Review the feature list based on user access
Module | Feature | Description | Link |
Trends | Industry Trends | Key industry use cases mapped out against a maturity model, grouped by a set of common areas across all industries - ability to build cross relationships between industries | Link |
Trends | Technology Trends | key technology trends mapped out against a maturity model - grouped by technology areas | Link |
Trends | open collaboration | add/edit trends is open to all DXC employees | Link |
Trends | Digital Stories | quick links and highlights from within Digital Explorer and external sources (key trends, showcase solutions, relevant papers) | Link |
Trends | Trend on a page view | consolidated view of a single trend - industry use cases, demand curve, solutions, contributions (trends and solutions) | Link |
Trends | Role : Trend Reviewer | Internal role - review and approve proposed changes to the trends | |
Trends | Achievements | Earn achievement badges for contributing to the Trends module | ScreenShot Link |
Trends | Statistics | Track and show usage across the Trends module (users, total number of Trends, most viewed trends) |
Module | Feature | Description | Link |
Workspaces | Analyze content | Anaylze documents and external websites against the DXC digital Trends | |
Workspaces | Add team members | Add other users to an existing worksplace | |
Workspaces | Realtime collaboration | work with online workspace members in realtime | |
Workspaces | Recommendation engine | Smart look-up for suggested people and solutions - filter by industry or region | |
Workspaces | Download content | Option to download content to a CSV file | |
Workspaces | Send To | Option to transfer content from a workspace to another Digital Explorer Module | (images/samples/workspaces/SendTo.png) |
Workspaces | Graph view | View the workspace as a Graph data view | Screenshot |
Workspaces | Analyzer | Compare 2 or 3 workspaces for common elements | Screenshot |
Workspaces | Sizing | Option to size the workspace cards by the matching count | |
Workspaces | Sort By | Option to sort the workspace cards by their sizing counts | |
Workspaces | Group By | Option to group the workspace cards based on their type | |
Workspaces | Achievements | Earn achievement badges for using the Workspaces module | |
Workspaces | Statistics | Track and show usage across the Workspaces module (users, total number of Workspaces) |
Module | Feature | Description | Link |
Roadmaps | Internal Programs and groups | Ability to create internal groups to assign accounts - track progress of the creation of the roadmaps- filter by industry or region | ScreenShot |
Roadmaps | Industry templates | Allow users to create and re-use any available templates for their client roadmap | ScreenShot |
Roadmaps | Client Strategic goals | Capture client strategic goals as they relate to the roadmap (incs KPI's) | ScreenShot |
Roadmaps | Client disruptors, focus areas, risk and innovation levels | Ability to capture key information about each entry within the Sunray diagram and how they impact the client | ScreenShot |
Roadmaps | Recommendation engine | Smart look-up for similar trends from all other roadmaps - filter by industry or region | |
Roadmaps | Innovation Sunray diagram | Interactive creation and presentation of the innovation sunray diagram (sometime referred to as the T-Map) | ScreenShot |
Roadmaps | Account focus areas | Final output of the roadmap - selection of focus disruptors and the definition of the account's strategic initiatives (planned connect the related client goals as well) | ScreenShot |
Roadmaps | DXC Solutions | Dynamic list of available DXC solution based on the trends within the roadmap | ScreenShot |
Roadmaps | Ideas | Capture potential ideas for the account team to take to the client for further discussion | |
Roadmaps | Idea Voting | Allow the full account team to vote (up or down) on the proposed ideas | |
Roadmaps | Idea Owner | Allows a single contact to be named as the lead for an idea | |
Roadmaps | Idea Status | Allows for a simple informative status to be assigned to an idea. Approved or Rejected |
Roadmaps | Export to PDF | Export Roadmaps to PDF file | Example |
Roadmaps | Receive From | Ability to pre-populate a roadmap based on content from the Workspace module | |
Roadmaps | Roadmaps Insights | heatmap reports across all roadmaps (group by region or industry) | ScreenShot |
Roadmaps | Statistics | Track and show usage across the Roadmaps module (users, total number of Roadmaps) | |
Roadmaps | Role : Roadmap Manager | Internal role - assign people to accounts, create internal program groups and review all Roadmaps within the system |
Module | Feature | Description | Link |
Solutions | Solution Type | Ability to create various types of solutions (demos, prototypes, pilot, labs, production) | |
Solutions | Business Motivations | highest level within the solution model, smart look-up into "trends" (business and technology) and option to create new motivations | |
Solutions | DXC Offering | ability to specify which DXC offerings (sub-offering level) are part of the solution | |
Solutions | Partner capabilities | ability to specify which partner capabilities are part of the solution | |
Solutions | methods | ability to specify which methods were used to develop/deliver the solution (e.g. Agile) | |
Solutions | Other Features | ability to specify any other features within the solution (e.g. datasets, opensource components) | |
Solutions | Roles | define the team and their roles within the solution | |
Solutions | media and attachments | option to add any supporting media to the solution | |
Solutions | Tags | free form tags to allow users to group or identify solutions (e.g. "Tech Excellence Winners 2018") | |
Solutions | Receive From | Ability to pre-populate a solution based on content from the Workspace module | |
Solutions | Role : Solution Reviewer | Internal Role - data quality reports and ability to edit any solution | |
Solutions | Achievements | Earn achievement badges for contributing to the Solutions module | ScreenShot Link |
Solutions | WWS Data Sync | Offering and Sub Offering datasync from DXC What We Sell into Digital Explorer | |
Solutions | Statistics | Track and show usage across the Solutions module (users, total number of solutions, top search terms, most viewed solutions) |
Module | Feature | Description | Link |
Playbooks | Create Playbook | Ability to create an online playbook based on contents from across the DXC Digital Explorer platform | |
Playbooks | Markdown formatting support | All text supports markdown formatting, editor also includes a preview option | |
Playbooks | Add custom images | Option to add custom images for the playbook banner and title page | |
Playbooks | Make a playbook private | Option to create a playbook which is only shown on your landing page | |
Playbooks | Share playbook | Ability to share a direct link to a playbook with others (public and private playbooks) | |
Playbooks | Filter and Share | Ability to filter the playbook landing page | |
Playbooks | Receive From | Ability to pre-populate a playbook based on content from the Workspace module | |
Playbooks | Achievements | Earn achievement badges for contributing to the Playbook module | |
Playbooks | Statistics | Track and show usage across the playbook module (users, total number of playbooks) |
- Overall Taxonomy - Taxonomy is aligned to the global DXC Taxonomy and DE team are part of the taxonomy governance group