layout | title |
page |
Tools |
Members of the network have produced a variety of software tools related to the verification of autonomous systems.
The list below gives a short description of each tool. Click "More Details" for the tool's detail page.
{% assign rows = | divided_by: 2.0 | ceil %} {% for i in (1..rows) %}
{% assign offset = forloop.index0 | times: 2 %} {% for tool in limit:2 offset:offset %} <a href="{{ tool.url }}"><h3 style="text-decoration: underline;">{{tool.title}}</h3></a>
<h4> {{}} </h4>
<div class="w3-display-bottommiddle"><a class="w3-button w3-leftbar w3-rightbar w3-topbar w3-bottombar w3-round-large" href="{{ tool.url }}">More Details >></a></div>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}