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Auto-generate dialog audio files using the Replica Studios 'AI Voices' API using Rasa's responses.yml file format.

What does this do? Why would you want to use it?

You want to generate audio files for the text dialog you are using in your creative chatbot project, so that your code can 'speak', in a 'realistic', perhaps even unique voice, to the end-user.

You can use this utility standalone, or within a Rasa project folder.

What is Replica Studios?

To quote their website:

AI voice actors for games + films

It all starts with a talented voice actor spending hours training our AI how to perform. Our AI model learns how to perform by copying the real voice actors unique speech patterns, pronunciation, and emotional range. The end result is an AI voice actor you can use in your games or films.

What is Rasa?

To quote their website:

Rasa is the leading conversational AI platform, for personalized conversations at scale.

Rasa Open Source is a framework for natural language understanding, dialogue management, and integrations. Rasa X is a free toolset used to improve virtual assistants built using Rasa Open Source. Together, they include all the features to create powerful text- and voice-based assistants and chatbots.


This utility is distributed under GNU General Public License v3.0, which can be found in the file LICENCE.txt. In summary:

Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.

Setup Replica Studios API

First you'll need an account with Replica Studios. As of July 2021 you get 30 minutes of free credit when you sign up. If you use the following referral link, you get 60 minutes:

Once you have an active account, put your credentials in a local file so that the dialog generation script can authenticate you against the API:

# replica_api_credentials.json
  "client_id" : "<your replica username>",
  "secret" : "<your replica password>"

(Note: replica_api_credentials.json should not be added or pushed to a Git repo and is ignored in .gitignore by default.)

Next you'll need to specify the name and Replica UID of a voice to generate audio files with. Here's an example:

# replica_config.json
  "replica_voice_uids" : {
    "amber" : "4807ea95-5b17-43b7-b25d-e409736a099f",
    "thomas" : "c7c81053-7ac3-4b2f-9809-0be6fae07ca5"

At the time of writing (July 2021) it only seems possible to obtain the UID by viewing the source of the Replica website Project page when selecting a voice.

Prepare Your Dialog

You'll need a dialog folder and a responses.yml file in your current/project folder, defining the dialog to be generated:

mkdir dialog

Here's a simple example responses.yml taken from the Rasa v2 documentation:

# ./dialog/responses.yml
version: "2.0"

  - text: "Hi there!"
  - text: "See you!"

Configure Python Environment

Now create a Python virtual environment (venv) and install the package dependencies defined in requirements.txt:

python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Generate Audio using an AI Voice

If you've made it this far you should now be able to run which will work through all the dialog in ./dialog/responses.yml and attempt to generate OGG audio files for each (using the first voice you specify in replica_config.json):



Problem: ModuleNotFoundError, e.g. for 'requests':

% python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    import requests
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'

Solution: Make sure you've installed the depdendencies using pip3 (as above), then (re-)activated your venv prior to running:

source ./venv/bin/activate

Found a bug? Consider raising an Issue:

  1. check whether the same or similar issue has been reported under the GitHub Issues tab
  2. if not, submit a new issue and label it with 'bug' or similar.

This should notify contributors who can investigate and will typically respond on the issue, notifying you in the process.


If you would like to add a new feature or fix an existing bug please feel free!

Here's a summary of the process you should follow:

  1. ensure an Issue exists that describes what you will work on and why; if not, submit a new issue and label it with 'bug' or similar;

  2. create a new branch of this repository (repo) which will contain the implementation of your contribution, with the issue number in the branch name, e.g.:

git checkout -b 123-name-of-your-new-branch

(where '123' is the issue number);

  1. once you are happy with the changes you made in your local codebase, push them to the GitHub repo:
git add .
git commit -m "fixed a bug"
git push origin 123-name-of-your-new-branch
  1. open a Pull Request on GitHub for your new branch using the "New pull request" button; add in a title and a comment describing what you have done, then press the "Create pull request" button.

This should notify the project owner who can initiate a review and communicate with you via GitHub.