Our roadmap; if an issue has been created or the feature is currently being worked on, please link the respective issue/PR.
Messenger platforms
- 🚧 Discord
- 🚧 Telegram
- Messenger
Meeting platforms
- Zoom (dial in)
- Zoom (native)
- Google meets
- Teams
Synthesis providers
- Rime
- Coqui
- Coqui (OSS)
- gTTS
- StreamElements
- Bark
- Play.ht
- Eleven Labs
- Amazon Polly
- Resemble.AI
- ChatGPT (OpenAI, Azure)
- GPT-4 (OpenAI)
- Claude (Anthropic)
- GPT4All
- AssemblyAI
- Deepgram
- Google Cloud
- Whisper.cpp
- Azure
- Whisper
- RevAI
- Improve filler audio
- Backchanneling
- Multi agent functionality
- New endpointing styles
- Smoother interruptions
- Keyword boosting
ActionType implementations
- Calendar – look up availability
- Calendar – make event
Integrate with new telephony providers
- Twilio
- Vonage
Transfer to human
- Voice isolation (for noisy backgrounds)
- Echo cancellation (for now, can use krisp or other)
- Realtime emotion