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CMake integration

CMake targets
Automatic test registration
CMake project options
CATCH_CONFIG_* customization options in CMake
Installing Catch2 from git repository
Installing Catch2 from vcpkg

Because we use CMake to build Catch2, we also provide a couple of integration points for our users.

  1. Catch2 exports a (namespaced) CMake target
  2. Catch2's repository contains CMake scripts for automatic registration of TEST_CASEs in CTest

CMake targets

Catch2's CMake build exports two targets, Catch2::Catch2, and Catch2::Catch2WithMain. If you do not need custom main function, you should be using the latter (and only the latter). Linking against it will add the proper include paths and link your target together with 2 static libraries that implement Catch2 and its main respectively. If you need custom main, you should link only against Catch2::Catch2.

This means that if Catch2 has been installed on the system, it should be enough to do

find_package(Catch2 3 REQUIRED)
# These tests can use the Catch2-provided main
add_executable(tests test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(tests PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain)

# These tests need their own main
add_executable(custom-main-tests test.cpp test-main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(custom-main-tests PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2)

These targets are also provided when Catch2 is used as a subdirectory. Assuming Catch2 has been cloned to lib/Catch2, you only need to replace the find_package call with add_subdirectory(lib/Catch2) and the snippet above still works.

Another possibility is to use FetchContent:


  GIT_TAG        v3.0.1 # or a later release


add_executable(tests test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(tests PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain)

Automatic test registration

Catch2's repository also contains three CMake scripts that help users with automatically registering their TEST_CASEs with CTest. They can be found in the extras folder, and are

  1. Catch.cmake (and its dependency CatchAddTests.cmake)
  2. ParseAndAddCatchTests.cmake (deprecated)
  3. CatchShardTests.cmake (and its dependency CatchShardTestsImpl.cmake)

If Catch2 has been installed in system, both of these can be used after doing find_package(Catch2 REQUIRED). Otherwise you need to add them to your CMake module path.

Catch.cmake and CatchAddTests.cmake

Catch.cmake provides function catch_discover_tests to get tests from a target. This function works by running the resulting executable with --list-test-names-only flag, and then parsing the output to find all existing tests.


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)

project(baz LANGUAGES CXX VERSION 0.0.1)

find_package(Catch2 REQUIRED)
add_executable(foo test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(foo PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2)


When using FetchContent, include(Catch) will fail unless CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is explicitly updated to include the extras directory.

# ... FetchContent ...


catch_discover_tests can be given several extra arguments:

                     [TEST_SPEC arg1...]
                     [EXTRA_ARGS arg1...]
                     [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]
                     [TEST_PREFIX prefix]
                     [TEST_SUFFIX suffix]
                     [PROPERTIES name1 value1...]
                     [TEST_LIST var]
                     [REPORTER reporter]
                     [OUTPUT_DIR dir]
                     [OUTPUT_PREFIX prefix]
                     [OUTPUT_SUFFIX suffix]
  • TEST_SPEC arg1...

Specifies test cases, wildcarded test cases, tags and tag expressions to pass to the Catch executable alongside the --list-test-names-only flag.

  • EXTRA_ARGS arg1...

Any extra arguments to pass on the command line to each test case.


Specifies the directory in which to run the discovered test cases. If this option is not provided, the current binary directory is used.

  • TEST_PREFIX prefix

Specifies a prefix to be added to the name of each discovered test case. This can be useful when the same test executable is being used in multiple calls to catch_discover_tests(), with different TEST_SPEC or EXTRA_ARGS.

  • TEST_SUFFIX suffix

Same as TEST_PREFIX, except it specific the suffix for the test names. Both TEST_PREFIX and TEST_SUFFIX can be specified at the same time.

  • PROPERTIES name1 value1...

Specifies additional properties to be set on all tests discovered by this invocation of catch_discover_tests.

  • TEST_LIST var

Make the list of tests available in the variable var, rather than the default <target>_TESTS. This can be useful when the same test executable is being used in multiple calls to catch_discover_tests(). Note that this variable is only available in CTest.

  • REPORTER reporter

Use the specified reporter when running the test case. The reporter will be passed to the test runner as --reporter reporter.

  • OUTPUT_DIR dir

If specified, the parameter is passed along as --out dir/<test_name> to test executable. The actual file name is the same as the test name. This should be used instead of EXTRA_ARGS --out foo to avoid race conditions writing the result output when using parallel test execution.

  • OUTPUT_PREFIX prefix

May be used in conjunction with OUTPUT_DIR. If specified, prefix is added to each output file name, like so --out dir/prefix<test_name>.

  • OUTPUT_SUFFIX suffix

May be used in conjunction with OUTPUT_DIR. If specified, suffix is added to each output file name, like so --out dir/<test_name>suffix. This can be used to add a file extension to the output file name e.g. ".xml".


⚠ This script is deprecated in Catch2 2.13.4 and superseded by the above approach using catch_discover_tests. See #2092 for details.

ParseAndAddCatchTests works by parsing all implementation files associated with the provided target, and registering them via CTest's add_test. This approach has some limitations, such as the fact that commented-out tests will be registered anyway. More serious, only a subset of the assertion macros currently available in Catch can be detected by this script and tests with any macros that cannot be parsed are silently ignored.


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)

project(baz LANGUAGES CXX VERSION 0.0.1)

find_package(Catch2 REQUIRED)
add_executable(foo test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(foo PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2)



ParseAndAddCatchTests provides some customization points:

  • PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_VERBOSE -- When ON, the script prints debug messages. Defaults to OFF.
  • PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_NO_HIDDEN_TESTS -- When ON, hidden tests (tests tagged with either of [.] or [.foo]) will not be registered. Defaults to OFF.
  • PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_FIXTURE_IN_TEST_NAME -- When ON, adds fixture class name to the test name in CTest. Defaults to ON.
  • PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_TARGET_IN_TEST_NAME -- When ON, adds target name to the test name in CTest. Defaults to ON.
  • PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_TO_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS -- When ON, adds test file to CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS. This means that the CMake configuration step will be re-ran when the test files change, letting new tests be automatically discovered. Defaults to OFF.

Optionally, one can specify a launching command to run tests by setting the variable OptionalCatchTestLauncher before calling ParseAndAddCatchTests. For instance to run some tests using MPI and other sequentially, one can write

set(OptionalCatchTestLauncher ${MPIEXEC} ${MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG} ${NUMPROC})


CatchShardTests.cmake was introduced in Catch2 3.1.0.

CatchShardTests.cmake provides a function catch_add_sharded_tests(TEST_BINARY) that splits tests from TEST_BINARY into multiple shards. The tests in each shard and their order is randomized, and the seed changes every invocation of CTest.

Currently there are 3 customization points for this script:

  • SHARD_COUNT - number of shards to split target's tests into
  • REPORTER - reporter spec to use for tests
  • TEST_SPEC - test spec used for filtering tests

Example usage:


  REPORTER "xml::out=-"

  REPORTER "xml::out=-"

This registers total of 12 CTest tests (4 + 8 shards) to run shards from foo-tests test binary, filtered by a test spec.

Note that this script is currently a proof-of-concept for reseeding shards per CTest run, and thus does not support (nor does it currently aim to support) all customization points from catch_discover_tests.

CMake project options

Catch2's CMake project also provides some options for other projects that consume it. These are:

  • BUILD_TESTING -- When ON and the project is not used as a subproject, Catch2's test binary will be built. Defaults to ON.
  • CATCH_INSTALL_DOCS -- When ON, Catch2's documentation will be included in the installation. Defaults to ON.
  • CATCH_INSTALL_EXTRAS -- When ON, Catch2's extras folder (the CMake scripts mentioned above, debugger helpers) will be included in the installation. Defaults to ON.
  • CATCH_DEVELOPMENT_BUILD -- When ON, configures the build for development of Catch2. This means enabling test projects, warnings and so on. Defaults to OFF.

Enabling CATCH_DEVELOPMENT_BUILD also enables further configuration customization options:

  • CATCH_BUILD_TESTING -- When ON, Catch2's SelfTest project will be built. Defaults to ON. Note that Catch2 also obeys BUILD_TESTING CMake variable, so both of them need to be ON for the SelfTest to be built, and either of them can be set to OFF to disable building SelfTest.
  • CATCH_BUILD_EXAMPLES -- When ON, Catch2's usage examples will be built. Defaults to OFF.
  • CATCH_BUILD_EXTRA_TESTS -- When ON, Catch2's extra tests will be built. Defaults to OFF.
  • CATCH_BUILD_FUZZERS -- When ON, Catch2 fuzzing entry points will be built. Defaults to OFF.
  • CATCH_ENABLE_WERROR -- When ON, adds -Werror or equivalent flag to the compilation. Defaults to ON.
  • CATCH_BUILD_SURROGATES -- When ON, each header in Catch2 will be compiled separately to ensure that they are self-sufficient. Defaults to OFF.

CATCH_CONFIG_* customization options in CMake

CMake support for CATCH_CONFIG_* options was introduced in Catch2 3.0.1

Due to the new separate compilation model, all the options from the Compile-time configuration docs can also be set through Catch2's CMake. To set them, define the option you want as ON, e.g. -DCATCH_CONFIG_NOSTDOUT=ON.

Note that setting the option to OFF doesn't disable it. To force disable an option, you need to set the _NO_ form of it to ON, e.g. -DCATCH_CONFIG_NO_COLOUR_WIN32=ON.

To summarize the configuration option behaviour with an example:

ON ON error
ON OFF force-on
OFF ON force-off
OFF OFF auto-detect

Installing Catch2 from git repository

If you cannot install Catch2 from a package manager (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 provides catch only in version 1.2.0) you might want to install it from the repository instead. Assuming you have enough rights, you can just install it to the default location, like so:

$ git clone
$ cd Catch2
$ cmake -Bbuild -H. -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
$ sudo cmake --build build/ --target install

If you do not have superuser rights, you will also need to specify CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when configuring the build, and then modify your calls to find_package accordingly.

Installing Catch2 from vcpkg

Alternatively, you can build and install Catch2 using vcpkg dependency manager:

git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg install catch2

The catch2 port in vcpkg is kept up to date by microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.
