a small script to use with mystrom buttons or similar buttons that are just calling urls as actions. the python script opens a webserver on port 8080 (changable in config file) that captures GET requests and uses phue to control a hue bridge. please have a look at the config file (needs to be in the same directory). i quickly wrote this one for a friend, while it works perfect for her purposes (control hue with mystrom btn) its was written real quick and maybe dirty.
the script uses a yaml config file, where the devices and commands are saved. it features auto-refresh of the config file, if changes to devices in config are detected, it auto reloads it. no need to restart the script.
as device identification string i just used the MAC address of the mystrom button, all capital letters / no „:“ like mystrom do it.
pip install pyyaml phue requests
request structure:
request example:
if you need to configure your mystrom button for this here is a quick demo how the code should look:
curl -v -d "single=get://"
change ip addresses and MAC according to your needs and send it in a mac/linux like terminal
check their documentation for more infos: https://mystrom.ch/de/mystrom-for-developers/