Name | Description |
appDisplayName | App's name (if applicable). |
appBundleID | App's bundle ID (if applicable). |
statusBarHeight | StatusBar height |
appBuild | App current build number (if applicable). |
applicationIconBadgeNumber | Application icon badge current number. |
appVersion | App's current version (if applicable). |
batteryLevel | Current battery level. |
currentDevice | Shared instance of current device. |
screenHeight | Screen height. |
screenWidth | Screen width. |
deviceModel | Current device model. |
deviceName | Current device name. |
deviceOrientation | Current orientation of device. |
isInDebuggingMode | Check if app is running in debug mode. |
isInTestFlight | Check if app is running in TestFlight mode. |
isMultitaskingSupported | Check if multitasking is supported in current device. |
isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible | Current status bar network activity indicator state. |
isPad | Check if device is iPad. |
isPhone | Check if device is iPhone. |
isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications | Check if device is registered for remote notifications for current app (read only). |
isRunningOnSimulator | Check if application is running on simulator (read only). |
isStatusBarHidden | Status bar visibility state. |
keyWindow | Key window (read only, if applicable). |
mostTopViewController | Most top view controller (if applicable). |
sharedApplication | Shared instance UIApplication. |
statusBarStyle | Current status bar style (if applicable). |
systemVersion | System current version (read-only). |
userDefaults | Shared instance of standard UserDefaults (read-only). |
Name | Return | Description |
delay(milliseconds: Double, queue: DispatchQueue = .main, completion: @escaping ()-> Void) | -- | Delay function or closure call. |
debounce(millisecondsDelay: Int, queue: DispatchQueue = .main, action: @escaping (()->())) | ()->() | Debounce function or closure call. |
didTakeScreenShot(_ action: @escaping () -> ()) | -- | Called when user takes a screenshot |
object(forKey: String) | Any? | Object from UserDefaults. |
string(forKey: String) | String? | String from UserDefaults. |
integer(forKey: String) | Int? | Integer from UserDefaults. |
double(forKey: String) | Double? | Double from UserDefaults. |
data(forKey: String) | Data? | Data from UserDefaults. |
bool(forKey: String) | Bool? | Bool from UserDefaults. |
array(forKey: String) | [Any]? | Array from UserDefaults. |
dictionary(forKey: String) | [String: Any]? | Dictionary from UserDefaults. |
float(forKey: String) | Float? | Float from UserDefaults. |
set(value: Any?, forKey: String) | -- | Save an object to UserDefaults. |
typeName(for object: Any) | String | Class name of object as string. |