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How can you make your first Pull Request

Note: Steps 1, 2 and 3 are one-time steps required for setup. If you have already cloned the repo and added upstream, consider following this documentation from step 4.

  1. Forking repository

Fork this repository using the Fork option at the top-right corner of this page. This will create your own copy of this repository. You'll be redirected to your forked repository. Copy the link of this repository (which will look like<your-username>/Friday-Intel/) as you'll need it in the step 2.

  1. Cloning repository

Clone your forked repository, this will download your copy of repository in your computer. To do this, open your terminal (command prompt/bash/git bash) and enter the following command, paste your link after the word clone without the <>.

git clone <link which you copied in the step 1>

Once you have cloned the repository, now you should go into the folder containing the repository. You can do that with:

cd Friday-Intel
  1. Adding remote repository

Add the Frday-intel repository as a remote repository, so that you can anytime pull the latest changes from the friday-intel repository which is being deployed. This needs to be done only for the first time.

git remote add upstream
  1. Getting the latest code from the develop branch (Can be skipped if you've cloned the repo just now)

If it's been quite a while after you have cloned the repo/made the last pull request, it's recommended to take a pull from the develop branch. Reason being, there may be some changes which could have merged after you had cloned the repo/made the last pull request.

To do so, make sure you're in the develop branch by checking out to the develop branch:

git checkout develop

Once you're in the develop branch, it's time to take a pull:

git pull upstream develop

Now that you've made sure that you've got latest changes, we can proceed to creating our branch

  1. Creating a new branch

Let's create a new branch to work on. We require a different branch so that we always have a stable, working version in the default (develop) branch. We're not supposed to touch the main branch as it is the one getting deployed on production.

git checkout -b <branch-name>

We will try to name the branch according to the task we are going to perform in it. If it is going to be a feature, the branch name should begin with feat or feature. If it is going to be a fix, the branch name should begin with fix or bugfix. The branch name should be self-explanatory. For example, if I want to work on a feature called login-form, the branch name will be feature/login-form. If it is going to be a fix in navbar, the branch name will be fix/navbar. Command example:

git checkout -b feature/login-form
  1. Just do it!

Perform the tasks you wanted to, can be anything, ranging from fixing simple typo to re-designing the whole page!

  1. Committing your changes

Now you have made the changes, though they are saved in your system, Git doesn't know what changes you've done. So you have to commit your changes. First step is to add the files which you want to add to the staging area, the dot after add in the first command tells Git to check for changes in all the files. The second step is about committing your changes. The message part is short description of your commit, like "adds a login form on homepage". Please make sure NOT to have commit messages like "fix issue#34". When we look at the commit history, we should understand what a particular commit is supposed to do based on the commit message.

git add .
git commit -m "Write message about your commit"
  1. Making sure you have the latest changes from the develop branch

It may so happen that since the last time you cloned the repo/took a pull from develop, some changes may be merged in the develop branch. So to be on the safer side, we should have those changes as well.

In order to do that, we first checkout to develop branch by:

git checkout develop

Once we're in develop, it's time to take a pull:

git pull upstream develop

Now that our local develop branch is in sync with remote develop branch (of the Friday-intel Repository), we should let our branch know about the changes from the develop branch (if any). To do so we first checkout to our branch:

git checkout <branch-name>

Once we're in our branch, we rebase our branch on top of the current develop branch (we change the base of our branch, so that it appears as if we have worked from the time the latest changes were merged in the develop branch). To do so:

git rebase develop

You should solve the merge conflicts, if any.

  1. Pushing the code

Now that we have made our changes plus we have the latest changes made by other contributors, we should push our code from local branch to the same branch on our GitHub fork. We do so by:

git push origin <branch-name>

For example, if the branch name is feat/login-form, we enter git push origin feat/login-form

The origin refers to your GitHub fork. You can check it by entering git remote -v, you should see the link to your fork against origin.

  1. Making a pull request

Your GitHub fork now has the changes, but you want those changes to be merged in thefriday-intel repository, right? There's a twist, you can't directly merge your code in the friday-intel. Imagine you own a company whose code is open sourced, would you like if anyone could code make changes in the directly without asking you? For the same reason, Pull Requests exist. You request the repository maintainers/admins to pull your code in their repository.

To make a pull request, go to your forked repository and you'll see had recent pushes less than a minute ago . Right next to it will be an option to Compare & pull request. Click on it, submit your pull request (also known as PR) explaining what you've done. Again, the PR title should be self-explanatory but concise. If you want to write details, you can add it in the description. If you're making some UI (User Interface) changes, please make sure to add a short screen recording. If that's not possible, at least add some screenshots.

  1. Review stage

Now the maintainers/admins will review your pull request. They might suggest some changes if required. You should then make the required changes in the same branch, commit them and push your changes to the same branch (follow the steps 7, 8 and 9 for the same).