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Master Plan Migration

Measures to order, control and limit immigration


Horst Seehofer, Chairman of the Christian Social Union

Table of Contents


Field of action Countries of origin
Field of action transit countries
Field of action European Union
Domestic / national field of action
    Internal borders / Schengen
    Asylum and aliens procedures


The challenges of global migration require a system of order.

This master plan is based on the conviction that our country can only assume its external responsibilities if internal cohesion is maintained at the same time.

The willingness of society to accept migration presupposes order and control of migration. No country in the world can take in refugees indefinitely. Successful integration can only succeed if immigration is limited. This is the core message of the coalition agreement.

Order needs clear guidelines:

We expect applicants to actively participate in their asylum procedures. We want to prevent people from disappearing or concealing their true identity during or after an asylum procedure. Requests for humanitarian protection and the commission of criminal offences are in principle mutually exclusive.

People without the right to stay must leave our country. An obligation to leave the country must be followed by an actual departure.

The consistent enforcement of the law ensures confidence in the rule of law. Acceptance of asylum procedures depends to a large extent on rejection notices actually leading to applicants leaving the country again.

We do not want immigration into our social systems. Our social benefits must not be an incentive to move to Germany. That is why the issue of benefits in kind must take precedence over cash benefits.

The great task of integration can only succeed if it is clear from the outset to whom and what it refers. It refers to people with a permanent perspective, not to all who have come. And it refers to our set of values, which is the cohesion of society.

Integration requires participation, which we want to demand even more resolutely in the future. In this context, we can be proud of the diverse voluntary commitment of our society.

Germany needs well-trained and qualified specialists. This must be controlled according to clear rules. This also makes legal immigration possible. The tasks ahead of us are manifold.

They require measures in the countries of origin, measures in the transit countries, measures at European Union level and measures in Germany. These four fields of action form the framework of this master plan.

We have achieved a great deal here in recent years. We build on this. However, there is no reason to sound the all-clear. Migration pressure at Europe's external borders continues. The decision as to who comes to Germany and who does not, must not be left to criminal smugglers.

Many national measures still need to be improved, in particular consistent deportation, the success rate of integration courses and rapid and safe asylum procedures.

The implementation of this master plan must always take into account the overall development of immigration. The immigration corridor of 180,000 to 220,000 people seeking protection per year agreed in the coalition agreement applies.

Assistance on the ground in countries of origin and transit by strengthening development cooperation measures is the most humane and effective way of countering causes of flight and creating prospects for people in terms of housing and future prospects.

Responsibility towards the stability of the state requires the control and limitation of immigration. The master plan stands for permanent order and control of migration. It ensures a balance between the willingness to help and the actual possibilities of our country. It is thus suitable for overcoming the division of our society.

In order to achieve the goals laid down in the coalition agreement, the 63 measures of this master plan form the migration and refugee policy guideline of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Construction and Home.

If, contrary to expectations, these objectives are threatened by national or international developments, further measures must be considered.

The promise is to reduce the number of people fleeing to Germany and Europe in the long term so that a situation like that of 2015 will not and cannot be repeated.

I. Field of action Countries of origin

Policy objectives

Flight and migration are a long-term global challenge, triggered by crises, wars, hunger, poverty and lack of prospects. 90% of the refugees live in war and crisis zones and are received in developing countries. Germany is already doing a lot and will continue to step up its efforts on the ground, because aid on the ground is the most humane and effective way to counter the causes of flight and to create housing and future prospects for people. German Development Cooperation is committed to our interests and values. Humanity is not negotiable for us.

We are fully committed to poverty reduction. At the same time, any government that wants to cooperate more closely with us in development policy must know that we apply strict standards to its actions, for example with regard to respect for human rights or the fight against corruption. Cooperation in the fight against crime, smuggling, illegal migration and the return of rejected asylum seekers is also an important component of cooperation with our partner countries.

The Marshall Plan with Africa is the plan of action for cooperation with African partner countries. Through reform partnerships, which are based on the approach of promoting and demanding, we specifically promote the development of selected partner countries. After all, Europe's future also depends on successfully tackling Africa's major challenges.

Cooperation with the countries of origin must be stepped up. The ODA ratio (Official Development Assistance) must therefore not fall by 2022 as envisaged in the financial plan. It is about helping people survive and building infrastructure in the crisis areas, but also, in particular, about long-term development cooperation measures such as combating poverty, economic development, education and training, climate protection, equal rights for women, good governance and respect for human rights.

However, Germany cannot meet the challenges on its own.

What is needed is a much stronger financial commitment on the part of the European Union and a reorganisation of fair trade relations.


  1. reduction of the causes of flight: By extending development cooperation measures such as infrastructure development and investment in education and employment.

  2. secure temporary employment: Who has a livelihood, does not flee his home region. We will continue and expand our "employment offensive Middle East". We are thus strengthening measures for the return of millions of internally displaced persons in the countries of refuge.

  3. ensure school attendance in the regions of origin: families move on when their children can no longer attend school. Conversely, families will hesitate to return to their home countries if no education is possible for their children. We will therefore continue to expand our commitment in the field of education.

  4. create permanent jobs: With our special "Training and Employment" initiative, we are focusing on new, targeted and networked cooperation between and with companies. The focus is on the Maghreb region and the African reform partner countries.

  5. With a development investment law, we will create improved framework conditions for private investment, economic cooperation and new forms of training and technology cooperation.

  6. Advice on voluntary return and reintegration: In future, the BAMF is to offer asylum seekers voluntary return counselling. In general, return counselling should follow uniform objectives and standards. For this purpose there will be nationwide uniform offers for each target country. The connection to BMZ's advisory and supply structure in the countries of origin must also be established. BMZ will offer returnees access to training opportunities in Germany. These are not intended to prolong the stay, but rather to facilitate a new start in the country of origin.

  7. expand advisory and support centres: Our eight advisory centres in Iraq, Kosovo, Ghana, Serbia, Albania, Tunisia, Morocco and Senegal coordinate training and employment programmes on the ground. We also offer this advisory service to returnees from Germany. It also provides information on the dangers of illegal migration and the possibilities of legal immigration to Germany and Europe. We want to build up further proven reintegration programmes in the main countries of origin, establish advisory centres and further increase the range of local training and employment programmes. BMZ and BMI will develop and implement a joint action plan for voluntary return and reintegration.

  8. Budget 2019 and financial plan to 2022: The above measures require additional budget resources. On their current basis, the resources must be further increased. This results in an additional total requirement for the BMZ section of EUR 880 million for 2019 - in addition to the key figures. Commitment appropriations are also required for subsequent financial years in order to be able to plan on a sound basis. At the same time, the budget approach for BAMF's international project work in countries of origin must be gradually increased by 2020 for BMI's complementary return-related projects within the framework of the BMI and BMZ action plan. BMI and BMZ will work together to achieve this.

  9. improving readmission: helping countries of origin to identify their nationals in transit countries in order to provide them with and resume replacement travel documents.

  10. developing and strengthening international police cooperation:

    Expansion of the network of liaison officers of the Federal Police in the countries of origin and transit. The aim is to improve direct communication with countries of origin in order to prevent illegal migration. Enhancing the effectiveness of the international community's engagement: further development of UN and EU civilian police missions in countries of origin and transit to stabilise the security situation in affected states, Participation in international missions: Creation of a personnel pool to increase German participation in international police operations and thus facilitate deployment abroad and Expansion of financial resources through: Significant increase of the BMI budget heading for bilateral police training and equipment assistance measures to € 6 million (plus € 0.5 million annually as a special offence until 2020) in the countries of origin and transit to strengthen the security authorities there and promote effective border management and Creation of a new BMI budget title as part of the Federal Foreign Office's (AA) training funds for flexible use in police capacity building in third countries (e.g. IT projects in identity management, interpol projects, border projects in countries of origin and transit).

II. Field of action transit countries

Policy objectives

We also want to support the transit countries of illegal migration in stabilising their political situation, particularly North Africa and the Sahel region, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. To this end, we want to help in these countries with the short-term reception and care of refugees, support the infrastructure of receiving communities and at the same time invest in medium and long-term future prospects. We also want to strengthen civil security and support effective border management. We want to fight illegal migration and smuggling together and support voluntary return through lOM and UNHCR. Cooperation with transit countries must be stepped up.

  1. establishment of so-called "safe places": To prevent further escape and migration movements, strengthen reception capacities and improve reception conditions, especially in regions in the vicinity of trouble spots by establishing safe places in:

    North Africa (for the repatriation of refugees apprehended in the Mediterranean) and Sahel region (as a contact point for refugees in conflict regions) supported by the EU and the international community Ensuring a robust security of these places as well as expectation management regarding the chances of success of a further journey to Europe, facilitating repatriation and resettlement from these. Admission via resettlement would depend on the total number of admissions to Germany.

  2. Activation of EU funds for trouble spots: increasing the financial resources of the EU-Africa Trust Fund (EU Action Plan for Stability and Fighting Causes of Flight in Africa) in the framework of the negotiations on the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the period 2020 to 2027.

  3. information about the consequences of escape: Implementation of targeted educational work (establishment of further return centres beyond Agadez I Niger) to highlight the lack of opportunities for illegal migration.

  4. training in border management Support for international training institutions for border police officers (e.g. College Sahelien de Securite (CSS) in the G5 states) in the Sahel region to promote effective border management.

  5. financial assistance to transit countries: Assisting the main transit countries in the reception and care of refugees, including the host communities.

  6. capacity building in transit countries: Support for measures to build up capacity in transit countries in relation to asylum and migration.

  7. "North Africa Strategy": Further development of the so-called North Africa Strategy as an instrument of comprehensive analysis and strategic planning of BMI measures for the North Africa region and the neighbouring Sahel region.

III. field of action European Union

Policy objectives

We want effective management of migration in the European Union. We can only achieve this through deeper cooperation. Safety begins at the borders. We therefore want to improve external border protection. We aim to create a functioning Common European Asylum System (GEAS), including the Dublin Mechanism. We want reliable and comprehensive cooperation and communication between the European Union and the countries of origin and transit of illegal migration. The less the common European asylum system can provide, the more national measures and their effectiveness gain in importance.


  1. strengthening of Frontex:

    Personnel and geographical expansion of operations, Establishment of our own operational unit at Frontex headquarters and procurement of additional Frontex equipment (e.g. patrol vehicles, thermal imaging equipment), Posting of additional Frontex liaison officers to third countries, Rapid expansion of operational cooperation, further training of the Frontex Rapid Deployment Pool (SEP) at particularly congested border sections and further staff growth at the SEP and Reducing the requirements for the use of the SEP through necessary legal changes at EU level.

  2. European Border Police: development of Frontex into a "European Border Police" with fundamental respect for the sovereignty and competence of the Member States for the protection of their own national borders.

  3. Common European Asylum System: creation of an efficient, crisis-proof and solidary Common European Asylum System (GEAS) including optimisation of the Dublin Regulation (Dublin Regulation). Strong use of the BMI for:

    Rapid asylum procedures according to EU-wide uniform standards and for the harmonisation of reception conditions and asylum benefits in the Member States, combating asylum abuse and secondary movements (inter alia by reducing benefits in the case of residence in an incompetent Member State), and clear responsibilities and efficient procedures and fair burden-sharing between all Member States within the framework of the Dublin Regulation, including a solidarity-based distribution of people in need of protection in the event of a crisis, without exempting external border states from their responsibilities.

  4. compliance with the existing Dublin Regulation: Call for consistent compliance with the Dublin Regulation by all EU Member States and intensify discussions with them to increase the number of asylum seekers transferred to the competent Member States; otherwise, take domestic measures to increase the efficiency of Dublin transfers, in particular in the event of renewed illegal returns to Germany.

  5. Strengthening structures at the external border: support for the first reception centres in Italy and Greece (hotspots) by sufficient staff from the Member States. Expansion of the hotspot concept in Italy.

  6. Development of a standard model for European initial reception facilities: Development of a German initiative for the EU Commission to develop a hotspot standard model. This guarantees transferability to other regions if necessary.

  7. Improvement of accommodation conditions in Greece: activation of EU aid to Greece to improve accommodation facilities on the islands and to prevent transfers to the mainland.

  8. EU-Turkey Declaration: Working towards a consistent implementation of the EU-Turkey Declaration together with the EU Commission, according to which those seeking protection who have used Turkey as a transit country and have entered the EU for the first time on the Greek islands are to be returned to Turkey. To this end, Syrian nationals from Turkey are admitted to the EU (1:1 mechanism).

IV. Domestic / national field of action

Internal borders / Schengen

Policy objectives

We want to return to a Schengen area without internal border controls. In particular, this requires effective external border management and a functioning Dublin system. We want to strengthen national freedom of action for the temporary reintroduction of internal border controls in a national threat situation in the current EU legislative procedure on the Schengen Borders Code.


  1. Improved border controls at the Schengen external border: the rapid introduction of the European entry and exit register (Entry-Exit System) with the entry and exit of third-country nationals and their biometric characteristics at the border will in future be recorded and stored electronically, and the European entry registration and exit system (EID) will be introduced.

Authorisation system (ETIAS), which requires authorisation prior to departure in the third country as a condition of entry.

  1. Internal border controls:

    Implementation of temporary internal border controls in accordance with the Schengen Borders Code (SSC) to the required extent. The current order applies to the German-Austrian land border until November 2018. Within the framework of internal border controls carried out, refusals will continue to be made if the entry requirements of the SGK are not fulfilled (e.g. missing border crossing document or visa). In the meantime, persons who are banned from entering or staying in Germany are also being rejected, irrespective of whether they are filing an asylum application. This also applies to persons who have already been transferred to other member states and are trying to return to Germany. In future, it is also intended to reject asylum seekers who have already applied for asylum in another EU Member State or are registered there as asylum seekers. How to proceed with the border regime must be decided in the light of the expected short-term results of the reform efforts of the Common European Asylum System (GEAS).

  2. Intensive dragnet search: Development of measures below the threshold of temporary internal border controls in accordance with the SGK that include flexible police action at all German land borders, including temporary controls of cross-border traffic by the Federal Police and thus make an active contribution to preventing illegal migration and combating cross-border crime.

  3. development of police cooperation: intensification of cooperation between the Federal Police and the police forces of the Länder as well as the police and border authorities of neighbouring states, implementation of model projects if necessary.

  4. strengthening the role of border guards: extending the powers of the Federal Police to prevent and prevent unauthorised entry, including for major domestic traffic routes, and the responsibility for the termination of residence.

  5. Infrastructure provision: Expansion of the flexible control and processing infrastructure as well as the equipment of the Federal Police for (also longer-term) mobile control and investigation measures near the border.

Asylum and aliens procedures

Policy objectives

We want to increase the efficiency, speed and quality of asylum procedures. We need to know who's in our country. And we need to know where applicants are for the duration of their asylum procedure. We do not want rejected asylum seekers to be able to escape the repatriation procedure. We want to eliminate false incentives for filing an asylum application in Germany. We want to make the duties of cooperation under asylum and aliens law more binding and strive for demand-oriented management of the immigration of skilled workers. All this requires a reform of the organisation of asylum authorities and the organisation of asylum procedures.


  1. optimisation of the asylum procedure: establishment of arrival, decision and repatriation centres (Anker centres) as modern service authorities and implementation together with the federal states. Fast, efficient and safe asylum procedures by bundling the competences of the federal, state and local authorities. The decisive advantage of the Anchor Centres is that in future the applicants will only be distributed among the cities and municipalities once their protection status has been positively determined. The tasks and procedures of the AnkER Centres are described in concrete terms in the coalition agreement and are binding for the parties of the coalition. In detail:

    In AnkER centres: presence and cooperation of all authorities involved in the asylum procedure at federal, state and local level, i.e. in particular BAMF, BA, Länder reception facilities, aliens authorities and youth welfare offices. If possible, the presence of the competent administrative court on site in order to further speed up the administrative court proceedings, Carrying out the entire asylum procedure in AnkER centres from application to asylum decision, including return counselling, voluntary return or repatriation. There also general age determination with cases of doubt. Residence times for people in the facilities are as short as possible. In addition to proceedings at the BAMF, the periods until administrative court rulings have been reached are to be defined as urgent. Required residence for applicants in anchor centres and compulsory residence in the district of the lower Aliens Department (prerequisite for receipt of social benefits) up to a maximum of 18 months or 6 months for families, consequent priority of benefits in kind over cash benefits in the centres as a rule, Application of these principles also to applicants accommodated in the centres for whom a Dublin procedure is under way, immediate enforcement of the obligation to leave the Anchor Centres after the unsuccessful asylum procedure has been completed and Greater involvement of the Federal Police in repatriation and Dublin transfers by air; if necessary, strengthening of the Federal Police personnel for repatriation escort. Agreements are reached between the Federal Government and the Länder on the concrete design of the Anchor Centres as well as on responsibility and sponsorship. Start operation of the Anchor Centres on the basis of applicable law; subsequent decision on any necessary legal changes in the light of experience gained.

  2. quality improvement in the asylum procedure:

    Establishment of an independent body of a representative to monitor the processes at BAMF and to ensure the quality of asylum decisions, Enforcement of the multiple control principle, Introduction of a rotation principle for employees, nationwide monitoring of asylum decisions and protection quotas, complete security checks with treatment by the identification authorities (in detail, measure 37), health checks (measure 36 in detail) and comprehensive training and uniform action guidelines for all process steps, further testing and comprehensive introduction of IT assistance systems for identification purposes by BAMF.

  3. Consistent examination of the removal of the right to protection:

    Execution of revocation proceedings for criminals who have been finally convicted and for those entitled to protection who have stated that they are threatened in their home country. In these cases, the application for asylum is deemed withdrawn if the applicant stays at home during the current asylum procedure. To this end, the exchange of data between benefit and aliens authorities with BAMF was improved in order to initiate an immediate check if necessary. In addition, introduction of a legal obligation for those entitled to protection to cooperate in the revocation procedure.

  4. Accelerated procedures: Implementation of accelerated procedures in accordance with § 30a AsylG with limited rights of the person seeking protection (e.g. shortened time limits for appeal):

    Consistent application of existing legal requirements for the implementation of an accelerated procedure, e.g. for protection seekers from safe countries of origin, for subsequent applicants and in the event of a lack of participation in the asylum procedure and Extension of the scope of application for accelerated procedures pursuant to § 30a AsylG in the case of non-presentation of identity documents.

  5. age assessment and mandatory medical examination:

    to work towards the introduction of a binding medical age assessment in the event of doubts as to the minor of the person seeking protection, and comprehensive application of the already existing legal obligations to a medical examination, in particular in the case of communicable diseases, as well as comparable obligatory examinations also for persons who are not obliged to live in reception facilities or community accommodation (e.g. for under-age asylum seekers and for family reunification with recognised beneficiaries of protection).

  6. to improve the identification and security screening of third-country nationals:

    Improvement of the technical procedure to identify security concerns; general involvement of the Federal Police and enabling the transmission and use of the AZR number for clear identification in the security clearance procedures, creation of uniform processes and comparison possibilities for the security clearance of third-country nationals, Expansion of the Central Register of Foreigners (AZR) into the sole central aliens file system and abolition of decentralised aliens files in the aliens authorities; further development towards greater automation, Introduction of a standardised process for all authorities involved to improve and speed up the identification of multiple and intensive offenders with the aim of closely coordinating the necessary police measures (security, criminal prosecution) and measures under asylum and residence law (revocation check, termination of residence), Improving the identification function for all third-country nationals by storing and consistently comparing biometric data and unique regulatory features, Reduction of the minimum age for taking fingerprints to the age of six, Expansion of the storage offences in the AZR for better control of repatriations and voluntary departures, as well as travel assistance granted and better identification in the event of repatriations, and Development of a European core data system for Europe-wide verification and verification of identities, including exchanges with third countries.

  7. sanctioning under performance law in case of violation of duties to cooperate in the asylum procedure by creating a direct exchange of data between BAMF and performance authorities. reductions in benefits under the Asylum Seeker Benefits Act (Asylb LG):

    non-participation in the clarification of identity or nationality, in appointments for formal application to the BAMF, the procurement of passports or the completion of departure despite existing obligation to leave and Violations of the obligation to take up residence and "disappearance".

  8. combating abuse of asylum benefits:

    Consistent application of the principle of benefits in kind for accommodation in reception facilities / shared accommodation and for persons obliged to leave (if necessary, introduction of a new standard requirement level) as a normal case, Extension of the period for receiving lower benefits under the AsylbLG to 36 months, instead of the current 15 months, to delay the transition to higher-rate social assistance under Social Security Code Book XII, and Enabling the taking up of public welfare-oriented employment in the current asylum procedure in order to structure the daily routine during the waiting period.

  9. Optimization of asylum court proceedings:

    Preparation of a draft law to relieve the administrative courts and speed up the proceedings, Increasing the staffing of courts and involving more judges who are not yet employed for life in court decisions, Introduction of a preliminary ruling procedure at the Federal Administrative Court to clarify questions of principle, Review of appeals in the asylum procedure and enforcement of the obligation to leave despite appeal procedures and Examination of the participation of people seeking protection in court costs.

  10. Consistent implementation of the future regulation on family reunification for beneficiaries of subsidiary protection.

  11. determination of further safe countries of origin: Determination of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Georgia and other countries with a regular recognition rate of less than five percent to safe countries of origin in order to speed up the procedure for examining asylum applications.

  12. Promotion of legal immigration: Development of a needs-oriented law on immigration of skilled workers to supplement and better systematise the existing regulations in the Residence Act, as well as implementation of flanking measures for qualification recognition and administrative procedures, language acquisition and advertising abroad.


Policy objectives

We want people who stay longer in Germany with a protection status to integrate into our society and values. Successful integration is the prerequisite for social cohesion. We expect all immigrants to identify with our country and to recognize our values and way of life. The integration process begins with participation in the integration course, which we want to make more binding and manage for committed participants. We want to ensure participation and success in the existing integration offers. We want to improve the promotion of integration projects for the common good and examine even more specifically whether the objectives of the projects will also be achieved.


  1. Quality improvement in integration courses: Immediate initiation of the evaluation of the integration course to identify opportunities to further improve the quality of the courses.

  2. Strengthening the obligation for obliged participants to attend: regulation of stricter requirements for proper participation and linking attendance in the orientation course for teaching values to admission to the final test

  3. Sanctions and incentives: Strengthening of sanctions for breaches of the obligation to participate in the integration course and targeted incentives for achieving language level B 1.

  4. tightening of the obligation to present medical certificates in the event of absence: Tightening of the attestation obligation, especially in case of repeated unjustified absence or delay of obligated participants.

  5. Increase control density: Increase the number of controls at integration course providers and integration courses in appropriate proportion to the grown integration course system.

  6. Making the sanctions regime on the integration course system more effective: exchange with the Länder and the Federal Employment Agency on how mandatory bodies can fulfil their obligations more effectively than before and make full use of the existing far-reaching sanctions options.

  7. Better course allocation: Ensuring the participation of obligated persons in the integration course by increasing and improving the allocation of participants.

  8. Social support for the courses: Evaluation of the pilot project for the social support of the integration courses, with which participants with trauma and disabilities can be provided.

learning difficulties an assistance is offered .

  1. Integration Project Funding: Identification of impact models for BAMF integration project funding and development of recommendations for project promoters. return Policy objectives

Exiters must leave our country in a timely manner. The negative conclusion of an asylum procedure must also be the start of the deportation procedure. In addition to voluntary return, we want to achieve more effective enforcement of existing exit obligations. The numbers of voluntary return and repatriation must be significantly increased. Repatriation is primarily the responsibility of the Länder. However, the federal government is prepared to provide much stronger support in the future. steps

  1. more clearly identify and sanction those who refuse to participate: Creation of a certificate below tolerance for persons obliged to leave the country to whom the obstacles to return are attributable, e.g. in cases of identity concealment; thus facilitating the delimitation of cases with a humanitarian background and sanctioning the group of persons.

  2. Clear obligation to obtain passports: state permits and benefits are linked to the existence of valid travel documents. Transfer of responsibility for the reasonable procurement of valid travel documents to those affected.

  3. Effective against perpetrators and perpetrators:

    Establishment of a "Task Force" in the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs, which supports the responsible state authorities and contributes to better networking with the authorities of other member states in Europe, Further tighten the right of deportation: Anyone who abuses their right of residence to commit crimes must leave our country. The minimum legal penalties leading to expulsion are reviewed.

  4. Strengthen voluntary return:

    expand joint return programmes of the Federal Government and the Länder to strengthen return and Development of a new concept for return counselling in the Länder, which goes hand in hand with the federal government's support for return and focuses more on immigration authorities or other state authorities. In doing so, the prospects of the asylum procedure and, in the case of persons obliged to leave the country, the fulfilment of the obligation to leave the country as an alternative to deportation, which would otherwise take place, are to be given priority.

  5. Optimizing structures:

    Increasing efficiency through centralisation; further development of the approach of central immigration authorities of the Länder for the termination of residence, and Expansion of federal/state cooperation: Further expansion of the Centre for the Support of Return (ZUR) as the central return management service provider for the Federal Government and the Länder. This will support the Länder in enforcing their obligation to leave and contribute to better and more uniform practice throughout Germany. At the request of the Länder, the BMI or its business division will procure replacement documents.

  6. Preserving the capacity for action of the rule of law:

    the creation of further sanction possibilities in the event of obstacles to the enforcement of the obligation to leave the country by third parties and Further restrict the possibility of misuse of medical certificates.

  7. preventing submersion through deportation detention:

    More practicable design of deportation detention, including the application procedure through legal amendments; thus ensuring the actual tangibility of persons obliged to leave the country and preventing submersion in the event of imminent deportation, use of all resources for deportation detention: In order to counter the current emergency situation at deportation detention centres, temporary suspension of the separation of deportation prisoners and other detainees introduced only on the basis of the EU Return Directive in accordance with Art. 18 of the EU Return Directive, encouraging countries to establish adequate detention facilities for deportation detention and exit custody, and Examination of the federal government's creation of its own detention facilities at commercial airports, primarily to facilitate collective deportations; further expansion of federal responsibility in the area of return to gain efficiency. In particular, the BMI will increase its involvement in flight repatriations (e.g. air charter), especially for Dublin overdraft flights.

  8. Readmission of own citizens by countries of origin:

    Strengthening the so-called coherent approach towards countries of origin and increasing the readmission readiness of countries of origin by using the full range of all policy fields. Generous issuance of visas only with genuine readiness to withdraw: expansion of the so-called. visa lever to motivate the countries of origin to better cooperation and to improve the handover modalities for repatriations. Linking visa and return policies and using visa issuance as an incentive to improve the willingness of certain countries of origin to cooperate.

  9. improving the conditions for the return of dangerous goods in the countries of origin: Dialogue with the judiciary in order to meet the increasing demands of jurisprudence (e.g. diplomatic assurances) in the context of terminating the residence of persons at risk. This facilitates and accelerates repatriations, especially for this group of people.

  10. Immediate issue of travel documents: Extension of the EU-Laissez Passer procedure. Reduction of enforcement deficits in repatriations through enormous simplification in the procurement of travel documents.

  11. Reform of the EU Return Directive, in particular to facilitate deportations.