diff --git a/src/main/java/com/amazon/ion/impl/IonCursorBinary.java b/src/main/java/com/amazon/ion/impl/IonCursorBinary.java
index c32e23bf6a..4e94b2f132 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/amazon/ion/impl/IonCursorBinary.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/amazon/ion/impl/IonCursorBinary.java
@@ -712,6 +712,7 @@ private boolean slowSeek(long numberOfBytes) {
             refillableState.totalDiscardedBytes += skipped;
+            shiftContainerEnds(skipped);
             shortfall = unbufferedBytesToSkip - skipped;
             unbufferedBytesToSkip = shortfall;
         } while (shortfall > 0 && skipped > 0);
@@ -1154,12 +1155,6 @@ private boolean slowSeekPastNopPad(long valueLength, boolean isAnnotated) {
             event = Event.NEEDS_DATA;
             return true;
-        if (offset < (peekIndex + valueLength)) {
-            // Some of the bytes of the NOP pad had to be skipped without buffering to keep the buffer within its
-            // maximum size. Therefore, any parent container end indices need to be shifted by the number of bytes
-            // that were never buffered.
-            shiftContainerEnds(peekIndex + valueLength - offset);
-        }
         peekIndex = offset;
         if (parent != null) {
@@ -1323,9 +1318,6 @@ private boolean slowReadValueHeader(IonTypeID valueTid, boolean isAnnotated, Mar
         setMarker(endIndex, markerToSet);
-        if (event == Event.START_CONTAINER && endIndex > DELIMITED_MARKER && endIndex <= limit) {
-            refillableState.fillDepth = containerIndex + 1;
-        }
         return false;
@@ -1403,7 +1395,11 @@ private Event slowStepIntoContainer() {
     public Event stepIntoContainer() {
         if (isSlowMode) {
             if (containerIndex != refillableState.fillDepth - 1) {
-                return slowStepIntoContainer();
+                if (valueMarker.endIndex > DELIMITED_MARKER && valueMarker.endIndex <= limit) {
+                    refillableState.fillDepth = containerIndex + 1;
+                } else {
+                    return slowStepIntoContainer();
+                }
             isSlowMode = false;
@@ -1664,9 +1660,6 @@ private boolean slowSkipRemainingValueBytes() {
         peekIndex = offset;
         valuePreHeaderIndex = peekIndex;
-        if (peekIndex < valueMarker.endIndex) {
-            shiftContainerEnds(valueMarker.endIndex - peekIndex);
-        }
         if (refillableState.fillDepth > containerIndex) {
             // This value was filled, but was skipped. Reset the fillDepth so that the reader does not think the
             // next value was filled immediately upon encountering it.
@@ -1702,10 +1695,10 @@ private void seekPastOversizedValue() {
             refillableState.totalDiscardedBytes += refillableState.individualBytesSkippedWithoutBuffering;
             peekIndex = offset;
             // peekIndex now points at the first byte after the value. If any bytes were skipped directly from
-            // the input stream, peekIndex will be less than the value's pre-calculated endIndex. This requires
-            // the end indices for all parent containers to be shifted left by the number of bytes that were
-            // skipped without buffering.
-            shiftContainerEnds(valueMarker.endIndex - peekIndex);
+            // the input stream before the 'slowSeek', peekIndex will be less than the value's pre-calculated endIndex.
+            // This requires the end indices for all parent containers to be shifted left by the number of bytes that
+            // were skipped without buffering.
+            shiftContainerEnds(refillableState.individualBytesSkippedWithoutBuffering);
         refillableState.isSkippingCurrentValue = false;
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/amazon/ion/impl/IonReaderContinuableTopLevelBinaryTest.java b/src/test/java/com/amazon/ion/impl/IonReaderContinuableTopLevelBinaryTest.java
index 228d26ca84..cb4d44ae34 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/amazon/ion/impl/IonReaderContinuableTopLevelBinaryTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/amazon/ion/impl/IonReaderContinuableTopLevelBinaryTest.java
@@ -3455,6 +3455,207 @@ public void shouldNotFailWhenAnInputStreamProvidesFewerBytesThanRequestedWithout
         assertEquals(0, oversizedCounter.get());
+    @ParameterizedTest(name = "incrementalReadingEnabled={0},throwOnEof={1}")
+    @CsvSource({
+        "true, true",
+        "true, false",
+        "false, true",
+        "false, false"
+    })
+    public void shouldNotFailWhenAnUnbufferedNestedContainerIsSkipped(boolean incrementalReadingEnabled, boolean throwOnEof) throws Exception {
+        readerBuilder = readerBuilder.withIncrementalReadingEnabled(incrementalReadingEnabled);
+        // The reader's buffer size is unbounded, but the nested container value is larger than the initial buffer size.
+        // Skipping the nested container therefore causes some of its bytes to be skipped without ever being buffered,
+        // by calling InputStream.skip().
+        reader = boundedReaderFor(
+            new ThrottlingInputStream(
+                bytes(
+                    0xE0, 0x01, 0x00, 0xEA, // IVM
+                    0xB9, // List, length 9
+                    0xB7, // List, length 7
+                    0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, // 7 int 0 values
+                    0x20, // int 0 value
+                    0x20 // Int 0 value
+                ),
+                throwOnEof
+            ),
+            5,
+            Integer.MAX_VALUE,
+            byteAndOversizedValueCountingHandler
+        );
+        assertSequence(
+            container(IonType.LIST,
+                next(IonType.LIST),
+                next(IonType.INT)
+            ),
+            next(IonType.INT), intValue(0),
+            next(null)
+        );
+        reader.close();
+    }
+    @ParameterizedTest(name = "incrementalReadingEnabled={0},throwOnEof={1}")
+    @CsvSource({
+        "true, true",
+        "true, false",
+        "false, true",
+        "false, false"
+    })
+    public void shouldNotFailWhenAnUnbufferedNestedContainerIsSteppedOutEarly(boolean incrementalReadingEnabled, boolean throwOnEof) throws Exception {
+        readerBuilder = readerBuilder.withIncrementalReadingEnabled(incrementalReadingEnabled);
+        // The reader's buffer size is unbounded, but the nested container value is larger than the initial buffer size.
+        // Stepping out of the nested container early therefore causes some of its bytes to be skipped without ever
+        // being buffered, by calling InputStream.skip().
+        reader = boundedReaderFor(
+            new ThrottlingInputStream(
+                bytes(
+                    0xE0, 0x01, 0x00, 0xEA, // IVM
+                    0xB9, // List, length 9
+                        0xB7, // List, length 7
+                            0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, // 7 int 0 values
+                        0x20, // int 0 value
+                    0x20 // Int 0 value
+                ),
+                throwOnEof
+            ),
+            5,
+            Integer.MAX_VALUE,
+            byteAndOversizedValueCountingHandler
+        );
+        assertSequence(
+            container(IonType.LIST,
+                next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN, STEP_OUT
+            ),
+            next(IonType.INT), intValue(0),
+            next(null)
+        );
+        reader.close();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void nestedNullContainerIsParsedSuccessfully() throws Exception {
+        readerBuilder = readerBuilder.withIncrementalReadingEnabled(false);
+        ResizingPipedInputStream pipe = new ResizingPipedInputStream(128);
+        reader = readerFor(pipe);
+        pipe.receive(bytes(
+            0xE0, 0x01, 0x00, 0xEA, // IVM
+            0xB5, // List, length 5
+                0xB3, // List, length 3
+                    0xBF, 0xCF // Null list, null s-exp
+        ));
+        assertSequence(
+            next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN,
+            next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN,
+            next(IonType.LIST),
+            next(IonType.SEXP)
+        );
+        pipe.receive(bytes(
+                    0xDF, // Null struct
+                0x20 // Int 0
+        ));
+        assertSequence(
+            next(IonType.STRUCT),
+            STEP_OUT,
+            next(IonType.INT), intValue(0),
+            STEP_OUT,
+            next(null)
+        );
+        reader.close();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void nestedEmptyContainerIsParsedSuccessfully() throws Exception {
+        readerBuilder = readerBuilder.withIncrementalReadingEnabled(false);
+        ResizingPipedInputStream pipe = new ResizingPipedInputStream(128);
+        reader = readerFor(pipe);
+        pipe.receive(bytes(
+            0xE0, 0x01, 0x00, 0xEA, // IVM
+            0xB5, // List, length 5
+                0xB3, // List, length 3
+                    0xB0, 0xC0 // Empty list, empty s-exp
+        ));
+        assertSequence(
+            next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN,
+            next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN,
+            next(IonType.LIST),
+            next(IonType.SEXP)
+        );
+        pipe.receive(bytes(
+                    0xD0, // empty struct
+                0x20 // Int 0
+        ));
+        assertSequence(
+            next(IonType.STRUCT),
+            STEP_OUT,
+            next(IonType.INT), intValue(0),
+            STEP_OUT,
+            next(null)
+        );
+        reader.close();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void nestedContainerIsSkippedSuccessfully() throws Exception {
+        readerBuilder = readerBuilder.withIncrementalReadingEnabled(false);
+        ResizingPipedInputStream pipe = new ResizingPipedInputStream(128);
+        reader = readerFor(pipe);
+        pipe.receive(bytes(
+            0xE0, 0x01, 0x00, 0xEA, // IVM
+            0xB5, // List, length 5
+                0xB3, // List, length 3
+                    0xB2,  // List, length 2
+                        0xC0  // Empty s-exp
+        ));
+        assertSequence(
+            next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN,
+            next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN,
+            next(IonType.LIST)
+        );
+        pipe.receive(bytes(
+                        0xD0, // Empty struct
+                0x20 // Int 0
+        ));
+        assertSequence(
+            next(null), // Skip the list
+            STEP_OUT,
+            next(IonType.INT), intValue(0),
+            STEP_OUT,
+            next(null)
+        );
+        reader.close();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void nestedContainerIsSteppedOutEarlySuccessfully() throws Exception {
+        readerBuilder = readerBuilder.withIncrementalReadingEnabled(false);
+        ResizingPipedInputStream pipe = new ResizingPipedInputStream(128);
+        reader = readerFor(pipe);
+        pipe.receive(bytes(
+            0xE0, 0x01, 0x00, 0xEA, // IVM
+            0xB5, // List, length 5
+                0xB3, // List, length 3
+                    0xB2,  // List, length 2
+                        0xC0  // Empty s-exp
+        ));
+        assertSequence(
+            next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN,
+            next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN,
+            next(IonType.LIST), STEP_IN
+        );
+        pipe.receive(bytes(
+                        0xD0, // Empty struct
+            0x20 // Int 0
+        ));
+        assertSequence(
+            STEP_OUT, // Step out early
+            STEP_OUT, // Step out early
+            next(IonType.INT), intValue(0),
+            STEP_OUT,
+            next(null)
+        );
+        reader.close();
+    }
     public void shouldNotFailWhenGZIPBoundaryIsEncounteredInStringValue() throws Exception {
         ResizingPipedInputStream pipe = new ResizingPipedInputStream(128);