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License Representation

Ahmed Hisham Ismail edited this page Jul 14, 2014 · 4 revisions

This page describes how licenses are modeled and how a license list is parsed.

##Single License The class License in the spdx.document module represents a single license. A license has an identifier, a url and a full name. The URL property is simply the identifier prefixed with

Conjunctive License Lists

The class LicenseConjuction in the spdx.document module represents a conjunction of two licenses. It's composed of two License instances license_1 and license_2. It's a subclass of License and overrides the identifier and full_name properties by simply adding an and between the properties of license_1 and license_2.

Disjunctive License Lists

The class LicenseDisjunction in the spdx.document module represents a disjunction of two licenses. It's composed of two License instances license_1 and license_2. It's a subclass of License and overrides the identifier and full_name properties by simply adding an or between the properties of license_1 and license_2.

Extracted License.

The class ExtractedLicense in the spdx.document module represents an extracted license in an spdx document.

License List Parsing

A license list value is a conjunction or disjunction of multiple licenses in the form: ( LicenseRef-1 and Apache-2.0 and LicenseRef-2) or ( LicenseRef-1 or Apache-2.0 or LicenseRef-2).

The spdx.utils.LicenseListLexer class uses ply.lex in order to convert a license list to a stream of tokens. It has the following tokens:

LP Left parenthesis
RP Right parenthesis
AND and
OR or
LICENSE License identifier

The spdx.utils.LicenseListParser class uses ply.yacc in order to parse the tokens returned by LicenseListLexer.

The LicenseListParser.parser method returns a LicenseConjuction or LicenseDisjunction instance that represents the 'root' of the license list. The licenses are grouped from right to left. The parse method returns None if there is a syntax error.


license_list ::= LP conjuctions RP | LP disjunctions RP
conjuctions ::= conjuctions AND conjuction| conjuctions AND license|  conjuction
disjunctions ::= disjunctions OR disjunction | disjunctions OR license | disjunction
conjuction ::= license AND license
disjunction ::= license OR license
license ::= LICENSE


  • Non-terminals are lower case. Terminals upper case.
  • license rule is for taking an action.


  • Granular LicenseListParser error reporting.
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