This package provides a tool for exhaust emission calculation based on the "Handbook on Emission Factors for Road Transport" (HBEFA), version 3.1 and 4.1 (see When publishing papers where this emission package is used, please make sure to cite the following two articles:
- Kickhöfer, B. (2016). Emission Modeling. In: Horni, A.; Nagel, K.; Axhausen, K. W.. The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim. Ubiquity, London. Chapter 36. DOI:
- Hülsmann, F.; Gerike, R.; Kickhöfer, B.; Nagel, K. & Luz, R. (2011). Towards a multi-agent based modeling approach for air pollutants in urban regions. Proceedings of the Conference on ``Luftqualität an Straßen'', FGSV Verlag GmbH, pp. 144-166. ISBN: 978-3-941790-77-3.
The probably most detailed documentation of this package can be found in Benjamin's dissertation, available here. For more information see the org.matsim.contrib.emissions package above.
You can find some example files in the matsim-examples. There is also a free to use file for cold emission factors (all set to 0.0) for those vehicle types which do not have values in the database.