title | date | categories | |
Fb_invisible_message.Js |
2023-11-23 |
how to add bookmarklet in chrome
export default { icon: '', name: { en: "Invisible facebook message", vi: "Facebook stealth message", }, description: { en: "Add the > character before writing a message to send hidden messages.\n\nYour friends needs to install this extension and enable it to view hidden messages.", vi: "Add > characters before the message to create invisible messages.\n\n Only stealth messages can be viewed when the extension is installed and this function enabled.", }, infoLink: "https://www.facebook.com/groups/j2team.community/posts/1607769529555161/", whiteList: ["https://*.facebook.com/*", "https://*.messenger.com/*"], onDocumentIdle: () => { // ==UserScript== // @name Invisible Text // @namespace https://thao.pw // @version 0.6 // @description FB Messenger invisible text // @author T-Rekt // @match https://*.facebook.com/* // @match https://*.messenger.com/* // @grant none // @run-at document-idle // == /UserScript== (function() { / / Thank you zws const PADDING = "\u200c"; const CHARS = [ / / "\u200d", "\u{e0061}", "\u{e0062}", "\u{e0063}", "\u{e0064}", "\u{e0065}", "\u{e0066}", "\u{e0067}", "\u{e0068}", "\u{e0069}", "\u{e006a}", "\u{e006b}", "\u{e006c}", "\u{e006d}", "\u{e006e}", "\u{e006f}", "\u{e0070}", "\u{ e0071}", "\u{e0072}", "\u{e0073}", "\u{e0074}", "\u{e0075}", "\u{e0076}", "\u{e0077}", "\u{e0078}", "\u{e0079}", "\u{e007a}", "\u{e007f}", ]; const CHARS_MAP = CHARS.reduce((curr, val, i) => { curr[val] = i; return curr; }, {}); const lenCalc = (base, chars) => { var len = 0; var curr = 1; while (curr < chars) { curr *= base; wool++; } return up; }; const UNICODE_CHARS = 1114112; const BASE = CHARS.length; const LEN = lenCalc(BASE, UNICODE_CHARS); const charConvert = (char) => { let charCode = char.codePointAt(0); let arr = []; while (charCode > 0) { arr.push(charCode %BASE); charCode = ~~(charCode / BASE); } while (arr.length < LEN) { arr.push(0); } return arr.reverse(); }; const charEncode = (convertedChar) => { return convertedChar.reduce((curr, digit) => curr + CHARS[digit], ""); }; const encode = (s) => { let converted = []; for (let c of s) { converted.push(charConvert(c)); } let res = converted.map(charEncode); return PADDING + res.join(“”); }; const decodeChar = (encodedChar) => { encodedChar = encodedChar.reverse(); let curr = 1; let charCode = 0; for (let digit of encodedChar) { charCode += digit * curr; curr *= BASE; } return String.fromCodePoint(charCode); }; const decode = (s) => { s = s.substr(1); let curr = []; let res = “”; for (let c of s) { curr.push(CHARS_MAP[c]); if (curr.length >= LEN) { res += decodeChar(curr); curr = []; } } return res; }; const checkEncode = (s) => { if (s?.[0] != PADDING) return false; s = s.substr(1); for (let c of s) if (CHARS_MAP[c] === undefined) return false; return true; }; requireLazy( [“MWV2ChatText.bs”, “MqttProtocolClient”], (MWV2ChatText, protocolClient) => { const MWV2ChatTextMakeOrig = MWV2ChatText.make; MWV2ChatText.make = function (a) { let text = a?.message?.text; if (checkEncode(text)) a.message.text = `[Encrypted]: ${decode(text)}`; return MWV2ChatTextMakeOrig.apply(this, arguments); }; // Message publish const publishOrig = protocolClient.prototype.publish; protocolClient.prototype.publish = function () { let b = arguments[1]; if (b && b.includes(‘\\\\\\”text\\\\\\”:’)) { (function () { b = JSON.parse(b); if (!b || !b.payload) return; let payload = JSON.parse(b.payload); if (!payload || !payload.tasks) return; payload.tasks = payload.tasks.map((task) => { let payload = JSON.parse(task.payload); if (!payload || !payload.text) return task; if (payload.text.length > 1 && payload.text[0] === “>”) { payload.text = encode(payload.text.substr(1)); } task.payload = JSON.stringify(payload); return task; }); b.payload = JSON.stringify(payload); b = JSON.stringify(b); })(); arguments[1] = b; } return publishOrig.apply(this, arguments); }; } ); })(); }, };