Easy WebGL Interface Library with Three.js
ThreePiece.js is a wrapper of Three.js. It provides very concise interface to draw 3DCG objects.
load script with Three.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="three.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ThreePiece.js"></script>
instantiation and draw objects defined in json using eval() method
var t = new ThreePiece();
another example:
var t = new ThreePiece("draw", 700, 500);
var data = [
{obj:"box", x:-3, y:0, col:0x0000FF},
{obj:"sphere", x: 0, y:0, col:0x0088FF},
{obj:"plane", x: 3, y:0, col:0x00FF88},
{obj:"line", x:-3, y:1.5, col:0x00FF00},
{obj:"circle", x: 0, y:1.5, col:0x88FF00},
{obj:"cylinder", x: 3, y:1.5, col:0xFF8800},
{obj:"extrude", x: 0, y:2.5, col:0xFF0000}
name | description |
ThreePiece(id, width, height, useDirtyFlag) | constuctor |
eval(json) | draw objects defined in json |
obj(name) | get a object by name |
rotate(speed) | start rotate animation |
define(name, json) | define original object |
addHook(function) | add function hook of drawing loop |
useDirtyFlag() | enable dirty flag check for redraw |
setDirty() | turn on dirty flag |
name | description |
enableMouseEvent() | enable mouse tracking event |
setMouseEnterCallback(objname, func) | set callback function of mouse enter event |
setMouseLeaveCallback(objname, func) | set callback function of mouse leave event |
getMouseOverObj() | get the name of mouse over object |
category | property name |
start point | x, y, z |
end point | tx, ty, tz |
size | linewidth, scale |
rotation | rx, ry, rz |
material | col, tex |
name | object name |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
size | w, h, scale |
rotation | rx, ry, rz |
material | col, tex |
name | object name |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
size | w, scale |
segments | segments |
rotation | rx, ry, rz |
material | col, tex |
name | object name |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
size | w, h, d, scale |
rotation | rx, ry, rz |
material | col, tex |
name | object name |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
size | w, scale |
segments | segments |
rotation | rx, ry, rz |
material | col, tex |
name | object name |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
size | h, radiustop, radiusbottom, scale |
segments | segments |
rotation | rx, ry, rz |
material | col, tex |
name | object name |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
size | d, scale |
shape | shape |
rotation | rx, ry, rz |
material | col, tex |
name | object name |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
size | scale |
rotation | rx, ry, rz |
name | object name |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
point of view | tx, ty, tz |
rotation | rx, ry, rz |
field of view | fov |
name | object name (default name is "camera") |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
target position | tx, ty, tz |
color | col |
intensity | intensity |
name | object name |
category | property name |
position | x, y, z |
target position | tx, ty, tz |
color | col |
intensity | intensity |
distance | distance |
angle | angle |
exponent | exponent |
name | object name |
category | property name |
color | col |
intensity | intensity |
name | object name |
category | property name |
color | col |
name | object name |
ThreePiece.js is licenced under MIT License. Copyright 2014, aike (@aike1000)