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Arduino ContinuousStepper Library

An Arduino library to spin stepper motors in continuous motions.

Contrary to other stepper libraries, this one doesn't provide any function to move the shaft at a specific angle. Instead, it provides one function to spin the shaft at a specific speed. It smoothly accelerates and decelerates when the speed changes.


  • Supports multiple stepper types:
    • stepper drivers with step and dir pins (and optionally enable pin)
    • four-wire stepper motors
  • Optionally runs with TimerOne, TimerThree or TeensyTimerTool
  • Optionally uses tone() instead of digitalWrite() for the step pin
  • Optionally uses PWM with analogWriteFrequency() on Teensy 3 and 4
  • Optionally uses Khoi Hoang's PWM libraries (RP2040_PWM, SAMD_PWM, AVR_PWM, STM32_PWM, Teensy_PWM...)
  • Accelerates and decelerates smoothly
  • Negative speed rotates backward
  • Uses neither delay() nor delayMicroseconds()

Suggested applications

  • Tape recorders
  • Conveyors
  • Wheels

How to use the ContinousStepper library?

Basic example with a stepper driver

#include <ContinuousStepper.h>

ContinuousStepper<StepperDriver> stepper;

void setup() {
  stepper.begin(stepPin, dirPin)
  stepper.spin(200); // rotate at 200 steps per seconds

void loop() {
  stepper.loop(); // this function must be called as frequently as possible

Basic example with a four-wire stepper motor

#include <ContinuousStepper.h>

ContinuousStepper<FourWireStepper> stepper;

void setup() {
  stepper.begin(pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4);
  stepper.spin(200); // rotate at 200 steps per seconds

void loop() {
  stepper.loop(); // this function must be called as frequently as possible

Using the Tone library for the step pin

In the basic example above, the level of the step pin is changed with digitalWrite(). We can offload this task to the tone() function, which uses a timer to generate a square wave.

#include <ContinuousStepper.h>
#include <ContinuousStepper/Tickers/Tone.hpp>

ContinuousStepper<StepperDriver, ToneTicker> stepper;

void setup() {
  stepper.begin(stepPin, dirPin);


void loop() {

Of course, this only work for StepperDriver, don't try to use it with FourWireStepper. The same remark applies to AwfTicker and KhoiTicker.

Using the TimerOne library to call loop() automatically

Alternatively, you can install the TimerOne to have the loop() function called in the timer interrupt handler:

#include <ContinuousStepper.h>
#include <ContinuousStepper/Tickers/TimerOne.hpp>

ContinuousStepper<FourWireStepper, TimerOneTicker> stepper;

void setup() {
  stepper.begin(pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4);


void loop() {
  // no need to call stepper.loop()

You can do this for either StepperDriver or FourWireStepper.

CAUTION: this example only proved to work correctly on Teensy 3.1.


Here is the general overview of the ContinuousStepper class:

template <class TStepper, class TTicker = LoopTicker>
class ContinuousStepper {
  // Initialize the class and attaches to the specified pins.
  void begin(/* depends, see below */);

  // Updates the status of the step and dir pins.
  // You must call this function as frequently as possible.
  void loop();

  // Turn the power on and restores the current speed.
  // See StepperDriver and FourWireStepper below for details.
  void powerOn();

  // Turn the power off.
  // See StepperDriver and FourWireStepper below for details.
  void powerOff();

  // Tells whether the power is on.
  bool isPowered() const;

  // Sets the target speed.
  // The shaft will smoothly accelerate or decelerate to reach the
  // target speed.
  void spin(float_t speed);

  // Sets the target speed to 0.
  // The shaft will smoothly decelerate.
  // Call isSpinning() to know when the motion is complete.
  void stop();

  // Gets the acceleration in steps/s².
  float_t acceleration() const;

  // Returns the current speed.
  // During accelerations and decelerations, this value differs from the
  // target speed configured with spin().
  float_t speed() const;

  // Sets the acceleration in steps/s².
  void setAcceleration(float_t acceleration);

  // Tells whether the shaft is currently spinning.
  bool isSpinning() const;

In addition, ContinuousStepper inherits some functions the TStepper class:

class StepperDriver {
  // Configures the stepper with the specified pins.
  void begin(uint8_t stepPin, uint8_t dirPin);

  // Configures the "enable" pin.
  // You can pass LOW as the second argument to invert the logic.
  // The pin is set to its active level unless powerOff() was called.
  void setEnablePin(uint8_t pin, bool activeLevel = HIGH);

  // Sets the enable pin's level to its active level and restores the current speed.
  void powerOn();

  // Sets the enable pin's level to its inactive level.
  void powerOff();

class FourWireStepper {
  // Configures the stepper with the specified pins.
  void begin(uint8_t pin1, uint8_t pin2, uint8_t pin3, uint8_t pin4);

  // Restore current in the coils and restores the current speed.
  void powerOn();

  // Set the four pins to LOW, hereby stopping all current in the coils.
  void powerOff();

Why use this library instead of AccelStepper

AccelStepper is an excellent library when you want to move a stepper motor shaft at a specific angle (for example, in a 3D printer), but it doesn't support applications that need continuous rotations.

AccelStepper provides a runSpeed() function for continuous motion, but it doesn't accelerate smoothly.

You could repeatedly call move(), but after a while, the 32-bit integer that stores the target position will overflow, causing the motor to reverse its rotation.

Moreover, even if you can control the speed with setMaxSpeed(), you'll see that it accelerates smoothly but decelerates abruptly.

How to migrate from AccelStepper to ContinuousStepper

AccelStepper ContinuousStepper
disableOutputs() powerOff()
enableOutputs() powerOn()
isRunning() isSpinning()
move() spin()
moveTo() spin()
run() loop()
setAcceleration() setAcceleration()
setEnablePin() setEnablePin()
setMaxSpeed() spin()
setMinPulseWidth() Automatic
stop() stop()