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Build Status Go Report Card reference

Simple webhook system written in golang.


  • GRPC + Rest API.
  • Topics and Subscriptions scheme similar to google pubsub, the message is published in a topic and this topic has several subscriptions sending the same notification to different systems.
  • Payload sent follows the JSON Event Format for CloudEvents - Version 1.0 standard.
  • Control the maximum amount of delivery attempts and delay between these attempts.
  • Locks control of worker deliveries using PostgreSQL SELECT FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED.
  • Simplicity, it does the minimum necessary, it will not have authentication/permission scheme among other things, the idea is to use it internally in the cloud and not leave exposed.


Let's start with the basic concepts, we have three main entities that we must know to start:

  • Topic: A named resource to which messages are sent.
  • Subscription: A named resource representing a subscription to specific topic.
  • Message: The data that a publisher sends to a topic and is eventually delivered to subscribers.

Run the server

To run the server it is necessary to have a database available from postgresql, in this example we will consider that we have a database called hammer running in localhost with user and password equal to user.


docker run --env HAMMER_DATABASE_URL='postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/hammer?sslmode=disable' migrate # run database migrations
docker run -p 4001:4001 -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -p 50051:50051 --env HAMMER_DATABASE_URL='postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/hammer?sslmode=disable' server # run grpc/http/metrics servers


git clone
cd hammer
cp local.env .env # and edit .env
make run-migrate # create database schema
make run-server # run the server (grpc + http)

We are using curl in the examples below.

Create a new topic

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8000/v1/topics' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "topic": {
    "id": "topic",
    "name": "Topic"
  "id": "topic",
  "name": "Topic",
  "created_at": "2021-03-18T11:08:49.678732Z",
  "updated_at": "2021-03-18T11:08:49.678732Z"

Create a new subscription

The max_delivery_attempts, delivery_attempt_delay and delivery_attempt_timeout are in seconds.

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8000/v1/subscriptions' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
	"subscription": {
		"id": "httpbin-post",
		"topic_id": "topic",
		"name": "Httpbin Post",
		"url": "",
		"secret_token": "my-super-secret-token",
		"max_delivery_attempts": 5,
		"delivery_attempt_delay": 60,
		"delivery_attempt_timeout": 5
  "id": "httpbin-post",
  "topic_id": "topic",
  "name": "Httpbin Post",
  "url": "",
  "secret_token": "my-super-secret-token",
  "max_delivery_attempts": 5,
  "delivery_attempt_delay": 60,
  "delivery_attempt_timeout": 5,
  "created_at": "2021-03-18T11:10:05.855296Z",
  "updated_at": "2021-03-18T11:10:05.855296Z"

Create a new message

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8000/v1/messages' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
	"message": {
		"topic_id": "topic",
		"content_type": "application/json",
		"data": "{\"name\": \"Allisson\"}"
  "id": "01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A",
  "topic_id": "topic",
  "content_type": "application/json",
  "data": "eyJuYW1lIjogIkFsbGlzc29uIn0=",
  "created_at": "2021-03-18T11:10:29.738632Z"

Run the worker

The system will send a post request and the server must respond with the following status codes for the delivery to be considered successful: 200, 201, 202 and 204.


docker run --env HAMMER_DATABASE_URL='postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/hammer?sslmode=disable' worker


make run-worker
go run cmd/worker/main.go

Submitted payload (Compatible with JSON Event Format for CloudEvents - Version 1.0):

  "data_base64": "eyJuYW1lIjogIkFsbGlzc29uIn0=",
  "datacontenttype": "application/json",
  "id": "01F12GF6VM4YSX5GW8TM4781EZ",
  "messageid": "01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A",
  "secrettoken": "my-super-secret-token",
  "source": "/v1/messages/01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A",
  "specversion": "1.0",
  "subscriptionid": "httpbin-post",
  "time": "2021-03-18T11:10:29.748978Z",
  "topicid": "topic",
  "type": "hammer.message.created"

Get delivery data

curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1/deliveries/01F12GF6VM4YSX5GW8TM4781EZ
  "id": "01F12GF6VM4YSX5GW8TM4781EZ",
  "topic_id": "topic",
  "subscription_id": "httpbin-post",
  "message_id": "01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A",
  "content_type": "application/json",
  "data": "eyJuYW1lIjogIkFsbGlzc29uIn0=",
  "url": "",
  "secret_token": "my-super-secret-token",
  "max_delivery_attempts": 5,
  "delivery_attempt_delay": 60,
  "delivery_attempt_timeout": 5,
  "scheduled_at": "2021-03-18T11:10:29.748978Z",
  "delivery_attempts": 1,
  "status": "completed",
  "created_at": "2021-03-18T11:10:29.748978Z",
  "updated_at": "2021-03-18T11:11:03.098648Z"

Get delivery attempt data

The execution_duration are in milliseconds.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1/delivery-attempts/01F12GG6NWZR03MW1MFMQDWVVF
  "id": "01F12GG6NWZR03MW1MFMQDWVVF",
  "delivery_id": "01F12GF6VM4YSX5GW8TM4781EZ",
  "request": "POST /post HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\"specversion\":\"1.0\",\"type\":\"hammer.message.created\",\"source\":\"/v1/messages/01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A\",\"id\":\"01F12GF6VM4YSX5GW8TM4781EZ\",\"time\":\"2021-03-18T11:10:29.748978Z\",\"secrettoken\":\"my-super-secret-token\",\"messageid\":\"01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A\",\"subscriptionid\":\"httpbin-post\",\"topicid\":\"topic\",\"datacontenttype\":\"application/json\",\"data_base64\":\"eyJuYW1lIjogIkFsbGlzc29uIn0=\"}",
  "response": "HTTP/2.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 1298\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nDate: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 11:11:03 GMT\r\nServer: gunicorn/19.9.0\r\n\r\n{\n  \"args\": {}, \n  \"data\": \"{\\\"specversion\\\":\\\"1.0\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"hammer.message.created\\\",\\\"source\\\":\\\"/v1/messages/01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A\\\",\\\"id\\\":\\\"01F12GF6VM4YSX5GW8TM4781EZ\\\",\\\"time\\\":\\\"2021-03-18T11:10:29.748978Z\\\",\\\"secrettoken\\\":\\\"my-super-secret-token\\\",\\\"messageid\\\":\\\"01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A\\\",\\\"subscriptionid\\\":\\\"httpbin-post\\\",\\\"topicid\\\":\\\"topic\\\",\\\"datacontenttype\\\":\\\"application/json\\\",\\\"data_base64\\\":\\\"eyJuYW1lIjogIkFsbGlzc29uIn0=\\\"}\", \n  \"files\": {}, \n  \"form\": {}, \n  \"headers\": {\n    \"Accept-Encoding\": \"gzip\", \n    \"Content-Length\": \"386\", \n    \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\", \n    \"Host\": \"\", \n    \"User-Agent\": \"Go-http-client/2.0\", \n    \"X-Amzn-Trace-Id\": \"Root=1-60533547-501c866f62e44ea3736dbc0c\"\n  }, \n  \"json\": {\n    \"data_base64\": \"eyJuYW1lIjogIkFsbGlzc29uIn0=\", \n    \"datacontenttype\": \"application/json\", \n    \"id\": \"01F12GF6VM4YSX5GW8TM4781EZ\", \n    \"messageid\": \"01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A\", \n    \"secrettoken\": \"my-super-secret-token\", \n    \"source\": \"/v1/messages/01F12GF6VAXGNHVXM4YT37N75A\", \n    \"specversion\": \"1.0\", \n    \"subscriptionid\": \"httpbin-post\", \n    \"time\": \"2021-03-18T11:10:29.748978Z\", \n    \"topicid\": \"topic\", \n    \"type\": \"hammer.message.created\"\n  }, \n  \"origin\": \"\", \n  \"url\": \"\"\n}\n",
  "response_status_code": 200,
  "execution_duration": 749,
  "success": true,
  "created_at": "2021-03-18T11:11:03.091808Z"

Environment variables

All environment variables is defined on file local.env.

How to build docker image

docker build -f Dockerfile -t hammer .


Default port: 8000

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8000/v1/topics'

To disable the rest api, set the environment variable HAMMER_REST_API_ENABLED to false.


Prometheus metrics

Default port: 4001

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:4001/metrics'

To disable prometheus metrics, set the environment variable HAMMER_METRICS_ENABLED to false.


Health check

Default port: 9000

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:9000/liveness'
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:9000/readiness'

To disable health check, set the environment variable HAMMER_HEALTH_CHECK_ENABLED to false.