The Community Edition of the vendor_ag project is free and open source software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0. This means that you can use, modify, and redistribute the software for any purpose, as long as you keep the copyright and license notices intact.
The Community Edition includes all of the following addons:
- GPL addons
- Targets for Android Generic
The Startup Edition of the vendor_ag project is a paid subscription service that costs $50/month (per server). The Startup Edition includes all of the features of the Community Edition, plus the following private addons:
- Navbar & status bar customization addon
- QS Tile customization addon
- Recents Customization addon
- Kiosk mode customization addon
The Professional Edition of the vendor_ag project is a paid subscription service that costs $100/month (per server). The Professional Edition includes all of the features of the Startup Edition, plus the following private addons:
- User Settings Control addon
- Device Admin Configuration addon
- Device Profile Configuration addon
- User Feature Control addon
- Ability to test new addons in development
To learn more about the vendor_ag project, please visit our website at