For a detailed guide on building the library check the online documentation.
Required tools:
- CMake >= 3.14 to build the code
- Git
- C/C++ compiler with C++14 support
- see here:
- TLDR gcc >= 5, clang >= 3.4, msvc >= 2017
Optional tool:
- CUDA >= 9.0 Note: On Windows, there are compatibility issues to build the GPU part due to conflicts between msvc/nvcc/thrust/eigen/boost.
Most of the dependencies can be installed from the common repositories (apt, yum etc):
- Eigen3 (libeigen3-dev) >= 3.3.4 (NOTE: in order to have Cuda support on Windows, at least version 3.3.9 is required)
- Boost >= 1.66 ([accumulators, atomic, chrono, core, date-time, exception, filesystem, math, program-options, ptr-container, system, serialization, stacktrace, timer, thread]-dev)
- OpenCV >= 3.1
- TBB >= 2021.5.0
When you install CCTag a file CCTagConfig.cmake
is installed in $CCTAG_INSTALL/lib/cmake/CCTag/
that allows you to import the library in your CMake project.
In your CMakeLists.txt
file you can add the dependency in this way:
# Find the package from the CCTagConfig.cmake
# in <prefix>/lib/cmake/CCTag/. Under the namespace CCTag::
# it exposes the target CCTag that allows you to compile
# and link with the library
find_package(CCTag CONFIG REQUIRED)
# suppose you want to try it out in a executable
add_executable(cctagtest yourfile.cpp)
# add link to the library
target_link_libraries(cctagtest PUBLIC CCTag::CCTag)
Then, in order to build just pass the location of CCTagConfig.cmake
from the cmake command line:
cmake .. -DCCTag_DIR=$CCTAG_INSTALL/lib/cmake/CCTag/
A docker image can be built using the Ubuntu based Dockerfile,which is based on nvidia/cuda image (
A parameter CUDA_TAG
can be passed when building the image to select the ubuntu and cuda version.
For example to create a ubuntu 16.04 with cuda 8.0 for development, use
docker build --build-arg CUDA_TAG=8.0-devel --tag cctag .
The complete list of available tags can be found on the nvidia dockerhub page In order to run the image nvidia docker is needed: see the installation instruction here Once installed, the docker can be run, e.g., in interactive mode with
docker run -it --runtime=nvidia cctag