- Added package.json file to help deploy to gh-pages
- Fixed broken padding values on navigation sidebar
- Fixed issue with scandir picking up hidden system files where the filename starts with a dot #30
- Added :visited and :focus styles to nav links #31
- Added markdown support for docs
- Added markdown styling via github-markdown.css
- Increased .sg-h2 and .sg-h3 font size to better align with github markdown heading sizes
- Converted sample documentation .html files to .md files
- Removed "Usage" heading that appeared above docs
- Updated CONTRIBUTING.md broken link fix (#25, @mixedrays)
- Added automatic project structuring based on markup/ directory (#25, @mixedrays)
- Updated functions.php, index.php, sg-scripts.js, and sg-styles.css (#25, @mixedrays)
- Added 'no-js' class to HTML element to help with progressive enhancement
- Added meta theme-color tag
- Added minor accessibility improvements
- Added picture element to media.html example file
- Changed nav toggle element to button
- Changed "View Source" and "Copy Source" actions to button elements
- Cleaned up spacing and comment wording in functions.php
- Cleaned up sg-scripts.js
- Cleaned up sg-style.css
- Removed global form navigation
- Removed example of fieldset with large amount of text
- Removed code-prettify (prettyprint) styles
- Reworked listMarkupAsOptions function into listMarkupAsListItems function
- Reworked layout template and styles to be more responsive
- Updated README.md
- Updated media query breakpoints
- Updated wording in "Getting Started" section
- Updated meta viewport tag
- Updated font stack markup and styling
- Updated color swatch markup and styling
- Updated JavaScript syntax highlighter to prism.js
- Improved accessibility of form, media, and table markup examples
- Added skip to main content link
- Added .sg-visually-hidden and .sg-visually-hidden-focusable to style text intended for screen readers
- Moved functions in index.php to functions.php
- Changed Base Styles wording to Base HTML
- Changed Pattern Styles wording to Patterns
- Added lang attribute
- Clean up extra white space in multiple files
- Minor adjustments to selector formatting
- Add ability to add personalized doc for each markup snippet
- Update Style Guide Boilerplate to use box-sizing border-box globally
- Update address markup to more neutral base
- Update wording on button that selects sample markup to be copied
- Add tooltip to copy source button
- Add button that selects sample markup to be copied
- Resolves issue #4 and issue #6
- Resolved issue #3
- Removed custom scrollbar styles
- Reworked navigation
- Reworked layout
- Added hex values to color swatches
- Added ability to toggle code snippets
- Switched to placehold.it for images
- Switched to prettify.js for code highlighting
- Improved usability across mobile and legacy browsers
- Normalized time element formatting
- Normalize formatting for all markup snippets
- Update tabular data example
- Update sources for video and audio elements
- Reworked Media section
- Add Audio example
- Add Video example
- Reworked preformatted text
- Reworked tabular data
- Add table with side headings
- Fix dynamic output value on range slider
- Add datalist fields
- Reworked Form Buttons section
- Add disabled buttons
- Add fieldset examples
- Reworked Form Fields
- Add speech recognition input
- Add time input
- Add disabled fields
- Add readonly fields
- Add meter element
- Add progress element
- Add details element
- Remove headings in hgroup
- Add small text and link in heading examples
- Add address element
- Add time element
- Add q element
- Add international phone input example
- Add placeholder example
- Add required field input
- Add mulitiple select menu
- Merge HTML5 Form Fields section into Form Fields section
- Add media query for small viewports
- Remove dependancy on jQuery
- Locally host highlight.js files
- Use placedog.com instead of lorempixel.com
- Initial commit