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export default { icon: "", name: { en: "Facebook – Reveal deleted messages", vi: "Facebook – View deleted messages", }, description: { en: "View deleted messages (since function was turned on) on facebook messenger.", en: "Review deleted messages (since enabling the function) in facebook messenger.", }, infoLink: "", whiteList: ["https://**", "https://**"], onDocumentStart: () => { window.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs = JSON.parse( localStorage.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs || “{}” ); if (Array.isArray(window.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs)) window.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs = {}; window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { localStorage.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs = JSON.stringify( window.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs ); } ); const UfsChatType = { text: "text", image: "image", video: "video", gif: "gif", audioclip: "audio", sticker: "sticker", share_location: "location", realtime_location: "physical location", link: "link", reply: "reply", add_reaction: "react", remove_reaction: "undo react", attachment: "attach", sound: "sound", pending: "pending", user_data: "user_data", delete_msg: "delete_msg", }; Window. UfsChatType = UfsChatType; const WebSocketOrig = window. WebSocket; Window. WebSocket = function fakeConstructor(dt, config) { const isMsgIdStr = (str) => str?. startsWith?. ("mid.$"); recursive find all array in payload const findArray = (obj) => { let arr = []; for (let key in obj) { if (Array.isArray(obj[key]) &&; obj[key][0] === 5) { arr.push(obj[key].filter((i) => ! Array.isArray(i))); } else if (typeof obj[key] === "object") { arr.push(... findArray(obj[key])); } } return arr; }; const findMessageData = (payload) => { let all_arrays = findArray(payload); // console.log(all_arrays); let result = []; for (let arr of all_arrays) { let all_msg_id = arr.filter( (i) => typeof i === "string" &; isMsgIdStr (i) ); let msg_id = all_msg_id[0]; if (arr[1] === "upsertReaction") { // result.push({ // msg_id, // type: UfsChatType.add_reaction, / / data: arr[3], // }); // } // if (arr[1] === “deleteReaction”) { // result.push({ // msg_id, // type: UfsChatType.remove_reaction, // }); // } if (arr[1] === “insertAttachmentCta”) { if (arr[5] === “xma_live_location_sharing”) { if (arr[7]) { result.push({ msg_id, type: UfsChatType.share_location, data: “” + arr[7], }); } else { result.push({ msg_id, type: UfsChatType.realtime_location, data: arr[6], }); } } if (arr[5] === “xma_web_url”) { result.push({ msg_id, type:, data: arr[6], }); } } if (arr[1] === “insertStickerAttachment”) { result.push({ msg_id, type: UfsChatType.sticker, data: arr[2], }); } if (arr[1] === “insertBlobAttachment”) { result.push({ msg_id, type: UfsChatType[arr[2].split(“-“)[0]], data: arr[4], }); } if (arr[1] === “insertMessage” && !isMsgIdStr(arr[2])) { if (isMsgIdStr(arr[7])) { // result.push({ // msg_id, // type: UfsChatType.reply, // data: { // content: arr[2], // reply_to: arr[7], // }, // }); } else { result.push({ msg_id, type: UfsChatType.text, data: arr[2], }); } } if (arr[1] === “upsertMessage” && arr[2]) { result.push({ msg_id, type: UfsChatType.text, data: arr[2], }); } // if (arr[1] === “deleteThenInsertMessage”) { // result.push({ // msg_id, // type: UfsChatType.delete_msg, // }); // } } result = => ({ …_, saved_time: })); return result; }; const saveChatData = (chats) => { for (let c of chats) { window.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs[c.msg_id] = { data:, type: c.type, // saved_time: c.saved_time, }; } }; // ====== Start hacking ====== let textDecoder = new TextDecoder(“utf-8”); const websocket_instant = new WebSocketOrig(dt, config); websocket_instant.addEventListener(“message”, async function (achunk) { try { const utf8_str = textDecoder.decode(; if ( utf8_str[0] === “1” || utf8_str[0] === “2” || utf8_str[0] === “3” ) { const have_msg_id = /(?=mid\.\$)(.*?)(?=\\”)/.exec(utf8_str); if (have_msg_id) { let dataStr = utf8_str.slice(utf8_str.indexOf(“{“)); let data = JSON.parse(dataStr); let payload = JSON.parse(data?.[“payload”]); let chats = findMessageData(payload); saveChatData(chats); console.log(window.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs); } } } catch (e) { console.log(“ERROR: “, e); } }); return websocket_instant; }; window.WebSocket.prototype = WebSocketOrig.prototype; window.WebSocket.prototype.constructor = window.WebSocket; }, onDocumentIdle: () => { requireLazy([“MWV2ChatUnsentMessage.react”], (MWV2ChatUnsentMessage) => { const origin = MWV2ChatUnsentMessage.MWV2ChatUnsentMessage; MWV2ChatUnsentMessage.MWV2ChatUnsentMessage = function (a) { if (a) { let outgoing = a.outgoing; let { isUnsent, messageId, threadKey, offlineThreadingId, displayedContentTypes, senderId, } = a.message; if (isUnsent) { let savedMsg = window.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs[messageId]; a.message.isUnsent = false; a.message.displayedContentTypes = [0, 1]; // text if (savedMsg) { let title = `[Tin thu hồi – ${savedMsg.type}]:\n`; let text = `${savedMsg?.data}`; a.message.text = title + text; } else { a.message.text = “[Tin thu hồi]: -Không có dữ liệu-“; } } } return origin.apply(this, arguments); }; }); }, onClick: () => { let len = window.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs.length; if (!len) alert(“Chức năng chưa lưu được tin nhắn nào.”); else if ( confirm( `Bạn có chắc muốn xóa tất cả ${len} tin nhắn` + ` đã được lưu bởi chức năng này?\n\n` + `+ Chỉ nên xóa khi thấy đã lưu quá nhiều tin nhắn.\n` + `+ Sau khi xóa, nếu có người thu hồi tin nhắn, mà tin đó chưa được lưu\n` + ` thì bạn sẽ ko biết được nội dung tin nhắn.` ) ) { window.ufs_rvdfm_all_msgs = []; alert(“Đã xóa ” + len + ” tin nhắn khỏi bộ nhớ.”); } }, };