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Ahmed Hisham Ismail edited this page Jul 1, 2014 · 10 revisions

Models for components of an SPDX document. Fields that could be None are optional.


The spdx.document.Document class represents the Document model, it is the top level of any spdx file.

Field Type Notes
version spdx.version.Version The SPDX version, currently only version 1.2 is supported
data_license spdx.document.License Must be CC-1.0 can be created by License.from_identifier('CC-1.0')
comment str Document comment, may be None
creation_info spdx.creationinfo.CreationInfo The document's creation information
package spdx.package.Package The package described by the document
extracted_licenses list of spdx.document.License Extracted Licenses, could be empty
reviews list of Document Reviews could be empty

The Document.validate method checks all the fields of a document and returns true if they are all valid according to the standard. It takes an optional parameter messages to append all error messages to it for displaying to the user.


  • Implement validate_extraced_licenses method.


The class spdx.creationinfo.Creator represents a creator entity. It has a single field name and can be compared for equality with other Creators (does not check type).


The class spdx.creationinfo.Organization represents an organization entity it extends spdx.creationinfo.Creator and adds an email field. It also overrides the __eq__ method. Provides __str__ and to_value methods to convert to string representation i.e Organization: Acme inc.


The class spdx.creationinfo.Person represents a Person entity, it extends spdx.creationinfo.Creator to provide an email field. The Only difference between it and Organization is type in case a user needs that distinction. Provides __str__ and to_value methods to convert to string representation i.e Person: Joe

##Tool The class spdx.creationinfo.Tool represents a Tool entity, it extends spdx.creationinfo.Creator It only has a name field. The only difference between it and Creator is type distinction. Provides __str__ and to_value methods to convert to string representation i.e Tool: Hammer

##CreationInfo The class spdx.creationinfo.CreationInfo represents a document's creation info.

Field Type Notes
creators list of spdx.creationinfo.Creator or any subclass
created datetime.datetime Date of creation
comment str creation comment, could be None
license_list_version spdx.version.Version By default set to the value of config.LICENSE_LIST_VERSION

###Methods add_creator : Appends a creator.

remove_creator : removes a creator.

set_created_now : sets creation date to datetime.utcnow()

validate : Validates the fields. Appends error messages to messages parameter.

###Properties created_iso_format : Creation date as iso 8601 string.


The class spdx.version.Version represents a version. It has two fields major and minor both integers. The class method from_str parses a string of the form N.N where N is a number and returns a version. It returns None if the string is invalid. It also provides a __cmp__ method.


The class represents a document's review. A review has one reviewer and review date. It may also have a comment.

Field Type Notes
reviewer Any subclass of spdx.creationinfo.Creator
review_date datetime.datetime The time the review was done at
comment str Review comment, could be None


set_review_date_now : sets the review date to datetime.utcnow() validate : validates the fields of the review, messages parameter is a list of user friendly error messages.

###Properties review_date_iso_format : Returns review_date in iso 8601 format.


The class spdx.utils.NoAssert represents a NOASSERTION value. It only provides to_value() and __str__ methods which return the string representation of the value.


The class spdx.utils.SPDXNone represents a NONE value. It only provides to_value() and __str__ methods which return the string representation of the value.


The class spdx.file.FileType has three constants SOURCE, BINARY ,ARCHIVE and OTHER.


The class spdx.file.File represents an instance of file information; a file in the software package described by the SPDX document.

Field Type Notes
name str
comment str Could be None
type One of the FileType constants Could be None
chk_sum str The file checksum, must be SHA1
conc_lics subclass of spdx.document.License
licenses_in_file List of spdx.document.Licenses at least one
copyright One of str , utils.NoAssert or None
notice str could be None
contributers list of str
dependencies list of str
artificat_of_project_name list of str Possibly empty
artifact_of_project_home list of str Possibly empty
artifact_of_project_uri list of str Possibly empty


  • Field validations


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