Latency spikes in the 100'000's every couple of seconds #976
For some reason I'm getting massive Overall latency spikes in the hundreds of thousands that correspond to NVENC encoder spikes in the couple of hundred. I get this every 1-2 seconds. I've been trying to get to the bottom of this for weeks and I can't seem to work out what could be going wrong. Something is creating massive latency spikes, and for the life of me, I don't know what it could be. Via windows and Oculus AirLink it's flawless, so there's nothing wrong with the wifi bandwidth. Example: ALVR: 17.001 Does anyone know what Total Latency takes into account, as it must be something not on the stats list? |
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I found a solution which was to go back to Windows 10 and just use AirLink. |
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I found a solution which was to go back to Windows 10 and just use AirLink.