast-levenshtein@3.0.0: + dependencies: + fastest-levenshtein: 1.0.16 + + fastest-levenshtein@1.0.16: {} + + fastq@1.17.1: + dependencies: + reusify: 1.0.4 + + fb-watchman@2.0.2: + dependencies: + bser: 2.1.1 + + figures@3.2.0: + dependencies: + escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5 + + file-entry-cache@5.0.1: + dependencies: + flat-cache: 2.0.1 + + file-entry-cache@6.0.1: + dependencies: + flat-cache: 3.2.0 + + fill-range@7.1.1: + dependencies: + to-regex-range: 5.0.1 + + finalhandler@1.3.1: + dependencies: + debug: 2.6.9 + encodeurl: 2.0.0 + escape-html: 1.0.3 + on-finished: 2.4.1 + parseurl: 1.3.3 + statuses: 2.0.1 + unpipe: 1.0.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + find-up@1.1.2: + dependencies: + path-exists: 2.1.0 + pinkie-promise: 2.0.1 + + find-up@4.1.0: + dependencies: + locate-path: 5.0.0 + path-exists: 4.0.0 + + findup-sync@5.0.0: + dependencies: + detect-file: 1.0.0 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + micromatch: 4.0.8 + resolve-dir: 1.0.1 + + fined@2.0.0: + dependencies: + expand-tilde: 2.0.2 + is-plain-object: 5.0.0 + object.defaults: 1.1.0 + object.pick: 1.3.0 + parse-filepath: 1.0.2 + + fireworm@0.7.2: + dependencies: + async: 0.2.10 + is-type: 0.0.1 + lodash.debounce: 3.1.1 + lodash.flatten: 3.0.2 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + + first-chunk-stream@2.0.0: + dependencies: + readable-stream: 2.3.8 + + flagged-respawn@2.0.0: {} + + flat-cache@2.0.1: + dependencies: + flatted: 2.0.2 + rimraf: 2.6.3 + write: 1.0.3 + + flat-cache@3.2.0: + dependencies: + flatted: 3.3.1 + keyv: 4.5.4 + rimraf: 3.0.2 + + flatted@2.0.2: {} + + flatted@3.3.1: {} + + flush-write-stream@1.1.1: + dependencies: + inherits: 2.0.4 + readable-stream: 2.3.8 + + follow-redirects@1.15.9: {} + + for-in@1.0.2: {} + + for-own@1.0.0: + dependencies: + for-in: 1.0.2 + + form-data@4.0.0: + dependencies: + asynckit: 0.4.0 + combined-stream: 1.0.8 + mime-types: 2.1.35 + + forwarded@0.2.0: {} + + fresh@0.5.2: {} + + fs-mkdirp-stream@1.0.0: + dependencies: + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + through2: 2.0.5 + + fs-mkdirp-stream@2.0.1: + dependencies: + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + streamx: 2.20.1 + + fs.realpath@1.0.0: {} + + fsevents@2.3.3: + optional: true + + function-bind@1.1.2: {} + + functional-red-black-tree@1.0.1: {} + + gauge@4.0.4: + dependencies: + aproba: 2.0.0 + color-support: 1.1.3 + console-control-strings: 1.1.0 + has-unicode: 2.0.1 + signal-exit: 3.0.7 + string-width: 4.2.3 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + wide-align: 1.1.5 + + gensync@1.0.0-beta.2: {} + + get-caller-file@2.0.5: {} + + get-intrinsic@1.2.4: + dependencies: + es-errors: 1.3.0 + function-bind: 1.1.2 + has-proto: 1.0.3 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + hasown: 2.0.2 + + get-package-type@0.1.0: {} + + get-stdin@4.0.1: {} + + get-stream@4.1.0: + dependencies: + pump: 3.0.2 + + get-stream@6.0.1: {} + + glob-parent@3.1.0: + dependencies: + is-glob: 3.1.0 + path-dirname: 1.0.2 + + glob-parent@5.1.2: + dependencies: + is-glob: 4.0.3 + + glob-parent@6.0.2: + dependencies: + is-glob: 4.0.3 + + glob-stream@6.1.0: + dependencies: + extend: 3.0.2 + glob: 7.2.3 + glob-parent: 3.1.0 + is-negated-glob: 1.0.0 + ordered-read-streams: 1.0.1 + pumpify: 1.5.1 + readable-stream: 2.3.8 + remove-trailing-separator: 1.1.0 + to-absolute-glob: 2.0.2 + unique-stream: 2.3.1 + + glob-stream@8.0.2: + dependencies: + '@gulpjs/to-absolute-glob': 4.0.0 + anymatch: 3.1.3 + fastq: 1.17.1 + glob-parent: 6.0.2 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + is-negated-glob: 1.0.0 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + streamx: 2.20.1 + + glob-watcher@6.0.0: + dependencies: + async-done: 2.0.0 + chokidar: 3.6.0 + + glob@7.2.3: + dependencies: + fs.realpath: 1.0.0 + inflight: 1.0.6 + inherits: 2.0.4 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + once: 1.4.0 + path-is-absolute: 1.0.1 + + global-modules@1.0.0: + dependencies: + global-prefix: 1.0.2 + is-windows: 1.0.2 + resolve-dir: 1.0.1 + + global-prefix@1.0.2: + dependencies: + expand-tilde: 2.0.2 + homedir-polyfill: 1.0.3 + ini: 1.3.8 + is-windows: 1.0.2 + which: 1.3.1 + + globals@11.12.0: {} + + globals@12.4.0: + dependencies: + type-fest: 0.8.1 + + globals@13.24.0: + dependencies: + type-fest: 0.20.2 + + globalyzer@0.1.0: {} + + globby@11.1.0: + dependencies: + array-union: 2.1.0 + dir-glob: 3.0.1 + fast-glob: 3.3.2 + ignore: 5.3.2 + merge2: 1.4.1 + slash: 3.0.0 + + globrex@0.1.2: {} + + glogg@2.2.0: + dependencies: + sparkles: 2.1.0 + + google-closure-compiler-java@20240317.0.0: {} + + google-closure-compiler-linux@20240317.0.0: + optional: true + + google-closure-compiler-osx@20240317.0.0: + optional: true + + google-closure-compiler-windows@20240317.0.0: + optional: true + + google-closure-compiler@20240317.0.0: + dependencies: + chalk: 4.1.2 + google-closure-compiler-java: 20240317.0.0 + minimist: 1.2.8 + vinyl: 2.2.1 + vinyl-sourcemaps-apply: 0.2.1 + optionalDependencies: + google-closure-compiler-linux: 20240317.0.0 + google-closure-compiler-osx: 20240317.0.0 + google-closure-compiler-windows: 20240317.0.0 + + gopd@1.0.1: + dependencies: + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + + graceful-fs@4.2.11: {} + + graphemer@1.4.0: {} + + growly@1.3.0: {} + + gulp-babel@8.0.0(@babel/core@7.25.2): + dependencies: + '@babel/core': 7.25.2 + plugin-error: 1.0.1 + replace-ext: 1.0.1 + through2: 2.0.5 + vinyl-sourcemaps-apply: 0.2.1 + + gulp-bump@3.2.0: + dependencies: + bump-regex: 4.1.0 + plugin-error: 1.0.1 + plugin-log: 0.1.0 + semver: 5.7.2 + through2: 2.0.5 + + gulp-cli@3.0.0: + dependencies: + '@gulpjs/messages': 1.1.0 + chalk: 4.1.2 + copy-props: 4.0.0 + gulplog: 2.2.0 + interpret: 3.1.1 + liftoff: 5.0.0 + mute-stdout: 2.0.0 + replace-homedir: 2.0.0 + semver-greatest-satisfied-range: 2.0.0 + string-width: 4.2.3 + v8flags: 4.0.1 + yargs: 16.2.0 + + gulp-eslint@6.0.0: + dependencies: + eslint: 6.8.0 + fancy-log: 1.3.3 + plugin-error: 1.0.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + gulp-git@2.11.0: + dependencies: + any-shell-escape: 0.1.1 + fancy-log: 1.3.3 + lodash: 4.17.21 + plugin-error: 1.0.1 + require-dir: 1.2.0 + strip-bom-stream: 3.0.0 + vinyl: 2.2.1 + + gulp-rename@2.0.0: {} + + gulp-replace@1.1.4: + dependencies: + '@types/node': 22.6.1 + '@types/vinyl': 2.0.12 + istextorbinary: 3.3.0 + replacestream: 4.0.3 + yargs-parser: 21.1.1 + + gulp-sourcemaps@3.0.0: + dependencies: + '@gulp-sourcemaps/identity-map': 2.0.1 + '@gulp-sourcemaps/map-sources': 1.0.0 + acorn: 6.4.2 + convert-source-map: 1.9.0 + css: 3.0.0 + debug-fabulous: 1.1.0 + detect-newline: 2.1.0 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + source-map: 0.6.1 + strip-bom-string: 1.0.0 + through2: 2.0.5 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + gulp-typescript@6.0.0-alpha.1(typescript@5.2.2): + dependencies: + ansi-colors: 4.1.3 + plugin-error: 1.0.1 + source-map: 0.7.4 + through2: 3.0.2 + typescript: 5.2.2 + vinyl: 2.2.1 + vinyl-fs: 3.0.3 + + gulp@5.0.0: + dependencies: + glob-watcher: 6.0.0 + gulp-cli: 3.0.0 + undertaker: 2.0.0 + vinyl-fs: 4.0.0 + + gulplog@2.2.0: + dependencies: + glogg: 2.2.0 + + has-ansi@2.0.0: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 2.1.1 + + has-flag@3.0.0: {} + + has-flag@4.0.0: {} + + has-property-descriptors@1.0.2: + dependencies: + es-define-property: 1.0.0 + + has-proto@1.0.3: {} + + has-symbols@1.0.3: {} + + has-unicode@2.0.1: {} + + hasown@2.0.2: + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.2 + + highcharts@https://codeload.github.com/highcharts/highcharts/tar.gz/0863a0f305da17d62dff7a17001f2736f9386d3b: {} + + homedir-polyfill@1.0.3: + dependencies: + parse-passwd: 1.0.0 + + hosted-git-info@2.8.9: {} + + 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import-local@3.2.0: + dependencies: + pkg-dir: 4.2.0 + resolve-cwd: 3.0.0 + + imurmurhash@0.1.4: {} + + indent-string@2.1.0: + dependencies: + repeating: 2.0.1 + + inflight@1.0.6: + dependencies: + once: 1.4.0 + wrappy: 1.0.2 + + inherits@2.0.4: {} + + ini@1.3.8: {} + + inquirer@7.3.3: + dependencies: + ansi-escapes: 4.3.2 + chalk: 4.1.2 + cli-cursor: 3.1.0 + cli-width: 3.0.0 + external-editor: 3.1.0 + figures: 3.2.0 + lodash: 4.17.21 + mute-stream: 0.0.8 + run-async: 2.4.1 + rxjs: 6.6.7 + string-width: 4.2.3 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + through: 2.3.8 + + interpret@3.1.1: {} + + invert-kv@1.0.0: {} + + ipaddr.js@1.9.1: {} + + is-absolute@1.0.0: + dependencies: + is-relative: 1.0.0 + is-windows: 1.0.2 + + is-arrayish@0.2.1: {} + + is-binary-path@2.1.0: + dependencies: + binary-extensions: 2.3.0 + + is-buffer@1.1.6: {} + + is-core-module@2.15.1: + dependencies: + hasown: 2.0.2 + + is-docker@2.2.1: {} + + is-extendable@1.0.1: + dependencies: + is-plain-object: 2.0.4 + + is-extglob@2.1.1: {} + + is-finite@1.1.0: {} + + is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0: + dependencies: + number-is-nan: 1.0.1 + + is-fullwidth-code-point@2.0.0: {} + + is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0: {} + + is-generator-fn@2.1.0: {} + + is-glob@3.1.0: + dependencies: + is-extglob: 2.1.1 + + is-glob@4.0.3: + dependencies: + is-extglob: 2.1.1 + + is-negated-glob@1.0.0: {} + + is-number@7.0.0: {} + + is-plain-object@2.0.4: + dependencies: + isobject: 3.0.1 + + is-plain-object@5.0.0: {} + + is-potential-custom-element-name@1.0.1: {} + + is-promise@2.2.2: {} + + is-relative@1.0.0: + dependencies: + is-unc-path: 1.0.0 + + is-stream@1.1.0: {} + + is-stream@2.0.1: {} + + is-type@0.0.1: + dependencies: + core-util-is: 1.0.3 + + is-unc-path@1.0.0: + dependencies: + unc-path-regex: 0.1.2 + + is-utf8@0.2.1: {} + + is-valid-glob@1.0.0: {} + + is-windows@1.0.2: {} + + is-wsl@2.2.0: + dependencies: + is-docker: 2.2.1 + + isarray@1.0.0: {} + + isexe@2.0.0: {} + + isobject@3.0.1: {} + + istanbul-lib-coverage@3.2.2: {} + + 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import-local: 3.2.0 + jest-config: 29.7.0(@types/node@22.6.1)(ts-node@10.9.1(@types/node@22.6.1)(typescript@5.2.2)) + jest-util: 29.7.0 + jest-validate: 29.7.0 + yargs: 17.7.2 + optionalDependencies: + node-notifier: 10.0.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - '@types/node' + - babel-plugin-macros + - supports-color + - ts-node + + jest-config@29.7.0(@types/node@22.6.1)(ts-node@10.9.1(@types/node@22.6.1)(typescript@5.2.2)): + dependencies: + '@babel/core': 7.25.2 + '@jest/test-sequencer': 29.7.0 + '@jest/types': 29.6.3 + babel-jest: 29.7.0(@babel/core@7.25.2) + chalk: 4.1.2 + ci-info: 3.9.0 + deepmerge: 4.3.1 + glob: 7.2.3 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + jest-circus: 29.7.0 + jest-environment-node: 29.7.0 + jest-get-type: 29.6.3 + jest-regex-util: 29.6.3 + jest-resolve: 29.7.0 + jest-runner: 29.7.0 + jest-util: 29.7.0 + jest-validate: 29.7.0 + micromatch: 4.0.8 + parse-json: 5.2.0 + pretty-format: 29.7.0 + slash: 3.0.0 + strip-json-comments: 3.1.1 + optionalDependencies: + '@types/node': 22.6.1 + 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3.1.0 + source-map-support: 0.5.13 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + jest-runtime@29.7.0: + dependencies: + '@jest/environment': 29.7.0 + '@jest/fake-timers': 29.7.0 + '@jest/globals': 29.7.0 + '@jest/source-map': 29.6.3 + '@jest/test-result': 29.7.0 + '@jest/transform': 29.7.0 + '@jest/types': 29.6.3 + '@types/node': 22.6.1 + chalk: 4.1.2 + cjs-module-lexer: 1.4.1 + collect-v8-coverage: 1.0.2 + glob: 7.2.3 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + jest-haste-map: 29.7.0 + jest-message-util: 29.7.0 + jest-mock: 29.7.0 + jest-regex-util: 29.6.3 + jest-resolve: 29.7.0 + jest-snapshot: 29.7.0 + jest-util: 29.7.0 + slash: 3.0.0 + strip-bom: 4.0.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + jest-snapshot@29.7.0: + dependencies: + '@babel/core': 7.25.2 + '@babel/generator': 7.25.6 + '@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx': 7.24.7(@babel/core@7.25.2) + '@babel/plugin-syntax-typescript': 7.25.4(@babel/core@7.25.2) + '@babel/types': 7.25.6 + '@jest/expect-utils': 29.7.0 + '@jest/transform': 29.7.0 + '@jest/types': 29.6.3 + babel-preset-current-node-syntax: 1.1.0(@babel/core@7.25.2) + chalk: 4.1.2 + expect: 29.7.0 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + jest-diff: 29.7.0 + jest-get-type: 29.6.3 + jest-matcher-utils: 29.7.0 + jest-message-util: 29.7.0 + jest-util: 29.7.0 + natural-compare: 1.4.0 + pretty-format: 29.7.0 + semver: 7.6.3 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + jest-util@29.7.0: + dependencies: + '@jest/types': 29.6.3 + '@types/node': 22.6.1 + chalk: 4.1.2 + ci-info: 3.9.0 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + jest-validate@29.7.0: + dependencies: + '@jest/types': 29.6.3 + camelcase: 6.3.0 + chalk: 4.1.2 + jest-get-type: 29.6.3 + leven: 3.1.0 + pretty-format: 29.7.0 + + jest-watcher@29.7.0: + dependencies: + '@jest/test-result': 29.7.0 + '@jest/types': 29.6.3 + '@types/node': 22.6.1 + ansi-escapes: 4.3.2 + chalk: 4.1.2 + emittery: 0.13.1 + jest-util: 29.7.0 + string-length: 4.0.2 + + jest-worker@29.7.0: + dependencies: + '@types/node': 22.6.1 + jest-util: 29.7.0 + 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http-proxy-agent: 5.0.0 + https-proxy-agent: 5.0.1 + is-potential-custom-element-name: 1.0.1 + nwsapi: 2.2.12 + parse5: 7.1.2 + saxes: 6.0.0 + symbol-tree: 3.2.4 + tough-cookie: 4.1.4 + w3c-xmlserializer: 4.0.0 + webidl-conversions: 7.0.0 + whatwg-encoding: 2.0.0 + whatwg-mimetype: 3.0.0 + whatwg-url: 11.0.0 + ws: 8.18.0 + xml-name-validator: 4.0.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - bufferutil + - supports-color + - utf-8-validate + + jsesc@0.5.0: {} + + jsesc@2.5.2: {} + + json-buffer@3.0.1: {} + + json-parse-even-better-errors@2.3.1: {} + + json-schema-traverse@0.4.1: {} + + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@1.0.1: {} + + json5@2.2.3: {} + + keyv@4.5.4: + dependencies: + json-buffer: 3.0.1 + + kleur@3.0.3: {} + + last-run@2.0.0: {} + + lazystream@1.0.1: + dependencies: + readable-stream: 2.3.8 + + lcid@1.0.0: + dependencies: + invert-kv: 1.0.0 + + lead@1.0.0: + dependencies: + flush-write-stream: 1.1.1 + + lead@4.0.0: {} + + leven@3.1.0: {} + + levn@0.3.0: + dependencies: + 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1.0.1 + redent: 1.0.0 + trim-newlines: 1.0.0 + + merge-descriptors@1.0.3: {} + + merge-stream@2.0.0: {} + + merge2@1.4.1: {} + + methods@1.1.2: {} + + micromatch@4.0.8: + dependencies: + braces: 3.0.3 + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + mime-db@1.52.0: {} + + mime-db@1.53.0: {} + + mime-types@2.1.35: + dependencies: + mime-db: 1.52.0 + + mime@1.6.0: {} + + mimic-fn@2.1.0: {} + + minimatch@3.1.2: + dependencies: + brace-expansion: 1.1.11 + + minimist@1.2.8: {} + + minipass@2.9.0: + dependencies: + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + yallist: 3.1.1 + + mkdirp@0.5.6: + dependencies: + minimist: 1.2.8 + + mkdirp@3.0.1: {} + + ms@2.0.0: {} + + ms@2.1.3: {} + + mustache@4.2.0: {} + + mute-stdout@2.0.0: {} + + mute-stream@0.0.8: {} + + natural-compare@1.4.0: {} + + negotiator@0.6.3: {} + + next-tick@1.1.0: {} + + nice-try@1.0.5: {} + + node-int64@0.4.0: {} + + node-notifier@10.0.1: + dependencies: + growly: 1.3.0 + is-wsl: 2.2.0 + semver: 7.6.3 + shellwords: 0.1.1 + uuid: 8.3.2 + which: 2.0.2 + + node-releases@2.0.18: {} + + node-watch@0.7.3: {} + + normalize-package-data@2.5.0: + dependencies: + hosted-git-info: 2.8.9 + resolve: 1.22.8 + semver: 5.7.2 + validate-npm-package-license: 3.0.4 + + normalize-path@2.1.1: + dependencies: + remove-trailing-separator: 1.1.0 + + normalize-path@3.0.0: {} + + now-and-later@2.0.1: + dependencies: + once: 1.4.0 + + now-and-later@3.0.0: + dependencies: + once: 1.4.0 + + npm-run-path@2.0.2: + dependencies: + path-key: 2.0.1 + + npm-run-path@4.0.1: + dependencies: + path-key: 3.1.1 + + npmlog@6.0.2: + dependencies: + are-we-there-yet: 3.0.1 + console-control-strings: 1.1.0 + gauge: 4.0.4 + set-blocking: 2.0.0 + + number-is-nan@1.0.1: {} + + nwsapi@2.2.12: {} + + object-assign@4.1.1: {} + + object-inspect@1.13.2: {} + + object-keys@1.1.1: {} + + object.assign@4.1.5: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + + object.defaults@1.1.0: + dependencies: + array-each: 1.0.1 + array-slice: 1.1.0 + for-own: 1.0.0 + isobject: 3.0.1 + + object.pick@1.3.0: + dependencies: + isobject: 3.0.1 + + on-finished@2.4.1: + dependencies: + ee-first: 1.1.1 + + on-headers@1.0.2: {} + + once@1.4.0: + dependencies: + wrappy: 1.0.2 + + onetime@5.1.2: + dependencies: + mimic-fn: 2.1.0 + + optionator@0.8.3: + dependencies: + deep-is: 0.1.4 + fast-levenshtein: 2.0.6 + levn: 0.3.0 + prelude-ls: 1.1.2 + type-check: 0.3.2 + word-wrap: 1.2.5 + + optionator@0.9.4: + dependencies: + deep-is: 0.1.4 + fast-levenshtein: 2.0.6 + levn: 0.4.1 + prelude-ls: 1.2.1 + type-check: 0.4.0 + word-wrap: 1.2.5 + + ordered-read-streams@1.0.1: + dependencies: + readable-stream: 2.3.8 + + os-locale@1.4.0: + dependencies: + lcid: 1.0.0 + + os-tmpdir@1.0.2: {} + + p-finally@1.0.0: {} + + p-limit@2.3.0: + dependencies: + p-try: 2.2.0 + + p-limit@3.1.0: + dependencies: + yocto-queue: 0.1.0 + + p-locate@4.1.0: + dependencies: + p-limit: 2.3.0 + + p-try@2.2.0: {} + + parent-module@1.0.1: + dependencies: + callsites: 3.1.0 + + parse-filepath@1.0.2: + dependencies: + is-absolute: 1.0.0 + map-cache: 0.2.2 + path-root: 0.1.1 + + parse-json@2.2.0: + dependencies: + error-ex: 1.3.2 + + parse-json@5.2.0: + dependencies: + '@babel/code-frame': 7.24.7 + error-ex: 1.3.2 + json-parse-even-better-errors: 2.3.1 + lines-and-columns: 1.2.4 + + parse-node-version@1.0.1: {} + + parse-passwd@1.0.0: {} + + parse5@7.1.2: + dependencies: + entities: 4.5.0 + + parseurl@1.3.3: {} + + path-dirname@1.0.2: {} + + path-exists@2.1.0: + dependencies: + pinkie-promise: 2.0.1 + + path-exists@4.0.0: {} + + path-is-absolute@1.0.1: {} + + path-key@2.0.1: {} + + path-key@3.1.1: {} + + path-parse@1.0.7: {} + + path-root-regex@0.1.2: {} + + path-root@0.1.1: + dependencies: + path-root-regex: 0.1.2 + + path-to-regexp@0.1.10: {} + + path-type@1.1.0: + dependencies: + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + pify: 2.3.0 + pinkie-promise: 2.0.1 + + path-type@4.0.0: {} + + picocolors@0.2.1: {} + + picocolors@1.1.0: {} + + picomatch@2.3.1: {} + + pify@2.3.0: {} + + pinkie-promise@2.0.1: + dependencies: + pinkie: 2.0.4 + + pinkie@2.0.4: {} + + pirates@4.0.6: {} + + pkg-conf@1.1.3: + dependencies: + find-up: 1.1.2 + load-json-file: 1.1.0 + object-assign: 4.1.1 + symbol: 0.2.3 + + pkg-dir@4.2.0: + dependencies: + find-up: 4.1.0 + + plugin-error@1.0.1: + dependencies: + ansi-colors: 1.1.0 + arr-diff: 4.0.0 + arr-union: 3.1.0 + extend-shallow: 3.0.2 + + plugin-log@0.1.0: + dependencies: + chalk: 1.1.3 + dateformat: 1.0.12 + + postcss@7.0.39: + dependencies: + picocolors: 0.2.1 + source-map: 0.6.1 + + prelude-ls@1.1.2: {} + + prelude-ls@1.2.1: {} + + pretty-format@29.7.0: + dependencies: + '@jest/schemas': 29.6.3 + ansi-styles: 5.2.0 + react-is: 18.3.1 + + printf@0.6.1: {} + + process-nextick-args@2.0.1: {} + + progress@2.0.3: {} + + prompts@2.4.2: + dependencies: + kleur: 3.0.3 + sisteransi: 1.0.5 + + proxy-addr@2.0.7: + dependencies: + forwarded: 0.2.0 + ipaddr.js: 1.9.1 + + psl@1.9.0: {} + + pump@2.0.1: + dependencies: + end-of-stream: 1.4.4 + once: 1.4.0 + + pump@3.0.2: + dependencies: + end-of-stream: 1.4.4 + once: 1.4.0 + + pumpify@1.5.1: + dependencies: + duplexify: 3.7.1 + inherits: 2.0.4 + pump: 2.0.1 + + punycode@2.3.1: {} + + pure-rand@6.1.0: {} + + qs@6.13.0: + dependencies: + side-channel: 1.0.6 + + querystringify@2.2.0: {} + + queue-microtask@1.2.3: {} + + queue-tick@1.0.1: {} + + qunit@2.20.0: + dependencies: + commander: 7.2.0 + node-watch: 0.7.3 + tiny-glob: 0.2.9 + + range-parser@1.2.1: {} + + raw-body@2.5.2: + dependencies: + bytes: 3.1.2 + http-errors: 2.0.0 + iconv-lite: 0.4.24 + unpipe: 1.0.0 + + react-is@18.3.1: {} + + read-pkg-up@1.0.1: + dependencies: + find-up: 1.1.2 + read-pkg: 1.1.0 + + read-pkg@1.1.0: + dependencies: + load-json-file: 1.1.0 + normalize-package-data: 2.5.0 + path-type: 1.1.0 + + readable-stream@2.3.8: + dependencies: + core-util-is: 1.0.3 + inherits: 2.0.4 + isarray: 1.0.0 + process-nextick-args: 2.0.1 + safe-buffer: 5.1.2 + string_decoder: 1.1.1 + util-deprecate: 1.0.2 + + readable-stream@3.6.2: + dependencies: + inherits: 2.0.4 + string_decoder: 1.3.0 + util-deprecate: 1.0.2 + + readdirp@3.6.0: + dependencies: + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + rechoir@0.8.0: + dependencies: + resolve: 1.22.8 + + redent@1.0.0: + dependencies: + indent-string: 2.1.0 + strip-indent: 1.0.1 + + regenerate-unicode-properties@10.2.0: + dependencies: + regenerate: 1.4.2 + + regenerate@1.4.2: {} + + regenerator-runtime@0.14.1: {} + + regenerator-transform@0.15.2: + dependencies: + '@babel/runtime': 7.25.6 + + regexpp@2.0.1: {} + + regexpp@3.2.0: {} + + regexpu-core@5.3.2: + dependencies: + '@babel/regjsgen': 0.8.0 + regenerate: 1.4.2 + regenerate-unicode-properties: 10.2.0 + regjsparser: 0.9.1 + unicode-match-property-ecmascript: 2.0.0 + unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript: 2.2.0 + + regjsparser@0.9.1: + dependencies: + jsesc: 0.5.0 + + remove-bom-buffer@3.0.0: + dependencies: + is-buffer: 1.1.6 + is-utf8: 0.2.1 + + remove-bom-stream@1.2.0: + dependencies: + remove-bom-buffer: 3.0.0 + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + through2: 2.0.5 + + remove-trailing-separator@1.1.0: {} + + repeating@2.0.1: + dependencies: + is-finite: 1.1.0 + + replace-ext@1.0.1: {} + + replace-ext@2.0.0: {} + + replace-homedir@2.0.0: {} + + replacestream@4.0.3: + dependencies: + escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5 + object-assign: 4.1.1 + readable-stream: 2.3.8 + + require-dir@1.2.0: {} + + require-directory@2.1.1: {} + + require-main-filename@1.0.1: {} + + requires-port@1.0.0: {} + + resolve-cwd@3.0.0: + dependencies: + resolve-from: 5.0.0 + + resolve-dir@1.0.1: + dependencies: + expand-tilde: 2.0.2 + global-modules: 1.0.0 + + resolve-from@4.0.0: {} + + resolve-from@5.0.0: {} + + resolve-options@1.1.0: + dependencies: + value-or-function: 3.0.0 + + resolve-options@2.0.0: + dependencies: + value-or-function: 4.0.0 + + resolve.exports@2.0.2: {} + + resolve@1.22.8: + dependencies: + is-core-module: 2.15.1 + path-parse: 1.0.7 + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: 1.0.0 + + restore-cursor@3.1.0: + dependencies: + onetime: 5.1.2 + signal-exit: 3.0.7 + + reusify@1.0.4: {} + + rimraf@2.6.3: + dependencies: + glob: 7.2.3 + + rimraf@3.0.2: + dependencies: + glob: 7.2.3 + + run-async@2.4.1: {} + + run-parallel@1.2.0: + dependencies: + queue-microtask: 1.2.3 + + rxjs@6.6.7: + dependencies: + tslib: 1.14.1 + + safe-buffer@5.1.2: {} + + safe-buffer@5.2.1: {} + + safer-buffer@2.1.2: {} + + saxes@6.0.0: + dependencies: + xmlchars: 2.2.0 + + semver-greatest-satisfied-range@2.0.0: + dependencies: + sver: 1.8.4 + + semver@5.7.2: {} + + semver@6.3.1: {} + + semver@7.6.3: {} + + send@0.19.0: + dependencies: + debug: 2.6.9 + depd: 2.0.0 + destroy: 1.2.0 + encodeurl: 1.0.2 + escape-html: 1.0.3 + etag: 1.8.1 + fresh: 0.5.2 + http-errors: 2.0.0 + mime: 1.6.0 + ms: 2.1.3 + on-finished: 2.4.1 + range-parser: 1.2.1 + statuses: 2.0.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + serve-static@1.16.2: + dependencies: + encodeurl: 2.0.0 + escape-html: 1.0.3 + parseurl: 1.3.3 + send: 0.19.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + set-blocking@2.0.0: {} + + set-function-length@1.2.2: + dependencies: + define-data-property: 1.1.4 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + function-bind: 1.1.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2 + + setprototypeof@1.2.0: {} + + shebang-command@1.2.0: + dependencies: + shebang-regex: 1.0.0 + + shebang-command@2.0.0: + dependencies: + shebang-regex: 3.0.0 + + shebang-regex@1.0.0: {} + + shebang-regex@3.0.0: {} + + shellwords@0.1.1: {} + + side-channel@1.0.6: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + object-inspect: 1.13.2 + + signal-exit@3.0.7: {} + + sisteransi@1.0.5: {} + + slash@3.0.0: {} + + slice-ansi@2.1.0: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 3.2.1 + astral-regex: 1.0.0 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 2.0.0 + + socket.io-adapter@2.5.5: + dependencies: + debug: 4.3.7 + ws: 8.17.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - bufferutil + - supports-color + - utf-8-validate + + socket.io-parser@4.2.4: + dependencies: + '@socket.io/component-emitter': 3.1.2 + debug: 4.3.7 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + socket.io@4.8.0: + dependencies: + accepts: 1.3.8 + base64id: 2.0.0 + cors: 2.8.5 + debug: 4.3.7 + engine.io: 6.6.1 + socket.io-adapter: 2.5.5 + socket.io-parser: 4.2.4 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - bufferutil + - supports-color + - utf-8-validate + + source-map-resolve@0.6.0: + dependencies: + atob: 2.1.2 + decode-uri-component: 0.2.2 + + source-map-support@0.5.13: + dependencies: + buffer-from: 1.1.2 + source-map: 0.6.1 + + source-map@0.5.7: {} + + source-map@0.6.1: {} + + source-map@0.7.4: {} + + sparkles@2.1.0: {} + + spawn-args@0.2.0: {} + + spdx-correct@3.2.0: + dependencies: + spdx-expression-parse: 3.0.1 + spdx-license-ids: 3.0.20 + + spdx-exceptions@2.5.0: {} + + spdx-expression-parse@3.0.1: + dependencies: + spdx-exceptions: 2.5.0 + spdx-license-ids: 3.0.20 + + spdx-license-ids@3.0.20: {} + + sprintf-js@1.0.3: {} + + stack-utils@2.0.6: + dependencies: + escape-string-regexp: 2.0.0 + + statuses@2.0.1: {} + + stream-composer@1.0.2: + dependencies: + streamx: 2.20.1 + + stream-exhaust@1.0.2: {} + + stream-shift@1.0.3: {} + + streamx@2.20.1: + dependencies: + fast-fifo: 1.3.2 + queue-tick: 1.0.1 + text-decoder: 1.2.0 + optionalDependencies: + bare-events: 2.5.0 + + string-length@4.0.2: + dependencies: + char-regex: 1.0.2 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + + string-width@1.0.2: + dependencies: + code-point-at: 1.1.0 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 1.0.0 + strip-ansi: 3.0.1 + + string-width@3.1.0: + dependencies: + emoji-regex: 7.0.3 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 2.0.0 + strip-ansi: 5.2.0 + + string-width@4.2.3: + dependencies: + emoji-regex: 8.0.0 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 3.0.0 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + + string_decoder@1.1.1: + dependencies: + safe-buffer: 5.1.2 + + string_decoder@1.3.0: + dependencies: + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + + strip-ansi@3.0.1: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 2.1.1 + + strip-ansi@5.2.0: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 4.1.1 + + strip-ansi@6.0.1: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 5.0.1 + + strip-bom-buf@1.0.0: + dependencies: + is-utf8: 0.2.1 + + strip-bom-stream@3.0.0: + dependencies: + first-chunk-stream: 2.0.0 + strip-bom-buf: 1.0.0 + + strip-bom-string@1.0.0: {} + + strip-bom@2.0.0: + dependencies: + is-utf8: 0.2.1 + + strip-bom@4.0.0: {} + + strip-eof@1.0.0: {} + + strip-final-newline@2.0.0: {} + + strip-indent@1.0.1: + dependencies: + get-stdin: 4.0.1 + + strip-json-comments@3.1.1: {} + + styled_string@0.0.1: {} + + supports-color@2.0.0: {} + + supports-color@5.5.0: + dependencies: + has-flag: 3.0.0 + + supports-color@7.2.0: + dependencies: + has-flag: 4.0.0 + + supports-color@8.1.1: + dependencies: + has-flag: 4.0.0 + + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@1.0.0: {} + + sver@1.8.4: + optionalDependencies: + semver: 6.3.1 + + symbol-tree@3.2.4: {} + + symbol@0.2.3: {} + + table@5.4.6: + dependencies: + ajv: 6.12.6 + lodash: 4.17.21 + slice-ansi: 2.1.0 + string-width: 3.1.0 + + tap-parser@7.0.0: + dependencies: + events-to-array: 1.1.2 + js-yaml: 3.14.1 + minipass: 2.9.0 + + teex@1.0.1: + dependencies: + streamx: 2.20.1 + + test-exclude@6.0.0: + dependencies: + '@istanbuljs/schema': 0.1.3 + glob: 7.2.3 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + + testem@3.11.0(lodash@4.17.21)(underscore@1.13.7): + dependencies: + '@xmldom/xmldom': 0.8.10 + backbone: 1.6.0 + bluebird: 3.7.2 + charm: 1.0.2 + commander: 2.20.3 + compression: 1.7.4 + consolidate: 0.16.0(lodash@4.17.21)(mustache@4.2.0)(underscore@1.13.7) + execa: 1.0.0 + express: 4.21.0 + fireworm: 0.7.2 + glob: 7.2.3 + http-proxy: 1.18.1 + js-yaml: 3.14.1 + lodash.assignin: 4.2.0 + lodash.castarray: 4.4.0 + lodash.clonedeep: 4.5.0 + lodash.find: 4.6.0 + lodash.uniqby: 4.7.0 + mkdirp: 3.0.1 + mustache: 4.2.0 + node-notifier: 10.0.1 + npmlog: 6.0.2 + printf: 0.6.1 + rimraf: 3.0.2 + socket.io: 4.8.0 + spawn-args: 0.2.0 + styled_string: 0.0.1 + tap-parser: 7.0.0 + tmp: 0.0.33 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - arc-templates + - atpl + - babel-core + - bracket-template + - bufferutil + - coffee-script + - debug + - dot + - dust + - dustjs-helpers + - dustjs-linkedin + - eco + - ect + - ejs + - haml-coffee + - hamlet + - hamljs + - handlebars + - hogan.js + - htmling + - jade + - jazz + - jqtpl + - just + - liquid-node + - liquor + - lodash + - marko + - mote + - nunjucks + - plates + - pug + - qejs + - ractive + - razor-tmpl + - react + - react-dom + - slm + - squirrelly + - supports-color + - swig + - swig-templates + - teacup + - templayed + - then-jade + - then-pug + - tinyliquid + - toffee + - twig + - twing + - underscore + - utf-8-validate + - vash + - velocityjs + - walrus + - whiskers + + text-decoder@1.2.0: + dependencies: + b4a: 1.6.6 + + text-table@0.2.0: {} + + textextensions@3.3.0: {} + + through2-filter@3.0.0: + dependencies: + through2: 2.0.5 + xtend: 4.0.2 + + through2@2.0.5: + dependencies: + readable-stream: 2.3.8 + xtend: 4.0.2 + + through2@3.0.2: + dependencies: + inherits: 2.0.4 + readable-stream: 3.6.2 + + through2@4.0.2: + dependencies: + readable-stream: 3.6.2 + + through@2.3.8: {} + + time-stamp@1.1.0: {} + + timers-ext@0.1.8: + dependencies: + es5-ext: 0.10.64 + next-tick: 1.1.0 + + tiny-glob@0.2.9: + dependencies: + globalyzer: 0.1.0 + globrex: 0.1.2 + + tmp@0.0.33: + dependencies: + os-tmpdir: 1.0.2 + + tmpl@1.0.5: {} + + to-absolute-glob@2.0.2: + dependencies: + is-absolute: 1.0.0 + is-negated-glob: 1.0.0 + + to-fast-properties@2.0.0: {} + + to-regex-range@5.0.1: + dependencies: + is-number: 7.0.0 + + to-through@2.0.0: + dependencies: + through2: 2.0.5 + + to-through@3.0.0: + dependencies: + streamx: 2.20.1 + + toidentifier@1.0.1: {} + + tough-cookie@4.1.4: + dependencies: + psl: 1.9.0 + punycode: 2.3.1 + universalify: 0.2.0 + url-parse: 1.5.10 + + tr46@3.0.0: + dependencies: + punycode: 2.3.1 + + trim-newlines@1.0.0: {} + + ts-api-utils@1.3.0(typescript@5.2.2): + dependencies: + typescript: 5.2.2 + + ts-jest@29.1.1(@babel/core@7.25.2)(@jest/types@29.6.3)(babel-jest@29.7.0(@babel/core@7.25.2))(jest@29.7.0(@types/node@22.6.1)(node-notifier@10.0.1)(ts-node@10.9.1(@types/node@22.6.1)(typescript@5.2.2)))(typescript@5.2.2): + dependencies: + bs-logger: 0.2.6 + fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.1.0 + jest: 29.7.0(@types/node@22.6.1)(node-notifier@10.0.1)(ts-node@10.9.1(@types/node@22.6.1)(typescript@5.2.2)) + jest-util: 29.7.0 + json5: 2.2.3 + lodash.memoize: 4.1.2 + make-error: 1.3.6 + semver: 7.6.3 + typescript: 5.2.2 + yargs-parser: 21.1.1 + optionalDependencies: + '@babel/core': 7.25.2 + '@jest/types': 29.6.3 + babel-jest: 29.7.0(@babel/core@7.25.2) + + ts-node@10.9.1(@types/node@22.6.1)(typescript@5.2.2): + dependencies: + '@cspotcode/source-map-support': 0.8.1 + '@tsconfig/node10': 1.0.11 + '@tsconfig/node12': 1.0.11 + '@tsconfig/node14': 1.0.3 + '@tsconfig/node16': 1.0.4 + '@types/node': 22.6.1 + acorn: 8.12.1 + acorn-walk: 8.3.4 + arg: 4.1.3 + create-require: 1.1.1 + diff: 4.0.2 + make-error: 1.3.6 + typescript: 5.2.2 + v8-compile-cache-lib: 3.0.1 + yn: 3.1.1 + + tslib@1.14.1: {} + + type-check@0.3.2: + dependencies: + prelude-ls: 1.1.2 + + type-check@0.4.0: + dependencies: + prelude-ls: 1.2.1 + + type-detect@4.0.8: {} + + type-fest@0.20.2: {} + + type-fest@0.21.3: {} + + type-fest@0.8.1: {} + + type-is@1.6.18: + dependencies: + media-typer: 0.3.0 + mime-types: 2.1.35 + + type@2.7.3: {} + + typescript@5.2.2: {} + + unc-path-regex@0.1.2: {} + + underscore@1.13.7: {} + + undertaker-registry@2.0.0: {} + + undertaker@2.0.0: + dependencies: + bach: 2.0.1 + fast-levenshtein: 3.0.0 + last-run: 2.0.0 + undertaker-registry: 2.0.0 + + undici-types@6.19.8: {} + + unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript@2.0.1: {} + + unicode-match-property-ecmascript@2.0.0: + dependencies: + unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript: 2.0.1 + unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript: 2.1.0 + + unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript@2.2.0: {} + + unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript@2.1.0: {} + + unique-stream@2.3.1: + dependencies: + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify: 1.0.1 + through2-filter: 3.0.0 + + universalify@0.2.0: {} + + unpipe@1.0.0: {} + + update-browserslist-db@1.1.0(browserslist@4.23.3): + dependencies: + browserslist: 4.23.3 + escalade: 3.2.0 + picocolors: 1.1.0 + + uri-js@4.4.1: + dependencies: + punycode: 2.3.1 + + url-parse@1.5.10: + dependencies: + querystringify: 2.2.0 + requires-port: 1.0.0 + + util-deprecate@1.0.2: {} + + utils-merge@1.0.1: {} + + uuid@8.3.2: {} + + v8-compile-cache-lib@3.0.1: {} + + v8-compile-cache@2.4.0: {} + + v8-to-istanbul@9.3.0: + dependencies: + '@jridgewell/trace-mapping': 0.3.25 + '@types/istanbul-lib-coverage': 2.0.6 + convert-source-map: 2.0.0 + + v8flags@4.0.1: {} + + validate-npm-package-license@3.0.4: + dependencies: + spdx-correct: 3.2.0 + spdx-expression-parse: 3.0.1 + + value-or-function@3.0.0: {} + + value-or-function@4.0.0: {} + + vary@1.1.2: {} + + vinyl-contents@2.0.0: + dependencies: + bl: 5.1.0 + vinyl: 3.0.0 + + vinyl-fs@3.0.3: + dependencies: + fs-mkdirp-stream: 1.0.0 + glob-stream: 6.1.0 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + is-valid-glob: 1.0.0 + lazystream: 1.0.1 + lead: 1.0.0 + object.assign: 4.1.5 + pumpify: 1.5.1 + readable-stream: 2.3.8 + remove-bom-buffer: 3.0.0 + remove-bom-stream: 1.2.0 + resolve-options: 1.1.0 + through2: 2.0.5 + to-through: 2.0.0 + value-or-function: 3.0.0 + vinyl: 2.2.1 + vinyl-sourcemap: 1.1.0 + + vinyl-fs@4.0.0: + dependencies: + fs-mkdirp-stream: 2.0.1 + glob-stream: 8.0.2 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + iconv-lite: 0.6.3 + is-valid-glob: 1.0.0 + lead: 4.0.0 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + resolve-options: 2.0.0 + stream-composer: 1.0.2 + streamx: 2.20.1 + to-through: 3.0.0 + value-or-function: 4.0.0 + vinyl: 3.0.0 + vinyl-sourcemap: 2.0.0 + + vinyl-sourcemap@1.1.0: + dependencies: + append-buffer: 1.0.2 + convert-source-map: 1.9.0 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + normalize-path: 2.1.1 + now-and-later: 2.0.1 + remove-bom-buffer: 3.0.0 + vinyl: 2.2.1 + + vinyl-sourcemap@2.0.0: + dependencies: + convert-source-map: 2.0.0 + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + now-and-later: 3.0.0 + streamx: 2.20.1 + vinyl: 3.0.0 + vinyl-contents: 2.0.0 + + vinyl-sourcemaps-apply@0.2.1: + dependencies: + source-map: 0.5.7 + + vinyl@2.2.1: + dependencies: + clone: 2.1.2 + clone-buffer: 1.0.0 + clone-stats: 1.0.0 + cloneable-readable: 1.1.3 + remove-trailing-separator: 1.1.0 + replace-ext: 1.0.1 + + vinyl@3.0.0: + dependencies: + clone: 2.1.2 + clone-stats: 1.0.0 + remove-trailing-separator: 1.1.0 + replace-ext: 2.0.0 + teex: 1.0.1 + + w3c-xmlserializer@4.0.0: + dependencies: + xml-name-validator: 4.0.0 + + walker@1.0.8: + dependencies: + makeerror: 1.0.12 + + webidl-conversions@7.0.0: {} + + whatwg-encoding@2.0.0: + dependencies: + iconv-lite: 0.6.3 + + whatwg-mimetype@3.0.0: {} + + whatwg-url@11.0.0: + dependencies: + tr46: 3.0.0 + webidl-conversions: 7.0.0 + + which@1.3.1: + dependencies: + isexe: 2.0.0 + + which@2.0.2: + dependencies: + isexe: 2.0.0 + + wide-align@1.1.5: + dependencies: + string-width: 4.2.3 + + window-size@0.2.0: {} + + word-wrap@1.2.5: {} + + wrap-ansi@2.1.0: + dependencies: + string-width: 1.0.2 + strip-ansi: 3.0.1 + + wrap-ansi@7.0.0: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + string-width: 4.2.3 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + + wrappy@1.0.2: {} + + write-file-atomic@4.0.2: + dependencies: + imurmurhash: 0.1.4 + signal-exit: 3.0.7 + + write@1.0.3: + dependencies: + mkdirp: 0.5.6 + + ws@8.17.1: {} + + ws@8.18.0: {} + + xml-name-validator@4.0.0: {} + + xmlchars@2.2.0: {} + + xtend@4.0.2: {} + + y18n@3.2.2: {} + + y18n@5.0.8: {} + + yallist@3.1.1: {} + + yargs-parser@2.4.1: + dependencies: + camelcase: 3.0.0 + lodash.assign: 4.2.0 + + yargs-parser@20.2.9: {} + + yargs-parser@21.1.1: {} + + yargs@16.2.0: + dependencies: + cliui: 7.0.4 + escalade: 3.2.0 + get-caller-file: 2.0.5 + require-directory: 2.1.1 + string-width: 4.2.3 + y18n: 5.0.8 + yargs-parser: 20.2.9 + + yargs@17.7.2: + dependencies: + cliui: 8.0.1 + escalade: 3.2.0 + get-caller-file: 2.0.5 + require-directory: 2.1.1 + string-width: 4.2.3 + y18n: 5.0.8 + yargs-parser: 21.1.1 + + yargs@4.7.0: + dependencies: + camelcase: 2.1.1 + cliui: 3.2.0 + decamelize: 1.2.0 + lodash.assign: 4.2.0 + os-locale: 1.4.0 + pkg-conf: 1.1.3 + read-pkg-up: 1.0.1 + require-main-filename: 1.0.1 + string-width: 1.0.2 + window-size: 0.2.0 + y18n: 3.2.2 + yargs-parser: 2.4.1 + + yn@3.1.1: {} + + yocto-queue@0.1.0: {} diff --git a/samples/demo.js b/samples/demo.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ec3af3 --- /dev/null +++ b/samples/demo.js @@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ +Highcharts.setOptions({ + chart: { + style: { + fontFamily: 'Montserrat, sans-serif' + } + } +}); + +const linearGradient = { x1: 0, x2: 1, y1: 0, y2: 0 }; + +Highcharts.chart('showcase-demo', { + chart: { + spacing: [30, 30, 20, 30] + }, + title: { + text: 'Multicolor Series' + }, + subtitle: { + useHTML: true, + align: 'right', + floating: true, + x: 5, + y: 5, + text: ` + + BlackLabel + + ` + }, + credits: { + position: { + x: -35, + y: -30 + } + }, + plotOptions: { + series: { + marker: { + enabled: false + } + } + }, + tooltip: { + outside: true + }, + yAxis: [ + { + title: { + text: '' + }, + labels: { + enabled: false + }, + height: '50%', + top: '0%' + }, + { + title: { + text: '' + }, + labels: { + enabled: false + }, + height: '50%', + top: '50%' + } + ], + series: [ + { + type: 'coloredline', + name: 'Line series', + data: [ + { + y: 20, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#191632'], + [1, '#1D1736'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 30, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#1D1736'], + [1, '#281940'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 50, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#281940'], + [1, '#331B4C'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#331B4C'], + [1, '#3F1F59'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 30, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#3F1F59'], + [1, '#4B2165'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#4B2165'], + [1, '#562470'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 50, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#562470'], + [1, '#64287D'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#64287D'], + [1, '#692982'] + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + type: 'coloredarea', + name: 'Area series', + data: [ + { + y: 20, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#191632'], + [1, '#1D1736'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 30, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#1D1736'], + [1, '#281940'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 50, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#281940'], + [1, '#331B4C'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#331B4C'], + [1, '#3F1F59'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 30, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#3F1F59'], + [1, '#4B2165'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#4B2165'], + [1, '#562470'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 50, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#562470'], + [1, '#64287D'] + ] + } + }, + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: { + linearGradient, + stops: [ + [0, '#64287D'], + [1, '#692982'] + ] + } + } + ], + yAxis: 1 + } + ] +}); + +Highcharts.chart('coloredline', { + title: { + text: 'Colored line series' + }, + subtitle: { + useHTML: true, + align: 'right', + floating: true, + x: 5, + y: 5, + text: ` + + BlackLabel + + ` + }, + plotOptions: { + series: { + marker: { + enabled: false + } + } + }, + series: [ + { + type: 'coloredline', + name: 'Line series', + data: [ + { + y: 12, + segmentColor: '#2caffe' + }, + { + y: 15, + segmentColor: '#544fc5' + }, + { + y: 18, + segmentColor: '#00e272' + }, + { + y: 23, + segmentColor: '#fe6a35' + }, + { + y: 29, + segmentColor: '#6b8abc' + }, + { + y: 24, + segmentColor: '#d568fb' + }, + { + y: 11, + segmentColor: '#2ee0ca' + }, + { + y: 8, + segmentColor: '#fa4b42' + }, + { + y: 9, + segmentColor: '#feb56a' + } + ] + } + ] +}); + +Highcharts.chart('coloredarea', { + title: { + text: 'Colored area series' + }, + subtitle: { + useHTML: true, + align: 'right', + floating: true, + x: 5, + y: 5, + text: ` + + BlackLabel + + ` + }, + plotOptions: { + series: { + marker: { + enabled: false + } + } + }, + series: [ + { + type: 'coloredarea', + name: 'Area series', + data: [ + { + y: 10, + segmentColor: '#2caffe' + }, + { + y: 13, + segmentColor: '#544fc5' + }, + { + y: 19, + segmentColor: '#00e272' + }, + { + y: 22, + segmentColor: '#fe6a35' + }, + { + y: 20, + segmentColor: '#6b8abc' + }, + { + y: 18, + segmentColor: '#d568fb' + }, + { + y: 17, + segmentColor: '#2ee0ca' + }, + { + y: 14, + segmentColor: '#fa4b42' + }, + { + y: 15, + segmentColor: '#feb56a' + } + ] + } + ] +}); diff --git a/test/coloredarea-helper.js b/test/coloredarea-helper.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40f0e06 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/coloredarea-helper.js @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ +const coloredareaSeriesPointsTestData = [ + { + segmentColor: "red" + }, + { + segmentColor: "blue" + }, + { + segmentColor: "yellow" + }, + { + segmentColor: "green" + }, + { + segmentColor: "green" + }, + { + segmentColor: "brown" + }, + { + segmentColor: "pink" + } +]; + +const coloredareaTrackerPathArrayTestData = [ + [ + "M", + -4.2549019607843, + 145.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 5.7450980392157, + 145.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 72.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 5.7450980392157, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 15.7450980392157, + 291 + ], + [ + "M", + 91.49673202614, + 72.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 72.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 181.875 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 111.49673202614, + 291 + ], + [ + "M", + 187.24836601307, + 181.875 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 181.875 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 254.625 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 207.24836601307, + 291 + ], + [ + "M", + 283, + 254.625 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 254.625 + ], + [ + "L", + 388.75163398693, + 109.125 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 218.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 303, + 291 + ], + [ + "M", + 474.50326797386, + 218.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 218.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 580.25490196078, + 36.375 + ], + [ + "L", + 580.25490196078, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 494.50326797386, + 291 + ] +]; + +const coloredareaGraphsTestData = [ + { + stroke: "red", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 5.7450980392157, + 145.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 72.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 5.7450980392157, + 291 + ] + ] + }, + { + stroke: "blue", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 101.49673202614, + 72.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 181.875 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 291 + ] + ] + }, + { + stroke: "yellow", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 197.24836601307, + 181.875 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 254.625 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 291 + ] + ] + }, + { + stroke: "green", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 293, + 254.625 + ], + [ + "L", + 388.75163398693, + 109.125 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 218.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 291 + ] + ] + }, + { + stroke: "brown", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 484.50326797386, + 218.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 580.25490196078, + 36.375 + ], + [ + "L", + 580.25490196078, + 291 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 291 + ] + ] + } +]; + +const coloredareaGraphPathsTestData = [ + [ + [ + "M", + 5.7450980392157, + 145.5, + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 72.75, + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 291, + "L", + 5.7450980392157, + 291 + ], + "red" + ], + [ + [ + "M", + 101.49673202614, + 72.75, + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 181.875, + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 291, + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 291 + ], + "blue" + ], + [ + [ + "M", + 197.24836601307, + 181.875, + "L", + 293, + 254.625, + "L", + 293, + 291, + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 291 + ], + "yellow" + ], + [ + [ + "M", + 293, + 254.625, + "L", + 388.75163398693, + 109.125, + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 218.25, + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 291, + "L", + 293, + 291 + ], + "green" + ], + [ + [ + "M", + 484.50326797386, + 218.25, + "L", + 580.25490196078, + 36.375, + "L", + 580.25490196078, + 291, + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 291 + ], + "brown" + ] +]; + +const coloredareaSegmentsTestData = [ + { + color: "red", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 5.5, + 149 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 5.500199999999918, + 148.999999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 101.5, + 76.5 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 101.50019999999992, + 76.499999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + color: "blue", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 101.5, + 76.5 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 101.50019999999992, + 76.499999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 197.5, + 185.25 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 197.50019999999992, + 185.249999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + color: "yellow", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 197.5, + 185.25 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 197.50019999999992, + 185.249999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 293.5, + 257.75 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 293.5001999999999, + 257.749999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + color: "green", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 293.5, + 257.75 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 293.5001999999999, + 257.749999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 388.5, + 112.75 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 388.5001999999999, + 112.749999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 484.5, + 221.5 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 484.5001999999999, + 221.499999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + color: "brown", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 484.5, + 221.5 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 484.5001999999999, + 221.499999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 580.5, + 40.25 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 580.5002, + 40.249999995 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + } +]; diff --git a/test/coloredarea.test.js b/test/coloredarea.test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e39b435 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/coloredarea.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +const colorsColoredarea = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'brown', 'pink'], + chartColoredarea = Highcharts.chart('coloredarea-container', { + chart: { + width: 640, + height: 400, + spacing: [0, 0, 0, 0] + }, + series: [ + { + type: 'coloredarea', + data: [ + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: colorsColoredarea[0] + }, + { + y: 60, + segmentColor: colorsColoredarea[1] + }, + { + y: 30, + segmentColor: colorsColoredarea[2] + }, + { + y: 10, + segmentColor: colorsColoredarea[3] + }, + { + y: 50, + segmentColor: colorsColoredarea[3] + }, + { + y: 20, + segmentColor: colorsColoredarea[4] + }, + { + y: 70, + segmentColor: colorsColoredarea[5] + } + ] + } + ] + }), + seriesColoredarea = chartColoredarea.series[0]; + +QUnit.test('Coloredarea series render.', (assert) => { + assert.equal( + seriesColoredarea.type, + 'coloredarea', + 'Coloredarea series should render properly.' + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredarea series points.', (assert) => { + assert.deepEqual( + seriesColoredarea.points.map((point) => + ({ segmentColor: point.segmentColor }) + ), + coloredareaSeriesPointsTestData, + "The series's points property should match the snapshot data." + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredarea series tracker property.', (assert) => { + const differences = objectsEqualWithBuffer( + seriesColoredarea.tracker.pathArray, + coloredareaTrackerPathArrayTestData, + 1 + ); + const isError = differences.length > 0; + + assert.ok( + !isError, + `The tracker's pathArray property should match the snapshot data.${ + isError ? `Differences:\n${differences.join('\n')}` : '' + }` + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredarea series graphs property.', (assert) => { + const differences = objectsEqualWithBuffer( + seriesColoredarea.graphs.map((graph) => ({ + stroke: graph.attr('stroke'), + "stroke-width": graph["stroke-width"], + pathArray: graph.pathArray + })), + coloredareaGraphsTestData, + 1 + ); + const isError = differences.length > 0; + + assert.ok( + !isError, + `The graphs property should match the snapshot data.${ + isError ? `Differences:\n${differences.join('\n')}` : '' + }` + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredarea series graphPaths property.', (assert) => { + const differences = objectsEqualWithBuffer( + seriesColoredarea.graphPaths, + coloredareaGraphPathsTestData, + 1 + ); + const isError = differences.length > 0; + + assert.ok( + !isError, + `The graphPaths property should match the snapshot data.${ + isError ? `Differences:\n${differences.join('\n')}` : '' + }` + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredarea series segments property.', (assert) => { + const differences = objectsEqualWithBuffer( + seriesColoredarea.segments.map((segment) => ({ + color: segment.color, + points: segment.points.map((point) => ({ + graphicPathArray: point.graphic.pathArray + })) + })), + coloredareaSegmentsTestData, + 2 + ); + const isError = differences.length > 0; + + assert.ok( + !isError, + `The segments property should match the snapshot data.${ + isError ? `Differences:\n${differences.join('\n')}` : '' + }` + ); +}); diff --git a/test/coloredline-helper.js b/test/coloredline-helper.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7db7c8c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/coloredline-helper.js @@ -0,0 +1,550 @@ +const coloredlineSeriesPointsTestData = [ + { + segmentColor: "red" + }, + { + segmentColor: "blue" + }, + { + segmentColor: "yellow" + }, + { + segmentColor: "green" + }, + { + segmentColor: "green" + }, + { + segmentColor: "brown" + }, + { + segmentColor: "pink" + } +]; + +const coloredlineTrackerPathArrayTestData = [ + [ + "M", + -4.2549019607843, + 145 + ], + [ + "L", + 5.7450980392157, + 145 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 72.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 111.49673202614, + 72.5 + ], + [ + "M", + 91.49673202614, + 72.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 72.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 181.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 207.24836601307, + 181.25 + ], + [ + "M", + 187.24836601307, + 181.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 181.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 253.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 303, + 253.75 + ], + [ + "M", + 283, + 253.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 253.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 388.75163398693, + 108.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 217.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 494.50326797386, + 217.5 + ], + [ + "M", + 474.50326797386, + 217.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 217.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 580.25490196078, + 36.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 590.25490196078, + 36.25 + ] +]; + +const coloredlineGraphsTestData = [ + { + stroke: "red", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 5.7450980392157, + 145 + ], + [ + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 72.5 + ] + ] + }, + { + stroke: "blue", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 101.49673202614, + 72.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 181.25 + ] + ] + }, + { + stroke: "yellow", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 197.24836601307, + 181.25 + ], + [ + "L", + 293, + 253.75 + ] + ] + }, + { + stroke: "green", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 293, + 253.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 388.75163398693, + 108.75 + ], + [ + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 217.5 + ] + ] + }, + { + stroke: "brown", + "stroke-width": 2, + pathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 484.50326797386, + 217.5 + ], + [ + "L", + 580.25490196078, + 36.25 + ] + ] + } +]; + +const coloredlineGraphPathsTestData = [ + [ + [ + "M", + 5.7450980392157, + 145, + "L", + 101.49673202614, + 72.5 + ], + "red" + ], + [ + [ + "M", + 101.49673202614, + 72.5, + "L", + 197.24836601307, + 181.25 + ], + "blue" + ], + [ + [ + "M", + 197.24836601307, + 181.25, + "L", + 293, + 253.75 + ], + "yellow" + ], + [ + [ + "M", + 293, + 253.75, + "L", + 388.75163398693, + 108.75, + "L", + 484.50326797386, + 217.5 + ], + "green" + ], + [ + [ + "M", + 484.50326797386, + 217.5, + "L", + 580.25490196078, + 36.25 + ], + "brown" + ] +]; + +const coloredlineSegmentsTestData = [ + { + color: "red", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 5, + 149 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 5.0039999993333355, + 148.99999800000018 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 101, + 77 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 101.00399999933333, + 76.99999800000016 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + color: "blue", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 101, + 77 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 101.00399999933333, + 76.99999800000016 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 197, + 185 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 197.00399999933333, + 184.99999800000018 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + color: "yellow", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 197, + 185 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 197.00399999933333, + 184.99999800000018 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 293, + 258 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 293.00399999933336, + 257.9999980000002 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + color: "green", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 293, + 258 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 293.00399999933336, + 257.9999980000002 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 388, + 113 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 388.00399999933336, + 112.99999800000016 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 484, + 222 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 484.00399999933336, + 221.99999800000018 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + color: "brown", + points: [ + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 484, + 222 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 484.00399999933336, + 221.99999800000018 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + }, + { + graphicPathArray: [ + [ + "M", + 580, + 40 + ], + [ + "A", + 4, + 4, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 580.0039999993334, + 39.99999800000017 + ], + [ + "Z" + ] + ] + } + ] + } +]; diff --git a/test/coloredline.test.js b/test/coloredline.test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad2271f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/coloredline.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +const colorsColoredline = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'brown', 'pink'], + chartColoredline = Highcharts.chart('coloredline-container', { + chart: { + width: 640, + height: 400, + spacing: [0, 0, 0, 0] + }, + series: [ + { + type: 'coloredline', + data: [ + { + y: 40, + segmentColor: colorsColoredline[0] + }, + { + y: 60, + segmentColor: colorsColoredline[1] + }, + { + y: 30, + segmentColor: colorsColoredline[2] + }, + { + y: 10, + segmentColor: colorsColoredline[3] + }, + { + y: 50, + segmentColor: colorsColoredline[3] + }, + { + y: 20, + segmentColor: colorsColoredline[4] + }, + { + y: 70, + segmentColor: colorsColoredline[5] + } + ] + } + ] + }), + seriesColoredline = chartColoredline.series[0]; + +QUnit.test('Coloredline series render.', (assert) => { + assert.equal( + seriesColoredline.type, + 'coloredline', + 'Coloredline series should render properly.' + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredline series points.', (assert) => { + assert.deepEqual( + seriesColoredline.points.map((point) => + ({ segmentColor: point.segmentColor }) + ), + coloredlineSeriesPointsTestData, + "The series's points property should match the snapshot data." + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredline series tracker property.', (assert) => { + const differences = objectsEqualWithBuffer( + seriesColoredline.tracker.pathArray, + coloredlineTrackerPathArrayTestData, + 2 + ); + const isError = differences.length > 0; + + assert.ok( + !isError, + `The tracker's pathArray property should match the snapshot data.${ + isError ? `Differences:\n${differences.join('\n')}` : '' + }` + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredline series graphs property.', (assert) => { + const differences = objectsEqualWithBuffer( + seriesColoredline.graphs.map((graph) => ({ + stroke: graph.attr('stroke'), + "stroke-width": graph["stroke-width"], + pathArray: graph.pathArray + })), + coloredlineGraphsTestData, + 2, + ); + const isError = differences.length > 0; + + assert.ok( + !isError, + `The graphs property should match the snapshot data.${ + isError ? `Differences:\n${differences.join('\n')}` : '' + }` + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredline series graphPaths property.', (assert) => { + const differences = objectsEqualWithBuffer( + seriesColoredline.graphPaths, + coloredlineGraphPathsTestData, + 2, + ); + const isError = differences.length > 0; + + assert.ok( + !isError, + `The graphPaths property should match the snapshot data.${ + isError ? `Differences:\n${differences.join('\n')}` : '' + }` + ); +}); + +QUnit.test('Coloredline series segments property.', (assert) => { + const differences = objectsEqualWithBuffer( + seriesColoredline.segments.map((segment) => ({ + color: segment.color, + points: segment.points.map((point) => ({ + graphicPathArray: point.graphic.pathArray + })) + })), + coloredlineSegmentsTestData, + 2, + ); + const isError = differences.length > 0; + + assert.ok( + !isError, + `The segments property should match the snapshot data.${ + isError ? `Differences:\n${differences.join('\n')}` : '' + }` + ); +}); diff --git a/test/index.html b/test/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebadc4b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + + + + +Test multicolor series + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/test/test-helper.js b/test/test-helper.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d96e67d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/test-helper.js @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +const objectsEqualWithBuffer = (actual, expected, buffer, path = '') => { + const differences = []; + + const compareArrays = (actualArray, expectedArray, path) => { + actualArray.forEach((item, index) => { + const currentPath = `${path}[${index}]`; + + if (Array.isArray(expectedArray[index])) { + compareArrays(item, expectedArray[index], currentPath); + } else if (typeof expectedArray[index] === 'object' && expectedArray[index] !== null) { + differences.push( + ...objectsEqualWithBuffer(item, expectedArray[index], buffer, currentPath) + ); + } else { + const diff = Math.abs(item - expectedArray[index]); + + if (diff > buffer) { + differences.push(`${currentPath}: Actual: ${item}, Expected: ${expectedArray[index]}, Difference: ${diff}`); + } + } + }); + } + + for (const key in expected) { + const currentPath = path ? `${path}.${key}` : key; + + if (Array.isArray(expected[key])) { + compareArrays(actual[key], expected[key], currentPath); + } else if (typeof expected[key] === 'object' && expected[key] !== null) { + differences.push( + ...objectsEqualWithBuffer(actual[key], expected[key], buffer, currentPath) + ); + } else { + const diff = Math.abs(actual[key] - expected[key]); + + if (diff > buffer) { + differences.push(`${currentPath}: Actual: ${actual[key]}, Expected: ${expected[key]}, Difference: ${diff}`); + } + } + } + + return differences; +}; diff --git a/testem.json b/testem.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1d073a --- /dev/null +++ b/testem.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "framework": "qunit", + "test_page": "test/index.html", + "launch_in_ci": [ + "Chrome" + ], + "launch_in_dev": [ + "Chrome" + ] +} diff --git a/ts/HighchartsConfig.d.ts b/ts/HighchartsConfig.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..007b4fb --- /dev/null +++ b/ts/HighchartsConfig.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/highcharts.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/highstock.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/highmaps.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/highcharts-3d.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/highcharts-gantt.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/highcharts-more.src'; + +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/accessibility.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/annotations-advanced.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/annotations.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/arc-diagram.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/arrow-symbols.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/boost-canvas.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/boost.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/broken-axis.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/bullet.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/coloraxis.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/current-date-indicator.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/cylinder.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/data-tools.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/data.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/datagrouping.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/debugger.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/dependency-wheel.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/dotplot.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/drag-panes.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/draggable-points.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/drilldown.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/dumbbell.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/export-data.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/exporting.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/flowmap.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/full-screen.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/funnel.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/funnel3d.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/gantt.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/geoheatmap.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/grid-axis.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/heatmap.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/heikinashi.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/histogram-bellcurve.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/hollowcandlestick.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/item-series.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/lollipop.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/map.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/marker-clusters.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/mouse-wheel-zoom.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/networkgraph.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/no-data-to-display.src'; + +// eslint-disable-next-line max-len +import 'highcharts-github/ts/Extensions/OfflineExporting/OfflineExportingVendor'; + +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/offline-exporting.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/organization.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/overlapping-datalabels.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/parallel-coordinates.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/pareto.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/pathfinder.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/pattern-fill.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/pictorial.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/price-indicator.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/pyramid3d.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/sankey.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/series-label.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/series-on-point.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/solid-gauge.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/sonification.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/static-scale.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/stock-tools.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/stock.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/streamgraph.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/sunburst.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/tiledwebmap.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/tilemap.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/timeline.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/treegraph.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/treegrid.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/treemap.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/variable-pie.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/variwide.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/vector.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/venn.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/windbarb.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/wordcloud.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/modules/xrange.src'; + +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/acceleration-bands.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/accumulation-distribution.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/ao.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/apo.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/aroon-oscillator.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/aroon.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/atr.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/bollinger-bands.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/cci.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/chaikin.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/cmf.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/cmo.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/dema.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/disparity-index.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/dmi.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/dpo.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/ema.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/ichimoku-kinko-hyo.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/indicators-all.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/indicators.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/keltner-channels.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/klinger.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/macd.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/mfi.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/momentum.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/natr.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/obv.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/pivot-points.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/ppo.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/price-channel.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/price-envelopes.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/psar.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/regressions.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/roc.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/rsi.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/slow-stochastic.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/stochastic.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/supertrend.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/tema.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/trendline.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/trix.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/volume-by-price.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/vwap.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/williams-r.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/wma.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/indicators/zigzag.src'; + +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/avocado.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/brand-dark.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/brand-light.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/dark-blue.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/dark-green.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/dark-unica.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/gray.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/grid-light.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/grid.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/high-contrast-dark.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/high-contrast-light.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/sand-signika.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/skies.src'; +import 'highcharts-github/ts/masters/themes/sunset.src'; diff --git a/ts/MulticolorSeries.ts b/ts/MulticolorSeries.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44c226b --- /dev/null +++ b/ts/MulticolorSeries.ts @@ -0,0 +1,855 @@ +import SeriesRegistry from 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Series/SeriesRegistry'; +import Utilities from 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Utilities'; +import Series from 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Series/Series'; +import LineSeries from 'highcharts-github/ts/Series/Line/LineSeries'; +import type LinePoint from 'highcharts-github/ts/Series/Line/LinePoint'; +import type AreaPoint from 'highcharts-github/ts/Series/Area/AreaPoint'; +import type PointerEvent from 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/PointerEvent'; +import type SVGElement from 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement'; +import type SVGAttributes from + 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGAttributes'; +import type ColorType from 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Color/ColorType'; +import type SVGPath from 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGPath'; +import { type StatesOptionsKey } from + 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Series/StatesOptions'; +import type { SeriesTypeOptions } from + 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Series/SeriesType'; +import type Chart from 'highcharts-github/ts/Core/Chart/Chart'; +import { + type SeriesColoredPoint, + type SeriesColoredSegment, + type SeriesColoredSegmentPath, + type SeriesColoredGraphPath +} from 'types'; + +/** + * + * Helpers + * + */ + +const { isArray, pick } = Utilities; + +const containsStringNumberNumberSequence = ( + sequenceValue: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] +): boolean => { + let isSequenceFound = false; + + for (let index = 0; index < sequenceValue.length; index++) { + if ( + typeof sequenceValue[index] === 'string' && + typeof sequenceValue[index + 1] === 'number' && + typeof sequenceValue[index + 2] === 'number' + ) { + isSequenceFound = true; + } else { + isSequenceFound = false; + break; + } + + index += 2; + } + + return isSequenceFound; +}; + +/** + * + * Type guards + * + */ + +const isSVGPathSegment = ( + value: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] +): value is SVGPath.Segment[] => containsStringNumberNumberSequence(value); + +/** + * + * Coloredline series + * + */ + +/** + * + * Declarations + * + */ + +type SeriesColoredlinePoint = SeriesColoredPoint; + +type SeriesColoredlineSegment = SeriesColoredSegment; + +/** + * + * @private + * @class + * @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.coloredline + * + * @augments Highcharts.seriesTypes.LineSeries + * + */ + +class ColoredlineSeries extends LineSeries { + + /** + * + * Constructor + * + */ + + constructor() { + super(); + + this.segments = []; + this.singlePoints = []; + this.graphPaths = []; + this.areaPaths = []; + this.graphs = []; + } + + /** + * + * Properties + * + */ + + public pointRange: number | undefined; + + public singlePoints: SeriesColoredlinePoint[]; + + public points!: SeriesColoredlinePoint[]; + + public segments: SeriesColoredlineSegment[]; + + // Overrides graphPath property from the Series type. + public graphPaths: SeriesColoredGraphPath[] | undefined; + + // Overrides areaPath property from the Series type. + public areaPaths: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[]; + + // Overrides graph property from Series type. + public graphs: SVGElement[] | []; + + /** + * + * Functions + * + */ + + public getPath ( + graphPaths: SeriesColoredGraphPath[] | undefined + ): SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] { + let segmentPath: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] = []; + + if (graphPaths) { + graphPaths.forEach((graphPath): void => { + if (isArray(graphPath[0])) { + segmentPath = segmentPath.concat(graphPath[0]); + } + }); + } + + return segmentPath; + } + + public getSegmentPath ( + segment: SeriesColoredlinePoint[] + ): SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] { + const series = this, + segmentPath: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] = [], + step = series.options.step; + + // Build the segment line + segment.forEach((point, index: number): void => { + const plotX = Number(point.plotX), + plotY = Number(point.plotY); + + let lastPoint; + + // Declarations: moveTo or lineTo + segmentPath.push(index ? 'L' : 'M'); + + // Step line? + if (step && index) { + lastPoint = segment[index - 1]; + const lastPointPlotX = Number(lastPoint.plotX); + + if (step === 'right') { + segmentPath.push( + lastPoint.plotX, + plotY, + 'L' + ); + } else if (step === 'center') { + segmentPath.push( + (lastPointPlotX + plotX) / 2, + lastPoint.plotY, + 'L', + (lastPointPlotX + plotX) / 2, + plotY, + 'L' + ); + } else { + segmentPath.push( + plotX, + lastPoint.plotY, + 'L' + ); + } + } + + // Normal line to next point + segmentPath.push( + plotX, + plotY + ); + }); + + return segmentPath; + } + + public formatTrackerPath ( + trackerPath: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] + ): SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] { + const series = this, + options = series.options, + trackerPathLength = trackerPath.length, + singlePoints = series.singlePoints, + snap = series.chart.options.tooltip?.snap ?? 0; + + let singlePoint, + index; + + // Extend end points. A better way would be to use round linecaps, + // but those are not clickable in VML. + if (trackerPathLength && !options.trackByArea) { + index = trackerPathLength + 1; + + while (index--) { + if (trackerPath[index]?.toString() === 'M') { // Extend left side + const nextTrackerPath = trackerPath[index + 1]; + + if (typeof nextTrackerPath === 'number') { + trackerPath.splice( + index + 1, + 0, + nextTrackerPath - snap, + trackerPath[index + 2], + 'L' + ); + } + } + + if ( + ( + index && + trackerPath[index]?.toString() === 'M' + ) || + index === trackerPathLength + ) { // Extend right side + const subPreviousTrackerPath = trackerPath[index - 2]; + + if (typeof subPreviousTrackerPath === 'number') { + trackerPath.splice( + index, + 0, + 'L', + subPreviousTrackerPath + snap, + trackerPath[index - 1] + ); + } + } + } + } + + // Handle single points + for (index = 0; index < singlePoints.length; index++) { + singlePoint = singlePoints[index]; + const singlePointPlotX = Number(singlePoint.plotX); + + trackerPath.push( + 'M', + singlePointPlotX - snap, + singlePoint.plotY, + 'L', + singlePointPlotX + snap, + singlePoint.plotY + ); + } + + return trackerPath; + } + + public drawTracker(): void { + const series = this, + options = series.options, + trackByArea = options.trackByArea, + trackerPath = + trackByArea ? series.areaPaths : + this.getPath(series.graphPaths), + chart = series.chart, + pointer = chart.pointer, + renderer = chart.renderer, + snap = chart.options.tooltip?.snap ?? 0, + tracker = series.tracker, + cursor = options.cursor, + css = cursor && { cursor }, + trackerFill = 'rgba(192,192,192,0.002)'; + + const onMouseOver = (): void => { + if (chart.hoverSeries !== series) { + series.onMouseOver(); + } + }; + + const formattedTrackerPath = this.formatTrackerPath(trackerPath); + + // Draw the tracker + if (isSVGPathSegment(formattedTrackerPath)) { + if (tracker) { + tracker.attr({ d: formattedTrackerPath }); + } else { // Create a tracker + series.tracker = renderer.path(formattedTrackerPath) + .attr({ + 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', // #1225 + visibility: series.visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden', + stroke: trackerFill, + fill: trackByArea ? trackerFill : 'none', + 'stroke-width': options.lineWidth ?? 0 + + (trackByArea ? 0 : 2 * snap), + zIndex: 2 + }) + .add(series.group); + + // The tracker is added to the series group, which is clipped, but is covered + // by the marker group. So the marker group also needs to capture events. + [series.tracker, series.markerGroup] + .forEach((track): void => { + if (track) { + track.addClass('highcharts-tracker') + .on('mouseover', onMouseOver) + .on('mouseout', (event: PointerEvent): void => { + if (pointer) { + pointer.onTrackerMouseOut(event); + } + }); + + if (css) { + track.css(css); + } + + if ( + typeof document.documentElement.ontouchstart !== + 'undefined' + ) { + track.on('touchstart', onMouseOver); + } + } + }); + } + } + } + + public setState ( + state?: (StatesOptionsKey | ''), + // Unused inherit argument added to keep the same type as in the Series. + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + _inherit?: boolean + ): void { + const series = this, + options = series.options, + graphs = series.graphs, + stateOptions = options.states; + + let lineWidth = options.lineWidth ?? 0; + + state = state || ''; + + if (series.state !== state) { + series.state = state; + + if ( + stateOptions && + state && + ( + stateOptions.hover?.enabled === false || + stateOptions.inactive?.enabled === false + ) + ) { + return; + } + + if (stateOptions && state) { + lineWidth = stateOptions[state]?.lineWidth || lineWidth + 1; + } + + if (graphs) { // Hover is turned off for dashed lines in VML + // use attr because animate will cause any other animation on the graph to stop + graphs.forEach((graph: SVGElement): void => { + if (!graph.dashstyle) { + graph.attr({ 'stroke-width': lineWidth }); + } + }); + } + } + } + + public getSegments(): void { + const series = this, + points = series.points; + + let segments: SeriesColoredlineSegment[] = [], + lastColor = 0, + pointsLength = points.length; + + if (pointsLength) { // No action required for [] + // if connect nulls, just remove null points + if (series.options.connectNulls) { + // Iterate backwars for secure point removal + for (let index = pointsLength - 1; index >= 0; --index) { + if (points[index].y === null) { + points.splice(index, 1); + } + } + pointsLength = points.length; + + points.forEach((_point, pointIndex): void => { + if ( + pointIndex > 0 && + points[pointIndex].segmentColor !== + points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor + ) { + segments.push({ + points: points.slice(lastColor, pointIndex + 1), + color: points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor ?? '' + }); + + lastColor = pointIndex; + } + }); + + if (pointsLength) { + // Add the last segment (only single-point last segement is added) + if (lastColor !== pointsLength - 1) { + segments.push({ + points: points.slice(lastColor, pointsLength), + color: points[pointsLength - 1].segmentColor ?? '' + }); + } + } + + if ((points.length > 0) && segments.length === 0) { + segments = [ + { + color: points[0].segmentColor ?? '', + points + } + ]; + } + + // Else, split on null points or different colors + } else { + let previousColor: string | null = null; + + points.forEach((point, pointIndex): void => { + const colorChanged = pointIndex > 0 && ( + point.y === null || + points[pointIndex - 1].y === null || + ( + point.segmentColor !== + points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor && + points[pointIndex].segmentColor !== + previousColor + ) + ), + colorExists = !!(points[pointIndex - 1]?.segmentColor && + points[pointIndex - 1].y !== null); + + let formattedPoints = + points.slice(lastColor, pointIndex + 1); + + if (colorChanged) { + if (formattedPoints.length > 0) { + // Do not create segments with null ponits + formattedPoints.forEach((pointObject, k): void => { + if (pointObject.y === null) { + // Remove null points (might be on edges) + formattedPoints.splice(k, 1); + } + }); + + segments.push({ + points: formattedPoints, + color: ( + colorExists ? + points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor : + previousColor + ) ?? '' + }); + + lastColor = pointIndex; + } + } else if (pointIndex === pointsLength - 1) { + let next = pointIndex + 1; + + if (point.y === null) { + next--; + } + + formattedPoints = points.slice(lastColor, next); + + if (formattedPoints.length > 0) { + // Do not create segments with null ponits + formattedPoints.forEach(( + formattedPoint, formattedPointIndex + ): void => { + if (formattedPoint.y === null) { + // Remove null points (might be on edges) + formattedPoints.splice( + formattedPointIndex, 1 + ); + } + }); + + segments.push({ + points: formattedPoints, + color: ( + colorExists ? + points[pointIndex - 1].segmentColor : + previousColor + ) ?? '' + }); + + lastColor = pointIndex; + } + } + + // Store previous color + if (point) { + previousColor = point.segmentColor ?? ''; + } + }); + } + } + + // Register it + series.segments = segments; + } + + public setSeriesGraphPathsAndSinglePoints(): SeriesColoredGraphPath[] { + const series = this, + graphPaths: SeriesColoredGraphPath[] = []; + + let singlePoints: SeriesColoredlinePoint[] = [], // Used in drawTracker + segmentPath; + + // Divide into segments and build graph and area paths + series.segments.forEach((segment): void => { + segmentPath = series.getSegmentPath(segment.points); + + // Add the segment to the graph, or a single point for tracking + if (segment.points.length > 1) { + graphPaths.push([segmentPath, segment.color]); + } else { + singlePoints = [...singlePoints, ...segment.points]; + } + }); + + // Record it for use in drawGraph and drawTracker, and return graphPaths + series.singlePoints = singlePoints; + series.graphPaths = graphPaths; + + return graphPaths; + } + + public getSegment = ( + segment: SeriesColoredGraphPath, + colorType: ColorType + ): SVGElement | undefined => { + const series = this, + options = series.options, + lineWidth = options.lineWidth, + dashStyle = options.dashStyle, + roundCap = options.linecap !== 'square', + attribs: SVGAttributes = { + stroke: colorType, + 'stroke-width': lineWidth, + fill: 'none', + zIndex: 1 // #1069 + }; + + let item; + + if (dashStyle) { + attribs.dashstyle = dashStyle; + } else if (roundCap) { + attribs['stroke-linecap'] = + attribs['stroke-linejoin'] = 'round'; + } + + if (segment[1]) { + attribs.stroke = segment[1]; + } + + if (isSVGPathSegment(segment[0])) { + item = series.chart.renderer.path(segment[0]) + .attr(attribs) + .add(series.group); + } + + if (item?.shadow) { + item.shadow(!!options.shadow); + } + + return item; + }; + + public drawGraph(): void { + const series = this, + options = series.options, + colorType = options.lineColor || series.color || '', + graphPaths = series.setSeriesGraphPathsAndSinglePoints(), + graphPathLength = graphPaths.length; + + let graphSegmentsLength = 0; + + // Draw the graphs + let graphs = series.graphs; + + if (graphs) { // Cancel running animations, #459 + // do we have animation + graphPaths.forEach((segment, segmentIndex): void => { + // Update color and path + if ( + series.graphs[segmentIndex] && isSVGPathSegment(segment[0]) + ) { + series.graphs[segmentIndex].attr({ + d: segment[0], + stroke: segment[1] + }); + } else { + const formattedSegment = + this.getSegment(segment, colorType); + + if (formattedSegment) { + series.graphs[segmentIndex] = formattedSegment; + } + } + }); + } else if (graphPaths.length > 0) { // #1487 + graphs = []; + graphPaths.forEach((segment, segmentIndex): void => { + const formattedSegment = this.getSegment(segment, colorType); + + if (formattedSegment) { + graphs[segmentIndex] = formattedSegment; + } + }); + + series.graphs = graphs; + } + // Checks if series.graphs exists. #3 + graphSegmentsLength = (series.graphs && series.graphs.length) || -1; + + for ( + let index = graphSegmentsLength; + index >= graphPathLength; + index-- + ) { + if (series.graphs && series.graphs[index]) { + series.graphs[index].destroy(); + series.graphs.splice(index, 1); + } + } + } + + /** + * + * Events + * + */ + + public translate(): void { + super.translate.apply(this, arguments); + + if (this.getSegments) { + this.getSegments(); + } + } +} + +/** + * + * Registry + * + */ + +SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('coloredline', ColoredlineSeries); + +/** + * + * Coloredarea series + * + */ + +/** + * + * Declarations + * + */ + +type SeriesColoredareaPoint = SeriesColoredPoint; + +type SeriesColoredareaSegment = SeriesColoredSegment; + +/** + * + * @private + * @class + * @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.coloredarea + * + */ + +class ColoredareaSeries extends ColoredlineSeries { + + /** + * + * Constructor + * + */ + + constructor() { + super(); + + this.segments = []; + this.singlePoints = []; + } + + /** + * + * Properties + * + */ + + public singlePoints: SeriesColoredareaPoint[]; + + public points!: SeriesColoredareaPoint[]; + + public segments: SeriesColoredareaSegment[]; + + /** + * + * Functions + * + */ + + public init(chart: Chart, options: DeepPartial): void { + options.threshold = options.threshold || null; + Series.prototype.init.call(this, chart, options); + } + + public closeSegment( + path: SeriesColoredSegmentPath[], + segment: SeriesColoredareaPoint[], + translatedThreshold: number + ): void { + path.push( + 'L', + segment[segment.length - 1].plotX, + translatedThreshold, + 'L', + segment[0].plotX, + translatedThreshold + ); + } + + public drawGraph(): void { + super.drawGraph.call(this); + + const series = this, + graphs = series.graphs; + + if (graphs) { // Cancel running animations, #459 + // do we have animation + series?.graphPaths?.forEach((segment, index): void => { + + // Update color and path + if (series.graphs[index]) { + series.graphs[index].attr({ fill: segment[1] }); + } + }); + } + } + + public getSegmentPath( + segment: SeriesColoredareaPoint[] + ): SeriesColoredSegmentPath[] { + const segmentPath = super.getSegmentPath.call(this, segment), // Call base method + areaSegmentPath = [...segmentPath], // Work on a copy for the area path + options = this.options, + segLength = segmentPath.length, + translatedThreshold = + this.yAxis.getThreshold(options.threshold ?? 0); // #2181 + + let yBottom; + + if (segLength === 3) { // For animation from 1 to two points + areaSegmentPath.push('L', segmentPath[1], segmentPath[2]); + } + + if (options.stacking) { + for (let index = segment.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { + yBottom = pick(segment[index].yBottom, translatedThreshold); + + // Step line? + if (index < segment.length - 1 && options.step) { + areaSegmentPath.push(segment[index + 1].plotX, yBottom); + } + + areaSegmentPath.push(segment[index].plotX, yBottom); + } + } else { // Follow zero line back + this.closeSegment(areaSegmentPath, segment, translatedThreshold); + } + + return areaSegmentPath; + } + + public setSeriesGraphPathsAndSinglePoints(): SeriesColoredGraphPath[] { + const series = this, + graphPaths: SeriesColoredGraphPath[] = []; + + let singlePoints: SeriesColoredareaPoint[] = [], // Used in drawTracker + segmentPaths; + + // Divide into segments and build graph and area paths + this.areaPaths = []; + series.segments.forEach((segment): void => { + segmentPaths = series.getSegmentPath(segment.points); + + // Add the segment to the graph, or a single point for tracking + if (segment.points.length > 1) { + graphPaths.push([segmentPaths, segment.color]); + } else { + singlePoints = [...singlePoints, ...segment.points]; + } + }); + + // Record it for use in drawGraph and drawTracker, and return graphPaths + series.singlePoints = singlePoints; + series.graphPaths = graphPaths; + + return graphPaths; + + } +} + +/** + * + * Registry + * + */ + +SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('coloredarea', ColoredareaSeries); + +export { ColoredlineSeries, ColoredareaSeries }; diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62e771c --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "baseUrl": ".", + "allowJs": true, + "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, + "alwaysStrict": false, + "declaration": false, + "esModuleInterop": true, + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, + "keyofStringsOnly": true, + "ignoreDeprecations": "5.0", + "noEmitOnError": true, + "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, + "noImplicitThis": true, + "strict": true, + "module": "es6", + "moduleResolution": "node", + "skipLibCheck": true, + "target": "es6", + "lib": [ + "dom", + "es6", + "es2016" + ], + "types": ["jquery", "trusted-types", "jest"] + }, + "include": ["ts/**/*"], + "exclude": ["test/**/*"] +} diff --git a/types.d.ts b/types.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e657107 --- /dev/null +++ b/types.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +import type SVGPath from "highcharts-github/ts/Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGPath"; +import type ColorType from "highcharts-github/ts/Core/Color/ColorType"; + +/** + * + * Shared types + * + */ + +type SeriesColoredPoint = T & { + segmentColor?: string; +}; + +type SeriesColoredSegment = { + color: string; + points: Array>; +}; + +type SeriesColoredSegmentPath = SVGPath.Segment | string | number | undefined; + +type SeriesColoredGraphPath = [SeriesColoredSegmentPath[], ColorType]; + +export { + SeriesColoredPoint, + SeriesColoredSegment, + SeriesColoredSegmentPath, + SeriesColoredGraphPath +};