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Differential Expression Analysis for TMT Protein Data with edgeR

This repo contains code for conducting a differential expression analysis of proteins from F. cylindrus cultures grown under high temperature treatments and vitamin B12 starvation. Thanks to the brilliant Scott McCain for the code from Wu et al. 2019 that this tutorial is based on, which can be found here.

The goal of this statistical analysis is to determine which proteins are differentially expressed in the treatment cultures when compared to control. There are 3 files in the repository - a script with the analysis, the data, and this short walkthrough guide. At this point, I assume your data has been normalized and all missing values have been removed or imputed. Check out this repo for a tutorial on the IRS normalization procedure I used in the data. You can reference the full edgeR user guide for an under-the-hood look at the workings of these functions. egdeR offers a few different types of analysis, but we will use their quasi-likelihood F-tests in this example.

1. "Massaging" the Data

We need to get the data into an appropriate format before using edgeR's functions to identify lists of differentially expressed proteins for each comparison we make. This is all working towards putting your protein abundances, treatments, and protein names into something called a DGE_list object that we can conduct the DE analysis on.

First, call the required packages to your environment. If you're installing edgeR for the first time, can be done through Bioconductor. Instructions here!

# read protein file as .csv
prot_data <- read.csv('PD1_Norm_11072021.csv')

# Select only the columns needed (note I exclude some treatments here)
DE_data <- prot_data %>% select(
, B12_4_1_A, B12_4_2_B, B12_4_3_B, noB12_4_1_A, noB12_4_2_B, B12_12_1_B, B12_12_3_A, noB12_12_2_B, noB12_12_3_A)

Then, we want to produce a data table with your treatment names as column names and only protein counts.

# Remove protein descriptions to include only counts
prot_counts <- DE_data[,2:length(DE_data)]

The prot_counts dataframe shoud look something like this:

B12_4_1_A B12_4_2_B B12_4_3_B noB12_4_1_A noB12_4_2_B B12_12_1_B B12_12_3_A noB12_12_2_B noB12_12_3_A
1 24.63467 19.46553 22.77993 26.88796 21.20123 24.59296 35.97626 24.88003 29.54765
2 17.81133 24.12346 20.23982 18.5398 22.49559 25.02764 18.8711 23.51011 19.60626
3 30.41739 32.60178 30.17645 23.9213 30.4887 38.13539 33.67675 41.46934 39.43933
4 16.40984 14.15455 17.5295 16.03307 14.19846 14.29592 15.62037 13.72128 12.74443
5 10.08804 16.04148 14.4479 11.26448 12.77096 11.0875 10.48096 17.08629 12.42589

Next, we will list the treatment group type of each of your treatment replicates. Ex: my first three samples are control temperature, B12 replete treatments.

# Make vector with treatment groups
DE_data_groups <- factor(c('B12_4',	'B12_4','B12_4', 'noB12_4',	'noB12_4','B12_12', 'B12_12', 'noB12_12', 'noB12_12'))

2. The Main Event

All of this goes into a DGE_list object as below. The counts argument accepts the table with just protein abundances, the group argument takes the group type assignments we just made, and the genes argument is for a list of your protein names or id's (I used the gene product ID's found in the "accession" column; all that matters is that these are unqiue). It is a good idea to check for duplicates in what you're feeding to the gene argument here just to be safe.

# Create DGEList object with protein counts, groups, and accession
DGE_list <- DGEList(counts = prot_counts, 
                        group = DE_data_groups,
                        genes = DE_data$accession)

Then, we will make the design matrix. This outlines the structure of the linear model we will be testing on our proteins to see if they are differentially expressed.

# Create design matrix 
design.mat <- model.matrix(~ 0 + DE_data_groups)

Along with the design matrix, we need to estimate tag dispersal of the data. This is done with the estimateDisp function.

# Get tagwise dispersion of tags
DGE_disp <- estimateDisp(DGE_list, design.mat, robust = TRUE)

Lastly, we fit these to a general linear model.

 # Fit to GLM
fit <- glmQLFit(DGE_disp, design.mat, robust = TRUE)

Here we lay out the comparisons needed to tell us which proteins are differentially expressed per treatment. Which treatments you choose to compare depends on your question. Here I make three comparisons: one which tells me about the effect: (1) of B12 starvation, (2) elevated temperature, and (3) the combination of the two stressors. Then, fit tests are conducted on each comparison. The topTags step takes the results of the fit tests and produces a list of the top differntially expressed protein per pairwise comparison (n = 500). These are produced in the topTags class and so the values need to be extracted.

# Make pairwise comparisons

# B12_4 vs noB12_4
contrast_4_noB12 <- makeContrasts( DE_data_groupsB12_4 - DE_data_groupsnoB12_4, levels = design.mat)

# B12_4 vs B12_12
contrast_12_B12 <- makeContrasts( DE_data_groupsB12_4 - DE_data_groupsB12_12, levels = design.mat)

# B12_4 vs noB12_12
contrast_12_noB12 <- makeContrasts( DE_data_groupsB12_4 - DE_data_groupsnoB12_12, levels = design.mat)

 # Fit tests
# B12_4 vs B12_12
qlf_12_B12 <- glmQLFTest(fit, contrast = contrast_12_B12)

# B12_4 vs noB12_4
qlf_4_noB12 <- glmQLFTest(fit, contrast = contrast_4_noB12)

# B12_4 vs noB12_12
qlf_12_noB12 <- glmQLFTest(fit, contrast = contrast_12_noB12)

# Export list of DE proteins per comparison

# B12_4 vs B12_12
hits_12_B12 <- topTags(qlf_12_B12, n = 500)

# B12_4 vs noB12_4
hits_4_noB12 <- topTags(qlf_4_noB12, n = 500)

# B12_4 vs noB12_12
hits_12_noB12 <- topTags(qlf_12_noB12, n = 500)

# Extract dataframes
hits_12_B12 <- hits_12_B12[[1]][,]
hits_4_noB12 <- hits_4_noB12[[1]][,]
hits_12_noB12 <- hits_12_noB12[[1]][,]

A bit of cleanup will make the data a little easier to look at.

# Change genes column to say accession
hits_12_B12 <- hits_12_B12 %>% 
  rename(accession = genes)
hits_4_noB12 <- hits_4_noB12 %>% 
  rename(accession = genes)
hits_12_noB12 <- hits_12_noB12 %>% 
  rename(accession = genes)

# Add back descriptions
hits_12_B12 <- merge(hits_12_B12, prot_data, by="accession")
hits_4_noB12 <- merge(hits_4_noB12, prot_data, by="accession")
hits_12_noB12 <- merge(hits_12_noB12, prot_data, by="accession")

# Trim dataset to only DE info
hits_12_B12 <- hits_12_B12 %>% select(accession, Description, logFC, logCPM, F, PValue, FDR)
hits_4_noB12 <- hits_4_noB12 %>% select(accession, Description, logFC, logCPM, F, PValue, FDR)
hits_12_noB12 <- hits_12_noB12 %>% select(accession, Description, logFC, logCPM, F, PValue, FDR)

# Order by PValue 
hits_12_B12 <- hits_12_B12 %>% arrange(PValue)
hits_4_noB12 <- hits_4_noB12 %>% arrange(PValue)
hits_12_noB12 <- hits_12_noB12 %>% arrange(PValue)

3. Making Sense of It All

If done correctly, this is what one of the final data frames should look like. In the comparisons we've made, proteins with a positive logFC corresponds to an enriched protein compared to the control.

accession Description logFC logCPM F PValue FDR
OEU11144.1 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate--homocysteine methyltransferase [Fragilariopsis cylindrus CCMP1102] 5.27942766 11.133677 84.0634102 3.85E-06 0.00522224
OEU10229.1 protoporphyrin IX Mg-chelatase subunit D [Fragilariopsis cylindrus CCMP1102] 1.98202135 8.55656912 17.9758636 0.00167818 0.83348938
OEU11214.1 hypothetical protein FRACYDRAFT_246327 [Fragilariopsis cylindrus CCMP1102] 2.4411276 9.36918024 17.6200734 0.00184264 0.83348938
OEU18387.1 P-ATPase family transporter: zinc/lead/cadmium/mercury ion [Fragilariopsis cylindrus CCMP1102] 1.21189564 9.7739918 15.05875 0.00299821 0.99994004
OEU08987.1 T-complex protein 1 subunit gamma [Fragilariopsis cylindrus CCMP1102] 1.01189583 10.2914415 11.8166049 0.00626436 0.99994004