- My personal tool to monitor CPU and Memory Usage
.NET Core cli 2.2.401
.NET Framework 4.8
VS Code
Windows 10 Version 1803
Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\vx.xA\bin\NETFX x.x.x Tools
# Add depedence
dotnet add package SharpShell
dotnet add package System.Windows.Forms
dotnet add package System.Drawing.Common
# Do this in cmd !!!
# Build dll
rm bin/ obj/ -rf
dotnet publish -c Release
# Generate Key
cd ./bin/Release/netstandard2.0/
sn -k key.snk # write strong key pair
# ReCompile
ildasm Taskbar_CPUMemExt.dll /OUTPUT=CpuMemExt.il
ilasm CpuMemExt.il /DLL /OUTPUT=CpuMemExt.dll /KEY=key.snk # All key to dll
# Backup dll
cp ./publish/SharpShell.dll ../../../build/SharpShell.dll
cp ./CpuMemExt.dll ../../../build/CpuMemExt.dll
cd ../../..
# Register
regasm /codebase ./build/CpuMemExt.dll
# Restart explorer.exe
regasm /u ./build/CpuMemExt.dll
# Restart explorer.exe
tool priority error
If you are on Windows 32 bit, make sure you register the server with an > x86 version of
, e.g:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm
If you are on Windows 64 bit, make sure you register the server with an > x64 version of
, e.g:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\regasm