Releases: bcgov/traction
What's Changed
- TAA handling and acceptance by @loneil in
- Auto-accept tenant reservation by @esune in #588
- Updated ngrok images by @esune in #588
- Updated Postgres to v14 by @i5okie in #556
- Tag images using PR/Tag name by @i5okie in #573
- Converted raw strings to i18n resources by @amanji in #567
- Several other bugfixes and improvements
Full Changelog: v0.2.9-test...v0.2.10
(TEST) Tenant messaging, OCA bundle support, registration flow updates
What's Changed
- Holder Credential OCA view by @loneil in #549
- OCA Tenant UI management by @loneil in #538
- OCA bundle support by @usingtechnology in #515
- Use standard ledger endpoints to register NYM by @usingtechnology in #526
- TenantUI messaging by @popkinj in #481
- Improved registration flow error handling by @popkinj in #528
- Direct link to registration status check from email by @loneil in #530
Full Changelog: v0.2.7-int...v0.2.9-test
Code for Development Milestone number 3: Traction Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Developed by Energy & Mines Digital Trust (EMDT)
Energy & Mines Digital Trust is funded by the Strategic Investment Fund in partnership with the Government of B.C. and Telus.
(INT) Tenant messaging, OCA bundle support, registration flow updates
See same details in
Reservations and Credential Offers
Traction - Env Var Startup + Tenant UI Cred Revocation
What's Changed
- Typescript types from acapy API by @loneil in #470
- reservation vids by @loneil in #486
- "Manually" load modules as plugins by @usingtechnology in #484
- Accept Invitation by @loneil in #483
- Openshift network policies for Traction by @usingtechnology in #487
- Did exchange by @loneil in #488
- Plugin: connection update (alias) by @usingtechnology in #494
- Show /plugins list by @loneil in #492
- Edit a connection alias using new plugin by @loneil in #496
- Feature/holder by @loneil in #499
- Aca-Py Start Config - maximize env var usage by @usingtechnology in #498
- Explicit Secret for wallet_key by @usingtechnology in #503
- Credential revocation (and exchange delete) by @loneil in #502
Full Changelog: v0.2.5...v0.2.6-test
Aca-Py Liveness Probe
Some pod restart issues as the liveness probe was firing too quickly.
Bump out from 3 seconds to 10 seconds to aid with any potential blocking.
Tenant UI (Issuer)
Issuer functionality in place.
Tenant management of web hooks and labels.
(TEST) Innkeeper Plugin. Askar and DBPerWallet
Merge pull request #380 from bcgov/bugfix/innkeeperReservationLoading Innkeeper tweaks
Acapy Plugins. Tenant UI Improvements
Acapy Plugins
- Multi-token usage
- Innkeeper as plugin
- Tenant Request
- Basic messaging
Tenant UI improvements
- Reservation form
- Localization structure
- OIDC Login
- Revoke/delete creds
- AdHoc presentation request (generic body)
- Edit contact
Pre-Askar Release
Making a release before we move to use Askar and DatabasePerWallet storage.
This will require we delete all existing instances. We will be leaving this release in INT for demo purposes as the work continues on plugins and the new storage mechanisms.
What's Changed
- Allow prospective tenant to check state of their reservation. by @usingtechnology in #347
- updates to certifi python package by @usingtechnology in #355
- Innkeeper Title by @popkinj in #353
- More reservation flow by @loneil in #354
Full Changelog: v0.2.1-test...v0.2.2-test